Daomen Invasion

Chapter 894: : Mori no Mori (1)

Xiahe is not kidding anymore, he said seriously: "Jack, you have followed me for a long time, you know that I am indeed a person with ambitious ambitions. What I want is not a duke, a country, a world, me All it takes is everything you can think of. "

Jack was stunned. He thought that Asla was going to conquer the world.

"Do you know my college, the knowledge imparted can make people immortal."

"How can it be?"

"It is possible, at least, to achieve the same lifespan as this universe, is it considered to be immortal?"

"For the survival of a powerful life, you must occupy resources or occupy space. For example, in the future, to a certain extent, I need at least a small galaxy for me to survive. I do n’t need those mortal things. What I want is the depth of this universe. Hidden power. "

"What is that?" Jack asked curiously.

"The naked eye and even the souls of ordinary people cannot sense the things in the universe. It seems to be endless, but in fact, there are more people who can use these things, and this energy will gradually decrease. In addition to regenerating these energy sources, you must also control the number of people like me. Think about it, is this the norm for most advanced organisms? "

Jack nodded, and there was no other dragon near the nest of one dragon.

"So, I want to occupy this galaxy, and others want it. This is related to whether I can live forever. Do you say that war may be avoided?"

"But, those mortals ..."

"Achievement of legends is already an extraordinary power. The human mage, it is said that the longest life, has reached a million-year lifespan, which is no worse than the gods. And the gods want to continue to live, it is harder than us humans. The war between them has not stopped. "

"To live?"

"Yes, war is to live."

Cotton Jack said in heart, then there is no way, you can not persuade others to die.

"Jack, there is not enough support, so I designed the citizenship system to separate people and people and give them room to rise. If they are all satisfied, then no one will be willing to be a soldier and work. Points After going out of level, some people will also have a sense of honor. "

Cotton Jack said: "Does this fool people?"

"Of course not, what I preach, and of course I also recognize. Things that are contrary to my philosophy, even if it is beneficial to my rule, I will kill it. One person can deceive others, but don't Cheat yourself. If you cheat for a long time, you will forget your original intention, who you are, and you will be completely lost. "

"I don't want to be a wild mage, I want to live wonderfully." Cotton Jack cuts the ground.

"So ah, I don't feel embarrassed. When I met you, I was nothing, it was difficult to survive, and I was not safe. You are my friend, and I can't force you to do things you don't like. But because you are mine Friends, you have to help me, right? "

"Okay, Lord Duke, my friend, alas ..."

"I didn't lie to you, I will build a star fleet for you. In the future, if you are a pirate in the universe, everyone can grab it except me."


"Of course, the fleet is named after you. Unfortunately, the flagship material has not been saved enough, you have to wait a few years."

"Just look forward to it."

"Look what you said, okay, I will take this gunboat within a month. The Merrifin family is almost ready. Their logistics will be resolved in April. I do n’t want to attack the Duke of Zhesu. , And later have to deal with the million-strong army of the Merrifin family. "

"What about the New World?"

"It's so messed up that they can't attack Muses. On Muses's territory, he can't control it, much more difficult than ours. But I don't have soldiers to lend him, he can only himself To find ways to."

"He can buy more robots from us?"

"Museis is much poorer than me, you have to find a way to dig out what we need from him."

"for example?"

"All kinds of rare metals, all kinds of jade mines, I don't want him nominally, but real things."

"Okay, but is our production capacity surplus?"

"Excess? You see the number of robots consumed every day, and now they can still be recovered in large quantities. In case the war becomes fierce and the robots on the battlefield are destroyed too much, we have to re-production."

"I think the cost of the robot is a bit high," Jack said.

"You mean, what protection do I set for the robot?"

"Yeah, it doesn't affect the combat effectiveness of the robot." Cotton Jack said.

"There is an invasion of mechanical life over the green forest. This kind of mechanical life is best at polluting the same kind. We also make robots. If there are no protective measures designed by me, as long as they are contaminated, they will all betrayed. "

Cotton Jack heard this and shuddered.

There are many high-level robots, the highest level can reach forty.

It would be terrible if they all betrayed.

"Why do you think I spent so much money to replace the body of intelligent mechanical life and provide better resources? I am afraid they will betray in the future."

The robots manufactured by Xiahe have a high computing core price. Even if they are a flying robot for investigation, they will have complicated manufacturing methods to manufacture the computing core. The time cost of this part has always been low, which further limits the production capacity of Duke-led advanced robots.

The core protection of advanced robots is better, and the requirements for the processing environment of raw materials are more demanding.

Xiahe also got a big crack in the Demon Forest before finding a good manufacturing environment, which is the bottom of the water thousands of meters below the crack.

The environment under the big crack is special, otherwise Xiahe will not send the Nietzsche army to guard.

Although the legendary number of the Nietzsche Legion is insufficient, Xiahe left a Crow IV, plus a batch of legion equipment that he personally refined, the combat effectiveness is not weak.

Cotton Jack said: "Will I invest more manpower, and now build the Demon Forest?"

Xiahe smiled and said: "We don't have that many staffs to mobilize anymore. The Anonymous Legion has been sent over. Now there is chaos and city construction has been delayed."

Cotton Jack nodded, and now he can mobilize the main legion, which is the Unknown Legion.

The equipment of the unknown army is not complete, but the soldiers have been trained, that is, the training time is not enough for each other.

Unknown Legion is also an army composed of elite soldiers from various ordinary legions.

The Xiahe side appeases Jack, Yamaguchi ...

Nietzsche II killed a giant dragon and returned to Yamaguchi City, where he stayed on the Fire Raven IV and studied the main gun. After several hours of research, the main technology used in this main gun was determined as a product of science and technology. The surprise in my heart is hard to hide.

Technical weapons can be so strong?

He has seen the technical artillery. The power is indeed huge. The problem is that there is no threat to him. He can resist hard by magic.

But this battleship main gun, he absolutely did not dare to mess up, after being locked, he must use the means of escape. Of course, he also has magic for death, equipment for death.

But after calculating, he found that the replacement equipment may not respond, but the replacement magic can take effect, and the price is higher than that of the legendary magic.

If the main gun of this warship is faster, the magic for the dead is too late to react.

That requires a higher level of self and a more sensitive soul, in order to inspire death magic. As for invincible skills? When the speed of this magic projectile reaches its extreme, there is no invincible skill to resist.

Nietzsche II finally realized the power of this weapon and silently put on the mage armor.

This was given to him by Xiahe. He had always disliked wearing armor. As a legendary mage, he could inspire a lot of magic at any time. However, the death of the dragon made him awake.

The design drawings of the Devil Insect Forest were finally obtained by a student of Xiahe. He was one of his seventy-two disciples. It was designed in the world of Xianfu in Taiyin and was transmitted through Lucifer.

In this design, at both ends of the crack, dig a canal and go west to the sea

To the east, bypass the mountainous area. In the south of Secunderabad, a large lake is artificially opened, and then extended eastward into a mountainous area in the east, where there is a very deep basin, and a lake in the mountainous area is rebuilt.

Then the canal went east all the way to the east sea.

After the mainland was transformed by the demons, the width of the thing is more than 30,000 miles. Such a project is definitely a big surprise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ especially the Eastern Line. This is because the Yamaguchi city is actually not far from the sea. For Xiahe ’s power, it is only a big project.

Eastern Line, that is super engineering.

Digging a canal is harder than building a city wall.

But in this way, even if the sea water of the underground sea spreads out, it will not flood the devil forest of Xiahe. The entire project took more than ten years, and finally formed a transportation line that traverses the east and west. It also made a lot of fresh water available south of the Great Wall. In the future, many cities will appear on both sides of the strait.

Within the limits of the Mori no Mori, on both sides of the crack, a lot of Xiahe plants from the royal family were planted.

In addition to the ancient trees of life and ancient trees of war, all kinds of cherished species are designed in the city, mixed planting. The first step is to let them compete. Although they have human design, it is a natural choice to grow harmoniously in a city.

However, the center of the city is two fairy trees cultivated by Taiyin Xianfu. They are planted on both sides of the crack, and the trunk grows upward, and the upper part of the crack is closed, and grows in one place. However, this growth is controllable, and if necessary, Xiahe must invest more resources to make it grow.

This fairy tree is like a banyan tree. It hangs its branches down and roots into the ground like a root. The entire canopy covers a radius of a dozen miles. The roots that penetrated into the earth were influenced by the formation of the underground gates before they entered the earth. The entire two fairy trees complemented the formation and formed a dangerous area.

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