Daomen Invasion

Chapter 966: :let us go

Xiahe felt a little tired, but the thought turned around and he was dispelled.

The reason for being exhausted is that, over the years, what we have encountered is mostly repetitive and has no sense of freshness. The enemy appeared again and again, the level was not high, and caused some troubles, which made him feel little crisis.

Princess Angelina said: "The channel of the abyss is finally the enemy?"

"A lot, millions."

There are 12,000 troops in Xiahe and Muses, and there are more than 100,000 robots. Relying on the city, dealing with demons is not a problem.

The problem is that the amount is not equal, the consumption is large, and it is easy to make mistakes.

In the face of demons, just one mistake can be hundreds of dead people.

"Okay, I'll send a flying battalion to help you, and I will add a thousand more flying combat robots to suppress the devil in the air."

"These demons have high ranks, and flying robots are afraid they are not opponents."

"It's okay, it's all low-cost, high-attack. You can make a profit by killing one or two demons."

Xia Hexin said, you only gave one thousand?


"Thank you, you are doing things for me, by the way, you are lying here very unsightly, get up."

"I am the Duke of the Tombstone. Who dare to say that I am unsightly?" Xiahe still relied on the ground.

"Can I say that?" Princess Angelina frowned.

"Of course, listen or not, depending on my mood." Xiahe said.

"You blame me and didn't say anything useful to you?"

"I am the Minister of Political Affairs, why do I not exercise my power, you don't want to ask?"

"Because I'm not honest enough with you, you don't think it's interesting to be a minister."

"It's quite boring." Xiahe admitted frankly.

"You want power, status, trust, I can give you, but Asla, what can you give me? Loyalty?"

"I can send you to the throne instead of being a regent princess."

"Why are you?"

"In less than twenty years, I have gone from nothing to this point. The starting point is much lower than yours. Now I am a legendary mage, and my soldiers are like soldiers. I do n’t hide from you, I occupy five worlds, all in scale It's okay. Such a speed of development is enough to prove my ability. "

"Not enough, Asla."

"Of course it's not enough. Why do you think I want to get the Merrifin family? This is a breakthrough. After the big nobles are done, you are the uncrowned king. Even if the emperor is still there, you can't be replaced. Of course, there is a prerequisite ... "


"You have to be a demigod." Xia He turned his face and looked into Princess Angelina's eyes, and said, "I can make you a demigod. Do you believe it?"

Princess Angelina's lips moved, and for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Although she is talented, she has accumulated enough from a young age, but it is not difficult to become a legend and become a demigod, so how can it be accumulated for thousands of years? Not necessarily successful. Now Asla told her that she could be made a demigod.

Believe it or not?

"how long?"

"Within a hundred years, it's almost the same, can you get the Bingfeng Continent?"

"With this method, why don't you use it?" Princess Angelina sneered and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"Your Highness ... Become a demigod, what can be proud of?"

"Oh." Princess Angelina didn't want to go any further. Is Asla fooling?

"You should practice both water and fire magic. I have a meditation idea, specifically to reconcile these two attributes, which will allow your mental strength to balance and control these two elements and reconcile each other."

"The same sentence, why don't you use it?"

"Because I practice, there are more than just these two elements. I can wait thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, you will not be able to do it, either you did not make a breakthrough, or you will learn my meditation ideas, within a hundred years, Achieve demigod. "

"You talk about that method first."

Xiahe reached out and pulled Princess Angelina to the ground, and gently said a meditation formula in her ear.

Angelina pondered for almost an hour before waking up suddenly.


"This is the beginning, about one-tenth of the content. If you continue to practice, your spiritual power will change. It is not too difficult to become a demigod, right?"

Angelina was ashamed, she had a royal heritage, but why is it not as good as Asla's method?

"I do n’t hide from my Highness, I ’m in a storm corner, I have a half god, so I do n’t really care about this high-end combat problem. I really ca n’t figure out the Merifen family. Legendary strongman. "


"Half God, with half artifact, my storm angle is solid as a golden soup. So I developed Rhode Island with peace of mind, and I'm not afraid of anyone coming to trouble me."

"Demigod, why should you obey your assignment?"

"What's so strange, when His Majesty the Emperor wasn't too powerful, he wasn't able to instruct a bunch of stronger casters than him."

"The royal family has twelve badges corresponding to the twelve field corps. I will give you and Muses two each." Princess Angelina gritted her teeth.

This means that the Duke of Asra can mobilize the elite of the 1 million royal legions.

"Why do you have Muses?" Xiahe asked with a smile: "I gave you the meditation formula."

"The Royal Legion, there are also sorts, to give you the best two, but do n’t tell Muses. He has the command ability, otherwise he will not have a firm foothold in the New World for so many years. My father quickly promoted it, and I do n’t trust it. ”

"Am I the same?"

"You are working hard in Rhode Island to build up your family. Look at Muses, what is in his territory? There are not many people in the people, and I will not trust such nobles."

"Then you give him two legions?"

"Distract your attention. In addition, the floating city, which is responsible for suppressing the rebellious nobles of the new world, is it okay?"

Xiahe won two royal legions, of course, no problem.

"Asrah, mobilize the Royal Corps, and you will have to provide the logistics yourself. Otherwise, even if you have the badge, they will not obey your dispatch."

Xiahe froze for a moment and laughed.

In this way, Muses took the badge and could not mobilize the Royal Corps for the time being.

Princess Angelina said again: "The abyss really came out. I used to let you and Muses go for a while, mainly for the logistics supply base on the southeast side. Now that I am done, my people will also participate in the battle. You Just report the situation with me. "

Xiahe made the map into an illusion, the world channel near the hilly area, the singularity, everything was shown to Princess Angelina.

"My castle, which can hold more than 100,000 people, is now mainly supported by robots. If you want to completely solve the problem of world passage, you still have to go into the abyss."

Princess Angelina was worried and attacked the abyss. The power in her hands might have laid down three or five floors.

Because on the New World side, the issue of noble rebels has not yet been resolved.

Xiahe Road: "If not, just follow my plan."

"Your plan?"

"We have deployed all the active troops to fight against the noble rebels. They haven't had many people until now?"

"Five or five million is still there. The decisive battle is not realistic. They also have an alchemy factory and a lot of legends. The speed of the robot's replenishment is very fast. If it can be solved, I will have solved it."

Princess Angeli said, and showed Xiahe the information of the noble rebels.

Xiahe carefully studied this part for the first time, and after a while, he also frowned. Speaking of which, the noble rebels in the New World are basically below the marquis. But behind every nobleman, there is a larger nobleman.

Therefore, these noble armies, weapons, logistics, and technology are all indispensable, otherwise they will not be able to fight with the Devil in the first place.

The war with the demons has also tempered these armies. In the past five years, the waves have been scouring the sand, making the surviving armies more powerful.

These troops should not be killed directly, but must be conquered.

"What do you think?" Princess Angelina had already sat up. She looked at Xiahe in contemplation and asked tentatively.

"The people of the Merrifin family must die, and the rest can accept surrender."

"and then?"

"I will send the floating city and watch over the rebel camp. We will start with the Merrifin family and wait."

"Not waiting?"

"After the extinction of the Merrifin family, these people will naturally have a choice, otherwise, I will attack their home."

"Why are they afraid?"

"Because it's not too difficult, the nine colleges, the thirteen clan, as long as they don't mix in, the Merrifin family is just ... a group of puppets, I can do whatever I want."

"Then Duke, I'll take care of you?"

"Well, you deploy your strength to protect Princess County, don't let the abyss counterattack, I will send troops now, we will solve the Merrifin family, and strive for a month."

Xiahe also sat up, and he suddenly got motivated.

No direction? Then create a direction.

Xiahe hurried away, and Princess Angelina entered the camp set up by the wizards. In the camp, a thin old man holding the book was reading, as if waiting for her for a long time.

"Your Highness, finished?" When the princess Angelina came in, the old man put down the book and spoke with Yan Yuese.

"Teacher, don't say that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Princess Angelina salutes the old man, respectfully.

"You are your Highness, I am your teacher, and you are also my princess."

"Teacher, how is Asla's investigation?"

"He and Medirelli are at least over 60th grade. Andusias is very strong and may be a demigod. But he is not a pure-blooded human and his identity is suspicious."


"Asla, I don't know what means to control Andusias. In my opinion, that Andusias is very afraid of Asura."

"Can control the demigod, no wonder so arrogant." Princess Angelina smiled.

"It is certainly arrogant to be able to control the demigods." The old man said seriously to Princess Angelina.

"Then what about his army, can the Merrifin family be attacked in one month?" Princess Angelina asked. She was tempted. If she could be shot down within a month, it would be much easier to persuade the noble army of the New World.

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