Daomen Invasion

Chapter 884: : Various battles (1)

Xiahe began to personally form arrays in these places. At the beginning of the construction of the Tongtian Tower, a lot of gaps were reserved. Xiahe is now high enough in grades. Because he predicted the risk of wars outside the world, he began to add magic arrays in the gaps. Pattern.

He was busy secretly for two months, and the two fortresses were a bit prototype. The design book of the Devil's Forest was confirmed. Only the layout of the Twin Cities and Tongtian Tower was completed.

The noble legion is still recruiting troops. On the side of the Devil's Forest, the ground has not been built yet, but the underground part already has a scale.

Has a strong energy core, and Xiahe is building an underwater city.

This underwater city is the production center on the New World under the Xiahe Project. Although the transportation is troublesome, there is sufficient energy here, and there are extreme environments, which can produce materials with extreme properties.

The underwater aquaculture plan was also launched. The soldier needed meat. He obtained a lot of biological resources from the royal family. He planned to clone ancient creatures, large underwater monsters, and types that can be placed on the table.

Then, it is a planting plant that can also be planted underwater, especially the cultivation of Lingmi, which requires a lot of energy.

The space in the underground sea is too large, and his Taoist priest failed to detect it, so he could only take it slowly. But Xiahe was pleasantly surprised by the known place.

Underwater city itself also guards against the outside world. Chen Yu's world is not weak. There hasn't been any news there yet, maybe the talks won't work?

Failed to talk, not to fight for the time being, is also a bad reaction.

When the other party wants to fight, he is afraid to face a thunder blow. If this is not possible, the space channel is destroyed. Even if the other party knows the world coordinates and wants to invade, if there is no such channel, he can only find another way.

If you find it, the exit is no longer underwater, but somewhere else on the mainland.

Just do not harm yourself, Xiahe thinks so. If there is no possibility of building a mansion on the other side of the Taiyin world, he will definitely swear to protect the main world, after all, this is the territory he wants to occupy.

Yamaguchi Castle ...

On this day, a squadron of soldiers patrolled daily, marching toward the east on the edge of the fissure of the Demon Forest.

According to Xiahe's plan, all the cracks of more than 100 miles should be covered by the city, but the scale of the construction is only less than five miles in length. Although the scale is large, it is not even the prototype.

Both ends of the crack will appear demons, occasionally invading human territory.

These patrolling soldiers are responsible for cleaning up the demons. Now that Fire Crow One is observing in the air, it is not a particularly strange phenomenon, and it cannot escape detection.

The emergence of large-scale Demon races will have early warning, so squadron-scale patrols are not too dangerous.

But today, when the soldiers bypassed a crack widened place and walked around from a stone mountain more than 100 meters high, behind the stone mountain, an army of more than 200 people appeared.


The front-most squad immediately issued an alarm. They were actually a little dazed, and the word elf was still the information provided by the vision built into the mask.

This elf army, dressed in gorgeous armor, quietly walked in the Forest of the Demon Worm, they were investigating.

The squadron leader was shocked that the flying machine didn't warn him at all, this was an encounter.

No matter where the elves come from, it must be a human enemy!

In the vision of the squadron leader, the enemy ’s information has been obtained. Two hundred and twenty-one elves, fully armed, are all professionals.

He was nervous. This patrol squadron was composed of noble coalition forces and also had fifty people. However, the soldiers were composed of ordinary people, and the number of robots was not that much.

Fortunately, he did not lose his duty, first sent the intelligence signal back to Yamaguchi, and then made a decision within ten seconds.

Retreat to Shishan, waiting for reinforcements.

If there are only fifty people in this elf army, he will fight head-on. More than two hundred professionals, the fighting power of those elves, are not weaker than humans.

The elves also found human troops. The elf shooter immediately pulled out the feather arrows, and then they saw the human soldiers retreat to the stone mountain and climbed up one by one, they couldn't help laughing.


A gunshot, an elf shooter

A hole was opened in his forehead, and the brain squirted out behind his head, falling to the ground.

The battle started like this, and the squadron captain couldn't be more excited, but it was fighting the elves. Legend has it that the extremely powerful race once enslaved humanity for not knowing how many thousands of years.

The elf ran and the commander shouted loudly. Humans have powerful long-range weapons, and all elves put down metal masks, and while running, shoot feather arrows at human soldiers who shoot and retreat in the distance.

Jingle bells ...

The feather arrow hit the human soldier more than two hundred meters away, but failed to penetrate the armor.

Burst Arrow!

Repeated bursts!

Naruto Arrow!


Seeing that ordinary attacks and even defenses cannot be broken, the elves have opened their own talent skills.

Elf archery is really powerful, no more than two hundred meters away, no arrow missed. Only this round, only the armor of eight soldiers was penetrated, two soldiers were hit hard, and muscle tissue was bruised.

"The arrow is poisonous, take medicine quickly!" A soldier shouted, pulled out the arrow on his thigh, and swallowed the ointment the size of his nails quickly. This antidote is a versatile product, mainly aimed at the demon. It may not be symptomatic, but it will protect the brain, bone marrow, and heart. As long as you do n’t die, you can save it if you go back.

Human soldiers hurriedly accelerated, allowing the robots to block the elves' attacks from behind. Robots are powerful shooters. It stands to reason that they can shoot from the angle of the sky downwards, but the elves can't see the difference between robots and humans, and attack the broken robots one after another.

The robot has arrows on it and rushes towards the elves.

The squadron leader suddenly knew he was wrong. Those elves were stupid enough to know that a wave of charge would kill half of the opponent's strength!


A robot was shot in the head, the arrows penetrated the biological skeleton, exploded inside, and a bunch of parts were exploded.

"It's a puppet!"

The elf who shouted, was shot in the face by the robot who had lost his head, the mask was split, and blood was flowing wildly.

The robot has no head and can move. The head is the main collecting organ, but the core of the calculation is in the chest position, and there is heavy armor in front of it, which will not be easily damaged. The shoulder of the robot also has an auxiliary organ for collecting information. In addition to the light sensor, there are also sound wave sensor and heat radiation sensor.

More advanced sensors are not available in this level of robots, but they are enough. They can fight at close range and can still fight without the head, but they have lost the most important information-gathering organs and their combat capability has declined.

Forget it, if it's a positive impact, it's not as simple as a dozen people injured, it may be killed by half.

Going uphill is the right choice. The squadron leader judged in his heart that the emotion of regret flashed away. In the prince of the duke, making judgment is the basic duty of a commander.

He just came to patrol, not to kill the enemy. When his own power is not equal to the opponent, waiting for support is the only correct choice. Yamaguchi Castle is just dozens of miles away, and it will not take long for the reinforcements to ride the Trojans, not to mention the six-pointed star airship, with the support of flying warships, which can be reached in a few minutes.

A squadron, under the cover of a robot, climbed onto the stone mountain, found the bunker, and returned with a magic gun.

Even half of the robots were withdrawn. The elves destroyed most of the robot warriors with magic arrows at any cost. They also dropped more than fifty bodies.

Elf warriors are a bit embarrassed. Human soldiers on the stone mountain have the same range as magic bows and magic bows. The threat is still huge at two or three hundred meters.

If they do n’t charge, they ca n’t kill the enemy from a distance.

If you charge, how many companions will die along the way?

The devil qi of this world is so heavy, it should be invaded by the demon world. The human beings here can maintain the system, and it is normal for such a strong combat power.

Also has a powerful puppet, which is not easy to deal with. Within 50 meters, it can release a powerful spell-like attack, and the magic armor can't stop it a few times. They are king court troops, and their equipment is among the best in the entire elven empire.

These few months of training, the soldiers of the noble legion, were targeted training, quality

It has improved a lot.

At least three hundred meters away, the precision shooter refused to shoot. Anyway, the attack of the elves is also within 300 meters, and the accuracy is almost everyone.

The elf looked at Stone Mountain three hundred meters away. The commander was so sad that he killed more than fifty men. After returning, he would be punished. If you don't kill the enemy in front of you, the end is worrying.

But if he continues to attack, even if he kills those enemies, he will not be better off, because he will die more men.

On the Stone Mountain, the squadron leader suddenly remembered a question, the opponent does not have a magician ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In his team, there are four magic net masters, and a 20-level assault magic configuration, Can serve as a magic network node. There is also a balancer magic configuration, which is still at level 20.

There are six magicians on my side, there is no one on the other side, I am afraid of something ...

The magic net mage in the aristocratic legion is very low level, with an average of only five levels. Since it is average, there is a lower level than the fifth level. The problem is that there are scrolls and low-level flame bottles on these magic net mage.

Temporarily broke out without any pressure. With the magic configuration, you can cast a few more powerful magics every day.

Professionals of elves, either warriors or archers, no mages?

The captain of the squadron was annoyed again. If there was no mage, there was a wave of charge, and the other side would kneel. There are two master-level professionals of the other party. The fifteenth-level fighters are wearing constructive magic armor. It is not a problem to resist a period of time. Two magical constructs besieging another elf master can quickly solve the battle.

Without the top power, the remaining elves are not so terrible at all. Four magic net mage, the fireball volley will collapse.

Damn, if this is not a patrol mission, you will be charged with a command error.

The captain of the squadron was cold and sweating, and after saying that he had gone back, he must pay close attention to some common sense books of the commander.

Otherwise, it is difficult to get promoted even if you do not die in the future.

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