Daomen Invasion

Chapter 883: :aisle

The soldiers feel a lot lighter, yeah, there are still a lot of professionals in their army. Those professionals have absolute advantages in the face of the Devil, and it is not a problem to play ten.

There are a large number of demons. Human soldiers are afraid of ordering. If they gather in battle, they will rotate and shock.

It is said that the main force of the Duke once faced the Demon Clan ten times, and after a wave of charge, the Demon Clan was taken away.

"Defending the city is actually the simplest, because of the city walls, we are at a high level. The demon of this attack, there is no flying type, less air defense pressure, we can calmly attack, the hit rate has increased by at least 30%. So, ah, There is nothing to worry about. The city wall is only three kilometers on one side, and one person is arranged for one meter. There are only 3,000 people in total. How many troops do we have? "

The soldiers were stunned, yes, what were they afraid of before. We arranged the rotation of three people in one meter, and only 9,000 people were used up per wall. Forty-nine thousand and thirty-six thousand people, there is no problem with shift rest.

"Look, the repair robot was delivered this time. After the technological guns were repaired, the most cost-effective attack weapon started to ring again. Are you under less pressure?"

"Sir, we have been taught." A squadron leader respectfully said to the squad leader.

The squad leader of the Nietzsche Regiment, up to level 19, is a warrior. The squadron leader of the noble coalition army, who had just reached level 6, did not dare to collide with the squad leader. And he was also sincerely convinced.

"In our legion, if a soldier wants to become a squadron leader, he must reach the 20th level standard, otherwise the squadron leader will use a magician. You need to strengthen training, the Duke ’s side, the drugs sold are not expensive, anyway, your level There is an upper limit, and taking medicine to improve has no effect on the future. "

Isn't it expensive?

The squadron leader smiled bitterly. With hundreds of gold coins, he really couldn't afford so much money. He is not an army directly under the Duke, and he ca n’t get a loan.

Sometimes he really envy the people of the Duke of Asla, Lord Duke, borrowing money is a pleasure.

If he wants a loan, he must have a mortgage, a guarantee, and a repayment period. The people of Asra seem to be able to owe it all the time. And they are non-interest-bearing loans, borrowing their own money, the interest is very high.

However, the higher the level, the stronger the battlefield survivability. The empire has a civil war, and it is impossible to retire yourself.

Simply replace the merit points. Anyway, there will be battles in the future.

The squadron leader of the noble army thought to himself, and finally made the most important decision in his life. No money, no loan conditions, he decided to use his merit points, exchange medicine for practice, and the guidance of the Duke. It is said that as long as you get these, he is a professional who has no pressure to advance to the 20th level.

Level 20 is nothing in the main world, but it is also a real master.

Went to some small worlds and walked sideways. Many worlds do not even have epics, let alone legends.

The team of Nietzsche's Legion stabilized the army in the city head, and the effect is still very good. They used actual combat to show that the Demon Race is not so terrible, and it is a stupid act to set up guns randomly. The soldiers of the Nietzsche Army also deliberately commanded the robots, put some demons to climb the city head, and then reloaded the magic warrior and crushed it. The five-member team, facing dozens of demons, cuts melons and vegetables, and has no ability to fight back.

The flying battalion of Yamaguchi Castle carried out an air strike every two hours, dropped the incendiary bomb, and turned to leave.

Even if there are flying demons, they can't catch up with flying warships. The demons lacking air combat power can only watch the human army drop their weapons over their heads.

Xiahe glanced at the follow-up battle and thought it was ok.

It seems that the flying troops still have to engage, even if the legendary strong can shoot down the battleship, they ca n’t waste their food because of choking. As long as there is legendary escort, it will directly introduce war into the battle between legends.

Flight troops are active attacking weapons that can direct the war in the direction they need.

Furthermore, there are legendary restricted areas in this world.

Do n’t talk about this world. In some places, even the life of the epic level cannot enter. Some special small worlds, the upper limit of which is the life of the master level


Daomen also has a formation method, which will weaken the upper limit of the level of the strong. As long as the formation method, the power that can be exerted is limited to a certain level.

If this technology also covers a certain area ...

Xiahe looked at the scorpion robot with a level of five, and was very satisfied. This fifth level is only a battle evaluation. The scorpion robot is not a living body and is subject to fewer restrictions.

Do n’t look at the signs of magic in the robot, in fact, it is easier to use in the world of technology.

After playing for another three days, the mining area city has stabilized. The noble corps of 40 battalions is a powerful force in itself. It was only in the previous Demon War that it did not act as a sword front and has always given Xiahe ’s main force Lay down. After the retreat of Xiahe's main troops, the Demon Race was not so strong.

Giant demons, flying demons, these terrible breeds have disappeared. Although there are many legendary demons, the problem is that the number of human legends reaching the new world is also increasing.

Now this part of the aristocratic legion has been tested by the demons, and has itself undergone qualitative changes.

The army in Xiahe's hands, one by one, was replaced with equipment, which was almost completed in March. At this time, Xiahe began to replace the princess and the king.

The north is only spring in May. In the middle of the empire, the climate is relatively mild in March.

Duke Zhesu is considered a northern noble, so he has to wait two months before Snowvis can launch a real attack. The walls surrounding the main city of the Duke of Zhesu are almost repaired, and they are waiting for the decisive battle in the spring. Now that Snowvis is not attacking large and medium-sized cities one by one, Zhesu also knows the county king's attempt, but now the **** of the weather, let him command the army to fight, the Duke of Zhesu refused.

Xiahe, while producing equipment for the princess and the county king, while allocating some resources to help Lynch's army dress up.

Linchi ’s army was the same as Xiahe ’s main force before being equipped, and the war was enough now, so he did not rush to replace the weapon. And Lynch needs some surface warships. His goal is to kill the half-elf empire and get a good place in the empire.

Just when Xiahe thought it would be smooth and excessive, south of the Great Wall, inside a castle occupied by his nobles, a space channel appeared. This space channel appeared very abrupt, relatively wide and stable, and large chariots could drive directly past.

Then, this channel leads to another world, the coordinates of that world are far away, and may be in another giant galaxy.

The world where Xiahe is located is the main world and the most powerful world in this giant galaxy.

However, in the galaxy universe, the number of giant galaxies is not large, but there are also many. In each giant galaxy, there is a relatively powerful world, and it will not be much weaker than the main world.

This world is obviously a powerful world, and a few heads of warcraft rushing from there are close to the legendary level.

It's not over yet. In Xiahe's own known area, spatial passages appear one after another. Some are unstable, some are wide and strong, and ordinary people can pass through without being hurt.

Xiahe suddenly felt that the demons merged a part of the demon world to form a natural disaster-like impact, just to let a lot of artificial passages appear in the space of the main world?

Great generosity, sacrificed tens of billions of demons, and turned the new continent into a world channel.

Most of the demons are sacrificed. If they are replaced with human beings, they would not dare to do so. Mozu is really unscrupulous!

So, the underground sea beneath the Demon Forest and the passage to the world where Chen Yu is located are all created by Mozu?

Well, things like the Wanjie Passage do not matter to the strong, but a tragedy to the weak.

Xiahe doesn't think he is a strong man, but the main world is concerned by gods. The more powerful people cross over, the more likely he will be hit. Xiahe believes that the layout of the Demon Race in the New World is not a day or two, and it can't beat human beings, that is because the most powerful Demon Race cannot come over.

After the formation of the Universal Realm, there will be no restrictions on the main world in the future. Anyone who wants to come will come and leave.

If the main world is not strong enough, it will be turned round and round and become a tea table


But the formation of the Wanjie Passage is on the New World ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn't it a cup?

There are some pits. After all, I am here and there are many minerals. Fortunately, the essence of his own hands are all placed in the Tongtian Tower. The veins around the Tongtian Tower are also the best. They have great value from the surface to the depths of the earth.

Twin Cities is not so good, surrounded by coal mines and iron mines, the battle is good, but if it is developed, it is not so serious.

And the investment of the Twin Cities is not small, if the Wanjie Passage is formed, it cannot be discarded there.

But on the New World side, the purification work of the demon pollution has not been completed, and it is not easy for the outside world to invade here.

Xiahe looked in front of the map for a while. On the northwest beach and the northeast beach, he chose a location for the people below to build a fortress.

Around these two locations, there are important mineral deposits. At present, Xiahe has not occupied too much of the world, and is unable to develop planetary resources in the starry sky. The resources of the main world are particularly important.

Whether it is the Wanjie Passage or anyway, no one wants to take it away anyway.

On the side of the Devil Insect Forest, he started the design plan again. On the side of Mount Vajra, he was cultivating the heart of the Titan, and on the side of the Tongtian Tower, he focused on cultivating ancient trees of life and ancient trees of war.

The two strongholds, the Tongtian Tower, the Demon Forest, and the Twin Cities. This is the center of yourself on the New World. If you ca n’t keep it anywhere else, you ca n’t give it up temporarily.

If the realm is really invaded on a large scale, it will be more difficult to fight than the demons.

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