Daomen Invasion

Chapter 971: : Flying Boat

Xiahe ’s territory on the New World is much larger than Rhode Island, except that the singularities on the New World are also more complex and the dangers are more difficult to eliminate. At present, they can only live near large cities and receive protection.

But many people have gone bankrupt long ago, and the Duke is willing to take care of it. What else can he force?

Xiahe does not raise these people in vain. Every immigrant is subject to inspection. Through the phantom array, they can know what they are good at and learn more easily. Then the Duke comprehended the dispatch of intelligent robots for teaching. Let these new immigrants gain the ability to work.

Those who refused to work, could not continue to work under the Duke.

The population on the new continent is increasing, but they basically live near the Great Wall. In case of danger, they can retreat to the castle built on the Great Wall.

Cotton Jack, simply on the New World, formed five secondary legions and worked with the noble legions to clear up the troubles caused by all the singularities near the Great Wall.

The armament of the secondary legion is extremely easy. The equipment before Xiahe is constantly updated. Many weapons are still far away from the damage. Almost 90% of them are eliminated.

The main world is in great trouble. Xiahe is well prepared here, but others are not.

The quality of the people who can survive is already good, and many of the refugees can also be selected to be soldiers.

Relying on Xiahe alone to collect resources everywhere, it is impossible to support Taiyin Xianfu.

Xiahe explored the world of the Taiyin Fairy House once. His own Taiyin Fairy House has tens of thousands of Taoists. It is a pure Taoist school.

The head is himself, and the head of the head is Freya.

In the world of Taiyin Xianfu, everyone speaks Daomen language and learns Daomen knowledge. Because of the large number of Taoists above Tier 1, the Star Wars are also being built on the side of Taiyin Xianfu. Taoist priests above level one, driving battleships, mine in the star fields around the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

Daomen mining has a fixed process, and it will not catch fish.

Especially on their own sites, not to mention their own small galaxies, the entire large galaxies cannot be fooled.

These starry sky warships are mainly exploited, and the combat effectiveness is not very good. Xiahe is the main world after all. Xiahe watched the development progress there and was anxious to build more star warships.

On the main world side, a star fleet is enough.

The remaining four fleets will be allocated to the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

Taiyin Xianfu World is constantly releasing tentacles to the surroundings to explore the surrounding star fields. No one knows which star will be a world with souls.

Encounter is not fate, but war.

Without becoming an immortal, Taoist priests will encounter difficulties in survival in the universe. Starship battleships are a must.

Powerful Taoists will have personal equipment that can cross the starry sky, but after all, the price is high, the amount is small, and they are personalized. Unlike the Star Wars, a large number of yellow towels can be boarded, one star by one star.

There are twelve planets in the world where Taiyin Xianfu is located. The spacecraft of Taiyin Xianfu, except for the core star, that is, the sun has not gone up to explore, the rest of the stars have been studied. The resources are still very rich, and the cores of the twelve planets are quite young and healthy.

The Taiyin Xianfu galaxy is more interesting. At the outermost periphery, there is a huge asteroid belt. Asteroids formed by countless broken stars surround the galaxy and form a natural circle of refuge.

Under normal circumstances, the planets far away from the sun have low mass. And these asteroids, the main substance is metal, a variety of metals. Many metals are not in their natural state, like fragments of something.

In other words, this galaxy, the captured asteroid, is not natural.

However, the world of Taiyin Xianfu has not been developed before. It is that the demonized goblin has tossed around for a while, and there have been no signs of invasion by other foreign enemies.

And the demonized goblin has no ability to run to the edge of his own solar system. It is barren and undeveloped.

The entire galaxy is covered, but the debris on the edge of the ring is dense, and the upper and lower ends are very thin. The star warship can easily penetrate the past and be developed outside the system.

The value of these debris far exceeds the material storage of the entire galaxy.

Just like the huge Baiyujing-level celestial body, there are dozens of celestial bodies that were broken and scattered on the edge of the galaxy, forming a natural magnificent star.

Because there is no fairy, Xiahe can only worry.

If the four star fleets pass by, and there are four computing cores that are more powerful than Fire Raven One, then the star trajectory can be calculated, these fragments can be mined, and integrated and retained.

At the edge of the galaxy, there are a large number of artificial objects, forming a huge network.

Daomen also needs something like a magic net.

In the future, Bai Yujing can be used as the core, and artificial celestial bodies covering the galaxy can be used as a network. The entire galaxy is under the protection of Taiyin Xianfu and forms a huge formation.

It is much easier to upgrade the world level and replace the main world.

Otherwise, Xiahe is in a hurry, and things like the Star Fleet are temporarily unavailable.

The world of Taiyin Xianfu takes time, and the main world cannot fall too fast. Xiahe is on the side of the main world. He must maintain the integrity of the world as much as possible. It seems that what he has to do has not changed, and he is unifying this world. But the core content is different. There is a guy who wants to destroy the main world and let the other world take its place.

Xiahe had to stop him and give Taiyin Xianfu a chance.

The Taiyin Fairy House or the Duke and Lord of the Main World are all feeding back civilians. Xiahe needs people, people with good qualifications, and a large number of children.

The world of Taiyin Xianfu is empty, the land is full, and the resources are all controlled by Taiyin Xianfu. In such a big world, with the technology of Taiyin Xianfu, tens of billions of people can afford it.

But now Xiahe can't even make up 100 million people. Don't look at him occupying another five worlds. The humans in those worlds are not very qualified. Because the world rank is slightly lower, the ability to practice is slightly worse. Don't look at this little difference, it will make the input and output disproportionate.

Although Xiahe also began to lay out in those five worlds, he also began to spread the knowledge of Taoism. But it will take thousands of years to improve the quality of the locals.

Far water can not quench the thirst.

People in the main world have strong souls, and Xiahe has to emigrate. Transfer people from the main world to Taiyin Xianfu. However, he has a choice. The people in the main world do not know why some people are naturally not suitable for monasticism.

This is something that can't be done, and it's impossible to force it.

There are many talented people under Xiahe's talents who practise magic, a thousand miles a day, but Daoist art can't get started.

In the world of God Week, this is a non-existent thing, which is simply impossible. Anyone with poor qualifications can also get started with Taoism.

Star warships have a useful purpose is to transfer immigrants, which is why Xiahe needs to build as soon as possible. The small world skin bag obtained from Syndicate is one of the main materials for making star warships, and there is no substitute for it. The small world skin bladder, which is the world's membrane, can only be manufactured by the powerful fairy, and cannot be mass-produced. Otherwise, you have to use natural, and the manufacturing process is quite cruel, that is to destroy a living world, you can get things.

In order to stabilize the situation, Xiahe is not being sent to the city, anyway, the princess has moved over, and it makes no sense if he is here. He himself was on the side of Little Sun City, reorganizing the territory that was plundered from the Duke of Zhesu.

The weather is cold, and the snow in the Little Sun City reflects the muddy sunlight and looks dirty.

Xiahe has no choice. The hasty construction of Little Sun City, without so many auxiliary formations, all this looks so primitive and rugged, a large number of boulders piled around the center of the city, the huge dragon pillar, the top of the dragon pillar and Soaring flames are burning.

In the purple flame, a golden yellow sphere is suspended, and dark magic lines flow on the sphere.

This is the origin of the name of Little Sun City. The power of the metal dragon in Dragon Pillar itself is not the weapon of this city. This small sun is the protector of Little Sun City.

Early this morning, Xiahe came out of the golden yellow sphere and completed the smelting work all night. Seeing the sky in the distance and the direction of the sea, there was a flying boat flying slowly.

The flying boat shone in the morning light, Jinfan hung high, and approached slowly in the air.

The warning signal in the Sun City was sounded when the flying boat approached a hundred miles, and dozens of flying robots rose into the sky and greeted them.

Xia He frowned, his heart slightly angry, this is his own territory, others can not fly without permission.

Also go up to the warning? How does Luxi manage Little Sun City now?

Regardless of Ruxi's mood, he directly opened the command channel and issued an attack order.

Beside him, nine metal dragons rose into the sky. On the fort in the city, various artillery received orders, quickly adjusted the muzzle, and aimed at the flying boat.

In the flying boat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ came a big voice.



Hundreds of artillery pieces were fired almost at the same time, and nine metal dragons also flew up and flew towards the flying boat. The flying boat shuddered, the layers were stacked on top of each other, and the energy ripples were messed up instantly.

The attack of magic artillery and technological artillery shattered the defense of the airship in a flash.

The flying boat of more than three hundred meters was thrown up by the metal dragon. Among the flying boat, thousands of pawns were killed. The body of the metal dragon rolled over and was directly crushed against the figure. There was blood on the deck.

Luxi panicked and soon appeared in front of Xiahe.

Xiahe did not look at him, just looked at the assembled army, approaching the place where the flying boat fell. The metal dragons flew in the air, and after destroying the flying boat, they did not stay.

Hundreds of Taoist priests released Taoism. The surface of the metal dragon's body, scales flew, and if they did not leave, they would be smashed.

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