Daomen Invasion

Chapter 969: : Rapid expansion (1)

Xiahe turned around, directly in the camp, let the starry sky worm decompose two artifacts, he personally analyzed the law of artifacts.

This is the amount of things passed down when humans and orcs were at war. The three artifacts of the Merrifin family are of high quality, enough to make a family flourish for thousands of years.

However, for Taoists, there is no use of eggs.

Because this is really the power obtained from the beast god, the Taoist does not need to control the power of the Shinto himself. Under the Taoist, there will naturally be gods to deal with it.

However, the material of the artifact itself, the laws contained therein, are all good.

Xia He broke it down, analyzed it, and turned back to the fraudulent eye, which became a threat to him without any threat.

Cindy's reinforcement is powerful, but his knowledge is far inferior to the Taoist palace. I don't know what this kind of common source will reveal. If he knew it, he would not take out these two artifacts to appease Xiahe.

In his mind, these two things Xiahe used, and he could use the eyes of fraud to control Grand Duke Asla at will.

That is his real plan, not to be a courtier.

As for what the **** Rodriguez College does not exist. After he got the three artifacts, he was supposed to kill Grand Duke Merrifin.

Come to Xiahe, of course, have this purpose.

In this way, Grandpa Asla forced him to do this kind of thing.

Anyway, my father was going to die. If I could make more use of it, it would be a waste of heat.

Xiahe decomposes artifacts, deciphers the secrets of artifact laws, studies methods against the eye of fraud, and when he understands it, he will promote hidden magic among all high-levels. Ineffective, the effect of returning back is weakened.

The eye of fraud is also valuable in itself. You can put the law in the construction, and the ability to construct itself will be enhanced.

The three artifacts, rules, have a little meaning for Xiahe to expand the scope of magic.

There will be similar magic in the future, and he will be relatively easy to deal with.

The port was quickly cleaned and rebuilt, and the royal army entered the Merrifin family territory and began to attack those small cities and fortresses. Most of the people who passed by were looking down.

Against the royal family? These low-level officers will not even consider it.

Before that, it was okay, and the news of the day's annihilation of the port had spread to the whole duke. Of course it was the princess who deliberately spread it.

Three days later, the gate of the Merrifin family opened, and Duke Asra appeared outside the city.

Syndicate, the son of Grand Duke Merriffin, took the head of Grand Duke Merriffin and surrendered to Duke Asra.

In just a few days, the Merrifin family collapsed.

Not only that, in the New World, the Merifen family's army suddenly attacked the noble rebels, destroying the noble rebels' camp.

The princess and Xiahe's legion took advantage of the opportunity to invade, and the rebels on the New World were settled within a day.

In the final analysis, these people have no resistance to will.

Xiahe only had time to turn around for construction. On the Merrifin family, he occupied the port, and the land around the port, within three hundred miles, was assigned to the Xia family.

Xiahe did not directly annex Merrifin, and the princess had nothing to complain about. The Syndicate was loyal to the Duke of Asla, and she could not stop it. Fortunately, on the New World side, the aristocratic coalition was dismantled, and she did not lose much of the army, so she managed to fix the rebels.

Because Duke Asra promised to share some of the world of the Merrifin family.

This is the big head, the Merrifin family is in the territory of the main world, and there are very few divisions.

Xiahe didn't care about these things. He had enough land now, and the number of leaders also skyrocketed. It was mainly the Duke of Zhesu, who swallowed the whole. Most of his construction must be invested in the territory of Duke of Zhesu.

No, there is already the territory of the Xia family, the Duke of Zhesu, was removed from the Highness of the Princess.

Both the House of Lords and Lords passed this, and Xiahe's concessions on the Merrifin family side gave some world interests, and on the Duke of Zhesu side, he was rewarded.

Originally, those worlds were given to Xiahe by Syndicate, and the princess received it for free, so there must be a return.

The rebellion in the New World was settled, and Princess Angelina gained millions of captives, which could be directly incorporated into her army.

Xiahe can develop himself with peace of mind, otherwise, why should he swallow everything of Duke Zhesu?

When the territory of Duke of Zhesu was defeated, Snowvis also contributed.

Now that the people of Snowworth have not fought, they have benefited from the Merrifin family. Naturally, there is nothing to say. The benefits of the Duke of Zhesu are also given to Xiahe.

Because the territory of the Duke of Zhesu is across the sea from Rhode Island, the narrow part of the strait is only tens of miles wide.

Everyone can understand Asra's desire for the territory of Duke of Zhesu. Rhode Island is not far from the mainland, but it can also be regarded as solitary overseas. With the territory of the Duke of Zhesu, Asra is truly an imperial nobleman.

An island, no matter how big it is, is also an island, not to mention that the population there is not much.

After swallowing everything from Duke Zhesu, Asla's power suddenly multiplied.

The increase in the number of people is the increase in heritage.

Opposite Dalyang City, Xiahe built a city and connected it to Dalyang City with a bridge across the sea. The original Sun City was renamed Xiacheng. This newly built city was named Little Sun City.

Little Sun City, here formed a political center, meaning that the duke's lord formally became part of the mainland nobles.

Everyone knows that as the Duke ’s territory, Rhode Island has a small population. It is quite normal for Asra to build a political center here.

In fact, if Xiahe had factory technology, Rhode Island could not develop at all, and the grain was severely restricted.

Even though Rhode Island is no problem, Xiahe still built Little Sun City.

No way, he occupied the territory of the Duke of Zhesu. To the north is the site of Muses. In the northwest, there are princesses and Snowvis.

What about the south? The royal family also has influence here. If you do nothing, the heart of the Duke of Zhesu will be sucked away.

Xiahe had to carry out construction to benefit the people in these territories.

No good, allegiance.

Before Zhesu left everyone and fled, making the people very angry, if Xiahe no longer cares about them, the people's hearts will be completely dispersed.

Little Sun City, imitating Princess County, built a dragon column as a city weapon.

Of course, there is nothing internally related, just a similar appearance.

The New World was given to Cotton Jack for temporary management. Rhode Island has now been dealt with political issues by Sith. Nietzsche returned and assisted Sith with Goliath.

Xiahe didn't come forward. On the side of Little Sun City, Xiahe just arranged a team to manage it.

Luxi is mainly responsible for the affairs.

Luxi's qualifications are not good, at first Xiahe only valued his loyalty and reliability. But for so many years, Luxi has the resources in his hands and is willing to work hard to make progress. After all, he has reached the level of 55.

Xiahe transferred Lucy to take on the important task, and then sent Shrek to assist him.

The growth of the Guardian Mage is also quite rapid. Shrek originally had a certain allocation of resources and power to select talents to enter. Although there are not many people in the Guardian Mage, it is enough to act as a deterrent.

Qiu Xuanji, was transferred to the port of the Merrifin family to form a coalition, still under his responsibility.

The next step is to attack the half-elf empire. Before that, Her Royal Highness had to accept the loyal ceremonies of the imperial nobles.

The port city is named as the descending city.

Nominally, it belongs to the Grand Duke Asra, but the princess's royal legion, the county king's legion, and the Muses' legion are all stationed here.

Logistical consumption is temporarily under the responsibility of the Merrifin family. The princess asked the nobles to take care of this, and then she will start from the descending city and take the sea to attack the half-elf empire in the south.

Every nobleman must invest in military power, and if he does not make a difference, he will get more money.

This is an order, not a request.

The princess handled the Merrifin family with lightning, and the coalition of millions of nobles on the New World. Right now, it is reasonable to make such excessive demands.

Moreover, the Royal Corps has obviously completely accepted the dispatch of Her Royal Highness, and can launch attacks on the nobles at any place in the Empire at any time.

You may not be too worried about the Royal Corps, but everyone is afraid of the Duke of Asla.

It's no joke to strike the port and destroy hundreds of thousands of troops at once.

Not to mention these nobles, Xiahe himself was afraid. If someone else can launch a similar attack in space, no legendary shots are needed, just some metal rods, with the magic of reducing friction, and then kill hundreds of thousands of people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How else to fight?

Unless he personally sits in town, he can resist all attacks and change to dozens of legends, can not stop the blows of those metal rods.

There must be a missing network, and one missing network can cause huge losses.

The ground was sunk an average of one meter, and Xiahe did not know how to resist such lethality.

The fear of the nobles also resented Duke Asra. Xiahe can't do anything. If he wants to achieve results as soon as possible, he will rely on his army to attack and want to kill those hundreds of thousands of people.

This is the version I am crazy about, and I am afraid of it.

Of course, for Xiahe, there are more good things. For example, his resources are starting to be abundant. When building a new territory, the speed is quite fast.

The training of the coalition forces and the replacement of weapons can be done in up to six months.

As long as Her Royal Highness is in charge of the imperial nobility, before the summer comes, you can launch a blow to the half-elf empire.

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