Daomen Invasion

Chapter 968: : Surrender

Twenty miles away, the field corps of the Duke of Asra was building a large castle to sweep away his territory, just like the destruction of the Duke of Zhesu.

Unless you dare to go out and fight with him in the field, otherwise, you can only watch everything happen.

This is really an effective method. If you don't go out to rescue yourself, other cities can't resist the royal army.

If you go out by yourself, is it the opponent of the Field Army of the Duke of Asla? They destroyed the army they had prepared at the port in half a day. The army was originally prepared to invade Rhode Island.


A voice sounded behind him, and Grand Duke Merriffin sweated coldly.


"It's me, why are you worrying about the Duke of Asla again?" The young mage came out in the dark, bright red magic robe, and there was no wind.

"Yes, over the port, the whole army is annihilated, and this time, we have no reinforcements." The voice of Grand Duke Merrifin was empty, as if he had taken his soul.

Syndicate's gray-green eyes flashed a strange glory, and he told Merrifin justice: "Father, I will move the rescuers."

"Where to go?" Grand Duke Merrifin asked.

"Rodriguez College."

"The Ninth College will not intervene in this war. Besides, Rodriguez College is still in the division of the space barrier, you can't enter at all."

"Rodriguez College, there is a secret branch, I know people over there." Syndicate said softly: "They are not bound by the unspoken rules of the nine colleges. As long as their father shows enough sincerity, they will help. . "

"Enough sincerity?"

"Before, we were not dukes, and we were able to stand for thousands of years, because there are three artifacts in our family, right?"

"Pseudo artifact."

"That is also equivalent to a half-artifact, which is in the hands of the family blood master. If they can exert their power, they will naturally not worry about the war of the Duke Asra. I estimate that the blood master has been unable to exert the power of the three artifacts. One thing, please ask the people at Rodriguez College to take action. "

Grand Duke Merrifin hesitated. The three artifacts of the family are all false artifacts, but their value is still huge.

The problem is just like the son said, the blood master of the family can no longer urge these three artifacts. Therefore, the invasion of the Asra army, he was at a loss.

"Then you said, which one is better?" Grand Duke Merriffin asked in a low voice.

The family will be destroyed, of course, you can give up one of the artifacts.

"Just send the eye of fraud, which was created by the killing of the fox beast god."

"The eye of fraud ..." Grand Duke Merrifin thought, this is the most important of the three artifacts.

"If my father is unwilling, this matter will not matter. The three artifacts of our family are not too big secrets. Rodriguez College has always been willing to make friends with us, is it because of something else?" Syndicate sneered.

Grand Duke Merriffin is embarrassed, and the family has always had a good relationship with Rodriguez College.

The other party maintains this relationship, I am afraid that one day, they can justly accept their family artifacts?

These three artifacts were obtained when the Merrifin family rose from the war with aliens, and each represents the glory of the family.

Under the laws of the empire, even if the Merrifin family did not have the strength of the year, no one would **** it.

However, if he sends it out voluntarily, no one can say anything.

The relationship is good, if you want to send an artifact to rescue the soldiers, of course, the first to find Rodriguez.

"Really, it's a good calculation ..." Grand Duke Merriffin couldn't help it.

"Of course it's a good calculation, father, do we have other choices?" Syndicate smiled grumbledly, but Grand Duke Merriffin could not see his expression at all.

"What else do you need?" Grand Duke Merriffin asked.

"Of course you do n’t need anything. An artifact is enough to please Rodriguez. But I want a lot of magic stones to buy the scrolls over Rodriguez. We are going to face war, As Duke La has his own academy, and the number of scrolls accumulated over the years must have been terrible. "

"Okay, I will give you permission. You can pick it up in your family's warehouse. Just ask the Rodriguez."

"Relax, my father, I will be back in three days." Syndicate's smile disappeared into the darkness as if it had never appeared.

Grand Duke Merriffin had eased all over him, as if all his troubles had disappeared.

He didn't even know when the tokens in his hands had been handed to Syndicate, as if all this was taken for granted, he didn't even think about it.

In the camp outside the port, Xiahe personally sat in the town and blocked it to prevent the legendary mages from other forces from approaching and seeing through the truth.

Sensing that a strong man was approaching, Xiahe remained silent, alone, one flickering, and came outside the camp to stop the way.

The young mage looked at Xiahe and went up and down for a while before saluting, saying, "Duke Asra, good luck."

"Who are you?" Xia He frowned, looking at the magician wearing a blood-red robe.

"I'm a syndicate, you may not have heard of it. My father, the Grand Duke Merriffin, was the one you forced him to go back to."

"Oh? What are you doing with me?"

"Hopefully, Duke, can give a way to live." Syndicate said seriously.

"A living way? I didn't plan to kill it all."

"However, the sign of the Merrifin family can't fall down, I have to inherit it." Syndicate said easily.

In Xiahe's heart, a feeling of disgust came out, not for this sentence, but for his attitude.

"What price would you pay?"

"The Merrifin family has three artifacts. I can send two and give them to the Duke."

"and then?"

"Let me inherit the position of Duke Merriffin and be loyal to you. The territory of the Merrifin family is open to you, and you can choose the manpower within the range. It is yours. Also, the world commanded by the Merrifin family is also all Owned by you. "

"Are you still the nominal ruler?"



"Because, we are not opponents." Syndicate pointed to the ruins of the port in the distance: "That is no longer an attack that humans can resist. It is better to choose surrender than to perish. I know that the Duke is not a person who likes to slay and kill. The Merrifin family is alive. "

"Leave the artifact, go back and kill Grand Duke Merrifin, I accept your dedication." Xiahe said lightly.

"I can't do such things as father."

"Can't do it, I can't worry about you, Syndicate." Xiahe's voice grew colder.

Syndicate was silent for a moment and said, "Then I will make it difficult for me, try it."

"Is it difficult for you?" Xiahe asked.

"Of course it is difficult, Your Excellency the Duke, don't you think that I am the kind of person who has lost all conscience?"

"The cruelty in you is the most terrifying person I have ever seen, so I was surprised that killing Grand Duke Merriffin, what's the embarrassment for you?"

"Because, even if he is in hell, he longs for heaven. His Excellency, Duke, I will kill your father for you today. In the future, I might betray you for others. This is not what you want, right?"

Xia He looked at Syndicate's face. The young mage, with a sincere face, looked as transparent as pure glass, without hypocrisy.

However, his essence makes Xiahe's heart not only disgusted, but also a bit worried.

That is the repulsion, instinct that the Taoist can't say, even if you don't understand, you must stay away, or destroy it.

I never need Syndicate's loyalty, and never be loyal.

Such a person would rather be an enemy.

Xiahe had a judgment in his heart, saying: "I promise you, keep the inheritance of the Merrifin family, you can replace the Grand Duke Merrifin and inherit his knighthood. Offer two artifacts, open your world coordinates, everything in your family's territory Resources must be open to me. "

"So, Lord Duke, the main city, do you still need to attack?"

"Duke Merriffin died, you don't need it anymore, but you personally brought his head to see me."

"Okay, as you wish." Syndicate stooped down, saluted, took two things, and placed them on the ground, not afraid of Xiahe's regret, and turned away.

Xiahe waved his hands, put the two artifacts away, and asked, "What do you think?"

Medirelli's voice sounded behind her, she was always there.

"Teacher, this person should be killed immediately. It feels that no one is his opponent under the demigod."

"It does n’t feel right, but it ’s about the same, because he is equipped with the fraudulent eyes of the Merrifin family. The legendary mage under the demigod can hardly lock him. If he fights, the demigod can suppress him. It's hard to say, even if the rank is higher than him. "

"His level can drive artifacts?"

"It's just a fake artifact. If you give it to me, I can use it now, but it's a great price." Xiahe stroked the two things in his hand and said: "He gave me these two artifacts, but he was not at ease.

Xiahe could not help laughing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I wouldn't use any artifacts at all, and at most let the starry sky worms devour and decompose to obtain the raw materials for creating the artifacts.

Taoist, how is it possible to use off-the-shelf equipment, or it was sent by an inexplicable person.

"The two of us just shot, and will definitely be able to leave him."

"It's hard to say, forget it, anyway, he will come back to me, otherwise how to be Grand Duke Merriffin?"

"Next time, he may not really come forward. With the eye of fraud, there is too much to do."

"The three artifacts have the same source. Next time, the eye of fraud will have no meaning for me. Rest assured, soon, our legendary mage can deal with similar abilities."

Xiahe looked at the direction of the disappearance of Syndicate, casually.

Medirelli no longer speaks. For her, Syndicate is not a problem, but she is worried that Syndicate will deal with others.

The Duke led a great career, and if Syndicate tossed up and used artifacts, it would be difficult to cope.

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