Daomen Invasion

Chapter 939: : Legendary outfit (1)

Sha Zhenren's voice is thick, like Hong Zhong.

"Pulman, you told people to kill these dragons, it's all yours." After he finished, he disappeared on the battlefield and returned to the bottom of the collapsed tower.

The body of the disciple is not cold yet.

Pullman had no choice but to lead the two squadrons personally, and let the magic cannon and large magic musket in the castle continue to attack.

Sha Zhenren was injured. He was afraid that a new enemy would appear again immediately. After returning, he let his disciples converge his body and protect him. The bottom layer is not destroyed yet. It is a place where some materials are temporarily placed. The robots inside did not attack him. The Shazhen people swallowed a bottle of elixir and meditated on the spot.

A female priest asked: "Uncle Shi, why don't you go into the fortress to recuperate, and forgive them not to stop you."

"Do you really think that there will be no stronger presence in the fortress? And I think that Pullman, with the death will, why should I provoke him. Pullman is just a small captain, commanding the army of 500 people . I understand clearly their organization. One legion is 150,000. The captain already has this level. Think about it, what level will the legion be? "

The Taoist woman said: "But the space is closed here ..."

"There will be a day of meeting sooner or later. We can't come to this world and offend everyone. In the same way as Pullman said, our Tianqimen has important people doing things for them, that is a cooperative relationship. If the relationship is destroyed at will, it is not the monk's behavior. "

"Yes, Uncle Shi, I get it."

Sha Zhen shook his head. The nephew was still too young. What was the use of killing these people, but he just grabbed a fortress.

Barman Pullman personally led people outside the city. The artillery and giant firearms on the head of the city have been attacking, and the two living dragons are dying.

Baron Pullman didn't go up, just let soldiers and robots attack with guns from afar.

The captain's shield is fully open, the dragon wants to release magic, but the soul is seriously damaged. If you fight hard, your body will not listen to the command.

The opponent is a few hundred meters away, if it is usual, the dragon will arrive with a wave of wings.

Now this distance is the sky.

In the dilapidated tower, a Taoist priest observed in secret. When Barman Pullman killed the dragon, he went down and reported: "Uncle Master, they have a puppet, like a first-class, but they have never shot . "

"Hey, I said it. If I clash with them, I'm afraid of my injury."

Of course, Sha Zhenren doesn't think what the first-order puppet can do to him, but let these disciples and disciples not be too proud, lest the ditch turn over.

Even if he is seriously injured, it is not a puppet.

After a while, Barman Pullman came over and said, "Your Excellency, please transfer your disciples to the other side of the tower. Here I will repair it and make it stronger, and then please come back."

Sha Zhenren didn't say anything. He didn't react when the dragon attacked. Don't count on the soldiers under the first order.

To anger others is done by the weak.

Although his disciple died, he was very sad, but he had to be reasonable.

"Forget it, I will rebuild here myself."

"Alright, I will empty the room below and rebuild a fort in the east, and I will hand it over to you here. If you need any materials, you can also tell me, if you can, I will try it."

A Taoist snorted and said, "Why not ask my uncle to enter the castle and want to live in such a place?"

"It has already been said that it is a military restricted zone. Normally, it is this wall, and not everyone can go on it."

"Hello bold!" The priest yelled angrily.

Barman Pullman smiled and said, "Okay, I am a soldier and a nobleman. There is no shortage of courage. When I see my Duke in the future, I will naturally see your fellow men. Why do you want to try to test me now? ? "

Sha Zhen raised his hand and stopped the priest. He said: "Pulman, I believe what you said. But this time, if I were not there, your fortress would not be able to hold it."

"My people are dead. Naturally anyone can enter. In the future, Lord Duke will avenge me." Baron Pullman replied in a humble manner.

"I mean, you haven't thanked me yet." Sha Zhenren's smiling face is a bit scary. He was born with a bit of awfulness, and his body exuded a little bit of coercion that reached the fourth order, and ordinary legends are all Nope.

Barman Pullman smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency, you have thrown all six dragons to me, how can you care about the gratitude. Your help, everything you do, the Duke will remember."

"Then you can give me some of the stones for building the wall, what else?"

"This is a man-made stone, not cheap or expensive. It depends on whether you have resources in your home. If you have one, you can make it. It is not as good as obsidian, but it can be mass-produced. If you want, I will send some."

"You are very good, I think your Duke is also a great character. Go ahead and give me some, just to repair the damaged part of the wall."

"Yes." Baron Pullman stepped back and returned to his castle.

Immediately after entering the castle, he removed the magical armor, and all the shirts inside were soaked.

Sha Zhenren just scared him a bit and already overwhelmed him. If it weren't for the armor special, he couldn't stand taking drugs before going to kill the seriously wounded dragon.

Barman Pullman took a small box out of his badge, opened it, and picked a little jade paste.

The ordinary captain will not have this thing, Xiahe rewarded him.

After taking the jade paste, most of the discomfort on the body subsided.

On the side of Sha Zhenren, he said to his disciples: "How about, this Pullman is weaker than any of you, but the pressure I released, he resisted."

"Uncle Shi, why did you give them the dragon corpses?"

"Did you not see that some of the soldiers are not in the stream, they can be close to the dragon a few hundred meters away. The creature like the dragon has a special dragon power. It is good for ordinary people to encounter it without paralysis. What is the dragon body, go to the world where there is a dragon, how much you want to kill, as long as the elder in the door shoots. "

The young priests realized that Sha Zhen was still trying to figure out the standard of the people in the castle.

Now it seems that the standard is very high.

Even ordinary soldiers can be trained to such a degree that the secular army of their own world, if released, might be crushed.

"Do n’t think too much about it, because the equipment of these soldiers is afraid that the core of the duke is elite. There are not many soldiers like this. There are hundreds of thousands of such soldiers in the Imperial Corps of our world. More, not worse than them. "

Sha Zhenren really doesn't know that in the hands of Xiahe, there are more than 1 million noble legions, which is not his core strength.

Not to mention other nobles, as well as the royal family, even some private troops in the hands of the Nine Academy, will not be worse than his noble army.

The aristocratic legion was formed too late and was entirely supported by equipment.

His world is not small, but it is incomparable with the main world. The secular power of the main world has expanded into many worlds, and human resources are the most abundant.

The army in the hands of the great nobility can be carefully selected.

And in order to conquer other worlds, the military equipment of the nobles will not be worse.

Even without the magic gun, their magical crossbow technology has reached the pinnacle of many worlds and has the absolute advantage of combat distance.

After the magic musket came out, Xiahe improved the charge of the magic projectile, although it could not be copied, but gave others ideas, and soon a cheap magic projectile appeared.

Not as cheap as Xiahe, but also more cost-effective than magic arrows.

Tianqimen ’s breathing method was so powerful that Sha Zhenren healed while talking. Not long after, a robot came over, evacuated the warehouse, and sent a large amount of stone. Sha Zhenren glanced at the stone, and he knew in his heart that the other party did not understand his own strength. There was a lot of stone sent, and he should be worried about attrition.

It also shows that the level of spells in this world is still ordinary.

This time he guessed wrong again. It is not that the magical standards of this world are ordinary, but the construction work of Xiahe. Except for the important parts, the rest must be considered for cost. Tens of thousands of miles of the Great Wall, all of which are so high-level magical creations, Xiahe could not be bankrupt.

In places like the Twin Immortals of the Devil's Forest, Tongtian Tower and Mount Vajrasattva, the cost of materials is not counted.

The same is true for the Asra Academy of Magic at Stormwind, which is the headquarters of the Academy of Magic.

Sha Zhenren builds his own house here, lest he be attacked by some powerful creature next time, and be killed when he sleeps.

On the side of Barman Pullman, the bodies of six dragons were obtained in plain white, all of which are legendary, which is considered a bumper harvest.

In the warehouse, the legendary three-legged firecrow configuration told Baron Pullman: "Baron, I need some dragon materials to upgrade my level."

"To make a record ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ should be." There is no emotion in the construction. Barman Pullman follows the rules in this way, which is in line with the logic of the construction.

If Barman Pullman does not keep a record, just give it his loot, the configuration will be recorded and reported to it.

"Excuse me, do you have a name?"

"It hasn't been named yet, number eighteen." Legend constructively said.

"I want to ask, can you help me upgrade all the structures in the brigade to a lower level?"

"They are not advanced magical creations, and their level will not exceed their upper limit. For example, the legendary configuration in your team, the upper limit is forty. How to change the material, at most, it will increase the combat effectiveness. It ’s better to equip them with better weapons. "

"I see, can you make advanced weapons?"

"There will be only a few dozen kinds. If you give me drawings, I may be able to make more, but ... it will not be very good." The construction answered truthfully.

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