【After listening to the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized and compiled by Prince Fusu, Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and Wei Liao were all speechless for a long time.】

【After a long while, Wang Jian finally sighed and said,"From now on, everyone in the world will know how to march and fight!"】

【It can be said that the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu is a fool-proof guidebook for military commanders.】

【Even if he is a fool, as long as he can read, as long as he strictly follows the eight military strategies summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu to train soldiers, select generals, manage the army, issue military orders, use spies, formulate strategies and tactics, and ensure logistics.】

【Then, he can be called a qualified military commander!】

【If everyone in the world could get this fool-proof guide to military commanders, then it wouldn't be a lie to say that everyone in the world would be able to march and fight.】

【Upon hearing this, Prince Fusu shook his head and said,"Even if you read the Eight Strategies of Military Science, you only know how to march and fight."】

【"But knowing how to march and fight and being able to actually win the battle are two different things."】

【"If you still can't win the battle in the end, then even if you have the Eight Strategies of Military Science, it will be meaningless."】

【"For military strategists, victory or defeat on the battlefield is the ultimate decision!"】

【Meng Wu on the side also shook his head, expressing his disagreement with Prince Fusu's words, and said:"Military strategy is based on victory or defeat on the battlefield, but a military commander who can win a battle also needs time to train."】

【"Not all military commanders can be like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, who is not only a qualified military commander once he goes to the battlefield, but also a military commander who can win the battle!"】

【"Take me for example, it took me more than ten years to grow from a small soldier to a qualified military commander!"】

【"It took me another ten years to grow from a qualified military commander to a military commander who can win battles."】

【"Today, I am already over 40 years old."】

【"But now, I have grown from a small soldier to a qualified military commander in the past ten years."】

【"All the experiences gained in marching, fighting and commanding troops during this period were summarized and concluded by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in these concise and comprehensive volumes of the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs!"】

【"In the future, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty only need to study the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded and compiled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and they can save more than ten years and quickly become a qualified military commander."】

【"As a result, you will be able to grow into a military commander who can win battles at a faster speed and in a shorter time!"】

【"Even in the future, I can have more time because of this, and can go further with the military strategists, which is enough."】

【"If I had been studying the art of war when I was young, I would have had the opportunity to learn from the military books such as the Eight Strategies of Military Strategy compiled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."】

【"Well, maybe I can make further progress now!"】

【At the end, Meng Wu's face also showed a hint of envy and regret.】

【The Eight Strategies of Military Affairs summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu is equivalent to a 60-point military commander experience pill.】

【Anyone whose military commander experience is below 60 points, after eating the"Eight Strategies of Military Commander" experience pill, his military commander experience can be quickly increased to 60 points.】

【Therefore, for those who do not know how to become a qualified military commander, that is, for novices whose military commander experience is below 60 points, it is best to eat the"Eight Strategies of Military Commanders" military commander experience pill.】

【But for people like Meng Wu and Wang Jian, who have military command experience of more than 80 points,】

【"The"Eight Strategies of Military Affairs" is a military commander's experience pill. At most, it allows them to compare and sort out their past experience in commanding troops and marching to fight.】

【There is almost no substantial improvement for them.】

【In the future, the generals and soldiers of the Qin Dynasty can avoid more than ten years of detours, quickly reach their current level of command, and then have more time to surpass their current level of command!】

【This made Meng Wu feel a little envious while being happy for the future soldiers of the Qin Dynasty.】

【Because he is nearly fifty years old, he can already clearly feel the upper limit of his military commander level.】

【If there is no great opportunity in the future, his military commander level will at most continue at this level and then rise a little bit.】

【But if he wants to truly surpass this level and reach the level of commander like Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun, it should be hopeless in his lifetime.】

【In addition to the fact that he may not have enough talent, more importantly, he doesn't have much time left.】

【After all, in this era, he is over 40 years old, has gradually passed the peak of his life, and is gradually entering old age.】

【If he could have the experience and level of command he has now when he was in his twenties,】

【Then maybe he will have a chance to reach the level of the military commander Bai Qi was in the past!】

【Thinking of this, Meng Wu couldn't help but glance at Wang Jian beside him, and cursed in his heart,"What a bastard!"】

【He and Wang Jian were of the same generation and about the same age, and their military commanders were also of similar level in the past.】

【Before the age of thirty, the growth rate of both sides and the commander-in-chief can almost be described as the speed of a rabbit running wildly.】

【But after he turned thirty, his growth rate in the field of military strategy and leadership had gradually slowed down from the rapid growth of a rabbit to the slow crawling stage of a turtle.】

【Then, after he turned 40, his growth rate in military strategy and command dropped from a tortoise's slow crawl to a snail's slow walk.】

【However, Wang Jian, this bastard, after he turned thirty, his growth rate as a military commander was still as fast as that of a rabbit before he turned thirty.】

【After the age of 40, Wang Jian's growth rate as a military commander was no longer as fast as a rabbit, but it was still much faster than a tortoise.】

【Until now, Wu Jing could clearly feel the gap between the two sides in terms of military commanders.】

【Although at present, the two sides are still at the same level of military commander】

【But Wang Jian is obviously about to reach the upper limit of this major level, but he is still in the upper middle level of this major level.】

【Talent and time are sometimes two things that people envy.】

【Seeing Meng Wu showing envy and regret on his face, Crown Prince Fusu comforted him and said,"Master Meng is not too old now, so why can't he make further progress?


【"In the future, my father and the Great Qin will still need Master Meng to lead the army to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world!"】

【"If Master Meng now accepts his age and acknowledges his superiority, how can the future father and the Qin Dynasty dare to place the army and hope in the hands of Master Meng?"】

【"It would be better to let Master Meng stay at home now, enjoy his old age and enjoy his grandchildren!"】

【Hearing the half-comforting, half-provoking words from Crown Prince Fusu, Meng Wu clapped his hands and laughed heartily,"Hahaha, your highness is right!"】

【"I am not old, so who says I can’t make further progress?"】

【"As for enjoying old age and enjoying the company of grandchildren"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"After I have conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world for Your Majesty and the Qin State, it will not be too late to retire and enjoy my grandchildren!"】

【After Meng Wu recovered, Wei Liao turned to look at the Qin King Ying Zheng who was listening and said,"The Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded and compiled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are very helpful for the soldiers to learn how to become a qualified military commander."】

【"I suggest that the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded and compiled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can be listed as the must-learn military tactics for the Qin generals!"】

【"Let all the generals of the Qin Dynasty know the Eight Strategies of Military Science"】

【"In this way, the Qin Dynasty will have a steady supply of qualified military commanders to use."】[]

【King Qin Ying Zheng nodded and agreed:"Yes, the specific rules of this matter will be discussed by the three of you and submitted to me."】

【King Qin Ying Zheng was also able to clearly understand the role and significance of the Eight Strategies of Military Science】

【After all, even a king like him who didn't know how to lead troops and fight wars, after listening to the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu,】

【A strange feeling suddenly arose in my heart that commanding troops and fighting wars did not seem difficult and I could do it too!】

【From this, we can see how powerful the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded and compiled by Crown Prince Fusu are. It can be said to be a must-learn military book for novice generals!】

【Prince Fusu, who was standing by, also suggested,"Father, you can also order someone to compile a book similar to the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs, which can also serve as a reference book for Qin's civil officials."】

【Upon hearing Prince Fusu's suggestion, King Ying Zheng of Qin raised his eyebrows and repeated,"Eight Strategies of Political Affairs?"】

【Prince Fusu further explained:"It is just a temporary name. As for whether it will be eight, seven, six, nine or ten, it depends on the specific situation."】

【"Mainly, when I was summarizing, summarizing, and compiling the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists, I was thinking that since military generals can have such a book of Eight Strategies of Military Strategists to guide them on how to quickly become a qualified military commander,"】

【".Then couldn't the civil officials have a book like Eight Strategies of State Affairs to guide them on how to quickly familiarize themselves with and master the affairs of the various departments of the court, as well as the matters that local officials should be responsible for?"】

【"This must be possible!"】

【"After all, if I can summarize, conclude, and compile a set of eight strategies for military affairs, then why can't others summarize, conclude, and compile a set of eight strategies for political affairs?"】

【"At most, no one has yet summarized, concluded, or compiled such a specific and detailed set of eight strategies for political affairs."】

【"However, as long as we organize manpower and handle the various repetitive affairs that the court departments and local officials are involved in on a daily basis,"】

【"For example, sacrifices, land taxes, court policies, official inspections, official administration, prisoner records, government offices, official livestock, grain storage, and goods were all brought together and summarized one by one."】

【"Then, the nine ministers of the court, the prime minister, or experienced local officials would provide various reference solutions for these daily repetitive affairs."】

【"Finally, summarize, conclude and compile it into a book, just like the Eight Strategies of Military Science!"】

【"In this way, newly appointed heads of court departments or local officials can save a lot of time on self-exploration."】

【"Get through the awkward period faster and get better at handling the affairs of the court and local affairs"】

【"Eventually, in a shorter time, you will become a qualified head of a court department and a local official."】

【At this point, Prince Fusu sighed slightly, and said with some regret:"Originally, after I summarized, concluded, and compiled the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs, I also wanted to try to summarize, conclude, and compile such a list of Eight Strategies of Political Affairs."】

【"But now, at most, I understand the specific affairs of the six ministries of the crown prince, and I know almost nothing about the affairs of the nine ministries of the central court and the local officials."】

【"So, after just starting the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs, I had no choice but to stop writing."】

【As a person with a faint obsessive-compulsive disorder, Prince Fusu also wanted to summarize, conclude, and compile a good military strategy, and then summarize, conclude, and compile a political strategy.】

【This way, one literary and one martial, whether it looks or sounds, is just the right balance.】

【Unfortunately, he has no experience in government except for managing the six ministries of the crown prince.】

【Therefore, his father could only find another capable minister to summarize and compile the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs.】

【However, if the summary, conclusion and compilation of the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs by the capable ministers his father had found were not perfect enough, or if he had the opportunity in the future, he would try to summarize, conclude and compile the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs again.】

【In this way, he can say that he has"Sixteen Strategies of Military Affairs and Political Affairs", which sounds good both in hearing and in saying.】

【After listening to the explanation of Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin realized the importance of the"Eight Strategies of Political Affairs" almost instantly.】

【After all, a country not only needs a large number of qualified generals to lead the army to fight, but also a large number of qualified civil officials to govern the country.】

【The"Eight Strategies of Political Affairs" can quickly train a large number of qualified generals, just like the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs, and can also quickly train a large number of qualified civil officials.】

【It can be said that once the"Eight Strategies of State Affairs" are summarized, concluded and compiled, its importance and significance will be no less than those of the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs!】

【So King Qin Ying Zheng nodded solemnly and said,"Well, father will find someone to summarize and compile the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs!"】

【As the words fell, several candidates emerged in the mind of King Qin Ying Zheng, including the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, and the court judge Li Si.】

【After Prince Fusu finished describing what he had learned from studying military strategy, he summoned these important officials to discuss summarizing and compiling the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs.】


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