Daomen Invasion

Chapter 898: :concern

However, this group of idiots are all epic mages. You can prepare a weapon box on your body and bring a heavy artillery. You go into the mountains to fight, there are no modular towers, no flying troops to follow, fight with light weapons, it is not stupid.

Attacked the fortress, the fortress over two hundred meters high, so stupidly rushed up.

Is that the enemy has no strong, otherwise it will be killed.

Brigade-level officers, it is really good to have an epic mage. The problem is, why not make a powerful piece of equipment? For example, there is a seven-page book on the Duke's side, which stores different magic according to different wizards.

If seven burning stars are dropped, almost all the important buildings in the fortress can be destroyed.

War is to crush opponents with a stronger force than the enemy.

Evenly matched? That doesn't exist. When evenly matched, it is best to temporarily avoid war, waiting for reinforcements.

But the Duke ’s leadership was willing to invest money in the main force, which is incomparable. For example, the concept of a weapon box is similar to that of a magic box. The volume has not been reduced, but the weapon box is placed in the space equipment, which has a very small burden on the spiritual power of the magician. The role of the weapon box is like this, which is equivalent to an expensive magic box.

This allows the epic mage to carry heavy weapons without affecting the combat effectiveness of the mage.

Yes, the space equipment looks tall, but if you carry too many things, the burden on mental energy will also be great. A magician who casts a spell also consumes mental energy. Bringing more things is equivalent to a decline in your own combat effectiveness.

Only Xiahe would consider preparing large heavy weapons for the epic mage to deal with this rare situation.

Anyway, if there is no flying unit to follow, there must be such a weapon box in Xiahe's army. Fighting against flesh and blood is the last resort.

Marshall and the mages cleaned the city head, and the scorpion-shaped mechanical talent rushed up the mountain and poured into the castle.

Marshall did not want any trophies because he was not a big advantage. He bombed with the mage, and half an hour later, the castle he thought was indestructible was taken by Marshall.

The robot started to clear the fortress and gather the captives. Marshall sat on the head of the city and checked the battle report.

More than 800 people lost a whole of 50 people!

This is how a squadron is gone. More injured people, more than two hundred. How did this fight!

Marshall is very angry. He and the mage have already eliminated the enemy's greatest threat. The lethality of the scorpion-shaped robot is terrifying. The barrel that can be turned can attack without dead ends.

That's it, still fifty people died.

Fifteen of them are still professionals.

Marshall was in a state of pain. Check the list of the dead and the list of the wounded.

Half of the people who died were not trained in Daliang City. After training, the time is also very short.

New weapons, new fighting methods, many veterans do not like it. Mainly unfit. But such weapons, if you are not familiar with them, will be killed by others.

The following people, writing combat documents on the spot, should report to the base camp.

Marshall is also writing his own report, mainly due to the problems in the battle and what is lacking.

The team is not well coordinated. This is the most important thing. It is important to know that the main force of Snowows is already equipped similarly to the main force of Xiahe. Each captain wears heavy magic armor.

Can release the air shield to protect the fighting range of a small team.

The air shield is fast and the defense is comprehensive. It stands to reason that small groups of troops are fighting. Such a team is quite powerful.

Was to fight with the enemy within a narrow range and killed fifty people.

The use of new weapons is unreasonable. In close combat, the heavy magic warrior rushed up, and there was clearly a distance of more than ten meters. At this time, he should pull out his short musket and blast it up in the face of the other party.

Six magic projectiles, none of which were used, and the unlucky warrior died.

You know, he has an air shield, and there are three soldiers beside him armed with spears. Even if the enemy rushes to the front, he will have time to get cold weapons.

There is another team

In a dead end, fighting hard with the enemy, hurting both sides.

The accompanying robots did not exert their power.

Magenet Master used fireball in the room and accidentally wounded his soldiers.

Precise shooters and enemies go hand-in-hand. Their armor is mainly light and does not affect anything in the upper house. The precision shooter should fight behind, it is best to find the commanding heights and shoot the enemy one shot at a time.

Marshall was not satisfied, and Smith felt ridiculous. The enemy didn't think so.

More than a thousand troops defending the castle, and more than 400 people were killed in battle. The loss ratio between the two sides was one to nine. There are also robots in the castle, and there are still a lot of them, but the loss ratio of the robots on both sides is also very outrageous.

Is probably one to four.

In any case, it is a win. After Marshall finished writing the report, his opponent said to the mage: "Pass my order, everyone's merits will be paid out in advance. This time I go back and take a five-day break."

Soldiers cheered, and then the issue of loot distribution. Because fifty soldiers died, the compassionate should be taken out in advance, and then it was everyone ’s share.

Snowis is very similar to Xiahe at this point, and never detains soldiers.

However, he is targeting the main force, and for the lower-level legions, the compassion is worse.

Compensation is divided into three aspects: merit, money, and loot. Merit is not easy to say, but since the battle is dead, even if there is a mistake, it will not be too much, and there will be preferential treatment when calculating. The money is fixed and will not be changed. As long as your mistake does not cause damage to the army, the pension is paid 100%.

Finally, there is a loot. The soldiers who died can also divide the loot and can send it to their hometown to leave a memorial for their families.

The loot itself is also valuable, if you don't want it, you can convert the gold coins.

The war system of the entire empire, even if Xiahe does not appear, is not behind.

The main world has invaded many worlds. If there is no interest to support, how could the soldiers sell their lives.

Smith looks at this, but he is distracted, but there are also a group of magicians in Mount Vajra, who are paying attention to the war in the territory of Duke Zhesu. They are analyzing and judging, collecting battlefield data.

The combat habits of the mages, the operations of the soldiers, including not limited to the combat capabilities of the entire Snowvis army.

Because of the huge army, many problems are not yet obvious. The army of the Duke of Zhesu seems to be the most powerful on the side of the main city. The remaining forces near the surrounding big cities are not themselves strong.

Although all armies are equipped with magic muskets as standard, there are many Trojan horses, magic armor, robots, cannons, and nothing is missing. However, this combat power is also far from its main force.

Flying warships are rarely used and not used well, which is a big problem.

The combat effectiveness of allies is a big problem. There is no conflict between Dino Snow and the Duke of Asla, and it is very important to increase the power of Dino Snow.

Xiahe is on the side of Tongtian Pagoda and reads reports every day.

The problems exposed by the Snowvis army, which may not be seen in the eyes of others, were overshadowed by his victory. In the war with the Duke of Zhesu, Snowvis occupied an absolute advantage, and all aspects of the data are quite good-looking.

But the observation on the battlefield made Xia He understand that the most elite troops that Snowows now brings out are only 30,000. These 30,000 people are the rank of their field army.

Besides 30,000 people, it is the level of their noble legion, which is too bad.

If it were n’t for weapon superiority, there would be more or less training, and the army on Xiahe ’s side would also do some cooperation and send out a flying fleet to help. Snow ’s army, which is better than the Duke of Zhesu, was not Absolute advantage.

Trouble, if you want to improve combat effectiveness, training time is necessary, and training intensity is also necessary.

Time, money, are indispensable.

Actual combat training, that would kill many people.

Thinking about it, Xiahe can only ask Cotton Jack to contact Snowvis and ask him if he needs any help.

Nowis now ran to Beam City, and he was also concerned about military training. Before and after, he voted for the Duke of Zhesu

There are more than one million troops already recruited.

This is his old book. He is no better than Angelina. The emperor gave him the elite, most of them in the icefield fortress.

He dared not move and was not as strong as the princess.

Cotton Jack contacted him, and Snowvis made a request immediately, hoping to invest about four legions in the Liangliang City for training. After the training, four more, the size of the twelve legions before and after ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ required according to the Duke Standard.

Phantom of Cotton Jack stood in front of Snowvis with a very embarrassed expression.

"Why? Short of money?" Snowvis asked honestly.

"The Duke leads the training, which is to burn money. His Royal Highness, the princess, will not spend so much magical power on the training. Forget it."

Snowus frowned, saying: "I can take out the magical ore mine of the underground world for training."

"His Royal Highness, the phantom array itself is where the soul enters, and the body is sleeping in the protection cabin. The potions in the protection cabin are also very expensive, and there are some materials in it that cannot be produced quickly. The price of the replacement is higher, I think it is unnecessary. "

Snowis hesitated, involving alchemy remedies, and that was not enough to fill in.

"His Royal Highness, why is the number of adults training troops in our family limited, and the establishment is no longer increased? It is because the alchemy remedies are too expensive to be mass-produced. You see, mass-produced, we are never stingy."

"So what do you need?"

"There is a list of materials, are you sure you want to see it?"

"Well." Snowvis gritted his teeth, he knew the gap between his army and Asra's army. The phantom training method has long existed in the empire, but it has achieved the effect of the Duke of Asla, and so far it is only the main force of Asla.

Training in the phantom array can even make ordinary people become professionals.

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