Daomen Invasion

Chapter 980: : Offense begins

Xiahe has observed Sith many times, and there is no problem in the depth of Sith's soul. This made him very happy, but also a little pitiful.

I spend too little time with Sith. In addition to teaching magic, many times, I spend time. When I am working, I let Sith look around.

Who is this company with?

Just as life came back, Xiahe didn't have to do those trivial things to deal with others.

The rules and regulations on the Duke's side are almost the same, so he helped Sith to make a set of practical things, which can be regarded as the exchange of feelings between father and son.

The streamer ring is not an original thing of Xiahe. It is only a means of protecting important people in the Daomen.

Sith's position in the system of dukes is very important. He has an outstanding personal fighting ability, and he handles political affairs at a higher level than Xiahe. He is young and has a super stable state of mind. Although the loyalty of the duke was to Xiahe, he was also very satisfied with this heir.

Even if Xiahe wanted to concentrate on practice and abdicate, the heir would not decline even if this heir was present.

Xiahe also pays special attention to the protection of Sith, like the Legion of the Ravens, who are carefully selected. The guards around Sith, and the war priests in Xianfu.

This is a treatment that no one has. The war priests, if they reach the first level, have a fatal threat to the legends below the 60th level. Moreover, the Taoist abilities to escape are stronger, and the ability to protect people is also diverse.

Xiahe also assigned four of the few Crow 4 battleships to Assis in his Asla Star Fleet.

The only type of Fire Crow II is now equipped with life. It is a warship of 128 meters long and can accommodate thousands of people. The staff of the entire staff around the Duke can be stuffed, including combat units .

The fire crow type 4, roughly 24.4 meters, does not have too many members, but it can also carry Sith and his guards away, or add some of his private staff members.

Xiahe and Sith talked a lot, but they were all about the practice, and they thought about it in their hearts to create an interesting equipment for Sith. This kind of thing is not difficult for Taoists, as long as there are resources.

Xiahe is hiding in Mount Vajra. The days outside are taken. Without him, the main world continues to develop.

The expeditionary army of the empire was not just the princess. In fact, the fleet also set off a batch from the side of Neisser, heading south from the west of the empire, all the way to the semi-elven empire, looking for a landing point closer to Black Pearl City.

In the Red Sea City, the imperial army has already broken a million, and some of them have tried to break through between the mountains. However, the half-elf empire does not even have a decent village here. . The Imperial Armies tried to go deeper, and they did not know how many times they played with Warcraft, so they had to return.

The paths in the virgin forest without maps are all directions.

Every time you encounter Warcraft, there are half elves sneaking in secret. These wild half elves are very fierce and can use the forest environment to explode with greater fighting power.

The loss of the empire ’s army was not large, but it did not dare to go deeper into the forest.

It is better to use the robots to open the way and develop the original forest after all the main elements of the half-elves have been eliminated. Even then, a lot of legends will have to be dispatched in the future to clean up the half-elves in this forest.

It is not surprising that the battle to destroy the country took hundreds of years.

It is mainly because humans in this world are also very clear that destroying forests will cause devastating damage to the environment. In the end, it is not impossible to get the land, soil erosion and desertification. The magician can transform the environment, but today you spend one million gold coins to destroy the forest, and tomorrow it will cost tens of billions to recover.

The Guardian Army is now on Titan Island, and Lynch is hosting Qiu Xuanji.

In the newly built port city, Qiu Xuanji sat on the top of a bizarre high tower, looking at the sea in the distance, and sighed: "Magic, it's really very interesting."

Lynch said: "I'm not a real magician, I can't tell the difference between you and the Taoist."

He and Qiu Xuanji, of course, don't know each other, that is to say casually. There is a Taoist project among the occupations that can be exchanged on the main **** panel.

But he hasn't touched the panel for a long time, and he doesn't want to check any information.

Xiahe gave him the Taoist information, and he had a deep understanding of Qiu Xuanji's career.

"Technology is also true. Technology itself is the analysis and use of the underlying laws. Moreover, technology is more traceable and can analyze the most basic principles. Magic or Taoism must reach a certain height before it can be understood. The head is right, but it is not really understood. "

"Specifically, how to say?" Lin Qi asked with a little interest.

"For example, science and technology artillery, how to manufacture the gun mount, what kind of reaction force to bear, how high temperature the barrel should withstand, what materials to use, how to polish, are very fine. What about the magic cannon? The magic array above, I understand what it means, but why does such a pattern express this meaning and actually work out, I do n’t really understand it. "

"The legendary mage may not understand it."

"Of course, most legendary mages have no deeper understanding of magic lines than me." Qiu Xuanji was very proud. He is in a very good mood right now. The people from the school are coming. At the Tenth School of Magic, some are students and some are professors, and they are happy to cooperate with the Duke.

"Technology, which allows ordinary people to understand the law, is a very remarkable thing. However, at a high level, like magic, only a few people can understand the mystery of technology. There are fewer senior scientists than senior magicians. This is A very difficult road is not destined to go down easily. "

"If the population is large enough, as long as you are willing to invest, you can still have many scientists."

"However, the law is clear and easy to be targeted. The original bow and arrow is the product of the law. The arrow will appear on the door. Your arrow will automatically fall on the ground. Technology, if it does not develop to a high level, it still cannot. It's the same as the spell. The robot's plasma gun is very advanced, and the super high temperature, even the magician, is difficult to defend. "

"Aren't we targeted spells?"

"Then it's a matter of consumption." Qiu Xuan said: "Defense plasma guns are more expensive than defense against ordinary technological shells. The energy consumption of plasma guns is not as good as technological guns. It seems that technological guns are useless. . However, electromagnetically accelerated shells are more powerful than gunpowder and are more difficult to target. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I said, Lord Duke certainly has more advanced technology, but it can't be taken out. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to defend yourself. Once the technology is understood, the cost can be quickly reduced. Like It ’s a magic type, and it ’s much more difficult to reduce costs. ”

"You said this ..."

"you know?"

"Of course, this is the so-called technical advantage, Asla told me."

"Technical advantage, what's the point?"

"For example, United Fireball, you know. Our Duke leader can let the caster squad release. The Magic Master, as long as it exceeds five levels, can put three, five people at a time, at least fifteen, usually the captain. It ’s a battle mage. You can put five and three to keep balance and save mental energy. "

"I understand this."

"We have many teams like this. Others are also training magic net masters, but the cost is high and the number is small. On average, the cost of releasing a fireball, such as a gold coin, we have only one silver coin. The attack cost is fifty times. Gap. "

"so much!"

"For example, some do n’t have that much, and some have a bigger gap. Then there is the defense of a joint fireball. Defending a fireball. Because of our high technology, the cost is only one silver coin. Maybe they will consume one gold coin. Outside, the cost of our spells may be one percent of the other. The two sides are at war, and if the loss of the mage is not considered, the other side will become poorer and poorer. This is the technical advantage. "

"I understand that the technical superiority in spells is easy to maintain, but the technological superiority in science and technology is easy to disappear and be protected by the opponent."

"Yes, now in the empire, many robots in the aristocratic army are also equipped with plasma guns. The cost is up to five times that of ours, and some are more technically less than three times. If they are all magic equipment, the gap is More than ten times. "

"So the better technology equipment, the Duke doesn't plan to take it out?"

"There are also, all can not be copied, but the number is scarce."

"Duke his magical technology ..." Qiu Xuanji didn't know what to say. This thing is very strange. The magic of the Duke's leadership is quite excellent. In many places, it is ahead of the technology combined with equipment. This lead is not in power, but in cost.

So the Duke led to arm so many armies ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the cost of the cost may be the same as others. But the number and level of equipment are much higher.

Without technology, don't build elite troops, too much money.

In the port, large robots are loading materials for a fleet. These robots have giant metal wheels, and the metal wheels themselves can also be transformed and spent as a limb. That is for special terrain. In this artificial environment, the ground is flat and the working efficiency of the wheels is high.

Lynch said: "The princess, what is the order for you?"

"Cooperating with the attack on the Black Pearl City, you must launch an attack at the end of the month, even if you shoot a few guns from a distance."

"Half elves are not so easy to fight?"

"Of course, to the west, the half-elves also have a large city. There are many troops there, and they have the ability to go to sea. However, the gap between the two warships is large, and it will be late when the half-elves understand it. Black Pearl, lured the opposing main fleet to come out and wipe it out in one fell swoop. Without the threat of the fleet, how to fight in the future will not be a problem. "

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