Daomen Invasion

Chapter 891: : Dragon

This scroll does not belong to the elf mage, and he has to turn it in when he takes it back. Each scroll represents the benefit of a dragon and an elf, and it is impossible to swallow.

But now, if you take it out and use it, even the summoned dragon will take it for granted.

His elf friend was killed, revenge is a natural thing.

"This fortress seems to be an important place for human beings. Look at the first layer of rock, which is almost equivalent to the material of the magic tower. There is also a long-range attack weapon, and the attack distance may be only better than the legendary magic arrow. More recently, the magical arrows of the epic level are no match for them. "

Although the elves were greedy with scrolls, they could only listen to him, knowing that this thing could not be left, no one could get it.

"Don't you think it's a loss to use this scroll. This fortress is so strong. We beat it down and used it as our base of advancement. We concentrated on cleaning up the surrounding humans. When the dynasty army came, we were the first.

He said to himself, and pulled the scroll away.

A summoning magic circle is generated out of thin air, which is quite fast, almost only a second and a half. In the summoning array, a blue dragon tears the space, and a huge body of more than 50 meters rises into the sky.

Jianya is dead!

The dragon sensed the disappearance of the spirit of the elf friend, and he was very angry.

"Who summoned me!"

"Respected lord, my companion, was murdered by the shameless and shameless of human beings, and our strength is not enough to avenge him, so please come to do justice." The wizard said humbly.

"Where is the murderer." The cyan dragon exuded a **** breath, causing the elves present to tremble one by one. This old guy, don't know how many lives hunted!

Dragons are never kind creatures. If they had a lazy habit, many species would be destroyed by dragons.

"Just in front of the castle." The wizard wizard pointed.

Yamaguchi Castle ...

Nietzsche II suddenly felt a strong breath in the distance. Although the distance was far away, the dragon never hid. Nietzsche II frowned.

This dragon is weaker than the last one, but not too weak.

The hole in this world is too big, can such a strong creature come in casually?

Not much time, Nietzsche II quickly ordered, he flickered from the magic tower, and came to the most important place in Yamaguchi, a bronze platform.

Above the platform, the metal door slides open, revealing a fire crow type 4 star battleship inside.

Several magicians came in a hurry, and when Nietzsche II gave orders, they were under the platform.

"Quickly, another dragon, now it is too late to wait for the rescue of Tongtian Tower!"

"Sir, do you go in person?"

"In case the battleship kills the undead dragon, I have to do it myself." Nietzsche II urged, and several magicians followed him into the battleship. The battleship was pulled up from the platform, like a magician flashing, and disappeared into the distance.

Nietzsche II sent two battalions of noble legionnaires, four heavy cavalry squadrons, and two tank squadrons.

It may be said that the dragon might be killed. The problem is that this 10,000-plus people, I am afraid most of them will have to confess there. If the dragon ran with minor injuries, it would never be killed.

By the way, two fire arrows and twenty-four floating fish are air power. However, the floating fish is estimated to have no effect on the dragon. In the case of Fire Arrow, it must be beaten down. If you attack from a long distance, it may not be able to break the dragon defense.

Nietzsche II is not a counter-scale, but the Fire Raven IV.

This is a real star warship. Xiahe built a total of 25 and gave it to Abigail.

There are currently six on the New World, and because of the proximity to the cracks of the Demon Forest in Yamaguchi, one was given.

When the dragon pounced on the fortress, everyone in the fortress was dumbfounded. They are just a hundred-person patrol, and the robots they carry are not much under normal circumstances.

In the sky, the figure of the dragon was suffocating, and the violent wind element exploded around his body.

This dragon is not a Warcraft that relies on instinct. His combat experience is very rich. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he must attack with all his strength.


The second floor of the castle was directly crushed by a dragon, and the robots inside were not attacked, so they were smashed. The dragon's claws tore the roof of the house. His body leaped forward, quickly tore the roofs of all positions apart, revealing the people inside.


In the distant sky, a low roar sounded, and at the same time, a metal warhammer descended from the sky.

Legendary magic, warhammer bombardment.

When the dragon flicked its tail, the metal warhammer did not touch his body and was directly destroyed. The dragon felt a slight pain, but even if he was angry, he did not turn around to deal with the human legend. Instead, he opened his mouth and spit out the dragon's breath underneath.

Kill these people first and make the legendary heart of humanity hurt.

The dragon's mind is vicious, and anyway, it takes little effort to kill the people in front of him. The dead can only bring pain to the living. He likes to see the pain of a weak life.

Poof ...

Lightened, a blue ice cone was inserted on the dragon's back, almost penetrating all defenses and reaching his spine. The dragon suffocated the dragon's breath and smoke came from his mouth.

The **** human actually hurt me ...

Two legendary human wizards release magic attacks at high altitudes. Their most powerful is the magic book in their hands, with seven flaming stars. However, the bursting stars are lost, it is unclear whether the dragon is dead or not, and no one is a human soldier.

Legion-level equipment, a legendary magic book, and a seven-page book of burning stars. This is the most common equipment built by Xiahe. It happens to be level 40, as long as it is a legendary mage, it can start this magic book and release the magic inside.

These two legendary mages, born in Rhode Island and innocent, can only get this equipment.

Flame burst stars can not be used, a legendary mage used a precious dragon scale scroll, purple electric ice cone. This single piece of magic is powerful, but it is still at level 40 and fails to kill the dragon.

Xiahe's magic is certainly powerful, but the problem is that if you want to release it, there are conditions.

So he made these scrolls and magic books, try to lower the level, so that the mage is difficult to display. In the battle, if the wrong magic book is launched, it will also cause backlash. That would be dead.

The two magics continue, and the dragon is not injured, but for such creatures, they still have a strong attack power and will hardly be affected by the injury.

Arcane trial!

Finger of death!

Grand lysis!

Element deconstruction ...

Legendary magic was thrown down one by one, and the dragon's body rolled and flicked, and its figure disappeared above the fortress. A subconscious flash of two legendary mages took an arbitrary door.

This kind of spelling is not the one Xiahe personally directed. It is afraid that his body will collapse.

The dragon appeared in their flashing position, and any door took effect. The legendary mage was not approached by the dragon.

Dimensional Anchor!

Elemental trial!

This time, the dragon failed to escape, and there was a little fear in his heart.

Was hit by the dimensional anchor, and he could not go back temporarily, and he will be marked by another magic. What are these tiny humans doing?

No, if you ca n’t take risks, you should n’t be entangled with the legendary mage and kill the following weak ones first!

When the dragon thought of this, the wound on his back froze instantly.

"The weak, accept my anger!"


Two fire arrows in the distance opened the main gun at the same time and bombarded the dragon's head. The dragon felt a sharp pain, as if the horns were about to break. The blood ran down and covered his eyes.

The two human mages escaped the attack and did not go far. Instead, they flew to a higher place and cried, "Crawler, you are just a beast. There is a species to leave. When the grown-ups of our family come, they will strip you ! "

The dragon was furious. He lowered his head and saw that the humans in the second floor had fled below.


In the throat, a complex and loud voice began to sound.

Dragon Magic!

In the sky, the red fire cloud quickly condensed, and the two legendary mages flew away in a hurry. After the magic took shape, not only could it not be destroyed, they were nearby, feeling that the elemental power in the body would be gone.

Meteorite Sky Tribulation!

This magic is really summoning a meteorite from the starry sky, passing through the magic array, and falling from high altitude. There is no human castle that can bear such a blow. Low-level magic towers may be collapsed.

Such a powerful dragon language magic, in order to kill some ordinary warriors?


A legendary mage forcibly released magic and tried to block it. Then he was bitten back. There was a sharp pain in his mind, and there was blood flowing from the seven tips.

Another legendary mage grabbed his arm and took him to a distance of thousands of kilometers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The dragon's heart moved, and he didn't chase it, only then he wanted to attack the legendary mage almost instantly. Go back and calculate, if you attack at that time, it will still be escaped by the other party.

Is really a nasty little bug, not easy to catch.

The dragon was suspended in the air, huge wings stretched out, supporting his body against the wind element. He stared at the ground. If the humans in the castle escaped and ran out of the attack range of Meteorite Tribulation, then he would personally tear them one by one.

"You go first, I'll attract him." The legendary mage said to the injured companion.

"Don't go, he has almost fifty-five levels, he will die!" The injured magician did not say something. They were the main legionary masters of the Duke, and the people below were just soldiers of the noble legion. It is not worth it for these people to risk their lives.

The legendary mage hesitated, his companions said nothing, but he could understand.

Yes, he is directly under the Duke, and the people below are not a system. And many soldiers are not professionals. It is indeed not worth it to risk their lives for mortals.

But he couldn't bear to watch the dragon go to slaughter humans.

In the sky, large magic muskets repeatedly bombarded down, and the magic projectile was flew away by the wind element. The dragon did not pay attention to the flying warships. He felt that if he chased the machinery made by humans, he might not be able to catch up. Even if you release space magic, you can catch up with one at most, it doesn't make much sense.

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