Daomen Invasion

Chapter 892: : Heavy Knight

This dragon is paranoid to kill the people in the castle, not for hatred, but to satisfy his abnormal psychology.

As a strong man, it is necessary to slaughter the weak!

The two legendary wizards refused to come down desperately. The large magic musket on the flying battleship could not break the defense of the dragon. The magic ballista is powerful enough, but the dragon's spiritual power is strong, I am afraid it will be intercepted halfway.

Even so, the flying warship still attacked in sequence, firing fifty-two magic ballistas.

The dragon sneered. Under his scale armor, he flew a blade of wind and greeted the shell of the magic ballista with lightning. The ballista shells turned sharply in the air, and the wind blade seemed to have long eyes and then turned.

The sound of the explosion continued, and in an instant, all 52 magic ballista shells were shot down.

The dragon looked down and saw that a team had escaped from the castle.

Late, ha ha ha ha!

Among the red clouds in the sky, a huge meteorite appeared, and the legendary Master's heart tightened. Over, the soldiers on the ground couldn't keep it.

Moreover, with such a large meteorite, the castle was collapsed, let alone affect the cracks.

Damn dragon.

The meteorite was burning, reaching the ground instantly, and then heard the sound of landslides and cracks. The castle was destroyed in an instant, the gravel was falling into the sky, and the elves within a few miles were lying on the ground in horror, fearing that they would be affected.

The powerful shock wave also quickly reached the elf's position. The elf grabbed the ground, and the horse had no ability to be blown to the sky.

The air was hot, the visible ripples were shaking, the edge of the crack collapsed, and fell into the depth of the crack.

In the castle, a squadron that escaped when no one survived was also instantly killed.

The dragon hiccuped with satisfaction, feeling the pain in the back of the neck struck again. He looked up and looked at the two human mages in the sky. He stood a few miles away and had not left.

Is courageous, let me kill you next!

The wings of the dragon waved, and the wind element split the space, which instantly increased his speed to the extreme.

Just as the dragon's body turned into an afterimage, a metal warhead shot down from high altitude at a speed dozens of times that of the dragon.

Liquid magic metal warhead, the temperature is tens of thousands of degrees, ordinary metal has long vaporized. And this magic metal warhead was only initially dissolved, forming an unusually thin layer of gas on the surface. This gas is also caused by the magic array inside the warhead, which is not really vaporization.

The structure of this layer of gas is not enough to achieve scientific resistance, but the resistance is already very low, giving it a terrible penetration.

The skull of the dragon was lifted directly, and his brain was wrecked.

Almost at the same time, a white light came from the sky and shone on the dragon. The dragon soul of the dragon suffered a heavy blow instantly. Many creatures, the brain is destroyed, can still be reborn, of course, the dragon is not in this list. But the dragon soul of the dragon is to be escaped, which Nietzsche II cannot tolerate.

The main gun of the Fire Raven IV broke through the defense. With the calculation ability of the Fire Raven I, the dragon's dragon head was locked.

The dragon didn't take it seriously in order to kill those two human legends. Although he sensed the lock, he was too confident in his defense. And his speed is so fast that the magic lock can flash.

But the lock of Fire Raven One is a purely digital lock. The dragon will appear at a certain point, and the magic projectile will meet him there.

If you are a strong player in the world of technology, and you sense this lock, you will immediately have a way to deal with it.

Dragon has never seen it, and originally with his defense, unless the attacker is a demigod, otherwise it is impossible to kill him in one fell swoop. Even the demigods have to work hard.

Nietzsche II was shocked himself, the actual combat of this weapon is more powerful than in the illusion!

But it is not so easy to lock yourself, and you will not give the battleship a chance. But if given the opportunity, he can't stand such a blow. This speed, the spells of the dead class may not be able to respond.

Confrontation in the starry sky, the role of the strong is still great, but it is no longer decisive


Nietzsche II This has never seen an immortal. The immortal itself is a powerful computer, and the computing power of technological weapons cannot match Jinxian. So when you are strong to a certain level, threatening you will be more powerful weapons, such as golden fairy.

The upper limit of technological weapons is not limited to this. The shells of this starship can be accelerated to sub-light speed. If it is coupled with super calculation ability, it can accurately estimate all the causes and effects and can accurately hit the enemy.

The only way for the enemy is to make his armor thicker.

But attack is always easier than defense. Even if you can resist it, the cost-effectiveness of energy is too low. If you fight for a long time, your battleship will have no energy and you will naturally lose.

The main gun of the Firecrow IV can't accelerate the projectile to the level of sub-light speed, but it is still easy to break the dragon's defense.

The consumption of this artillery is mainly the auxiliary calculation of the fire crow one suspended in the starry sky, and then the consumption of the magic projectile. In contrast, the energy consumed by the calculation is the big head. Because it is a powerful dragon to attack. Want to calculate all the possibilities, the amount of data is amazing.

The energy consumed by this gun is enough to create a high-end legendary equipment.

The white light shining on the dragon is elemental punishment, not the soul killing skill, but the damage to the soul is still considerable. The dragon's soul was hit by an attack and plunged into chaos.

Nietzsche II teleported from the battleship, approaching the dragon, and dropped a dragon scale scroll.

Soul Storm!

The chaotic dragon soul was hit by the soul storm like a rag, and it was full of holes. Even if he escaped, he would no longer be the former dragon.

Nietzsche II dropped a crystal and absorbed the broken dragon soul.

In the sky, those distant flying warships came back and launched a fierce blow against the elf troops on the ground.

The elves retreated into the Devil Forest wildly, but most of the trees in Devil Forest had no leaves and could not cover up the search. To the west of the crack, along the road, the army of nobles also arrived, and the troops of the two battalions charged towards the elves.

Nietzsche II succeeded in a range of deterrence, and then returned to the small star warship and drove the warship back to Yamaguchi Castle.

This stuff, the Duke's secret weapon, is still too casual.

Hope no one pays attention to this, otherwise, it will not be worth the loss. The dragon is very powerful, but the legend of Yamaguchi can still be solved.

The most pity is that the two squadrons on the ground were killed by the dragon.

The fire crow type 4 flew away, two fire arrows, twenty-four floating fish, and attacked the ground with battleship weapons. The elves who were shocked by Nietzsche II's range, had their fighting spirits eliminated, and had no choice but to escape.

They ran away in fright, leaving only instinct.

The noble legion chased, and according to the training method, the standard squadron with more people united to drive out the elves. A small number of elites, look for the elves of the order, and kill them quickly.

Two heavy cavalry squadrons, turned to the side, looking for a small number of elf teams.

Heavy knights are the main armies of the main legion, and they are also truly elite. The professions of heavy knights are everything. Xiahe does not allow this arm to be limited to the knight class, let alone assassins, that is, magicians can join them.

The only requirement is to have a strong melee ability, and the level exceeds ten levels, there is no upper limit.

The heavy knight's mount is a short pterosaur metal structure. The body is huge and stable. When running, it is like the mountains are moving, and the four feet roar.

Here is a special rifle in the hands of the heavy knight. There are three holes along the edge of the gun head, which can fire three powerful magic projectiles. The knight will also be equipped with short weapons, some of which are warhammers, some are flails, and straight swords made of special metals, which are no lighter than the warhammer.

Mainly depends on what the knight wants, this short weapon, the legion will be customized according to the knight's requirements.

The knight will also be equipped with a powerful magic musket, all of which have a large caliber, slow firing speed, and short range (when the distance is too far, the accurate head will be lost). This kind of muskets are all built-in magazines, and each piece of magic projectiles is pressed in. Only ten pieces can be stored.


The elf squads fled into an open space in the forest, and faced with a five-man heavy riding squad suddenly appeared. They used magic to suppress the hoof sound ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the elves found them, the distance between the two sides was already insufficient. 100 meters.

Squad of five, carrying only five mechanical heavy riders, these robots have the same appearance as the heavy knight. It's just that the mount is not a structure, but a metal machine. These machines are also regarded as high-end goods, otherwise it is impossible to suppress the voice of their own actions like the construction.

Five heavy rides, five machines, rushed head on.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in contact with the short soldiers. He was too lazy to use long-range weapons. The short pterosaur structure was rolled over from the elf. The magic armor of the elf was deformed by the collision.

Heavy knight carrying a rifle and observing the enemy.

Unless there are elves trying to resist, they will stab them in one shot. These heavy knights are extremely cold and turn a blind eye to the elves' crying.

Can only be constructed as a mount. This is the case. Even in Warcraft, it can't be repeatedly dashed in a short distance, and it still maintains this speed.

Even if there is no magic added to the short pterosaur structure, the weight alone is not something that can be resisted.

Fifty elves were crushed four times by this team, and no elf could stand. The heavy knight silently walked across the battlefield and made a shot on the head of each elf.

After each elf was dead, the captain ordered to close the team, and the magic array on the short pterodactyl structure was turned on again, hiding the sound and walking towards the depths of the demon forest to find new enemies.

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