Daomen Invasion

Chapter 896: : Small-scale battle

The output of the Fire Duke's leader has not gone up, and it requires three companies to divide, leading to the flying fleet on the side of Snowis, and there are few fire arrows. Fortunately, the number of floating fish is sufficient, and the main force of Snowvis has completely abandoned the old-fashioned flying warship and all used new weapons.

The gunboats made on the Xiahe side were arranged in the port south of the city of stars. As soon as the Merrifin family fleet was dispatched, they immediately went to bombing.

Blowed up the opposing fleet and didn't need to attack those who fell into the water, and the matter was over.

After the gunboat was built, because of the side of the Demon Forest, the construction plan of the world of the Yinxian Palace was adopted, and the manpower and material resources involved were very small. Also began to equip floating fish.

Daliang City ……

Now Liangliang City is the training center of Xiahe's allies or noble troops. A large illusion is set up here. As long as you spend money, you can get perfect training.

Across the narrow strait, on the coastline of the ice maple continent, the Duke Zhesu side supplemented about 120,000 soldiers in a military town.

This is for the layout of Rhode Island, to prevent Rhode Island from landing on a large scale, and to cooperate with Snowworth's attack.

However, 120,000 people, defending the city is okay. In the field, it cannot withstand Rhode Island's offensive.

Surrounding the main city of Duke of Zhesu, the Great Wall has been built, and the army of Snowvis began to attack the larger city in the territory of Duke of Zhesu.

Before the attack, it was still aimed at small and medium-sized towns near large cities.

Before this, Snowvis attacked targets far away from the big city, unable to obtain support, and was very isolated. Although he was victorious, he was not as famous as deafening.

And the current war is the time to really test the strength of the Dingliu County King.

Is responsible for the front-line logistics of Dalyang City, of course, Luxi, but here, Xiahe still borrowed some of the power of the princess and the county king to let Qiu Xuanji take charge of the safety of Dalyang city.

It is not impossible for a dog to jump against the wall and fight back against the beam city.

Although there are a large number of recruits in addition to the city defense force on the Liangyang City, it is also a logistics center. If the materials on the mainland are scarce, large magic airships can be used here to directly drop war materials.

Of course, the war is not just this position. In the southern part of the territory of the Duke of Zhesu, an army of Snowvis chased a remnant soldier into the mountains.

The eastern part of the empire is mountainous and barren. This remnant soldier is not panicking. They fled directly to a castle in the mountains. Near this castle, there is a small basin. There is a kind of honey produced here. The variety is rare and the output is not high, but it is a high-end goods that the magician is willing to buy.

Duke Zhesu, where hundreds of people are stationed all year round, the castle itself is not big, but it is built on the mountain and arranged with a magic array for taking water.

The number of remnants of the chased soldiers is more than 600. The chasing troops were originally two standard brigades.

After entering the mountain area, the tank troops could not pass. The commanding general had no choice but to leave the two tank squadrons outside the mountain area, with the rest of the soldiers, and followed the mountains.

Fortunately, the Trojan can pass through any rugged terrain. When the commanding general followed the trail and pursued the basin, the soldiers in the fortress were ready to fight on the mountain more than two hundred meters high.

Commander looked at the picture returned by the flying machine, and had some headaches. This turned out to be a magic fortress.

Normally, fortresses in remote locations do not need to be so powerful. They can bring more than 800 people into the mountains because each soldier has a horse.

If there is a magic fortress, there may be some magicians, even large magic arrays.

Looking at the scale of the fortress, plus the remnants, the number of enemies is over a thousand.

It doesn't matter if you are in a field. If you attack a city, your robot will lose nearly half of it, and it will be very difficult to attack. If you do n’t attack, you do n’t have many supplies.

Could you ask for support? If you ask for support, even if the military merits are given to others, you will get less from your men.

Military merit itself is a double-edged sword

Swords can inspire soldiers, but sometimes they appear in this way of thinking.

If it is Xiahe ’s army, he will not hesitate to call for air support. He will first use a flying warship to blow up the large weapons of the fortress.

Snowies is not as powerful as Xiahe's information ability. At this time, in the King Kong Mountain of Sun City, Smith was watching the battle of the Snowvis army. He did not pay special attention to a certain unit. The army of Snowis was cutting the large city of Duke of Dzesu from the surroundings to form an isolated island.

Then he dispatched troops of usually 1,000 people to sweep around.

The number of troops in large cities is sufficient, but if they are killed in the field, they are not as elite as Snowvis ’army, and there are too few robots.

Frankly said, the field will be abused.

Although there are still a lot of old-fashioned robots on Snowy's side, the main force equipment is not much different from that of Xiahe. There are advanced robot warriors, magic structures, and a sufficient number of scorpion-shaped machinery. People added.

In fact, if it is not to deal with the demons, a team does not need to be equipped with dozens of scorpion-shaped robots. This type of robot is not very high, and its attack power is still very high. It is usually normal to have ten in the team.

It's just that Xiahe's concept of war is different from that of Snowvis. In the future, he will let the squad of the main force serve as the command center and lead the second-tier troops to fight. Therefore, a squad, as the command center, must have its own combat power guaranteed, and it will be equipped with forty to fifty scorpion-shaped robot warriors.

So many worlds are going to conquer, relying on the legendary strong as the main force? Then do n’t practice.

In fact, this is also a way of war in many small worlds. There are few opportunities for the strong to enter the battlefield. Once the legend is dispatched, it is a decisive battle.

Smith paid attention to the battle situation and was ordered by Xiahe. Smith's advancement also encountered bottlenecks. His training speed is not slow, and he has accumulated enough, and his talents are higher than that of Medieri, but he can't keep up with Medieri's progress. This made him a little depressed.

Xiahe asked him to put down his practice and do whatever else he wanted.

It happened that Snowvis' troops began to bloom all over the Duke of Zhesu's territory, and he ran to Mount King Kong to observe the battlefield with the surveillance capability of Fire Raven One. He didn't want to learn anything for spiritual practice, just pure distraction.

Xiahe did not instruct him so, but Smith did just that. His talent allows him to act as he pleases.

Smith inadvertently saw the fortress in the basin and yelled out.

This fort has obvious technical traces of Daomen.

He mobilized the information and saw the information of the commander of the pursuit force.

Marshall, epic mage, currently thirty-one. Because of insufficient qualifications, the advancement speed is too fast, so I have not yet obtained the opportunity to enter the camp general circle. But he can already command the two teams to fight.

Oh? He has advanced in depth training in the Liangliang City, and his commanding ability is superior.

This mid-to-upper evaluation is very difficult for non-duke-in-laws. Their investment in command capability is far less than the number of people on Xiahe's side.

Xiahe is to let every soldier have a certain commanding ability, at least thinking, with the possibility of commanding fifty people.

Look at these two brigades again, it is regarded as Snowvis ’s heirs, 50% professional soldiers.

The carrying capacity of robots has also reached advanced standards, and there are now four robots per capita. In other words, more than three thousand robot warriors follow, plus more than eight hundred human soldiers, and some magical structures.

The only trouble is that the tank troops did not follow up, otherwise the tank ’s main gun could suppress the firepower in the castle.

Not to mention the tank squadron, that is, the tanks in the logistics squad, were left outside the mountains.


Smith saw that Marshall ordered the soldiers to camp?

No, he is getting an alchemy platform!

In the basin, Marshall is also helpless. The terrain here, the chariot must not be able to drive in, and the logistics chariots have been abandoned, outside the mountains. The call support is not reconciled, the other party has a thousand people, but there are more robot warriors. Especially the scorpion robot warrior,

The climbing ability is excellent, and the hill of more than 200 meters is like a flat ground.

Scorpion-shaped robot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Inside the duke's collar, also known as all-terrain robot warrior.

Marshall ordered: "Everyone rests on the spot, eats something, and attacks two hours later."

The captain of the other brigade hesitated and said: "Your Excellency, this castle has magic cannons, it is estimated that there are giant magic crossbows, although it is not big, but if we attack ..."

"It's not an estimate, there are two giant magic crossbows. In the castle, there should be a magician with a higher level than me, but it doesn't matter, I will try to solve it. I will charge with a scorpion robot."

The captain thought about it. The fortress in the distance was built on a hill. There was only one way up the mountain. It was relatively narrow. The scorpion-shaped robot could ignore the terrain and charge at other angles, but human soldiers only have this way. go.

Even if you get rid of the other party's large weapon, you will have to fill it by appointment.

Marshall looked at his expression and said, "You think too much. When I was in Liangliang City, I learned one thing, that is, war. Never think in a fixed form, especially local warfare. We only need to do it. "

"We don't have an air force." The captain said bluntly, without air fire suppression, charge on such a narrow road, reach the top of the mountain, how many people are going to die?

"Well, all masters, turn over the flame bottle." Marshall did not directly answer the captain's words, but issued another order. Then he prepared on his own alchemy platform.

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