Daomen Invasion

Chapter 990: : Assassination (1)

"There aren't many soldiers ..." Princess Angelina's voice was faint.

"Your Highness?"

"The Duke's men are all qualified troops and qualified human beings. This is terrible. In the face of the enemy, this army is ruthless. If one day ..."

The guard mage remains silent, this is not the time for him to speak.

Although many wizards around the princess used to say that the Duke of Asla was not, but now it is different. The princess is worried. If he says anything, it will be counterproductive.

"However, the Duke's army is all from this world, and he has never been used by the foreign army." Princess Angelina seems to be looking for Xiahe's reason.

You know, it seems easy for soldiers to engage in massacres, but the biggest evil is the collapse of their own morale. The army that likes to slaughter will not last long, and it will cause serious problems in its mind. Of course, this refers to the human army, and the Devil Legion is not included.

However, human beings in the main world survived under the brutal rule of the alien race. For the alien race, they felt abhorrence and were at ease with what they did.

When humans were the least, there might be only hundreds of thousands of people. In such a huge world, hundreds of thousands of people, one can imagine how terrible the alien rule was.

"You ... write an official document to commend Qiu Xuanji. He said that he has made significant actions and remembered his credit for our strategy."


The Guardian Master went to convey the order. He didn't need to write an official document himself. The following professional Master did this. And Qiu Xuanji has good results, and commendation and credit are all things that should be done. Besides, this kind of credit has no rank, and it will be judged uniformly after the end of the war. I do n’t know how many years it will be. Now it is a reputation.

The royal family does not praise the nobility, who will fight for you.

Don't look at Princess Angelina holding so many noble armies, those nobles also came from pursuing their interests.

The half-elf didn't find the miniature robot, and cleaned the toxins, so the half-elf was burnt. After this incident, humans continued to drop robots, but they were all directly destroyed by the half-elf marksman.

The robots released later did not carry miniature robots, but just gave the half-elves a habit of guidance.

The half-elves didn't find any problems, and the marksman was very nervous. As long as the human aircraft flew over it, the marksman would be ready to attack.

Although it is more expensive to mobilize a human aircraft, the marksman needs rest, and the airship does not.

It took more than half a month to do this. When the half elf was exhausted, outside the Black Pearl City, in the ditch, the magic circle was activated, and the water curtain rose upward, forming a huge shield that put the entire black Pearl City covered it.

The magicians of the Expeditionary Army looked at this shield from afar, and they had unclear emotions in their hearts.

This is a low-level gadget, but the area is so large that in the history of the empire, nothing similar has been created.

The half-elves are immediately isolated from the inside and outside, and strong mental power can penetrate the shield, but those legendary half-elves can't toss like this every day, and human energy is limited.

The human airship began to be released again. All kinds of messy robots were thrown away, and the marksman didn't work anymore. Although every robot was wiped out, the fear was spread among the half-elves.

No one knows what humans are doing to block Black Pearl City.

The city master immediately applied for support from the half-elf royal family, and the message was sent out, and he could not be intercepted by the shield. However, the human magician got the information accurately.

The entire shield is also a receiver. If the royal family responds, it can also be intercepted by humans.

However, the half-elf king city is still blocked, and the royal family over the vice capital is a prince of the half-elf. Hearing that the Black Pearl was blocked and humans were trying to misbehave, the half-elf prince issued an order calling on the half-elf army around the Black Pearl City to go to support.

In King Kong Mountain, Xiahe heard this message and could not help crying or laughing.

What a bad strategy, but it works for half-elves?

The normal way of playing is to build a steel platform on the sea, carrying a giant magic artillery on it, and blasting at the shield. Such things as shields have recovery values. As long as your magic cannon is bombarded repeatedly at a point, the shield will temporarily collapse.

This is an act of competing for national strength, and the royal family of the Arcane Empire can afford it.

In exchange for ten gold coins in exchange for the loss of one gold coin in the Black Pearl City, it was upright and crushed the other party. The other party is afraid of breaking the shield, so they will send legendary strongmen to destroy it. Humans are still afraid of this?

When the legendary strongman comes out, mankind can use the legend and the army to suppress it.

If the half-elf legend is afraid of death, you can only bring soldiers out to fight. When you come out, I do n’t have to bomb the shield.

Everyone is blinded by the shield. There is no possibility of absolute defense for this thing. Besides, why do airdrop robots pour the soil directly below?

The half-elves lacked air-to-air attack methods. The airship flew five kilometers. The legendary human **** poured dirt into the Black Pearl City. Anyway, there were so many trenches dug around, no loss.

It's easy to get mixed in the mud.

Robots are very expensive, OK, just throw in tens of thousands of them, and all are damaged.

The province is unsatisfactory, and the province is unwilling.

Black Pearl City is not its own city. It is protected by city weapons. Any aircraft coming over may be shot down. For example, on Xiacheng's side, the lethality of the Yanyang artillery, Xiahe himself didn't want to try it, even if he had reached the demise state.

Because it is much easier to lock the flying machine than to lock the legend, the Yanyang artillery can be launched at high speed. Once the artillery goes down, those flying battleships in Xiahe ’s hands ca n’t bear it, only the starry sky battleship can survive a few times.

Not to mention the Yanyang artillery, even the nine metal dragons on the other side of Princess County can destroy all types of flying warships.

The half-elves didn't develop urban weapons. Although they had a magic shield, they were just beaten.

Xiahe shook his head. It seemed that although the empire had many powerful weapons, the war mentality was not very good. Qiu Xuanji is also, there is no good way to say, it was estimated that it was casual.

But it's reasonable to make mistakes. The half-elves really sent reinforcements to the Black Pearl City?

There are millions of human beings in the army. If they spend their lives on it, will human losses be greater? Half-elves dare not do anything, and the food consumed by the human legion in one day is a headache.

Moreover, the best way for half-elves is to concentrate the strong and harass the logistics.

The supplies of the Human Legion, except for those carried by the battleship, are mainly revolved from Red Sea City and Titan Island, which requires fleet transportation.

When sinking a boat, mankind has to build another one. The consumption of capital and time will have a great impact on the front line. If you sink a fleet, it will have a far-reaching impact.

But the half-elves almost gave up the southeast coast and were scorched by Lynch's troops.

Thinking of this, Xiahe suddenly sent a message to Sha Zhenren, asking him to refine the dragonscale scrolls, and then went to the southeast coast of the half-elf empire to collect the souls of the half-elves first and then go to Qiu Xuanji.

Sha Zhenren knew what Xiahe meant. That was to ask him to help him and see if there was any trouble in the southeast coastal area.

There was really a big problem over there. The half-elf army of outsiders has now gathered more than one million people. Although it is not near the seaside, some have gone deeper inland.

However, because of this, the people of Lynch and Qiu Xuanji didn't dare to go too deep, and they were all active in the position of four or five hundred miles along the coast. They were able to move on a large scale before, and now they are at least half a battalion. There are 5,000 battalions in a battalion of the secondary legion, and there are 2,500 in half a battalion. Coupled with robots, they can cope with tens of thousands of horses.

However, there are millions of servants of the half-elves gathered in the southeast, and the legendary strongman is destined to be no less.

Sha Zhenren also has some expectations in his heart. If he could kill a few legendary half-elves, the soul quality would be ...

The Tianqimen is an authentic Taoist gate. Although it cannot help killing, the treatment of human souls is quite cautious, which is similar to the Jiu Avenue Palace. Sha Zhenren are in a different world and dare not violate the rules.

However, the urinary nature of Daomen and the treatment of alien souls are not so limited.

Apart from the methods, there are few other requirements.

The main reason is that Daomen is worried that Taoist priests will become enchanted when they play with their souls, or rely too much on soul materials, so there are so many restrictions.

The four words of bright and upright are different inside and outside.

In fact, when you reach the gate of Jiu Avenue Palace, you can control the mansion and study the soul without having to kill. Go to the mansion and you will understand everything.

As for the soul material, the Daomen conquered so many worlds, and there were countless races other than humans.

It is not too difficult to comply with this rule. It is mainly the world where Sha Zhenren ’s Tianqimen is located. There are no more aliens. When he came to this world, he wanted to get some half-elven souls.

He knew that Xiahe must also need those souls, so he didn't go too far, he needed a few hundred.

He also knows ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If he wants more, Xiahe will give him, but he has to pay the price. Before seeing Xiahe, he was not the same attitude towards the baron. After seeing Xiahe, he realized that there was a huge gap, and naturally he would not have any arrogance, nor would he be brain-damaged to compete with Xiahe.

It ’s good to distribute the benefits fairly. If it ’s not fair, it does n’t matter if you get less.

The core parts of the star battleship are still to be refined. Xiahe is in Mount Vajra. He seems to be doing nothing, but he is actually busy every day.

On this day, I suddenly received the message, but it was sent by the life construct.

On the side of Little Sun City, we have obtained accurate information, and there are assassinations specifically aimed at Xiahe, which are being planned.

When Xiahe saw the information, he laughed and killed himself? In Little Sun City?

Let him go, the real danger is Sith. After engaging in the second-level college alliance, Sith's reputation has already begun to come. Such an heir quickly rushed out and hit the Duke's leader really.

If you kill yourself, few assassins find it easy.

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