Daomen Invasion

Chapter 901: :give up

Duke Zhesu stared at this person for a while, and at the same time felt the attitude of others in the conference room.

Everyone wants him to surrender to His Royal Highness.

However, surrendering to Her Royal Highness will not change her destiny. Her Royal Highness will make Asla her superior, command her own army, and attack the Merrifin family.

When your own power is exhausted, you can play whatever you want when the opponent turns over.

Where are these people? Will mix a place on the side of the princess, continue well.

Duke Zhesu sighed and said, "Noga, I'll leave it to you."


Everyone in the conference room was stunned. There were the duke's staff, vassals and nobles, and some relatives. The blood relationship was not too far away.

Because of the powerful offensive of Snowvis, these people have kept a clear mind to protect themselves.

But, will you allow it!

Noga, the commander of the Duke of Dzhesu Magic Legion, has hundreds of thousands of elites in his hand. Under the Magic Legion, there are several secondary legions, which belong to Noga's power, and have more than 1.2 million people.

Isn't he in a different world?

Duke Zhesu stood up, surrounded by his own soldiers, and left the meeting room, where Noga appeared.

The captain of the army, wearing magical armor, shone with gloomy elements all over his body. Empire mages have various styles, but such mages wearing magic heavy armor are very rare.

There was a transparent crystal mask on Noga ’s face. His gaze swept across everyone ’s face in the meeting room and smiled: "Do you want to disarm yourself, or do I come to do it yourself? I started with this person, always knowing nothing about it. . "

The meeting room was silent, Duke Zhesu's most trusted person, the commander of the Noga Army, a veteran legendary strongman, and almost every world that Duke Zhesu shot down has his figure. In the Magic Legion, the number of legendary mages before was more than twenty. After the loosening of world rules, it is not known how many people advanced.

Even if there is no one, Noga itself is also a magician with more than level 65. Who dares to be presumptuous in front of him?

Duke Zhesu left the meeting room and asked his soldiers to gather. In his hand, there was a Guards Corps, with a number of only 500 people. This Guard Corps is the most loyal soldier.

Not long after, the Guards Corps was assembled, and Duke Zhesu took them to the city.

Looking east from the city head, the unfrozen ground outside the city was covered with yellow grass, and there was no greenery yet. In the sky, there is heavy haze, and the sun's rays are not so dazzling.

On the city tower, with a huge alchemical telescope, Duke Zhesu stood behind, looking at the Great Wall more than twenty miles away.

The Great Wall of the Duke of Asla, before that, everyone had always seen it as a joke. But now? I was trapped by the Great Wall and lost contact with other large cities.

By the way, the magic airship dared not fly out. The opponent had a huge number of flying warships.

Flying warships are also available in the Duke of Zhesu, but they are all old-fashioned and not many in number.

If the number is not large, it is at most a few people to leave, it can not be used to mobilize the army.

The Great Wall of the Duke of Asra is twenty meters away. Every twenty miles, a tower is built, which is a small fortress. The city walls are very heavy, but the towers are the most troublesome. The magical artificial stones are used there, which cannot be opened by the magic cannon.

There is a large magic circle guarding in the castle tower, even if the magic army is mobilized, it can't be captured.

The other party's Great Wall is a complex system. In some places, there are multiple walls, and the mezzanine is the barracks. Various magic weapons can be seen everywhere.

On the tower facing the front, you can see a large magic artillery and a complicated magic ballista.

Right, there is a magician in a white robe across from him, who is also looking at himself with an alchemical telescope. Seeing himself, the magician circled out of the alchemy telescope and waved to himself.

On his magic robe, there is a badge pattern with a three-legged fire crow on it.

This is a magician led by the Duke of Asla, not the King of Snowvis.

Asra ...

When he first arrived in Rhode Island, he didn't have the strength as he is today. At that time, he should find a way to kill him.

Unfortunately, at that time, His Majesty the Emperor paid much attention to this side.

Yeah, she has always had a bad attitude towards Princess Angelina. So the emperor sent Asla over just to have today?

At that time, the east was still not so important to the empire.

But now, the New World is almost down, and the Eastern Empire is different from the original. Especially in Rhode Island, the geographical location shows its advantages.

And himself, was locked by Rhode Island.

So, how could he be good with Asra, he didn't need himself at all. If you want to make allies, it is to be mutually beneficial.

First of all, Asra has his own strength, then it is that Snowvis is willing to form an alliance, and then it is the military cooperation of both sides.

Duke Zhesu knows everything, but it is useless.

He also waved to the white robe mage, and left the alchemy telescope. He hasn't gone to the city for some days, but he has been paying attention to intelligence.

Asra sent a legion of troops to prevent him from protruding from the main city.

An army, 150,000 people, millions of robot warriors, is enough to trap themselves. There is also the army of Snowvis, around the main city, with approximately half a million people stationed. Because the Great Wall is built so wide, half a million people can maneuver at the head of the city, ride on wooden horses, and quickly support any place.

Behind Duke Zhesu, a young mage said: "Adult, magic letters from various places for help, you haven't replied yet."

"There is nothing to reply, the army of the Merrifin family is not open. On my own words, attacking the Great Wall will cause heavy losses. The opposing force can be continuously invested in both directions."

Snowies ’power comes from the west, and the Duke of Asla is to the east, and the territory of the Duke of Zhesu is basically undefended. The opposing legion can quickly transport troops.

The Master doubted that the Duke and Master had already dealt with the traitors, wasn't it for the decisive battle?

"We have to retreat, Angelina has no right to cancel my title, although I failed, but I still have the status, go to another world and wait for opportunities. I don't believe that the nobles of the empire can beat the coalition of four of them ! "

Duke Zhesu was indignant, his territory was attacked, his army was retreating, but the imperial nobility had no real support. Everyone wants to go through the war between him and Snowvis to see what his cards are, and see how the fighting power of the princess allies.

I do n’t play anymore. I go to a different world, block the passage, hide the coordinates, and you can toss around my territory. Anyway, the emperor did not give orders himself, and even the high princess did not have the power to cancel his title.

As long as the Magic Legion is still there, he will have a chance to kill it.

"What about the other troops in that territory?" The young mage hurriedly.

"Issued an order to allow them to surrender." Duke Zhesu said in a straight face: "As long as you surrender, the other party will not be able to kill any more, and the crime they gave me is not so heavy."

Duke Zhesu was at the head of the city, and said these words with his cronies, and his heart was like a sword.

Regardless of the peace on his face, but temporarily giving up the territory of the main world, this is a huge humiliation. This humiliation requires blood to cleanse.

He said this at the head of the city. On top of his head, there was a tiny mechanical monster, hidden in the shadow, recording every word he said, and then passed on to the distant monster, the distant mechanical monster, Then pass it to the hidden mechanical birds in the wilderness.

Flying birds in the wilderness, can not see the true and false, they pass the information passively to the starry sky flagship in high altitude.

"Oh? Zhe Su wants to run away, which is not good." Xiahe was the first to pay attention to this news in Tongtian Tower. The Duke of Zhesu was about to run, but he never thought of it.

Although the strength of Duke Zhesu is not as good as that of the Merrifin family, his world is kept secret, and he cannot find the coordinates. When he escapes, he cannot catch him.

Destroy the portal on the side of the main world, completely destroy it, then he disappeared into his vision.

The old guy is so ruthless, is this willing?

Xiahe hasn't sent his main force to play because he was afraid that Zhesu would run away, so he asked Snowvis' troops to fight. However, this did not give Duke Su the confidence. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. He fled without a fight, which Xiahe was most unwilling to see.

Xiahe immediately asked Cotton Jack to contact Snowvis, who was also surprised when he heard that Jesu would run. It takes a lot of courage to give up the territory of the main world.

"Jack, you said, what should we do?"

"One way is to ignore him, the rest of the city, accept the surrender, and transfer all their people to other worlds to take charge of development."

"What about the second solution?"

"Gather all the flying fleets, bomb the main city, and destroy the whole main city. In that case, Zhesu was run away, not a strategic retreat. It would be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the main world. Our loss will not be small, even if a warship does not fall, and the material consumed is a terrible figure if he wants to blow up his main city. With so many resources, it can be used in the Merrifin family army . "

"If it were you, how would you choose?"

Snowies asked Cotton Jack's opinion, Cotton Jack said: "Your Highness has an idea, why ask me?"

"Let's learn it." Snowvis was quite good-natured.

"His Royal Highness really want to hear?"


"Then immediately spread the news that my adult wrote to the Duke of Zhesu, let him surrender, can let him leave the main world, but must give up the power of the main world. The two sides are in intense negotiations, within three to five days. There are results. This news was released for the Merrifin family. "

"You are really insidious, Jack, I thought you were a loyal person before." Snowvis exclaimed.

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