Daomen Invasion

Chapter 986: : Oath pattern

"Our second-level college alliance will publish a lot of data. In fact, what you think is very precious, here is already a very common thing. As long as you can use the alliance merit to exchange it, the duke leader itself has a similar system. , Trading with internal merits. "

Many powerful magicians have heard of the Duke-led trading system and are quite envious.

Some knowledge can only be exchanged for the merit value, but they are not people inside the duke's collar, and they can't do it if they want the merit value.

Now listening to this meaning, the Duke ’s intention is to make the knowledge public, and it can be bought as long as it takes a lot of work.

Although I do n’t know what this merit is, it should be a contribution to the secondary college league. In other words, there will be a task release.

In that case, it is acceptable. A similar transaction has long been perfect in the world of magicians.

It ’s just that the Duke ’s leader has come forward to form a large alliance, and the price is reduced internally.

This is good for everyone. As for what the senior mage provides, that should also be something.

As long as it is within the scope of everyone's understanding, it is good to establish this alliance, no one will refuse. If everyone joins together and discloses some resources, in fact, it will be comparable to the nine universities.

"So, in order to make this system fair and fair, I will launch a soul vow magic to ensure that our resources will not be leaked, so that the knowledge of each senior mage can be sold repeatedly, so that the cost can be earned even if it is low. This is also protecting the lower-level mages. If you buy knowledge elsewhere, how do you know that it is not deceiving you? In the event of an error in your practice, your soul will be traumatized and your life will be destroyed. "

"This magic oath will be jointly tested by 24 deans and adults, to ensure that there are no magic traps in the oath, and to ensure that our way of communication is fair and fair."

Sith talked eloquently, calmly, facing tens of thousands of magicians, he continued: "Ultimately, I expressed this magic in the form of a magic pattern, and made it into an alliance badge to ensure that each alliance member faced When you make an oath, you may be able to verify with the badge, and you will not be deceived. Yes, even if you are a first-level magician, the legendary mage cannot lie to you. "

In the stands, many low-level mages had an excited look on their faces.

For a long time, low-level mages have no right to purchase high-end items. You have to endure how much money you want to sell, otherwise you will not be able to buy anything. Senior magicians naturally have a pricing system. Although the empire made adjustments, it could not force every senior mage, and eventually the price of magic items remained high.

Now, the heir to the Duke of Asla, says he wants to unify the price so that low-level mages can afford high-end items?

"Of course, part of the high-end items are caused by too few supplies. The second-level college alliance cannot always have a large amount of inventory. It can only guarantee magic items and operate in a price range. When the item is sold at a price higher than the highest At that time, low-level mages can purchase in the alliance by writing an application, and the number will be limited. "

Senior Masters are calculating quickly in their hearts, and if they find this, they will make money.

Why are they making money? It's not about buying more materials and conducting magic experiments. If the price of materials can be reduced, they are also beneficiaries. Not everyone can master the output of all materials. Most senior mages only master some resources and then trade with others.

"Do you know what Sith is doing?" Xia He asked the two students.

"Pricing power for bulk magic items." Smith replied.

"You are so smart." Xiahe Road.

"When Xia Cheng suffocated nothing, I often read books. I can memorize every book written by the teacher, not by magical memory."

"Tenth School of Magic ... and Asra College, united and proposed to form an alliance. In fact, Asra College is the leader of this alliance. A total of twenty-four colleges, plus more than one hundred third level The Academy, we have actually controlled half of the magic world. "

"Nine colleges, what would you think?" Asked Medilly.

"What can they do, they have the best resources, and of course they will watch out for others to replace them, but we are mainly for alliances initiated by low-level mages, and we do not prohibit these mages from joining the nine colleges. There is no confrontation. At the beginning, the nine colleges I think it ’s nothing extraordinary. "

"Asla College, how to solve the influence?" Smith asked.

"The Sith will take the lead and build the largest alchemy laboratory in the empire, named after the Sith, and there is also a branch at the Tenth Academy of Magic. This laboratory, when it became famous, was when the Sith became famous. . "

"Everyone, the empire is at war. It seems that our world is extremely powerful. So many world passages, singularities in space, and the coming army are all vanishing under our blow. But this is just the beginning, the number of enemies It ’s thousands of times ours. If we ca n’t technically suppress our opponents, sooner or later we will be drained with the last drop of blood. Our alliance is not internal, only external. ”

"He's already an adult ..." Medirley sighed as he looked at Sith's huge body.

She had seen what Sith looked like when she was a kid. The little guy, curious about everything, likes to run around in the laboratory. Who ever thought that he would grow like this?

"You are not in Xiacheng, I don't know. Sith once took his Raven Corps and fought many times with the invaders." Smith replied to Medial.

"I heard, how is he?"

"It's very powerful. Only once I shot, I killed a strong outsider. That guy is an octopus-like thing, and his mental strength is very strong. If I don't learn swords, I will die like him and die on his In hand. The rest of the enemies were all killed by him. "

"Playing dead?"

"Sith, like our teachers, used the lowest casualties in exchange for victory."

Sith announced the magic oath on the spot in the middle of the arena. The deans of the twenty-four colleges also conducted tests to confirm that the magic was not a problem.

This magic is the cornerstone of the alliance.

Because the oath cannot be violated, the interests of the lower-level mages can be guaranteed. The higher the number of lower-level masters, the faster the higher-level masters can make money.

In fact, everyone is not very concerned about the problem of making money, mainly due to the problem of lowering the price of knowledge, which can be circulated at a low cost. In this way, the income of alliance investors will not decrease.

The so-called alliance investor is Sith, and he will also join this covenant.

As an investor, the funds, technology, and venues provided by him are not immediately available to other colleges.

The Covenant determined the proportion of Sith to get a return. Even if the profit is high, he cannot be the only one. Other colleges also need to invest, human and material resources and various knowledge reserves.

The headquarters of the Alliance is set up at the Tenth School of Magic, and there are many open spaces here.

Sith didn't seem to think about it at all. The Tenth Academy of Magic originally wanted to stay in the New World. Now under his coordination, he simply stayed in Rhode Island.

This is his goal.

Leaving the Tenth Academy of Magic as one of the hallmarks of the duke.

When he finally left, Xiahe turned himself into an ordinary person, even the breath of a professional was gone. Medelly and Smith reduced their ranks to ten.

"Teacher, I have to go back to study the technique of giants. The way I am transformed is not perfect yet. You and the sister have a good chat." Smith is also the same ... No, he just flew away and flew back. Summer city.


"You can go wherever you like, and now I can't feel the crisis." Xiahe said to Medil.

Medelly pondered for a moment and said, "I can't feel it either, but I don't have any place to go. Better, let's go to the seabed with my teacher?"

"Why do you go to the seabed?"

"Cultivation, I have practiced swords on the seabed for a while, as has Smith."

Xiahe is not surprised. Jianxiu always likes to practice in extreme environments. Some sword repairs even practice swords on a planet with powerful gravity.

Of course, there are also many sword repairs, because of this practice of death.

In contrast, the seabed is really not the most dangerous place.

"No, Star Wars, there are still some things that I need to deal with."

"Well, I'll go around myself." Medieri was helpless, and now Xiahe could not accompany her in actual combat. After the achievement of the demigod, the power of the two is too high, and the phantom array is terrible.

"Wait for time, let's go up." Xiahe pointed to the sky.

"Star field!"

"There are still stars nearby. There is no life and no one to disturb. Our strength will not hurt anyone."

"Okay!" Medierli walked away with a light in her eyes.

Now most of the space barriers have disappeared, but when she goes to the bottom of the sea, Huowa-1 still can't get in touch. Fortunately, Xiahe was very at ease with her ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Medi Li would not be too hard if she was in danger.

This is a sword training with judgment, not a rash man.

By the descending city ...

"His Royal Highness, Asla moved the Tenth Academy of Magic to Rhode Island. You can't bear this. The funds of the Academy are all from you!"

It was not the first member of Princess Angelina ’s wizarding group to come to her.

Angelina was depressed when she heard this. This is the truth, but Asra, it was really a loan. If he asked him to move the academy back to the New World, Asra would say, "Is it necessary to repay the money?"

Although he said that he certainly did not intend to pay it back, the problem is that opening his own means that he really does not owe his debts.

That's a lot of losses, even if you move back, aren't all the people in the college from the dean to the lecturer?

And now that the rebels on the New World have done it, he has done what he asked him to do. What reason did you use to relocate the college and continue to keep this account?

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