Daomen Invasion

Chapter 940: : Legendary outfit (2)

"So ..."

"Leave me the weapons and equipment in the brigade. Although I will be limited, the upper limit is relatively high."

"Thank you so much."

"Doing things for the Duke, it should be."

Barman Pullman suddenly felt as if he were a living person in front of him. He spoke in a structured manner and interacted with each other. The surface also looked different from the puppet, breathing, blood and flesh.

The six dragon corpses were sent to the warehouse. On the 18th, they assembled a alchemy platform, and then began to decompose the dragon corpses.

Fortunately, this place was originally a place to store supplies, although it is not large, but it is very complete.

There are also space equipment, dragon blood is stored first, then dragon tendons, scales, horns, minions and so on.

Man-made dragon scales are good for making scrolls, but real dragon scales are best used as protective equipment, and dragon skin is the best casting material. But the Duke's leader does not lack materials for making scrolls. These things will be refined into original materials and used as rewards in the warehouse.

Six-headed dragons and three-headed dragon souls were destroyed, and the rest were not dissipated. They were put away to form dragon balls.

Although the value of the keel is the lowest, it is now the most useful.

The keel milling powder, refined into magic projectiles, is very easy to control, and can form precise magic patterns inside the projectiles. The power of this projectile will be very great.

On the 18th, construct the space on your abdomen, take out the magical musket inside, and add the dragon's material to make it again. He is not good at alchemy, but his weapons are different. He has detailed drawings and refining procedures. Anything that is relevant to him and available to him has the relevant skills stored in the computing core.

His magic musket, also in the form of a short spear, has three firing holes.

It looks the same as the standard weapon, and it is the same as the magician's staff, but the material of his weapon is more tough and sharp, and it can completely fight hard with the heavy warrior.

The eighteenth configuration also absorbs the remnant of the dragon, the crushed soul of the three-headed soul, to enhance its computing core.

Xiahe does not impose restrictions on them, and constructs itself, as long as Xiahe does not die, there is no possibility of betrayal. Xiahe is dead and will follow Asteria.

If Asteria's philosophy is the same as Xiahe's, no changes will be made, and these constructs will follow him loyally.

If Asteria doesn't care about the development of Taiyinxian Palace, it's really possible that the construction will be mutiny.

The internal logic made by Xiahe is unique to Daomen, but it is not something black and white in the world of technology.

Although many advanced worlds of science and technology have proposed the concept of chaos, none of them can really be implemented.

The design of No. 18 is moody. He is now in a happy mood. The Duke originally ordered him to be stationed at the seaside, waiting for the arrival of large troops, he would be transferred to the port. This kind of thing happened and was trapped in a closed space. It was originally a boring thing.

There are now many enemies, and the people here happen to have six dragons.

Then his own value is reflected.

Sha Zhenren is a threat. The core of the thinking calculation constructed on the 18th has always been very worried. So he asked for the dragon body.

What Barman Pullman did not know is that the level of the eighteenth is higher than him, not a professional level.

In the prince of the Duke, the identity constructed on the 18th is equivalent to a deputy commander.

The three-legged fire crow series, which can upgrade themselves to legend, are all under this treatment. More advanced is the magical construction of the Blue Moon series. Those constructions are all made by hand, and no parts are mass-produced.

All designs are repeatedly verified by a powerful computing core and tested in a phantom array.

The Sky Blue Moon series looks the same, but in fact each one is very personal, just like a human being, with different internals.

Like the Commander series, the Assaulter series, the upper limit is forty.

The short pterosaur construction is also able to surpass the legendary construction. The larger number is the unicorn series.

Although the guardian configuration also surpasses the legend, but that series is a configuration of medical and equipment maintenance, and its combat ability is not excellent.

In addition to the legendary configuration, it is not a series of products, which may be the accidental work of a magician.

As stated on the 18th, the commander in the brigade is at the 40th level, and no matter how to change the materials, the core of the calculation has already determined the level.

The core of the construction is equivalent to an artificial soul, the most difficult to upgrade.

Xiahe's plan will only equip all legendary weapons with special powers like the Knights of Medirelli.

For example, the mechanical unicorn configuration will be designed in the future.

That is the most powerful assault force in the world. There is only one legion, and it will not continue to expand. Even if he occupied the universe in the future, the Unicorn Knights would be unique.

On the eighteenth, the first part of the body can be lifted up and down, and it absorbs the smashed dragon soul, which makes him benefit a lot. This time, it is less to increase the level 10.

The relatively complete dragon soul didn't move and he had to hand it over to the Duke.

Then, the eighteenth construction took itself as the prototype and refined nine constructions of the three-legged firecrow series. Because the materials are solid, as soon as these nine configurations are born, the level is close to level 40.

The dragon is a very good material, and the body is large enough to make nine three-legged fire crows, and it is not necessary to use a dragon on the 18th. The level is not legendary, because he also uses the broken soul of the dragon, manufactures the computing core, and also consumes a little of the warehouse's inventory.

The eighteenth configuration made nine configurations equivalent to thirty-nine levels, which made Barman Pullman overjoyed.

This is just a few days of effort. If you continue to refine, the castle will be much safer.

Knowing what he thought on the 18th, he told Baron Pullman: "The structure I made needs me to control it, just like a robot warrior, do you understand?"

Barman Pullman was disappointed, but said nothing.

The construction made on the 18th can only be commanded by him. It seems that he ca n’t command too much. Nine may not be the limit. If there are more problems, it will also waste materials. The limit state is not the best state of battle.

On the 18th, the costume smiled and said, "With them, I can pretend to be a normal magic costume and act with you. That Shazhen, who can't see my level, can only think that we use dragons, Ten magical constructs were created. "

Pullman was overjoyed, constructing on the 18th, said: "I didn't want to go out before, I didn't want him to see our cards, now I can hide it, all the three-legged firecrow series of constructs look like they are all in level 30 At that time, the real people of Nasha could see the strength of level 35 at most. "

"Got it, I won't be afraid of him anymore."

"How is it possible that I can't beat him, plus these nine will not work. But if attacked, it will probably kill him half, and we will no longer exist ten. The rest, it depends on whether you can do it."

"That won't work!"

"I mean, for the time being, we have no conflicts of interest with him. If he wants to do harm to you, I can't just sit back and ignore it. By the way, I only made so few. The soul material is gone. If it is rebuilt, it is at most 20 levels. It is better to upgrade the existing structure, you can let the structure come in batches. "

"Okay." Barman Pullman immediately sent an order to let the magic of the brigade build up and come to the core warehouse in batches to upgrade the 18th build.

The eighteenth configuration will create magic projectiles, which is great news for the entire brigade. The materials brought by the dragon allow them to refine the magic metal. The soldiers' magic muskets are finally no longer burning sticks.

The days in the castle are always repeated.

Because of the difficulty of returning, Sha Zhenren had to practice here and wait for the opportunity. They are Taoists, absorbing the power of deep space. In this closed space, it does not mean that it is completely impossible, but it is slow.

There are patrols in the city's heads day and night. When the three-legged firecrow series appeared, Sha Zhenren didn't care.

Less than a first-order puppet, many dragon materials should be used. It seems that the puppet technology in this world is very developed, almost equal to Daomen.

After the appearance of the six dragons, no disaster broke out in this space.

The enemies that appeared one after another, with a small number of legends, were solved by Sha Zhen. But later, Shazheng shot, but did not give the loot to Baron Pullman.

Because he was not injured, Pullman did not need help.

Although Barman Pullman was hot-eyed, he did not dare to expose the existence of the No. 18 build, which was a wonderful balance with Shazhen.

Sha Zhenren can't see the construction of No. 18, then everyone will be at peace.

And the strength of the thirty-level battle configuration is also enough to help protect the castle. The legends are all solved by Sha Zhenren, and the rest are facing the 500-person brigade.

If you want to siege, you have to gather troops.

Put together, the magic cannon will blast past. If the soldiers attack the city, the city's firepower will continue to survive.

And after the legend was killed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ where there is high morale. Without morale, how to impact the 20-meter-high Great Wall.

Because of the arrival of Sage, the pressure on Baron Pullman's side dropped sharply.

In the New World, there are very few independent spaces like the lucky one like him.

Sha Zhenren's mood is still a bit low, and his own disciple died, it was purely an accident. After that, the fortress he built was strong enough, and a hundred more dragons appeared, and he could top it off to ensure that his disciples could escape to a safe place.

Constructed on the 18th, we are behind the magic cannon at the top of the fortress, and it looks like a normal guard puppet.

With the help of his electronic eyes, he observes the Shazhen people in the distance. The electronic eye will not cause the soul reaction, the prerequisite is not to be malicious.

As long as it is used, Sha Zhenren will immediately know.

This Taoist is much weaker than the Duke, but he still can't deal with it head-on. In his calculation logic, he always believed that the dead Sha Zhenren was the best.

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