Daomen Invasion

Chapter 899: :Knights

Inside the Tiantian Tower, Xiahe looked at Medirelli and asked, "What are you doing in the New World?"

"My Knights have nothing to do, come and relax."

"The Merrifin family is about to attack Rhode Island. How could the Knights have nothing to do."

Medi Li said without a word: "Meriffin family, need to send my knights?"

Xiahe froze for a while, and the Knights of Medirelli had expanded over the years, and had soared to the size of seven battalions, which was no longer expanding.

The expansion of the Knights also gave birth to new magic equipment, magic mechanical unicorn.

There are now three types of knightly mounts, evil unicorn configuration, pale unicorn configuration, and magic mechanical unicorn configuration.

No matter what kind of configuration, it is piled up with money.

Among them, evil unicorns and pale unicorns are not only mass-produced, but the number also reaches the upper limit, and they are no longer manufactured. Although each structure is not yet a life, it also has a self-awareness and powerful combat power.

This is the strongest field army in Xiahe's hands. Forty thousand and two thousand people are all powerful. If the field battle is taken, even if the Merriffin family has a million troops, the Knights of Medirley can also confront head-on.

What's more, I never thought of letting the army of the Merrifin family land on the island, and the Knights of Medieri are indeed useless.

"Then you transfer the Knights to the New World, the Demon Forest needs powerful force to clear it."

"Isn't there Nietzsche II? Let me go north of the Great Wall. On the New World side, there are so many world channels that can't be blocked." Medieri is different from Smith. She is distracted and will do things. Xiahe also needs what she needs.

"Well, let Bering transport your legion." Xiahe agreed to her request.

"Gloenz Corps also gave me to clean the battlefield always need people, my knights are not suitable for this kind of work." Mediel Li was plain and plain.

"OK." Xiahe did not dismiss it. Medierli said it makes sense that her knights, even the logistics staff, are all combat knights. Each knight has its own space to meet its own needs. When she was in a different world, the Cavaliers followed the corps responsible for logistics.

If the unicorn knight is injured, he will temporarily withdraw from the battle formation and heal in the logistics army.

In fact, every battle in which unicorn knights participate is based on a squadron, and the size of the brigade is very rare.

Medily Knights are patiently waiting on the battlefield. When the battle situation is stuck, the Knights will directly hit the enemy's hardest position and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Then, the enemy avalanche.

And Xiahe's legion often did not need the Knights of Medierly to dispatch, and the battle was resolved.

The unicorn knights of the Knights of Medirelli are very proud warriors and also have a unique legion culture. This is also the most loyal force in Xiahe's hands. The sense of honor is not comparable to any legion.

In fact, Medirelli is forming his own logistics corps. This army will be full of 150,000. When the Medirelli Knights are downsized, they will only add staff to the Unicorn Logistics Corps. . But the Unicorn Logistics Corps needed too much money, and Medieri couldn't do it overnight. There is no shortage of manpower. She had the power to transfer the soldiers she needed.

Her own logistics corps have not been built yet, so she can only borrow the main corps to improve her battlefield affairs.

The Gronitz Corps has been perfected and is fully capable of taking on battlefield missions.

"Then I will stay here." Medirel smiled: "Teacher, I can learn from you again."

Xiahe couldn't help crying and saying, "If you like, just follow me, but where is the Knights?"

"There is a deputy army commander, my student, but not swordsmanship, gunnery."

"How old are you and you already have students?"

"When the teacher accepted me as a student, it was younger than me."

"What you said makes sense, but why do you stay here?"

"In other worlds, my actual combat experience ... there is really nothing to improve, so from today, I will practice training with the teacher every day. The phantom array of the Tongtian Tower should be affordable?

Xiahe nodded and said, "It's a huge phantom array, with high energy recovery and utilization rate, and you can afford more than a dozen."

"That's good, in a small place, the phantom array can't accommodate me." She smiled happily.

"Smith is on the bottleneck, how about you?"

"There is no bottleneck, that is, actual combat requires long experience. The teacher's combat mode ...... There is no mode at all, and it should give me a lot of experience."

"You will know." Xiahe is also very interested in fighting Jianxiu, which is also of great value to him. The scale of the phantom array on the side of the Tongtian Tower is no different from that on the Mount Vajra. The formation method is to communicate with deep space, and the power of deep space can be used to achieve results.

Even so, the consumption of running itself is not small.

Medi Li stayed on the side of the Tongtian Tower, and he and Xiahe were training in the phantom array every day. When Xiahe really started training, Xiahe understood why Medieli did not want to stay elsewhere. In terms of her combat effectiveness, there is no training for her, except for fighting against herself. She doesn't even need to expand Jianyuan to crush the enemy.

When Medirelli unfolded Jianyuan, Xiahe responded with all his strength. If he was not careful, he would experience the effect of dying in the phantom array.

Medi Li is also excited, fighting with people outside Xiahe, she does not need skills to crush directly, or she has to suppress her strength very low to hone her combat skills.

Only with Xiahe, she can fully exert her strength and improve her skills.

Xiahe also has a new understanding of himself. It stands to reason that Medierli is now at the same level as him. Jianxiu's combat power should have crushed him. But he is still ahead of Medieri.

After all, he is the master of the Six Dao Shenmeng, and his soul is much stronger than other Taoists. And his own six-life metacharacter, let him control the power far beyond Tongji.

On the New World, the joining of the Knights of Medieri made the battle north of the Great Wall easy. The Knights of Medieri took the Gloniz Corps and swept all the way north. The army that emerged near the World Passage was basically taken away by a wave of unicorn knights.

The unicorn squadron has been doing legendary things positively, more than once.

Medily Knights can't solve the northern problem, they can only kill the enemy, but they can't close the world channel. Moreover, the Knights will not be stationed outside the passage. The entire northern area is too large, even if it is ten times the strength, it is impossible to guard all places.

Medi Li also knows this, she let the Knights come over, it is to ease the problem of the north, don't let the strangers from the north take root easily. As long as the strength of the alien world exceeds a certain amount, the Knights will kill and destroy it.

The Legion of the Gronitz laid down the Knights of Medierli, which was originally unhappy.

It was not until after a battle that a standard brigade of the Knights, the size of 500 people, counted as a mechanical knight, and the combat unit only reached 1,500, which positively impacted a heavy army of about 60,000 people.

This army, coming from a different world, obviously wanted to invade. The overall scale exceeded 100,000. A simple fortress was built, and it was necessary to take root.

Then the Order of the Knights of Medellil commanded the Legion of Glonitz to challenge outside the fort, with more than 60,000 enemies, all heavy soldiers, arrayed outside the fort.

As a result, a large group of knights rushed forward, cutting through 60,000 enemy forces.

The scene was tragic and bloody, and many soldiers of the Gronitz Corps were shocked to see it. The Knights Brigade is like a whole, a steel chariot composed of 500 people, rolling over from the enemy's position.

Didn't use their long-range weapons at all, that is, constructing mounts, riding guns, charging, turning, and then charging.

In ten minutes, the enemy collapsed.

More than 60,000 enemy troops were killed by more than 10,000 people in the front. When the Gronitz army was on the field, they were facing enemies who fled around and attacked with magic guns behind.

Gronitz Corps kneeled down completely, no complaints about such things.

They want to defeat these 60,000 people head-on, with at least two battalions or more. In these two battalions, there are a lot of legends, and with the cooperation of the air, they will not necessarily defeat their opponents without loss One-fifth of the enemy's power died before it collapsed. It was already a strong army.

No wonder, this knighthood named after Lord Medelli can be so arrogant that the main army will fight for them. People do have such qualifications.

Personal combat power is not the reason to admire the Gronitz.

The battle formation of this knight group was terrible. Five hundred people formed a huge formation, and the force was twisted into a rope, facing the enemy's huge tower shield, steel barrier, professional warrior. The knights of the knights chanted the name of Lord Duke in their mouths and wore them like tearing a piece of paper.

The power emitted from the rifle formed a huge edge, spreading hundreds of meters away.

The legendary mage in the Glonitz Legion looked at him, and he was cold all over. If he stood in front and was shocked by the knight's momentum, he could not fly.

The key is that among these 500 people, there are all professions, and there are magicians.

Since then, the Legion of Gronitz has searched for enemies of large scale, and then let the Knights pass by, annihilating them one by one. Usually one or two squadrons, with the main corps of a battalion. The main legion attracted the enemy to gather, and then the knight rushed over and crushed the gathered enemies into corpses.

Xiahe was very happy when he saw the report.

The goal of the formation of the Knights of Medirelli was this, so that he had ace power in his hands.

It's just that such a construction is not worth it, and he is not very clear. The money for the formation of the Knights of Medieri is no problem for the formation of more than a dozen legions. To this day, he has seen the growth of the Knights.

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