Daomen Invasion

Chapter 991: : Assassination (2)

Xiahe knows very well that the entire duke leader is an interest group whose core is his own. On the side of Little Sun City, there are now strong defense barriers, there are hundreds of people around the life structure, and the assassination is too difficult.

In Xiacheng, Sith often travels outside, which is a good target to start.

However, on Xiacheng's side, the outside is tight and the inside is tight, so there is no problem of assassins getting in. And he was in Xiacheng, and he could definitely feel it when he came to Demigod.

Lord Duke, there are only two people who cannot afford to lose, and that is themselves and Sith.

No matter how powerful the assassin wants to kill himself, there is not much possibility. Because the material of the shadow mirror has changed, the defense power is far from the original.

This last line of defense, copper walls and iron walls.

To break through the defensive line of the Taiyin Mirror, that is not an assassin's sudden means, but a powerful force to crush. What level do you need to crush yourself?

Don't even think about it within a hundred levels.

If you add Medirelli and Smith, it is impossible to crush yourself at level one hundred.

Besides, I am now a demigod, and I know that the world's limitations on power seem to be nowhere to be found, but in fact I can still sum up the law.

Demigods cannot be assassins, suppress their own level strength, disguise themselves, and want to burst out instantly to reach the peak of strength, that is something they can't do.

Xiahe told his life to be more careful. This configuration, he invested more than the original Xia Ye.

Moreover, the life configuration has a subtle connection with Xiahe's soul. In the future, he will be his strongest fairy soldier, but he can't lose it. This kind of accidental thing may not be lost after the loss. This was the case with Xia Ye, and Xiahe couldn't make another one.

Xia He also told Anduzias that he must protect his life.

Needless to say, Shrek now has a vote of Legendary Masters, plus Legendary Warriors, Swordsmen and the like, 14 people. Fourteen legends, the words that protect life are truly luxurious.

The life structure itself can exert its strength above 75.

Xiahe didn't take things seriously, Shrek was nervous. Don't look at his 14 legends, a lot of magicians, and guard cavalry, but how could anyone who dare to assassinate the Duke be a weak man.

He also did not know that Anduzias was a demigod, and the duke received the demigod's news, only the demigod himself knew.

On the side of Little Sun City, the Guardian Mage began a day-to-day investigation, because it was also very hard to try not to harass the normal operation of the city.

Shrek had to work on his own. On the evening of the same day, he received the following news. Outside the Little Sun City, in the northwestern town, a few suspicious people came.

There were no clues for several days, and Shrek immediately took them.

This is a small caravan, fifteen people, a large vehicle with a mechanical department, two people driving the vehicle, and the remaining 13 are riding horses.

The reason is suspicious, the goods carried in the vehicle are low-grade gems.

There are indeed those who buy low-grade gems on the Little Sun City side, but the price is always not high. If you go a few hundred miles further south, you can find a place where the purchase price is higher.

The road around Little Sun City is excellent now, and there is no war, except for some space singularities that are considered threats.

But to do business, naturally it is necessary to bear the risk, anyway, for Shrek, the purchase price of Little Sun City, he refused to sell.

The east of Little Sun City is the port, and there are small towns in the other three directions.

These small towns, even when passing through, are not allowed to enter Little Sun City, especially those who carry big cars and transport goods, the goods on the vehicle must be reported, and they can only be brought into Little Sun City after inspection. Trading.

Shrek suspected that it was because the opponent had two legendary mages escorting the car.

There are no robbers in the empire, especially on the Duke's side. In order to suppress the people left by the Duke of Zhesu, the method is quite bloody, and you may be killed on the spot if you grab a lollipop.

To say that a car of low-level gems is indeed not low in value, but if two legendary mages are used as guards, the price of this guard is too high. Unless they have anything to sell. The problem is that if you sell anything, you must report it in the town. There is no report, you dare to sell in Little Sun City, that was won on the spot, but no matter who you are.

The profits of low-grade gems have not been too high in the empire, and the public price of Little Sun City is low. As for the two legendary mages escorted?

Besides these two legendary mages, from the family of the nobles in the north, northwest.

After the nobility of the Northland was conquered, the relationship with the duke has been not very good. In order to stand up for prestige, Xiahe was inevitably more intense. The nickname of the Duke of Tombstone was obtained at that time.

Why do you want to trade, it is not very good to sell the western part of the empire. There are also many secondary and tertiary colleges over there, and the acquisition of gems is long-term.

Running to Little Sun City to trade, is this crazy?

The town is in sight, seeing tall towers from afar, Shrek said, is this still a small town, the tower is over 40 meters high. A giant with a normal figure is more than ten meters tall.

Of course, the area of ​​the town is not too big, blocking the road to Little Sun City.

Outside the town, there will be sporadic sentry-type fortresses with robots stationed. It is so troublesome to occupy other people's land. Although the Duke of Zhesu did not treat his people well, some people were crazy and wanted to be loyal.

Shrek brought a hundred iron rides, fifty combat mages, and fifty magic heavy warriors this time.

He had obvious signs on his body and flags, and the soldiers on patrol quickly notified the other side of the town. When entering the city, there was no sound.

Shrek came directly to the mayor. The mayor was an old lady with gray hair and a professional. She looked like she was in her early tenth grade.

"Sir, the Guards is here, what's the big deal?"

"It's not suspicious of that car."

"That doesn't require the adults to come in person, these people all have a history, the documents are clear, not forgeries. If suspicious, report them up and don't let them enter the city."

Shrek said with a smile: "How to do that, I still have to ask."

"What are you saying, do you want me to bring it?"

"No, I'll go by myself. People on your side, don't move, if there are two legendary mages over there, if they are really in trouble, they will hurt the innocent."

"Legend, this thing, I want to hide away." Aunt panic.

Shrek smiled. He knew the aunt. The person who came off the battlefield was almost disabled because of a spine injury.

After the Duke paid for her treatment, she was forced to retire because of her age and came to be a town mayor. While in the army, she was already the deputy commander of a large group.

Although the level is not high, but the ability to fight is stronger.

This kind of veteran has great merit, and he will be polite.

She said that she meant to bring the past in person, to bring the soldiers in the town to help the fight. Shrek means that the other party is a legend, so do n’t mess up.

On Shrek's side, in the mayor's mansion, he opened the two accompanying cars and two magical structures, and then the soldiers went up, opened the box, and released a hundred scorpion-shaped robots.

The team silently followed Shrek to the hotel and waited in the distance.

Shrek took the five mages and calmly walked into the hotel. He pointed to the badge on his chest, and the people behind the counter said nothing, watching them walk towards the second floor.

Only then did he emerge from the stairs, and the lights in the corridor suddenly went out.

A golden light shot at Shrek with lightning. Shrek sneered and immediately launched an attack order. The golden light passed through Shrek's body, but it was a phantom.

Shrek flickered into the corridor.

This hotel is not big. The second floor has been packed down. After Shrek blinked, his feet were cold, and he even stepped on a cold trap.

Resist the ring of fire!

The flame burned on his legs, and the trap was instantly broken. At the same time, his two legs were like rockets. The sound of the flame sprayed. After the explosion, the sound of nearby glass shattered.

The other five mages had a black barrier in front of them, separating them from Shrek.

Shrek's figure slammed into a door, his hand stretched forward.

Grip of death!

In the darkness, a teenager was caught by his neck and his eyes protruded. When Shrek's figure turned, there was an extra dagger on the boy's chest. The assassin who assassinated in the back saw the boy's eyeballs protruding out of his eyes and hit his face.

"Is the assassination directed against me? It's an honor ..." Shrek's voice sounded like a dream, and the flames on his legs hadn't been extinguished yet.

In the room on the third floor, four swords stab at the same time.


The sword's speed suddenly slowed down, and Shrek fell straight back to the second floor. The four epee assassins moved forward. A huge fireball flew up in the hole on the floor and exploded.

So far ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shrek hasn't used a legendary magic, it's a common common spell.

The last time Xiahe directed the Guardian Mage Group to conduct a training specifically for Shrek. Shrek's level hadn't improved much, but the fighting methods and fighting abilities had changed dramatically.

His battle is more in line with the magician concept designed by Xiahe.

In addition to magic, everything in other professions will be understood.

Shrek's battle is still releasing magic, but the fighting idea is no longer the traditional way of the mage.

Open the roof, entice the enemy to shoot, then destroy the fireball, play a time difference, use a magic fireball of level 20, and kill all four assassins.

Shrek raised his hand with a short spear in his palm.

"Who is it? The nobles of the North should no longer have this courage. For me, it seems unnecessary, I am just a guard. For the Duke of my family, this trick is meaningless."

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