【After the division of the six departments of the Ministry of Works, Prince Fusu's attention then turned to Meng Yi, the Minister of Justice.】

【Seeing Prince Fusu's eyes on him, Meng Yi bowed politely and said,"Your Highness, please establish the responsibilities of the various departments in the Ministry of Justice!"】

【Obviously, from the beginning, Prince Fusu had his own ideas about the six ministries.】

【So for Meng Yi, let alone that he has no specific ideas yet.】

【Even if he already has a specific idea, he will give priority to the idea of Prince Fusu.】

【At most, he might make some additions based on the ideas of Crown Prince Fusu. This is his way of being a minister.】

【When Prince Fusu saw that Meng Yi had no intention of actively proposing his own ideas, he did not hesitate to directly state what he had previously thought of the various departments of the Ministry of Revenue:"Under the Ministry of Justice, there are three departments."】

【"The first is the Department of Laws and Regulations."】

【"The main responsibilities of the department are two points."】.

【"First, some of the requirements set by the emperor were formulated into specific laws and regulations, and then the six ministries and departments were notified to follow and implement them."】

【"For example, I had previously required all the departments of the Ministry of Agriculture to adopt a two-by-two comparative farming research method, and to record every day's farming matters in detail."】

【"The Law Department then formulated my request into specific laws and regulations, and set up corresponding reward and punishment measures."】

【"Then, the six ministries and departments were informed of the existence of this law, as well as the rewards for complying with and enforcing it, and the punishments for violating it."】

【"Second, the ministers of each ministry would formulate certain requirements for their subordinates into specific laws and regulations, and then notify the subordinates of each ministry to follow and implement them."】

【"For example, Zhang Han, the Minister of Revenue, required that all records of the Ministry of Revenue's income and expenditure be kept in triplicate, one for the person who signed for the money, grain and supplies, one for the person who distributed the money, grain and supplies, and one for the person who kept the records for inspection."】

【"The Ministry of Laws and Regulations also formulated this request of the Minister of Revenue Zhang Han into specific laws and regulations, and set up corresponding reward and punishment measures."】

【"Then, the Ministry of Revenue and its subordinates were informed of the law, and the rewards for complying with and enforcing it, and the punishments for violating it."】

【At this point, Prince Fusu paused, looked at the other ministers and said,"As the saying goes, there is no order without rules."】

【"I have certain clear and detailed rules and requirements for the six ministers, so they can accurately carry out my will."】

【"Similarly, the six ministers have certain clear and detailed rules and requirements for their subordinates, so that the subordinates can accurately carry out the will of the six ministers."】

【"Therefore, after the six ministers return, they can also think carefully about what rules and requirements they should establish for their subordinates in each department so that their subordinates can better implement and operate the departments."】

【"After these rules and requirements are thought out, they are all summarized in the Law Department of the Ministry of Criminal Law, which reviews them and makes certain improvements and supplements to determine whether they are complete."】

【"After that, the Law Department will unify and standardize the laws and regulations and circulate them to the six ministries and departments."】

【Below, the ministers of various ministries who were swept by the eyes of Prince Fusu also nodded slightly, indicating that they understood.】

【At the same time, the ministers of each department also began to think about what rules and requirements they should set for their subordinates so that the departments they are responsible for can be better implemented and operated.】

【"The second department of the Ministry of Justice is called the Supervision Department"】

【"After the laws and regulations are formulated and circulated to the six ministries, it is natural to see how the officials of the six ministries comply with these laws and regulations."】

【"For example, researchers from the Ministry of Agriculture were previously required to keep a record of their daily work."】

【"So have the relevant researchers from the Ministry of Agriculture done a good job in this regard?"】

【"The staff of the Inspection Department of the Ministry of Justice randomly selected a relevant researcher from the Ministry of Agriculture and asked him to provide the work records recorded in the past year, month and day."】

【"If the researcher can take it out directly, and the record of the day's events is also detailed and complete, then he has followed and implemented the rules and requirements put forward by the solitary"】

【"If you cannot produce it, or if the work records you produce are incomplete, then you have not followed and implemented the rules and requirements I have set."】

【"Then the consequences of violating the law should be punished."】

【"For example, the Inspection Department was unsure about the whereabouts of a certain amount of money and grain expenditure from the Ministry of Revenue, and asked the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Revenue to produce the archived inspection records of the whereabouts of that amount of money and grain."】

【"If the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Revenue can produce this archived inspection record, then they can further determine the whereabouts of this sum of money and grain expenditure."】

【"At the same time, it can also prove that the relevant personnel of the Ministry of Revenue have properly implemented the rules and requirements for archiving and inspection proposed by the Minister of Revenue."】

【"On the contrary, the consequences of violating the law will be punished."】

【"In short, the main responsibility of the Supervision Department is to supervise and inspect whether the six ministries and departments have properly complied with and implemented the laws and regulations, and whether the work of the six ministries and departments is carried out and operated normally."】

【"The third department of the Ministry of Justice is called the Penalty Department"】

【"The main responsibility of the department is to punish the personnel of the six ministries and departments who violate the laws and regulations according to the punishment measures recorded in the laws and regulations."】

【"The above are the three departments that I roughly divided the Ministry of Justice into. Could you please take a look and see if there are any mistakes or omissions that need to be corrected?"】

【Meng Yi, who had been listening carefully, did not reply immediately. Instead, he thought about it carefully and made sure that there were no mistakes or omissions, or anything that needed to be supplemented.】

【Meng Yi just shook his head and replied:"The three departments set up by Your Highness are simple but precise and complete. I have nothing to add."】

【Prince Fusu, who received Meng Yi's affirmation, smiled faintly and said,"In this case, the relevant candidates for the three departments of the Ministry of Justice will also be decided by Mr. Meng."】

【"After confirming the three departments of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Meng can submit the list to me for review."】

【Meng Yi nodded and said he would take note.】

【Then, Prince Fusu's eyes fell on the last Minister of Rites, Zhang Cang.】

【Seeing this, Zhang Cang bowed without hesitation and said,"I am a stupid official, but please ask Your Highness to divide the responsibilities of the various departments in the Ministry of Rites!"】

【A person who can be praised by Xunzi, recognized by Li Si, and pass the examination of Qin King Ying Zheng is certainly not a dull person.】

【In other words, if Zhang Cang was really a dull person, he would not be able to sit in the position of Minister of Rites now........... 】

【Although he was not stupid, he had no experience in running a government before this. His experience in governing a government could be said to be zero.】

【If he were to divide the various departments of the Ministry of Rites himself, he would probably be able to do it, but he might not be able to do it well in one go.】

【And maybe after the first division, you will have to add and delete again later.】

【So instead of making a fool of yourself, it is better to hug the thigh of Prince Fusu】

【Anyway, the Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Justice have all clung to the support of Crown Prince Fusu.】

【As one of the six ministers, it was normal and reasonable for him to cling to the Crown Prince Fusu.】

【Prince Fusu, who was sitting on the main seat, smiled when he saw this. Zhang Cang was also a very interesting person.】

【Then Prince Fusu nodded and said:"Under the Ministry of Rites, there are also three departments."】

【"First, the Education Department"】

【"The department is mainly responsible for teaching illiterate children and people to read and learn literacy."】

【"For example, among the disciples of the farmers brought by Nongzi, there were 28 children aged between five and ten."】

【"Of these 28 children, a considerable number have not yet completed their education in literacy and numeracy."】

【"The Education Department was responsible for teaching these 28 children how to read, write and count."】

【"In addition to these 28 children, the orphanage will also send more illiterate children or ordinary people to the Education Department to receive basic education in reading, literacy, and numeracy."】

【"Second, the etiquette department"】

【"After those illiterate children and peasants have completed their basic education in reading, writing, and numeracy at the Education Department, the next step is to go to the Etiquette Department to receive some simple etiquette instruction."】

【"The etiquette taught by the department does not need to be too complicated, it is mainly some common etiquette that can be used in daily life"】

【"Specific common etiquette, Zhang 4.6 Qing can list it first and submit it to me for review"】

【"After I am sure, I will teach you."】

【"Third, the Ministry of Martial Arts"】

【"The department was mainly responsible for teaching children and common people how to use swords, spears, halberds and other weapons to fight on the battlefield, as well as how to ride horses and chariots."】

【"I will arrange the relevant affairs of the Shangwu Division and the future teaching staff."】

【"The other two departments' staff will be decided by Zhang Qing."】

【"After deciding on the candidates, Zhang Qing submitted the list to me for review."】

【"The above are the three departments that I have divided the Ministry of Rites into. Mr. Zhang, please take a look and see if there are any mistakes or omissions?"】

【Zhang Cang immediately shook his head and said,"Your Highness's division is very perfect, and I have no objection."】

【Seeing this, Crown Prince Fusu nodded slightly and said,"Since this is the case, then the six departments of the Crown Prince will be decided as such for the time being."】

【"In the future, we will decide whether to add, delete, abolish or establish more departments based on the specific operation of the six ministries and departments."】

【Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, Zhang Han, Xu Zi and other six ministers all stood up and bowed, saying:"Your Highness, we will follow your wishes!"】

【Prince Fusu also nodded slightly in return.】

【At this point, the first small court meeting of the Crown Prince and the six ministries came to an end.】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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