Daomen Invasion

Chapter 967: :destruction

The old man said: "The army of the Duke of Asla is similar to the elite of the royal family. However, his professional ratio is 100%. The royal army used to be 60%, and now it is more than 80%. But Asla ’s The legion, the robot is very good. I can't buy his people, and I don't want to start a conflict. I sent people directly to ask. "

"Go directly to ask?"

"Yes, various robot models and attributes are not concealed, but the drawings are impossible to obtain."

"Robot, is it amazing?"

"You are a powerful legend. I don't feel it. For the lower-level soldiers, robots are very good soldiers and companions. Our royal army, when fighting, usually used more than 10,000 people, and then took ten Tens of thousands of servant army, let them be the vanguard and consume the energetic force of the enemy. The Asla regiment has turned the servant army into a robot. The servant army will be afraid and rebellious, and the robot will not. "

"I've seen his modular tower, it's really amazing."

"No, you should look at the scorpion-shaped robot data. For this kind of robot, they carry forty teams in a small team."

The old man said, took the photo stone and came out to show Princess Angelina the battle picture of the scorpion-shaped robot.

Princess Angelina was very surprised when she saw the projectile fired by the cyborg robot and penetrated the enemy's heavy armor thousands of kilometers away.

"This kind of robot is not very resistant to magic, but when the distance from the magician exceeds 500 meters, the resistance will gradually increase. This is an interesting design. Your Highness, think about it ..."

"Sure enough, it seems that he is afraid of a close attack. But his team configuration, if the magician fights at close range, he will be thrust into the face of the magic heavy warrior."

"Yes, and then the magic of the team can effectively attack."

Angelina carefully calculated and found that even a magician of level 20 was not an opponent of the squad of the Duke of Asla, which was terrible.

"In their magical configuration, there must be no less than five kinds of defensive magic, three kinds of dispel magic, and two kinds of buff magic in the magic that must be reserved. Your Highness, if you are the so-called magic net mage, the weapon in your hand. "

Angelina looked at the information in the photo stone again. The opponent ’s caster squad has a battle mage and four magic net mage. It sounds like the magic net mage is very frustrated, but when there is a magic net node, their lethality, and Combat mage is no different.

The short spear in the magic net mage has three holes in the spear head, all of which can shoot attribute projectiles.

The sharp point of the short spear is extremely sharp, and it is really a melee weapon.

Many arcane magics, if they are blessed on a magician, this magician may have the ability to fight against the dragon.

"I see." Princess Angelina sighed.

Asra's army, in close combat, the squad of casters and casters is the hardest bone, and it cannot be nibbled at all.

For long-range, the threat of the scorpion robot is too great. The magical projectile's lethality is not enough for mages below level 20.

And a large number, forty teams are equipped with forty?

If one or two, the big magician doesn't care too much. Forty of them attack together, the magic shield will be quickly consumed. Don't think about it without an epic realm.

Even if you reach the epic realm, you must open the shield to protect yourself from the distance of thousands of kilometers.

"Five years ago, the average rank of Asla ’s main army was two ranks. Now, it must be more than five ranks, and the tenth rank is down. To be honest, I have only forty or fifty for such an army. If you are at the level, you can only hide away. Their commanders and deputies are definitely legendary. The captain, at least epic. If I ca n’t have special flying and detachment skills, I will be trapped and die. "

"Is it so powerful?"

"Because they have a lot of advanced equipment, alchemy bombs are powerful, and my shield can't be said to be able to prevent it."

"Teacher, it sounds like you are scaring me."

"I'm telling you, don't worry, with me, at least one-third of the mystics will really support you."

"Thank you teacher." Angelina bowed her head cleverly.

"It sounds like Asla's plan is feasible. He said that he would take down the Merriffin family territory within a month." Princess Angelina said again.

"He is about to attack, regardless of the consequences."

"Regardless of consequences?"

"It's scary to show his strength. Before that, the Duke looked grumpy and didn't allow others to infringe on it. In fact, he was still very restrained and always restricted his strength to a certain range."

"So this time, does he finally want to limit his strength?"

"Yes, it depends on him, how to lay down the port."

"Teacher, Asla, can I use it for me?" Princess Angelina asked with some worry.

"How is it possible that he is the same person as His Majesty." The old man smiled and said: "At this stage, he will do something for you, just do it. When you can really control the royal family, does he support it? Important. The Thirteen Clan was also an irreplaceable force. "

"I see." Princess Angelina sighed.

On the new continent, Muses mobilized the strength of a legion and took the fleet's troop transport ship to set off towards Bingfeng Continent. On the side of the princess, heavy soldiers guard the princess county and go to the world channel of the abyss.

Xiahe lost the strength of two field legions, plus the floating city, monitoring the noble rebels.

Snowvis's army set off from the north and pointed directly at the Merrifin family. The Royal Corps was also mobilized and approached in the west, while the Xiahe Corps traveled along the coast.

Xiahe mobilized two field corps and went straight to the main city of the Merrifin family. The army crossed the border. An army of 120,000 people stopped it, and the whole army was wiped out half a day later. No further hindrance.

Xiahe's army, followed by a large number of convoys, mages, arrived at the main city of the Merrifin family, built a militarized fortress outside, separated by twenty miles, and then expanded toward the sides, to isolate the main city of the Merrifin family .

On the coast, Xiahe organized only one battalion of troops, close to the port.

Many people are paying attention to this war, a lot of spies, hiding in the port, want to see, Duke Asra, how to deal with the army here.

In the early morning, the smoke of Xiahe's barracks rose, as if it were a signal.

In the sky, dense black spots descended from the sky, and they were all slender metal rods, which were indescribably fast.

The camps of the entire port were within the scope of the attack. A violent explosion and a mushroom cloud that covered the sky covered the entire port.

It felt like the earth was being torn apart. The blow came so fast, and ended so quickly.

There is almost no living life in the port.

Even several legendary mages died in this wave of blows.

More than a hundred miles away, a fleet from Rhode Island approached the port. When the smoke dispersed, a large number of robots were put down on the large transport ships to clean up the sunken ships in the port and repair the dock.

The port city became a ruin.

In the afternoon, it was occupied by millions of robots and rebuilt. The army of that battalion withdrew from the ruins just after clearing it a bit.

Another legion arrived from the east coast and joined the battalion outside the ruins.

The picture of the ruins was passed on to the New World. Princess Angelina looked at it and said nothing. Asla actually did it. One morning, after a wave of attacks, he destroyed hundreds of thousands of enemy troops.

Although the army of the Merrifin family is of average quality.

But looking at the condition of the ruins, even if the Royal Legion is stationed there, it will be taken away by waves, no doubt.

If Asla was showing his power to the entire empire, then he succeeded, no wonder the teacher said that he had ignored the consequences. Such an attacking ability is so daunting, I am afraid that those big nobles will not worry?

Whose main city can withstand such a blow?

Princess Angelina didn't know that the picture given to her was processed. The real picture, placed in front of Xiahe, made him stunned.

From a height of tens of thousands of miles, a metal rod more than ten meters long was thrown down towards the ground.

The magic pattern on the metal rod is not too complicated. When passing through the atmosphere, the sparks and currents on the surface are also so ordinary.

But the speed is more than thirty times the speed of sound, which shows how powerful the metal rod processing is.

The friction of air is a huge loss of energy. However, these metal rods have actually been accelerating.

When it hit the ground, the energy released directly sank the entire port for more than a meter. The port cities are all within range, and no one lives. Including the Merrifin family, the legend left in the port.

Although the legendary death is an accident ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it is also inevitable, they don't know what this blow is, they are a little alert, they have no time to release the protective magic, and there is no teleportation to leave. Fire Raven One has calculated the position of each legend, and used more than half of the calculation power to lock the legend and focus on combat.

Such a violent force scared Xiahe for technical processing, so he dared not show the princess the original image.

It takes a lot of resources to create images that can deceive the legendary mage.

Anyway, if this original image is circulated, I am afraid that the nobles of the whole continent must target themselves.

Xiahe immediately announced that he had seized the port of the Merrifin family, and that he would dismantle and rebuild it and build a brand-new port city that met his aesthetic standards.

In order to cover up the truth as quickly as possible, a large number of magicians and engineering robots were sent here, and within a day, all the landforms were destroyed and the ruins were cleaned up.

Grand Duke Merriffin was in a trance. He could not calm down when the news of the destruction of hundreds of thousands of troops over the port.

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