Daomen Invasion

Chapter 895: : Mori no Mori (2)

Under the canopy, the Taoist priest of Taiyin Xianfu also designed some tree demon to grow between those roots and form a forest.

In this forest, all are wooden buildings, dotted with them. In fact, the interior of the twin fairy woods is the core body of the Demon Forest.

Has a huge living space and various facilities of Daomen.

This kind of design is not difficult to build, much easier than building a similar city, but the resources invested are hundreds of times, mainly energy consumption.

Xianmu's fast-growing technology was quite developed in Shenzhou. For this reason, Xiahe personally arranged a lot of formations. However, even if he can extract the power of deep space, absorb the origin of the world, and assist energy consumption, it is also a terrible astronomical figure. For this reason, Xiahe had to restore the magical rough mining of the sea bottom in eastern Rhode Island.

Surrounding the twin fairy trees, it is a huge city system of Mori no Mori.

This place, Xiahe is going to be built into the core city of the new continent. After it is built, the Tongtian Tower is not particularly important.

The construction of Tongtian Tower, the traffic there is not well developed, mainly because the surrounding excellent mineral veins are too large, Xiahe had to build such a thing. The resources under the rift are more abundant. Xiahe feels that even if no other place is occupied, he only occupies this rift. The results of the entire new continent have satisfied him.

For this crack, he had to build a strong war fort.

The scope of this fortress is much larger than that of the Twin Cities, so he applied the technology of Taiyin Xianfu.

And neither the Twin Cities nor the Tongtian Tower can serve as the political center of the New World.

It doesn't matter how expensive the design is. The roots of twin fairy woods go deep into the earth for tens of miles, and the ground on both sides of the crack is transformed.

Is resistance, not survival under an earthquake.

When the twin fairy trees grew to a normal level, it was impossible to transform the structures on both sides of the cracks after the earthquake. Xiahe must guarantee the safety of the crack. The freshwater underground sea below may be the most valuable thing on the New World.

The number of flying warships accumulated on Xiahe's side was also increased. Before the arrival of April, a wave was concentrated and began to attack the demons.

Yes, there are millions of demons outside the mountain area, and then the Duke led two main theater companies, 80 battalion units of the aristocracy, and launched a strong attack on the demons.

In March and a half, when the army had exhausted all the weapons it carried, the last demon had been purified.

Xiahe's actions naturally conceal others. On the Bingfeng continent, the high level of the Merrifin family shocked. Millions of demons were annihilated by the army of the Duke of Asla in the field.

Is not defeat, it is annihilation.

The construction of the Forest of the Demon Worm, but nobody cares.

The princes who cleaned the battlefield, cleaned the wilderness, and recovered the robots were basically no longer usable. However, the new robots of the main army homeopathy can recycle the computing core, which makes Cotton Jack feel that it can accept the cost.

The battle ended quite simply. Xiahe spent ten days with precise layout so that each part of the army could coordinate with each other. Then dispatched all air power, all legendary mages, including himself.

The first wave of air strikes from the flying battleship, the range is covered, and all the incendiary bombs are thrown out.

The strong among the demons are naturally exposed, and then the four fire crows and four types on the new continent are dispatched to remotely eliminate the strongest legend among the demonic army. The rest of the legendary annihilation, flying warships are specifically looking for epic-level demon attacks.

Finally, the human army collaborated with the robot warriors and fought against the forces of the devil.

Without the legendary strongman, the heavy knight in the main army is almost unsolvable. This type of armament that can directly impact the legendary strong, facing an enemy who cannot fly, the average level is only below ten, and can directly penetrate and tear the enemy formation.

The short pterodactyl structure itself is powerful, and there is no drawback of the biological mount that the power drops after the charge.

Short pterosaurs, like the chariot itself, can keep ramming at high speed all the time.

Short pterosaur configuration, except for frontal punch

In addition to the collision, the short wings on both sides can release something like a wind blade, cut left and right, and after rushing through, the demon on both sides will also be seriously injured. This is an artifact of vegetable abuse.

Faced with low-level arms, as long as a small team of heavy knights, five knights plus five robot cavalry, can cut a width of 60 meters horizontally. A short pterosaur structure, with a cutting width of about 12 meters in the horizontal direction, the robot cavalry's mount does not have this ability, and it is used to kill the enemy in the back.

Therefore, after the emergence of high-level weapons, the dense array of low-level arms is the fate of being slaughtered.

Demon clan is cut by the short pterosaur structure, and each fights separately, and each small group is eaten by the human legion. There are robots standing in front, the demon can not cooperate, and human soldiers are fighting more and less. This time the soldiers of the Noble Corps suffered very little loss.

The battle itself has no skills at all. What is really difficult is how to command hundreds of thousands of troops, all standing in a reasonable position, how to find their enemies after the Devil is cut, and quickly destroy them. In such a huge battlefield, Xiahe himself can design the play style, but it is too tiring. Now with the help of Fire Crow One on the Starry Flagship, the battle arrangement was quickly calculated. What Xiahe did was just to test its rationality.

Xiahe has so many computing cores, all kinds of intelligent mechanical life assist, and the really reliable one is Huoya No.1.

Flying in the stars and commanding a huge interstellar fleet must have the same computing power as the fairy.

It looks like the Fire Raven IV can kill the dragon with the main cannon.

After the war, on the side of the mine, the aristocratic legions assembled, took a rest, and prepared to march east. In the east, there are a large number of demons, outsiders, and small army of outsiders.

The Duke's leader wanted to dig the canal, which had to be solved.

When digging a canal, a huge amount of earth and sand will be excavated, which will eventually accumulate into a high mountain. This man-made peak is located within the mountains where the demons appear.

With strong power, human beings like to change the world.

Whether it is the magic world or the Taoist world.

The forest of monster insects will also expand. In addition to the urban part and the wilderness, ecology must also be restored. The land contaminated by the devil must be deeply purified and new species should be planted.

The reason why consumes so much capital and mobilizes so much manpower and material resources is ultimately for experimentation.

On the other side of the Taiyin world, Xiahe is also cultivating species. In the entire universe, species suitable for Daomen are extremely rich, and high-level ones are not very rare. However, planting in the lunar world to form a benign ecology requires a species matching test.

The Demon Forest is such a test site. The entire New World is preparing for the lunar world.

The world of Taiyin is not very good to be demonized by demonized goblins, but the demonization is not serious, and it is much easier to manage than the new continent.

Xiahe asked the royal family for species materials, of course, because the extinct creatures in the main world were of great value.

This part is what Xiahe wants. The 400 million gold coins are just a guise.

It's just that the number of 400 million gold coins is too scary, and Princess Angelina hasn't taken it easy now, and can't think of Xiahe's intentions.

The Nietzsche Legion and the Unknown Legion are stationed in the Forest of the Demon Worm to clean up the messy creatures or army from the outside world. Cotton Jack assigns the four Firecracker IV small star battleships to the two legions.

Near the Devil Forest, there are about eleven space channels or world channels, each with its own civilized world behind it.

Chen Yu's world passage is the smallest, which may be equivalent to a city gate cave, or the gate cave of the smallest town, and the entry and exit of a dragon-shaped creature is the limit.

Said that it is a world channel, in fact, it is impossible to connect 10,000 worlds, and the place where eleven channels gather is already quite dense. The two main legions, if they have not enough robot resources, may not be able to take care of it.

Fortunately, under the crack, only such a world channel was found, still ultra-small ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Yu's martial arts did not come to contact, Xiahe also wanted to understand, for Daomen, enter a world If

If someone finds out, he will definitely consider it long, instead of immediately sending troops to fight. What's more, the news sent by myself has the meaning of contact. Since Chen Yu is not in danger of life, he will make more preparations there, and he is not in a hurry.

Xiahe is near the passageway of Chen Yu World, built an underwater fortress, and arranged a lot of deep-water robot warriors to monitor, while setting up array alert. Anyway, as long as someone came over there, they would immediately find out.

The battle on the ground, despite its frequent frequency, could not shake the rule of the two main legions.

As two fairy trees begin to grow, the pressure from the outside world will become less and less. When the fairy wood grows to thousands of kilometers away, it is a large formation within a dozen miles. If you want to invade the Devil Forest, there is no possibility. Unless it is the fairy, the demigod is here, and it is suppressed by a small area, and the power cannot be exerted.

The area covered by the fairy wood is itself a huge illusion, and it is a physical illusion, not the kind that the soul enters.

This is almost the same as the illusion created by the goblin. If you don't care about consumption, you can transform real material from illusion. The power is not comparable to that of ordinary phantom arrays.

The area of ​​Devil's Insect Forest is stable, and it is almost April. The Merrifin family is deterred by the Duke's war in Demon Insect Forest because of insufficient flying fleet. Snowows had already launched an attack on the Duke of Zhesu in advance.

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