Daomen Invasion

Chapter 970: :population

The kinetic energy weapon from the starry sky is to pursue pure speed to release the internal energy of matter.

As long as there are enough legendary mages, or enough preparation, there are fewer legendary mages, and they can also conduct targeted defenses. Or simply, the legendary mage flew into the starry sky, found those weapons suspended above his head outside the atmosphere, and destroyed them directly.

It's just that when Xiahe attacked this time, the nine colleges, the strongest of the royal family, were all blocked inside the space barrier. This scene was not observed. The ordinary legend was only performed by Asla once. The premeditated magic attack caused terrible losses to the enemy.

No one knows what this magic is like.

The secret work was done well, and before this, Xiahe had not used similar attacks at all, which made all the nobles fear.

Xiahe does not guarantee that the secret will not be revealed. After all, in this world, there is prophecy, and his own space-based weapons have no way to hide, they are all arranged under the starry flagship.

The starry sky flagship has a certain hidden ability. It is not easy to find if it is automatically out of position, but those kinetic weapons are suspended in high altitude and rotate with the world.

The position is fixed, and it is easy for the legendary mage to destroy it.

In Xiahe's ideal, this weapon should be used once more, but it must be used in a good place, and it cannot be released casually.

Because there will not be a third time, it is not conducive to the hiding of the starry flagship.

Most nobles chose patience and expressed loyalty to the princess.

However, some nobles claimed that the singularity in the territory affected their activities, and they had no extra energy to send troops to the semi-elven empire.

On the New World side, all the benefits are swallowed by the princesses, and the nobles are not too emotional.

Now, there are also singularities on the sea, and fleet driving is a dangerous thing. If you attack from the land, you will cross the mountains and the road will be difficult.

The princess didn't mind either, and by the side of the city, she began to form an expeditionary force.

Xiahe's current thinking is not on the half-elf empire.

He adjusted his strength and built a cold city on the side of Kirishima. Cold Mist City has a huge area, which may be several times larger than the city of stars.

But the city of stars is a combination of many small cities. The cold fog city is simply a place surrounded by city walls. There are mountains and rivers in the middle, with all kinds of wild ecology.

Cold Mist City is the place where Star Fleet is made.

This place is so important, Xiahe simply ordered the Fifth Field Army, and the Fifth City Defense Army, to stay in Lengwu City. Smith was also sent to the past, and the other was the Knights of Medirelli, all of whom were transferred.

Xiahe's newly acquired materials can continue to build the Star Fleet.

As a space-based weapon, Xiahe ordered Fire Raven One to move to Kirishima in case of surprise.

By the side of the descending city, it was handed over to Qiu Xuanji. Xiahe concentrated on building the territory. If Lynch came back, he would let Lynch attack on the Titan Island.

The thing about space barriers is that someone is destroying the integrity of the main world and making the main world downgrade.

Xiahe has now been determined, because the laws on the other side of the Taiyin Xianfu World have risen too clearly and have surpassed the laws of the main world. The reason why the main world has not been replaced is because the heritage is not deep enough.

If the main world continues to fall, it will take another hundred years to replace it in another century.

This made Xiahe inadvertently attack the main world and might as well develop Taiyin Xianfu as much as possible. Now still in the main world layout, I hope that the main world can be maintained for a period of time, so as not to fall too fast. In this way, Taiyin Xianfu is fully prepared to compete with others.

A wave of Xiahe took away hundreds of thousands of troops, and the people around the princess did not dare to mess with him again.

Xiahe began to form a secondary legion on the side of the descending city.

The secondary corps does not mean to waste, the commanders in the corps are also transferred from the main corps, and the actual combat experience is rich.

Xiahe is on the New Continent and has the most trained veterans. The current situation is that many recruits on Rhode Island have also qualified after more than five years of war and added to the main army. On the side of the main legion, some backbones were mobilized to form a secondary legion.

Like the noble army, the secondary army is one battalion of 5,000 people, and the entire army is 24 battalions, 120,000 people.

Xiahe's secondary legions have twenty numbers, which are the same as the noble legions. But for now, he has only formed the first five. The soldiers' words were temporarily transferred from various places, and there were soldiers from the territory of the Duke of Zhesu.

Xiahe didn't worry about loyalty. After working for two or three years under Xiahe, he was basically brainwashed.

The original nobles were certainly not as good as ordinary soldiers. His system is hopeful. The first is the accurate calculation of merit, the second is to leave opportunities for future generations, and the third is to get loans. The Dukes' Palace can help solve any difficulties at present.

In addition to the secondary legions, a slogan was set up specifically for the semi-elf empire.

The Patriotic Corps, this legion is organized according to the arrangement of the main legion. The head of the legion is temporarily Qiu Xuanji, and he also leads five sub-legions.

On the side of Sha Zhenren, I heard that his teacher and nephew were going to expedite the half-elf empire, so he had plans to come over to help.

Xiahe persuaded him to continue teaching at the Tenth Academy of Magic and fight for the half-elf empire, and he had to prepare for more than half a year. When you are ready, when you start a contact battle, it is not the most difficult moment. If you really fight hard, it will take a year.

When Sha Zhenren listened, he had to be a professor in the college.

Because his disciples also need to learn the knowledge of this world. Running to Shoucheng is not good for those young priests. It is better to practice first at the Tenth Academy of Magic. After one year, everyone's level can also be upgraded.

Sha Zhenren followed the advice, and Xiahe was very pleased.

The rest of his main army, operating silently, went to battle, mainly on the side of the New World, looking for a world channel, countering the past, and obtaining resources. After the resources were obtained, most of the duke leaders who fed back the main world were sent to Taiyin Xianfu World.

The other is the expeditionary army. From the Merrifin family, the five worlds that have been settled are already safe and secure. The expeditionary army begins to attack the world to which the Duke of Dzhe belongs.

During this time, personnel movements were extremely frequent, and the number of replacements of various regiments was quite high.

Xiahe was not afraid of their rebellion, but the expeditionary army and the field army were not the same. The enemies they faced were different. Their combat experience, and if they wanted to communicate with each other, it was better for them to change their combat objectives.

Xiahe's men, and later even the city defense army, joined the attack on a different world.

Many people, at the age of retirement, do not want to retire. One is that the money has not been paid, and the other is that the treatment in the army is better than going back. Without the end of the war, you can continue to accumulate merit.

The so-called treatment in the army mainly refers to food.

The main staple food of Xiahe's legions is Lingmi.

This kind of thing, eaten for a long time, is very good for the body and enhances quality. For professionals, if they eat Lingmi every day, the advancement speed is much faster than normal.

If he left the army, Lingmi would have to pay for it himself. However, the price is public, and everyone knows that even if the Duke does n’t keep track of the money he received from the army, they ca n’t eat Lingmi every day.

Xiahe can retire at the age of fifty. For professionals, if they have not been seriously injured, they can still fight at the age of fifty. Those who reach the 50-year-old standard can work for up to ten years, and will be forced to retire at the age of 60. Unless your level exceeds 25, ordinary masters will not work.

When you retire at the age of 60, you will get more, and the merits will be enough to pay off the debt, and there will be a lot left, so that your citizenship level will not be too low.

Therefore, there are really a lot of veterans in the army of Xiahe.

Fortunately, on the Rhode Island side, he managed well, and the population growth rate is extremely fast. In another two or three years, the Sixth City side can almost train millions of qualified recruits.

When the time comes, the veterans will retire without worrying about anything.

The population of Rhode Island is increasing. One is the Aboriginal side. The living conditions are getting better. Most families have military personnel in service. In this case, there are many tax deductions at home.

Living conditions are good, and everyone is willing to have children.

Then there are children, regardless of gender, and the Duke will be responsible for education, and there will be a special college to teach children.

If you live on campus, you will be relieved of the burden of three meals a day, and you will have free school uniforms.

Citizenship is beginning to emerge ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For the army, many people have already been rated, and the family has gained a lot of benefits.

In addition, the number of immigrants has increased.

For example, the people from Crowder ’s territory have loyalty to Xiahe, not less than the Rhode Islanders, and have integrated into this side, with more than one million. The number of people brought by other nobles adds up even more. Today, Rhode Island, the number of registered leaders, has reached 33 million.

Of course, the number of Xiahe troops is also huge. Without technology, it is definitely a poor soldier.

In Xiahe's plan, Rhode Island could eventually live with 100 million people, and it would not appear crowded. But now Xiahe is no longer accepting immigrants. Rhode Island is relying on natural fertility to increase the number.

If you want to join the Dukes, you can go to the New World.

Most people do not like to leave their homes, but after the occurrence of the space barriers, the Bingfeng continent is still seriously damaged. The rural areas are also the hardest hit areas, and many people are displaced. Xiahe gathered the victims and sent them to the New World to settle down. There are already millions of people living outside the Twin Cities and Tongtian Tower.

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