Daomen Invasion

Chapter 987: : Debt-free

This time, the princess's people weren't really aimed at Xiahe. No one wanted to provoke him. But after all, it was the princess's close friend who felt that the princess had lost money and of course had to protest.

Princess Angelina also understood that in the end, she had to contact Xiahe.

What she got in touch with was Xiahe's life configuration on Little Sun City.

"Asla ..."

"Your Highness, wait a minute, I'm having a meeting here." Life was lying on the bed, put down the book, greeted the mechanical maid, and moved a lot of things by the bed.

After cleaning up, he restarted the magic circle on the badge and said, "His Royal Highness, are you looking for me?"

"You are really busy!" Princess Angelina complained.

"Small Sun City is too busy. Duke Zhesu didn't die, so there were always people who didn't die, which caused me confusion."

"Okay, I know. I will ask you, what happened to the Tenth Academy of Magic?"

"what happened?"

"Okay, the college stays in the New World."

"Wait a minute." Life's construction cut off the magical connection again, and the mechanical maid took the wine. He adjusted the magical array to open the taste organs, broke the organs, opened the wine bottle, and took a sip slowly before turning the magic The array reopened.

"His Royal Highness, the affairs of the academy were made by my son. He just asked Asla College to conduct an academy exchange. Later, there were a lot of secondary colleges in the empire, and everyone made an alliance ..."


"Technically, there are also magic items trading content, which does not involve war."

"That too ..."

"Can't it?"

Princess Angelina was blank, feeling that things were out of control. College Alliance? After such things come out, it is very difficult for me to affect the Tenth School of Magic.

"His Royal Highness, this alliance is mainly set up for low-level mages, mainly for academic exchanges. Do you have any worries? If your Highness needs it, the Tenth Academy of Magic will not say anything at all times. To serve your Highness, unless they move away, but who wants to move out of the floating city? "

Princess Angelina was persuaded by the construction of life almost immediately.

Yes, as long as the academy can help itself in warfare, or fly once according to its own requirements, it is equivalent to mobilizing most of the magic academy.

It is impossible for the alliance to really adopt neutrality. Does it seem that its influence is even greater?

"Or, can I return the money to you?"

"Forget it, didn't you say it, help me become a demigod?"

"Your Highness, you figured it out." Life Construction laughed silently, more and more humane. He felt as if he had a soul and resonated with Asla.

Indeed, being a person is much more interesting than being a construct.

"I figured it out, and within a hundred years, helped me become a demigod."

"Then please, Your Highness, come to Little Sun City. Do you want me to send a flying fleet to pick you up?"

"No, I have it here."

After hanging up the communication, Princess Angelina wanted to smoke herself. Why was she fooled by this guy again, and this time, she meant to get rid of the debt?

Does the academy have no control ability?

Nor can it be said that as long as the Duke Asra is still the Minister of Administration, the Academy itself can still be mobilized.

But what's wrong?

It is a sad thing to associate with Asra. However, 400 million gold coins, in exchange for a demi-god, if Aslaken open the supply, countless people in the royal family are willing to break their heads to grab.

Do you want to say he pits you? nonexistent.

Gold coins are converted into materials, as long as they are equivalent, many people in the royal family can take them out. Not to mention 400 million, one billion gold coins for a demigod, can you change it? What does demigod mean? Tens of thousands of years of life.

The legend is only 3,000 years up, how many times the difference?

If she was allowed to practice herself, the path of Demigod would be very far away, and the funds invested during the period would not be too small.

Thinking about it, she did not know where the problem was.

Unless, there is a problem with this method of achieving demigod. But her vision is not low, the royal family also has the experience of achieving demigods, she can study. If Asra wanted to lie, it was almost impossible.

Princess Angelina has this authority to reduce Xiahe's loan.

She regents, unless after the emperor returns, she thinks that she did something wrong, but she did it wrong, and the punishment will not be too heavy. As long as she can achieve demigods, the emperor will not say that she is wrong.

Xiahe naturally knows what is happening there.

The so-called means of achieving demigods is nothing but radical practices. Anyway, the royal family has money and all kinds of medicinal materials can be supplied. Daomen naturally has a method for the magician to practice quickly. The practice of Taoism is not slow.

Combining Daomen technology, Princess Angelina has achieved demigods for centuries. Among the Daomen, it is considered to be quite talented.

Xiahe rejoiced when she heard that Princess Angelina was in a suit.

This practice is successful quickly, but he will be restrained by his power. No matter how high Angelina's achievements will be in the future, as long as it does not exceed Xiahe, there will be no threat to Xiahe.

Princess, is still of great value, her strength is strong, it is a threat to Xiahe.

Mainly, this transaction made the loan exemption decision clear. Since then, the Tenth Academy of Magic is in his pocket.

I have an extra floating city in my own life. At the beginning, the materials were all transferred from the royal family, and they were calculated at the cost price. Really raised by myself, how can 400 million gold coins be used.

Only the princess can use it to achieve the demigod's method.

The floating city is real, with its own army, it has a great deterrent. Any enemy that is heavily assembled must consider facing the floating city.

A magic cannon shot from a height must be out of range of your ground magic cannon.

Not to mention the magic cannon, you can't stand the bricks thrown at tens of thousands of meters.

Xiahe let life construct full treatment, fooled the princess, and the floating city became a private product. The Tenth Academy of Magic is not counted, but the Academy can be relocated, floating in the city, and the property rights are its own.

Xia He is reasoning like this, and now, the college is his own.

Because of the empire, no funding has been given to his college for more than five years. Although it does not mean the royal family, but I did not give me money. Xiahe did not ask for it, nor did the princess mention it. Now the college funds are all drawn from the Duke.

Xiahe stripped off the relationship between the academy and the royal family. Speaking of it, too many people are not used to him.

But how? You can't stand it if you don't like it.

Muses, who was stationed in the Red Sea City, heard this and couldn't tell the feeling. The gap between myself and Asra has widened again. How is it possible?

There is a powerful master **** behind him, who can exchange anything.

He walked in his army barracks, and suddenly found that many of the weapons in his hands were from the Duke of Asla, and there were signs of Asla Alchemy everywhere.

He put his mental strength out to observe other homes, and found that the other nobles were different, but the equipment was not self-made. Most of them were supplied by the royal family, but the robots almost bought Asra.

The robots you buy yourself are more expensive. The reason is because the computing core of the robots is the magic language you have made, and you do n’t want to be controlled by Asra.

A large number of robots flooded the camp, and when his mental power swept through, he also felt a sense of fear.

So many machines are really huge!

If Asra can control these robots and rebel collectively, the army here is afraid that most of them will die.

Are they not afraid? Muses gave a ridiculous feeling, is he crazy?

When he tried to contact, the magic circle opened, and he heard Xiahe's voice: "Mu Xisi, how come you think of me?"

"You're good, don't come to the front line at all, it looks like my assistant minister, very shabby." Muses pretended to complain.

"Why, there hasn't been a fight there yet?"

"Some ships have problems, and it will be next month, and it is still mainly harassment. The base has been established behind the Black Pearl City, and the Black Pearl City has not been taken seriously. Because the half-elves are dispatching troops in other worlds, they feel that their strength Absolute advantage. In fact, I think half elves are really decaying, and they do n’t understand the changes in the world at all. "

"Yeah ..." Life Construction also sighed.



"Dragonscale scrolls, sell me a batch."

"Don't sell it." Life Construction categorically declined.



"I pay a high price."

"That won't work either. Muses, this thing has limited production capacity. Don't look at my magician's hands. It's been accumulated over many years. For other things, my mages are very cheap to buy, and the price is not low. It ’s still a staircase purchase. The number of purchases within a year is limited. If this amount is exceeded, the price will be raised. Do you think I ’m lying to you? "

Life construction is deceiving people.

The cost of dragon scale scrolls is not high, the production capacity is not low, and there is a large inventory of blank dragon scales. But this is Xiahe's superior weapon, why should it be sold to others?

The dragon scale scroll itself has no recognition function ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The powerful scroll is thrown over, and Xiahe is also afraid.

"What if I buy it privately?"

"Why, Muses, there are so many channels in the world now. You slaughter two dragons and use dragon skin as a scroll. Isn't it better than buying me?"

Muses said, who made me just trigger the task of the main god, let me buy a batch of your dragon scale scrolls, the purchase price of the main **** is moving.

"Even if you do me a favor, I will designate magic and buy at a high price."

"You seem to return thousands of my money?" Life Construction interrupted him.

Muses was speechless and said in a long while: "Not much is owed. You sold it to me this time, and I paid it once."

"That's good, you send the order directly to me, and they will not take it to Xiacheng." Life configuration does not understand why Muses insisted, but considering that the dragon scale scroll is nothing. The secret is to create materials. But without the starry sky worms, there are some things you can't figure out and can't make.

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