As the first small meeting of the six ministries convened by Prince Fusu came to an end, the [Daqin·Qin Taizong Fusu] sky curtain gradually dimmed.

According to the mysterious sky curtain, the next time the sky curtain is played will be fifteen days later.

At this time, the people under the sky curtain realized that they had watched the sky curtain for almost a whole day.

The sky curtain of [Daqin·Eldest Prince Fusu] played at the beginning was shorter, and it ended in less than half an hour.

The sky curtain of [Daqin·Qin Taizong Fusu] played later was longer, and it was played for four or five hours in a row.

So after coming back to their senses, everyone was hungry, and even many people's stomachs made a"gurgling" sound.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at the gradually dimming sky curtain and immediately bowed to Tianwei to show his gratitude.

No matter why the sky curtain appeared, the appearance of the sky curtain did allow him to peek into the future of Daqin, and even let him see the various potential crises of Daqin after the unification.

And he can also take precautions and find ways to deal with and solve these crises that may lead to the future demise of the Qin Dynasty.

For this reason alone, Tianmu deserved his respect.

After the First Emperor, all the other civil and military officials, princes and princesses, and doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought also saluted Tianmu respectfully.

After all, the First Emperor saluted Tianmu. Could it be that their status and position could be more respected than that of the First Emperor?

At this time, if he did not salute because of his status, it would be unknown whether Tianmu's face would be slapped, but it would definitely be slapped in the face of the First Emperor. If the

First Emperor's face was slapped, he might be disliked by the First Emperor at the least, or he would be directly detained and imprisoned by the First Emperor for a reason, or even executed.

They were not so 28 without eyes and emotional intelligence.

And except for the doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought who were less bound to the Qin Dynasty, everyone else was one of the biggest vested interests on the Qin Dynasty ship, just like the First Emperor.

If the Qin Dynasty declines, then the emperor will have his own ministers. As the civil officials, military officers, nobles and aristocrats of the Qin Dynasty, their fate will not be much better.

Therefore, the appearance of the sky curtain not only changed the future of the Qin Dynasty and the future of the First Emperor, but also changed their future.

Therefore, whether it is emotional or reasonable, the sky curtain also deserves their worship.

After the worship, the First Emperor turned his head and looked at the Shaofuqing not far away and ordered:

"Give a banquet to all officials, and get ready quickly!"

As the saying goes, the emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers. Even if he wants the civil and military officials to work, he won't let them work on an empty stomach.

Moreover, the information revealed by the sky curtain is important, and it is inevitable that people's hearts will be unsettled throughout the Qin Dynasty.

Therefore, the top priority is to stabilize the hearts of all the civil and military officials in the court of the Qin Dynasty.

If the hearts of all the civil and military officials in the court are stabilized, then there will be no turmoil in the center of the Qin Dynasty.

If there is no turmoil in the center of the Qin Dynasty, then even if there are remnants of the six countries below who are dragging the people at the bottom to make trouble, the Qin Dynasty can respond and deal with it in time from top to bottom.

As long as the rebellion of the remnants of the six countries is suppressed in a timely and rapid manner, then those remnants of the six countries will not be able to connect in series and cause greater turmoil in the Qin Dynasty.

And the Qin Dynasty will also have more time to solve all kinds of problems, whether internal or external.


After receiving the order from the First Emperor, the Shaofuqing nodded immediately.

Then the Shaofuqing's eyes fell on the Shangshiling and Shangshicheng behind him, and he gave a slight eye signal.

The Shangshiling and Shangshicheng also bowed to the Shaofuqing, then turned around and went out to prepare the food for the banquet for all officials.

After instructing the Shaofu to prepare the banquet, the First Emperor looked at the civil and military officials and doctors in front of him again, his expression still as calm as a mountain, and said:

"The ministers should first sort out and organize their own records, and then submit them to the Shangshu Ling for compilation and copying."

"Then have a feast with me, and after the feast go back and have a good rest"

"I will not attend the court tomorrow. Please summarize your thoughts and observations today."

"Finally, the next day, the court will hold a meeting to discuss the matter."

"As for other matters, you don't have to worry too much."

"At worst, I, the ministers, and the State of Qin will unify the world again!"

At the end, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng swung his hand, and as his sleeves fluttered, a strong, confident and domineering spirit of sweeping across the world, suppressing the six directions, and being the only one in the world swept over everyone like a wave.

It must be said that after the sky curtain was played, even the well-informed civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty actually had all kinds of messy thoughts in their hearts, just as the First Emperor thought, and their hearts were very unstable. The

First Emperor first gave them a banquet without any hurry, and then asked them to go back and have a good rest, and said that there was no rush to go to court tomorrow, and they would hold a grand court meeting the day after tomorrow to discuss matters.

This orderly arrangement and approach also gradually calmed their originally panicked hearts.

For the whole Qin State, leading them to sweep away the six kingdoms and unify the world The First Emperor is the belief in their hearts.

As long as the First Emperor does not lose his composure first, then even if they lose their composure for a while, they will soon calm down again.

And as the First Emperor said at the end, no matter how bad things are, how bad can they be?

Today, the old Qin people of Daqin have not lost their hearts. Millions of old Qin people in Guanzhong still support the Qin State and the First Emperor.

In the past, Daqin could rely on millions of old Qin people to wipe out the six kingdoms and unify the world. Now, even if the six kingdoms rebel, Daqin can once again wipe out the six kingdoms, reunify the world, and suppress all disobedience!

So as long as you are mentally prepared to fight for the world again, there is nothing to be afraid of.

And once is new, twice is familiar. Maybe this time in five years, it will be able to wipe out the six kingdoms and unify the world again���The world.

No, no, no, the six kingdoms had been destroyed by them before, and they had no manpower left. Maybe they could conquer the six kingdoms again and unify the world in three years.

With this thought, the expressions of all the civil and military officials relaxed again, no longer as solemn as at the beginning.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who had been carefully observing the changes in the expressions of the civil and military officials, nodded slightly when he saw this scene. The hearts of the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty were stabilized.

Then, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's eyes moved to his children again. After thinking about it, he ordered the arrangements:

"First, as for the copying and reading of the"Historical Records" mentioned earlier, you must copy it as many times as you should, and you must not give me less than one copy. I will personally check it."

"Second, after the Shangshu Ling has compiled and sorted out what Tianmu said, you will also personally copy what Tianmu said for me."

"Third, after Wang Jian and Li Si have compiled the list of the widows and orphans in the Qin Dynasty, all the princes over the age of twelve will go out of the palace to inspect and comfort the widows and orphans in all counties and prefectures to stabilize people's hearts."

When these words came out, except for the eldest prince Fusu who was still calm, other princes such as Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Prince Huhai, etc., all showed more or less shock, embarrassment, and resentment.

Before, the father asked them to copy and read the"Historical Records" of the past dynasties, and they didn't know how much content they had to copy.

Now they even have to copy what Tianmu said!

Tianmu said so much today, if they copy it all, I'm afraid their hands will be broken.

Thinking of this, the youngest and one of the most favored princes in the past, Huhai, pretended to be pitiful and said:

"Father, I also want to share your worries and visit and comfort the lonely and widowed Qin people in all counties and prefectures."

Hu Hai, who is only nine years old this year, is not yet twelve years old, so it is not his turn to visit and comfort the lonely and widowed Qin people in all counties and prefectures on behalf of the First Emperor.

And he did not really want to visit and comfort the lonely and widowed Qin people in all counties and prefectures on behalf of the First Emperor. He mainly wanted to take this opportunity to avoid copying the"Historical Records" and the words of the sky curtain.

If it were in the past, then seeing that Hu Hai was young and cute, maybe Qin Emperor Ying Zheng would agree.

But now Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is thinking about the future survival of the Qin Dynasty, and he is not willing to waste time and energy on these little things of his children.

And he can see at a glance that behind Hu Hai's words, it is just to avoid copying the"Historical Records" and the words of the sky curtain.

So in response to Hu Hai's request, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also said in a flat tone:

"Hu Hai, add it again!"

"You are not allowed to leave the house until you finish copying!"

"If you find another excuse, I will add one more time!"

When these words came out, Hu Hai was stunned as if he was struck by lightning.

He wanted to speak again, but when he saw the calm face of his father, Hu Hai knew that his father was serious this time.

If he spoke again at this time, his father would really punish him to copy it again, and would not be soft-hearted because of him.

So Hu Hai was completely depressed and did not dare to speak for himself again.

Then, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng silently counted the princes who were over twelve years old. There were only eight in total, and the remaining few were under twelve years old.

The territory of Daqin was so large that it was necessary to stabilize the people's hearts and let the people of the world see that he, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, cared about them and did not cause unrest.

It is far from enough to rely on the eight princes of Daqin to patrol and comfort the world.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's eyes swept over Princess Ying Yinman, Princess Ying Liyang and other Daqin princesses over twelve years old, and added:

"Princesses over the age of twelve, along with other princes, will also go on my behalf to inspect and comfort the widowed and elderly Qin people in various counties and prefectures to stabilize people's hearts."

At this time when people's hearts are turbulent, nothing can stabilize people's hearts more than the princes and princesses who represent the Great Qin and represent him, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, to personally go to various counties and prefectures to inspect and comfort the people of the world.

Therefore, as long as the princes and princesses are over the age of twelve and are not likely to die young due to long-distance travel, all of them will be allowed to go out of the palace to inspect various counties and prefectures, comfort the people of the world, and stabilize people's hearts.

"You should act the same way as Prince Fusu on the sky tent acts!"

"If during your inspections and condolences to the people of the country, I were to find out that you were arrogant and humiliated the people, causing resentment and unrest among the people, then you will never have to come back!"

"Do you understand?"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng swept his slightly cold eyes over the princes and princesses present.

The eldest prince Fusu, Prince Jianglu, Princess Ying Yinman and other princes and princesses over twelve years old immediately shuddered and responded in unison:

"Yes, father!"

After arranging the princes and princesses, the Shangshi Ling came to report that the banquet was ready.

Afterwards, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng and a group of civil and military officials had a feast together.

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