Daomen Invasion

Chapter 979: :Heir

There are too many human troops, so Princess Angelina had to discuss with Xiahe and borrow Red Sea City as a transit point in the middle. Of course, everyone pays to build a large port in Red Sea City to store supplies.

Xiahe felt funny, what did you do earlier?

As a result, a lot of time was delayed.

The six legions led by Qiu Xuanji simply entered Titan Island to rest.

Xiahe, however, began to hide behind the scenes and refused to come out. Because, Lynch and life configuration have returned.

There are a lot of new things. The life configuration increases the level and increases the strength. Although it does not reach the level of the demigod, it should be as close as possible to the 80th level. Life construction, now replaces Xiahe action, Xiahe does not change his identity, but goes to Xiacheng, concentrate on the construction of his own territory.

In King Kong Mountain, Xiahe can communicate with life at any time.

Although it was a bit costly, it was worth it to allow him time.

Naturally, Medirelli will no longer follow the life structure, and beside the life structure, only Andusias remains. Smith also returned to Rhode Island.

Anduzias is a demigod flame demon who has been trained well by Xiahe. He has fully matched this world and can exert his demigod's strength.

What other duke can have such power?

If you want to assassinate life, you can't even pass Anduzias.

As for the life configuration, for the time being in Little Sun City, there is also a staff group around him. Nietzsche is the chief of staff, like Shrek, which is the guard.

In addition to these, there are also a large group of personal soldiers, all short pterosaur knights.

The Duke led many foreign affairs, and now he decides on Little Sun City. As for the internal affairs, it is Xiacheng's side, Sith is responsible.

Sith has grown up, he is well-organized in handling government affairs, and his practice has not fallen.

Xiahe is very satisfied. Even if he wants to abdicate, Sith's ability is enough. Now there is a lack of popularity, but this kind of thing, in this world, has to be solved by strength.

Over the years, I have fought many powerful people and done many extraordinary things.

Let Sith go through it again, it's hard to say whether he can survive. This is just something that can't be done. Xiahe can't let Sith go with a group of people to experience adventure or something. Perhaps war is also a method. The problem is that the Duke is now leading the army, and even if the Sith wins, everyone will not think it is the young man ’s credit.

Of course, the biggest problem is still that old topic.

Now the backbone of the Duke's backbone is Xiahe's loyal follower. Even the people around Sith admired Xiahe infinitely.

On this day, after finishing the last unicorn configuration, Xiahe came to the Duke's Palace.

Sith sweated in the underground training ground.

Xiahe walked into the training ground. Some accidents, Sith was a magician, and his talent was very good. Now he is training melee skills.

After blessing various states, Sith held a short spear and fought with several combat outfits.

Combat gears are all equipped with warhammer, heavy axe, spear, flail and so on. Xiahe didn't see it at all, and the constructs showed signs of controlling power.

Eight legendary outfits, and the Sith have come and gone.

Seeing Xiahe coming in, Sith speared a circle and forced the structure back. He flashed and came to Xiahe, smiling and saying: "Father, why are you here?"

"I heard that a few days ago, you handled a staff member?"

"He persuaded me to demand military power, which is not what he should assist, it is purely a matter of mingling with the family. This kind of person cannot stay."

"Then why was it selected?"

"Isn't there no one available at the time? I chose some that were pleasing to my eyes. I had a problem with my vision. I was young ... back then."

"Now you are not young, do you want military power?" Xiahe asked gently.

"Not very much."


"Even the Fire Crow Legion, my father chose me. I have the power and my father gave me it. Although it is normal, I am inheriting everything from my father. However, I also want to select talents by myself An army, such an army, is really in your hands. "

Sith really had no evasion, so he told the truth.

"Sorry, you may have to put all the troops in your hands in the future. They may look down on you and sometimes feel proud that they are just loyal to me, not you, my child. "

"Do I have to prove myself?"

"Of course not. It doesn't matter whether they are loyal to me after I have established and perfected the system. Loyalty to the system is the core survival problem of a country or a regime. The prerequisite is that everyone You cannot be blinded. When the system decides to revoke a regiment leader, the soldiers below will know. "

Sith naturally knew this and said, "Father, if one day, I will be replaced?"

"Do you know your brother?"

"He went to another world and took charge of another part of his father's strength."

"Yes, that power, you can't master it, and I feel weird. If one day you will die old, your soul will be reincarnated, and I will study it again, can you also participate in it."

Sith listened patiently, Xiahe continued: "Actually, my core strength is still on your brother's side. The success or failure there determines the future of our Duke. If they develop well, no one will win. Not taking your power. Your power is also your responsibility. "

Sith laughed: "Father, I don't feel heavy."

"Why? Many children hate responsibility the most."

"Because according to what my father told me, it will make our people live better and better. Those who work hard will definitely pay off, and those who opportunistically take advantage of it will be doomed to no gain. There is fairness in a general sense, The law will not be trampled, and human beings will not be enslaved. These things are not called responsibility, which I like very much. "

"It's best if you like it, but if you are tired, just tell me that I will send you to my brother."

"Father is busy all day long, I am still far away from retirement."

"Don't say that, depending on the progress of your practice, it's not difficult for you to become a demigod. Do you know what this means?"

"Life span of tens of thousands of years."

"Yes, for tens of thousands of years, what will guarantee that you will never get bored."

"Let's talk about it at that time, I don't have to be a demigod."

"Sith, did you know that I promised Princess Angelina to make her a demigod. If it is not for your future development, I can also make you a demigod within a hundred years."

"Father, don't scare me!" Sith was surprised.

"I have money, Sith, as long as the resources are sufficient, it is not too difficult to make one or two gods. It is certainly not more than one like the royal family. Anyway, I can foresee." Xiahe said neither Full truth.

Princess Angelina and Sith are all qualified choices. Even without his help, it is possible to become a demigod after a thousand years.

Xiahe can't do it by forcibly elevating a medium-qualified person to a demigod state.

"Father, won't you worry about me?"

"Worry what, you talk about it."

"I am now in charge of the duke leader, and I have a high status, but I have no ability to serve the public. Are you afraid that my heart will be unbalanced?"

"A bit."

"My qualifications, placed in other princes, are also capable of inheritance. But my lack of experience is a regret that I can't make up." Sith looked like a very gentle young man, speaking in a well-organized and arrogant manner. It is a lack of domineering temperament.

What reassured Xiahe was that he was as firm as a mountain.

All tenacity comes from within.

"Sith, do you know, like other big nobles, including the royal family and others, will train a lot of people and select a successor. Before that, everyone was in a competitive relationship. And I, only I chose you and your brother to inherit the two most important parts of me, do you know why? "

"Father, I really don't understand. Isn't there a problem with our training method?" The first time Sith revealed such a question, the expression on his face looked very solemn.

"Because, when I saw you, your pure and weak soul told me that you are excellent. There is no need to compete with others, as long as I am not wrong and let you grow up, you will be a good duke sooner or later. . "

"That's it." Sith laughed.

"That's how easy it is. Of course, the worst part I did was that I didn't have much time with you."

"It's already a lot. My magic is learned with my father." Sith rarely has a sense of pride.

Much of his classic magic comes from Xiahe, and he has created very little.

But even Xiahe admitted that Sith's magical ability is better than himself. It's just that Xiahe is a Taoist, and magic is not destined to be the most specialty.

Sith surpassed him and he was very happy.

"Also, I nurtured you because I do n’t want to get married and have no children. There must be someone like this to stabilize everyone ’s hearts. If I do n’t have an heir, there wo n’t be so many people following me. Maybe, it ’s for you Say, this is unfair. "

"Of course it's not fair. If my father didn't choose me, I might still be in a country and grow herbs for the Duke. It's not fair, it's lucky."

"Here." Xiahe took a jasper ring and gave it to Sith ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What is it? "The Sith held the ring and felt it with his soul, feeling ordinary things.

"Lucky Ring, I have a deeper understanding of the magic of fate ... Of course, there is also a spontaneous protection spell, not magic."

"What can you do? Is that kind of Leifa?"

"No, it allows you to break through the space barrier of no more than one million miles in thickness and instantly send it to a place."

"Run away ..."

"You want to use Leifa, that's fine, I can make a magic book."

"Magic book, not so handsome." Sith was a little childish.

"Then the scepter, I'm going to create an iconic scepter with a duke collar to match your dress."

"Okay!" Sith clapped, exulting. Although he said that he could study and persevere by himself, he still needed his father's company in his heart.

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