In Xianyang City, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng turned around and looked at Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, and ordered:

"After the curtain falls, I will ask all transcribers to compile all the contents about the four forces and eight strategies of the military strategists and give them to the old general. Please check for omissions and fill in the gaps."

"Then, I will combine the four forces and eight strategies of the military strategists, as well as the old general's own military tactics, and teach them in detail to the generals of the Qin Dynasty!"

Wang Jian immediately bowed his head and bowed his hands, saying:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

This task was not a big deal for him.

After all, the four forces and eight strategies of the military strategist had already been roughly summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu.

His main role was to check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and this workload was not too much for him.

After explaining the four forces and eight strategies of the military strategist, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng immediately turned his head and looked at the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, and the court judge Li Si.

The three people who were swept by Emperor Qin Ying Zheng's eyes also moved in their hearts, and thought to themselves:"Sure enough, they are here."

Then, as expected, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at the three people and said:

"With the Eight���Similarly, the Qin Dynasty also needs such a set of eight strategies for government affairs that can help officials quickly go from being unfamiliar to being proficient."

"This matter will be jointly handled by the left and right prime ministers and the chief judge!"

"In the future, the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs and the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs will together become the foundation of the empire of our Great Qin's civil and military officials!"

"I hope you will work hard to make it perfect and leave no mistakes!" Upon hearing this, the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, the Right Prime Minister Wang Wan, and the Court Judge Li Si all bowed and said loudly:

"We, your servants, obey your order!"

"I will definitely live up to your majesty's trust!"

"I swear to build the foundation of our Great Qin for Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also nodded with satisfaction.

With the Eight Strategies of Military Affairs, Daqin can continuously and quickly train a large number of qualified and available middle and senior generals.

Then these generals can lead troops to patrol and suppress all parts of Daqin, ensuring that the remnants of the six countries will not stir up any waves.

Similarly, with the Eight Strategies of Political Affairs, Daqin can also continuously and quickly train a large number of qualified and available Nine Ministers and local officials.

Then these officials can be sent to the former sites of the six countries to strengthen Qin's control over the six countries, and further ensure that the six countries will not be out of Qin's control.

Then, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng continued to look up at the sky.

The four forces of military strategists have been discussed, and the strategies have also been discussed.

What are the remaining thirty-six strategies?

Strategies, strategies, and tactics.

Could it be that the so-called The Thirty-Six Stratagems refer to thirty-six strategies?

If so, what do these thirty-six strategies specifically refer to?

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng became more and more expectant.

Of course, not only Emperor Qin Ying Zheng was expecting it, but also Wang Jian, Meng Tian, Li Xin and other generals of the Qin Dynasty were also very much looking forward to it.

For Wang Jian, the art of war summarized and concluded by Prince Fusu can more or less serve as a role of learning from others' experience.

For generals such as Meng Tian and Li Xin, the art of war summarized and concluded by Prince Fusu can actually allow them to go one step further. Even for potential generals such as Han Xin, Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Peng Yue, and Ying Bu, the art of war summarized and concluded by Prince Fusu can also play a role in supplementing the knowledge of generals in the military system.

【After Prince Fusu briefly explained the eight strategies of politics as opposed to the eight strategies of military strategy, Wang Jian took the initiative to ask Prince Fusu about the last thirty-six strategies:】

【"After the four forces and eight strategies of military strategists, what is the final thirty-six strategies of Your Highness?"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and said,"The Eight Strategies of Military Science can only teach generals how to fight a stupid battle step by step. Compared with a true commander of military power and tactics, there is still a world of difference."】

【"So I was thinking about how to make a commander who has learned the Eight Strategies of Military Science closer to being a real commander of military strategy, and be more flexible when commanding troops in battle."】

【"So I thought, since I can summarize and compile a fool-proof military manual that everyone can refer to and learn from, I can summarize and compile a fool-proof military manual that everyone can refer to and learn from."】

【"Then, regarding the most important strategy of military strategy and commander-in-chief, can I also summarize, conclude and compile a manual on strategy to teach ordinary JDC generals?"】

【"I think it should be possible, after all, most of the strategies used in the political conspiracy are repeated."】

【"It's just that the same strategy, in the hands of different people, some are successful and some fail."】

【"So I followed the"Art of War" taught by Master Wang.》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi's Art of War》、《The Six Secret Teachings and other military strategies, as well as war cases that have occurred in the past and past events recorded in historical books."】

【"Finally, a set of Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Affairs was summarized!"】

【"The Thirty-Six Stratagems of War are divided into six parts: Stratagems for Winning a Battle, Stratagems for Fighting the Enemy, Stratagems for Attacking a Battle, Stratagems for Mixed Battles, Stratagems for Joint Battles, and Stratagems for Defeat."】

【"The first three parts are strategies used when you are in an advantageous position, and the last three parts are strategies used when you are in a disadvantageous position. Each part contains six strategies."】

【"Part I: Strategies for winning battles, strategies for being in an absolutely dominant position"】

【"These include: The first strategy: Concealing the truth, the second strategy: Encircling Wei to save Zhao, the third strategy: Killing with a borrowed knife, the fourth strategy: Waiting for the enemy to tire, the fifth strategy: Taking advantage of the fire, and the sixth strategy: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west."】

【"Part II: Enemy War Strategies, Strategies for Equally Matched Situations"】

【"These include: The Seventh Strategy: Creating Something Out of Nothing, The Eighth Strategy: Sneak Attack Shangdang, The Ninth Strategy: Watching the Fire from the Other Side, The Tenth Strategy: Hiding a Dagger Behind a Smile, The Eleventh Strategy: Using a Substitute to Kill a Dead Person, The Twelfth Strategy: Stealing Something While You Have a Chance"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Part III: Offensive Strategies, Strategies for Being on the Offensive"】

【"These include: Stratagem 13: Alerting the Snakes, Stratagem 14: Resurrecting the Dead, Stratagem 15: Lure the Tiger Away from the Mountain, Stratagem 16: Playing Hard to Get, Stratagem 17: Throwing Bricks to Attract Jade, Stratagem 18: Capture the Thief and the King"】

【"Part 4: Mixed Combat Strategies, strategies for situations where there is no distinction between friend and foe, or between various lords"】

【"These include: Stratagem 19: Remove the firewood from under the cauldron, Stratagem 20: Fish in troubled waters, Stratagem 21: Escape from the shell, Stratagem 22: Close the door and catch the thief, Stratagem 23: Make friends with distant countries and attack nearby countries, Stratagem 24: Use the excuse of passing through the territory of Guo to attack the enemy."】

【"Part Five: Joint Battle Strategies, Strategies for Dealing with Friendly Forces Turning into Enemies"】[]

【"These include: Stratagem 25: Replace the pillars with new ones, Stratagem 26: Blame the mulberry tree, Stratagem 27: Pretend to be stupid, Stratagem 28: Pull the ladder out after climbing up the roof, Stratagem 29: Flowers blooming on the tree, Stratagem 30: Turn the tables"】

【"Part VI: Strategies for a Defeated Army"】

【"These include: Stratagem 31: Beauty Trap, Stratagem 32: Empty City Trap, Stratagem 33: Counter-espionage Trap, Stratagem 34: Self-torture Trap, Stratagem 35: Chain Trap, Stratagem 36: Escape is the Best Tactic"】

【Prince Fusu first gave a general introduction to the various strategies involved in the Thirty-Six Strategies of War, and then further explained the meaning of each of these strategies.】

【"For example, the so-called deception refers to deliberately using disguises again and again to confuse and deceive the other party, causing the other party to relax their guard, and then suddenly take action to achieve the purpose of winning."】

【"For example, the so-called"Besiege Wei to Save Zhao" means that when the enemy is strong, we should avoid direct battle with the strong enemy. We should adopt roundabout tactics to force the enemy to disperse its forces, and then seize the enemy's weak links to launch attacks and kill the enemy."】

【"For example, the so-called"borrowing a knife to kill" means that when dealing with the enemy, you do not take action yourself, but use the power of a third party to attack the enemy in order to preserve your own strength."】

【"Another example is to rest and wait for the enemy to tire out. This means not to attack first in battle, but to conserve energy and strength to deal with the tired enemy coming from afar."】

【"For example, the so-called taking advantage of the enemy's fire means taking advantage of the enemy's difficulties or serious crisis to attack and win."】

【"Another example is the so-called"feinting to the east and attacking the west", which means that on the surface you are going to attack the east, but in fact you are attacking the west."】

【"On the battlefield, they take advantage of the chaos in the enemy's command system, the lack of prediction of the corresponding combat plan, and the difficulty in dealing with emergencies, and finally take the opportunity to eliminate the enemy......."】

【After explaining the meaning of each of these strategies, Prince Fusu then drew on the war cases that Wang Jian had taught him in the past and the records he had read in history books.】

【I have found some war examples that reflect these strategies and further explained them.】

【"For example, Sun Bin once reduced the fire in the stoves to make the enemy miscalculate his own military strength, thus luring the enemy into his trap and eventually capturing them all."】

【"This reflects the strategy of concealing the truth."】

【"For example, in the past, Wei attacked Zhao, and Zhao asked Qi for help. Qi sent troops to besiege the capital of Wei to save Zhao. Sun Bin forced Wei to come back for help and defeated the Wei army."】

【"This reflects the strategy of besieging Wei to save Zhao, waiting for the enemy to tire out, and making a feint to the east and attacking the west."】

【"For example, Duke Huan of Zheng once instigated the king of Kui State, making him think that his good ministers were traitors and eventually killed them."】

【"This is a tactic of killing someone with a borrowed knife."】

【"For example, when the Wu Kingdom was hit by natural disasters, grain was lost, and the people were angry, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, decisively launched an attack and destroyed the Wu Kingdom in one fell swoop."】

【"This reflects the strategy of taking advantage of the situation."】

【"For example, Zhang Yi deceived King Huai of Chu and falsely promised to give Chu 600 li of Shangyu land, thereby alienating the two countries of Qi and Chu, leading to the alliance between Qin and Qi, and then defeating the Chu army."】

【"This reflects the strategy of creating something out of nothing."】

【"For example, in order to leave South Korea safely, Sun Bin led his army to attack Changshan on the surface, but actually led his army to attack Shangdang lightly through a small road, and finally conquered the defenseless Shangdang in one fell swoop."】

【"This reflects the secret plan of the Shangdang Party......."】

【After listening to the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Military Strategy explained by Prince Fusu, Wang Jian, Meng Wu, Wei Liao, King Ying Zheng of Qin, Meng Tian, and Wang Ben all fell silent.】

【It was not until an unknown amount of time had passed that Wang Jian finally looked up at the Crown Prince Fusu in front of him with a complicated expression and sighed,"How could a military commander like you have such merit and ability to have Your Highness summarize, conclude, and compile such a set of military strategies, Four Forces, Eight Strategies, and Thirty-Six Strategies!"】

【"I am Wang Ben's father, and Wang Ben is my son. However, when I taught him, I was not as thoughtful as Your Highness. I took care of every detail and did my best."】

【Although Crown Prince Fusu is only six years old now, Wang Jian is really wondering whether there will be any future generals who are the son of Crown Prince Fusu?】

【Otherwise, if there is no son of Prince Fusu among the future generals, then how can the military strategists and generals be worthy of Prince Fusu's efforts?】

【If it is said that Prince Fusu was chased by God and fed by God, then in Wang Jian's eyes, the future military commanders are really being chased by Prince Fusu and fed by God.】

【With such a set of military strategies and tactics, even a pig can learn how to march and fight relatively flexibly and win battles.】

【If after learning the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military, one still does not know how to fight a war, or is unable to win a battle,】

【Wang Jian thought that this person was worse than a pig, and for the sake of the lives of the soldiers and the safety of the country, he should dismiss this person from the army as soon as possible and not let someone who was worse than a pig continue to lead the troops in battle.】

【Otherwise, it would be one thing to have this general who was worse than a pig die, but it would be a pity if the soldiers who followed him to the battle also died. 】

PS1: Among the Thirty-Six Stratagems, except for the"Secretly Crossing Chencang" which clearly refers to Han Xin's Chencang Strategy, the other strategies all had precedents during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In addition,"Secretly Crossing Chencang" refers to a military thought that involves a frontal feint to contain and confuse the enemy, and a sudden attack from the flank to achieve a surprise victory.

In the past, Sun Bin led the Han army to capture Shangdang, which also embodied the military thought of"Secretly Crossing Chencang", so here"Secretly Crossing Chencang" is changed to"Secretly Crossing Shangdang""


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