Daomen Invasion

: No. 902: Xiahe Project

Cotton Jack said: "Your Highness, how can you say that to me?"


"I wasn't a loyal person originally. My ideal in life is to be a big pirate, who can traverse the vast sea of ​​stars and rob everyone who can be robbed."

Snoweves was defeated by Cotton Jack, and he could not make fun of someone who wanted to be a pirate king.

But the practice of Cotton Jack is indeed insidious, that is, stigmatizing Zhe Su. If Zhe Su came out to explain, the forces outside the main city could not surrender.

If you do not surrender, you will all die, and the Duke abandoned his army, his people, and escaped alone, which will leave a bad reputation.

No matter how Duke Zhesu handled it, his reputation could not be improved.

If this is not done, it is not legal to accept those surrendering troops and the people of the duke. The main reason is that Xiahe couldn't get his name right under his own name. The territory of Duke Zhesu was afraid to give it to the royal family.

Isn't Xiahe busy? Therefore, the method of Cotton Jack is to let Duke Zhesu have no choice.

Admits, that is, surrender to the Duke of Asla. If he does not admit it, he will never come back. His territory will be taken down bloody. In the name of Asla, he will eventually belong to Rhode Island.

"Then use your method, after all, I promised Asla." Snowvis knew what Jack meant, and he helped the Duke of Asla.

"Well, Your Royal Highness will use this insidious method, it will damage your reputation, let me do it."

"No need, you can give me peace of mind to produce equipment. By the way, my equipment here, use my alchemy factory. Help me train some alchemists."

"This is no problem, it's all right." Cotton Jack answered with a smile.

Snowies can be fought, not Angelina, Angelina is to be the queen, and ultimately there is no reconciliation situation, the two sides must always be hostile.

Let me say that it is the closest ally, and training alchemists is not a big deal. Some of the royal alchemists are just not used to the production of such weapons. It will save a lot of time for the Duke to help him develop.

And the people of the Duke, holding a salary, help in the past, and can improve their alchemy level, why not do it.

By the way, all of this is to spend Snowvis' money.

The Duke ’s leader does not care about the technological progress of his allies. For Xiahe, the technology of the main world is still far away, mainly because the technology is not at all.

Magic creations are also much worse than the combination of Taoism and technology.

These are the basic abilities at the moment. Let the alchemists in this world flood a little, and things that Xiahe will do in the future will be easier.

Someone else spends money to train, Xiahe certainly likes it. This is what Cotton Jack knew.

If Duke Zhesu escaped, the pressure on Snowows would be reduced, and Xiahe could accept everything directly. Migrate leaders, receive captives, send them to a different world, and supplement the power of a different world. If Xiahe collected all the captives here, they would be able to solve the two worlds of the Merrifin family that had been beaten down, so that the other side would become stable and could be quickly transferred to production.

It looks like the princess and the Muse, because the pressure on the world is open, their pressure is reduced. They are not the same as Xiahe. Xiahe really controls the entire north and needs to constantly clean up the invaders. And Muses has never been able to control the south. He really was outside for a model of the Great Wall, and he didn't spend much money.

As for the princess, her strength is large enough, and her territory is not as big as Xiahe. It is easy to pack up.

Xiahe now has the Medilly Legion in the north, and the noble legion can start the war to assist the princess. After the princess is almost cleared, concentrate on the firepower to deal with the problem in the south.

Museis is not bad luck, anyway, his strength is concentrated, even if the outside world army appears, and the scale exceeds one million, he will not be able to beat his old nest.

Xiahe immediately made a decision, and on the side of Cotton Jack, he contacted the princess and offered to help.

Princess Angelina could see through the phantom magic circle, deep in the gentle smile on the face of Cotton Jack, what was hiding.

"You are so straightforward, okay?" Angelina said depressed.

"Anyway, sooner or later I will say it."

"What do you like?"

"Central minerals, my adult, on the side of the Devil Forest, build a city, rest assured, next to the Great Wall, did not reach the area controlled by His Royal Highness."

"Resources are needed, so you plan to get them from me?"

"His Royal Highness is not strong enough to maintain mining production. It is better to cooperate with everyone. I help His Highness clean up people from outside the world. His Highness opens the mine and the two jointly mine."

"I heard that Medirelli went north?"

"His Royal Highness news is really well-informed, yes, Medieri's legion cleared out strangers in the north, so my grown-ups are now well-armed."

"Why does Asra want so much minerals?"

"Manufacturing machinery, the pollution in the New World is so serious, even if it is cleaned, it must first be developed by machinery. Cultivation of farmland, should ordinary people come here? I am afraid that it will reduce the lifespan by 20 years. Let the professionals farm It ’s not impossible, but the opening of the Universal Realm is not enough for professionals to serve as soldiers. "

Cotton Jack did n’t lie, Xiahe now needs to invest a lot of resources to build the Devil ’s Forest, and also includes the canal that crosses the east and west.

To develop the New World, too much capital needs to be invested, and he cannot afford to pay for it all by himself.

Theoretically, south of the Great Wall, it was not his site, but the Devil's Forest, nor the princess's, the location originally belonged to those rebellious nobles.

But the canal is different. Xiahe can occupy Yamaguchi Castle and the Devil's Forest, but the canal must be used by the princess. Near the canal, the princess will also build the city.

Xiahe could not build his most important city in the New World south of the Great Wall.

Cracks are important and cannot be given up.

Moromi no Mori, to reach the scale of design, hardware to meet the conditions of Xiahe, the need to spend more money. A magic branch is to be built here, which is the third seat of the Duke of Xiahe.

The stormy corner is a gathering place of scientific research talents. Sun City, the magician who comes out, basically enters the army.

On the side of the Mori no Mori, Xiahe will do the work of popularizing magic. That is to say, he hopes that all people will have the opportunity to learn magic, even if they are not qualified, they can learn common sense. ..

Alchemy factory requires a lot of people with common sense of magic to work. They don't need to be able to manipulate magic by themselves, understand the basic principles, they can manipulate those machines, construct life and so on.

In Shenzhou, it is not difficult to become a professional. The problem is that with the help of science and technology, the manufacture of drugs that improve genes, and the longevity of human beings, ordinary people can also reach the level of professionals. So, some lazy people don't care about cultivation at all. Anyway, as long as you spend money, you can buy genetic medicines. Although the life span is not much, but it is disease-free and disaster-free, and you can stay young and be satisfied.

Can enjoy this life.

But all of this can only happen under the premise of the explosion of knowledge. God Week does not require everyone to practice, so it can have enough power.

And in this world, the number of professionals is still far from meeting Xiahe's needs.

Now in his army, many middle-aged and old professionals are already suffering from injuries, and their lifespan will not be too long, so so many legions seem to be very strong. In fact, if he wants to maintain a full series, he will continue to manufacture qualified. Only when the professional comes out, can he keep the number of his army at the current scale.

The speed of this hematopoiesis is the slowest.

The Forest of Demon Worms, not only cultivates magicians, but also develops all professions. Because everyone's qualifications are different, some people are good at learning magic, and some people can be assassins.

Teach students according to their aptitude, let the teenagers become qualified young professionals, and then join the army, starting from the bottom, this is the training task of the Mori no Mori. On the other hand, the Sun City is mainly for training officers. The three generations of grandchildren and grandchildren must thoroughly investigate before they can pass the exam.

Angelina doesn't feel distressed about the minerals. Of course she doesn't know that Xiahe needs a lot of resources to build two strongholds to nail the important areas in the north. No matter how many people come from outside the world.

His Tongtian Tower, the Twin Cities, the two strongholds, and the Forest of the Demon Worm. If these places are not lost, everything will be fine.

The scale of the two fortresses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is designed with reference to the Woods fortress. It requires a large number of fortress cannons, which can launch powerful shells in a cheap way and destroy all heavy weapons of the enemy.

The fortress gun itself, it seems that the manufacturing materials are not advanced, in fact, the difficulty is very high.

The fortress itself is to be combined with the earth's veins, so that the magic circle will come alive, and one by one, forming a huge magic gear, turning the entire fortress into a whole.

Fortress cannon is just one part of it.

There are a lot of materials in it, and it takes years to accumulate. If not, use time magic to facilitate it, and the consumption can be imagined.

The gold of time has reached thousands of scales, no matter which one, the number of original materials is millions of times of the finished product. After being washed away by time, what remains is the imprint of time and the accumulation of history in order to exert its unique attributes.

The fortress material of the empire was accumulated by the empire for countless years.

Xiahe is an upstart, an upstart, these materials can not have.

He is also madly learning knowledge, requesting to rebuild the floating city, also in order to grasp the laws of this world in more detail. After the floating city is built, the level of infrastructure of the Duke's leadership will be really improved.

Xiahe borrowed 400 million gold coins without thinking about making money. What he wanted was to rebuild the floating city and cultivate all the people in his hands.

What learns from mankind will eventually have its own soul characteristics and become a unique existence. All of this information will be recorded by Fire Raven One and copied by other flagships.

After, the Star Fleet will have the ability to pass on knowledge.

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