After the banquet for all officials, the First Emperor ordered people to quietly invite back the Nine Ministers and some of his trusted ministers.

As the saying goes, big things should be held in small meetings, and small things should be held in large meetings.

Even for major national affairs, this is often the case.

The grand court meeting the day after tomorrow is for all the civil and military officials.

But before that, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng must have a small court meeting with the Nine Ministers and his trusted ministers in private to set the initial tone for the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow.

And exchange everyone's opinions on some major events that may be involved in the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow.

At least on some things, the Nine Ministers, some of the important ministers and the First Emperor must be in step and have unified opinions.

Only in this way can things be quickly promoted and implemented.

The Nine Ministers and some of the important ministers are also very clear about this, so after the banquet, they walked very slowly.

Sure enough, they didn't walk far before the eunuchs came to invite them.

Soon, Wuchenghou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si, the senior minister Meng Yi, the internal historian Meng Tian and other nine ministers and important officials appeared in front of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng again.

Looking at the nine ministers and important officials who he trusted, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng suddenly bowed to them and said:

"The appearance of the sky curtain has a great impact. If we are not careful, the Qin State will be in danger of destruction. I ask you to help me stabilize the country, stabilize the people's hearts, suppress rebellion, reform the old problems, and build the Qin Empire!"

The nine ministers and important officials never thought that the First Emperor would actually salute them. They immediately dodged and did not dare to accept the salute. At the same time, they also said:

"Your Majesty, please get up quickly!"

"Your Majesty, there is no need for this!"

"How have we, the ministers, deserved to receive such great honor from Your Majesty!"......

However, even though no one accepted the greeting, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng still bowed and saluted, repeating:

"Please help me!"

Seeing this, all the nine ministers knelt down and bowed:

"I am willing to die for Your Majesty!"

"I swear to serve Your Majesty even until death!"

"This old minister is willing to go through fire and water for the Qin Dynasty for generations to come!"......

After hearing the answer he wanted, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng straightened his back, and then one by one, he personally helped up the nine ministers present.

And every one of the nine ministers who was personally helped up by Qin Emperor Ying Zheng had an expression of excitement on his face, and even tears in his eyes.

In this era, it can be said that it is a very common thing for a scholar to die for his confidant.

And every one of the nine ministers present, who can reach this position today, can not do without Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's promotion of them.

In other words, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng himself has the grace of knowing, promoting, and reusing them.

And now Qin Emperor Ying Zheng has given them a great gift, and has begged them for help, and then helped them up with his own hands.

This is equivalent to a boss who has always protected you, trusted you, promoted you, treated you as a confidant, and sheltered you from the wind and rain, thinking about you in everything, and giving you all kinds of benefits.

Suddenly one day, he showed a"weak" look that you had never seen before, and looked at you with"pleading and helpless" eyes, and said sadly:


"Now only you can help me!"

In such a situation, anyone who knows how to repay kindness will probably be instantly excited and help him regardless of everything.

Well, for example, Wang Jian.

In the past, when attacking Chu, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng faced Li Xin who proposed 200,000 troops to pacify Chu and Wang Jian who proposed 600,000 troops to pacify Chu.

In the end, Li Xin, who only needed 200,000 troops, was chosen, and as a result, Qin was defeated in that battle. After receiving the news, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng went to Pinyang in person to apologize to Wang Jian, and said:"Although the general is ill, how can you bear to abandon me~」 !"

As soon as these words came out, no matter if it was a real illness or a fake one, Wang Jian could not bear it, so he put on his armor directly, and then personally led an army of 600,000, and pacified the State of Chu for King Qin Ying Zheng.

And now the nine ministers and important officials are receiving the enhanced respect and courtesy that Qin Emperor Ying Zheng showed to Wang Jian that day.

At this time, if Qin Emperor Ying Zheng said that they needed someone to die in order to solve a certain problem in Qin State and make Qin State continue to be great.

Then the nine ministers and important officials present would probably not even blink, and would go to their deaths cleanly.

And before they die, they will ask Qin Emperor Ying Zheng how he should die in order to make Qin State and the First Emperor even greater!

After gathering the hearts of the nine ministers and important officials again, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng officially started this meeting of his trusted officials.

"Li Qing, your first task is to collect the lonely and widowed old Qin people from all the counties in the world."

"No, not only the old Qin people, but also the names of the lonely old people including the people of the six kingdoms were compiled."

"Within seven days, you can sort out as much as you can. As for the rest that have not been sorted out yet, you can leave it for later."

"After the list of lonely elderly people was compiled, it was divided into 16 groups according to the neighboring counties."

"Seven days later, I will send sixteen princes and princesses to inspect all counties and prefectures on my behalf and visit the lonely elderly people in the world."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Li Si and gave the order.

Li Si nodded and responded:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian and said:

"General Wang, please help me select 16 trustworthy generals, each leading 10,000 warriors, to guard the princes and princesses while patrolling the country. If there is a rebellion, suppress it immediately."

"At this moment, we must not allow the remnants of the six kingdoms to take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos!"

The words of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng were full of cold murderous intent.

Wang Jian also had a murderous look on his face and said:

"No problem, I will select sixteen trustworthy officers for Your Majesty!"

"If any remnants of the six kingdoms dare to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, I will make them recall how their fathers were defeated by Qin!"

Among all the people present, he killed the most people from the six kingdoms.

To put it bluntly, the remnants of the six kingdoms are called the remnants of the six kingdoms because their fathers and their home countries were destroyed by Wang Jian and his son.

Among the six kingdoms, except for the first Han, the remaining five kingdoms were destroyed by him and his son.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's eyes returned to Li Si again, and then said:

"Li Qing, your second task is to reform the law, to change the military merit system!"

"This is the most important thing. The military merit system has too many drawbacks in the future and is no longer suitable for the unified Qin Dynasty."

"If the Qin State does not reform, it will surely perish in the future, so reform is imperative."

"But the same old saying still applies: reforms must be based on stability and appropriation."

"I will not ask you to come up with a new law right now, nor will I implement a new law right now."

"I will give you enough time to think and come up with a comprehensive and safe new method."

"I can assure you that as long as the new law is beneficial to Qin and can solve the problems of the military merit system,"

"Then no matter who or what the new law involves, I will implement it unwaveringly."

"As long as I am alive, you will be safe, and the new law will not be abolished!"

At the end of his words, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng made a solemn promise to Li Si in front of the other nine ministers.

After all, he also knew the fate of Shang Yang, who was responsible for the reform in the past, and he could not guarantee whether the Qin emperor after him would kill Li Si.

But he could guarantee that when he was in power, he would definitely keep Li Si, who was responsible for the reform, safe.

Li Si straightened his clothes and answered solemnly:

""I will definitely live up to your majesty's trust!"

Since your majesty wants him to be Shang Jun, then what if he becomes Shang Jun!

Now everything he has is given by your majesty, and at most he will die with your majesty in the future.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, as well as the grain minister and the Shaofuqing and said:

"Please, Prime Minister Wei, compile a list of all the soldiers who have died in the cause of Qin's unification since I ascended the throne."

"Their names need to be engraved on the Great Qin Heroes Monument and the Jingling Hall, and they should be worshipped by the Great Qin from generation to generation, and live and die with the country and coexist with Qin!"

"Please trouble Prime Minister Wang to be in charge of supervising the construction of the monuments to heroes and the Jingling Palace in Xianyang and other places in Daqin. They must be built to the highest standards!"

"The Monument to the Heroes and the Jingling Hall will be the foundation of the Qin State, so we must strive for perfection!"

"The money and materials needed do not need to be reported to me. They will all be spent by the Minister of Grain and the Minister of the Imperial Household."Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, Right Prime Minister Wang Wan, as well as the Minister of Grain and the Minister of the Imperial Household, all bowed and said:

"I will obey your majesty's order!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded slightly and continued:

"¨」 In addition, Prime Minister Wei and Prime Minister Wang followed my order and issued an edict to all county officials throughout the country, asking them to come forward to appease the people before the princes and princesses arrived."

"Tell all the people in the world that I have heard and seen everything that the Heavenly Curtain said, and I will accept it well!"

"Now the Qin State is preparing to build the Great Qin Heroic Monument and Jingling Hall, and has also set up six departments in the Ministry of Agriculture, six departments in the Ministry of Industry, etc."

"In short, what the Qin State on the sky has, the Qin State of today will soon have"

"What the people of Qin State had on the sky, the people of Qin State today will also have soon"

"Tell them not to be impatient and wait and see what happens."

Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang and Right Prime Minister Wang Wan bowed again and said:

"We obey your order!"

Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at Shang Qing Meng Yi and Nei Shi Meng Tian and gave the same order:

"The specific styles of the various Daqin medals mentioned by Tianmu before will be given to you, Meng Yi, to design."

"Meng Tian, you are responsible for compiling a list of all the soldiers who have met the requirements of the three Great Qin Medals since I ascended the throne according to the requirements of the three Great Qin Medals mentioned by Tianmu before."

"After the list is sorted out, if it is near Xianyang, I will arrange a day for them to be awarded honors in person."

"As for other recipients of the Great Qin Medal who are not near Xianyang, if they are in the army, they will be awarded the medal by the generals in the army."

"If it is in the local area, then let the local county officials accompany the Daqin general stationed in the area to personally award him the medal!"

"The awarding ceremony should also be arranged in a grand and solemn manner!"

The two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi also nodded in unison:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Then Emperor Qin Ying Zheng continued to arrange everything according to what he thought of.

After that, he asked all the nine ministers to make their own supplements.

After (Qian Nuo's) supplement, they discussed and explained what might be discussed in the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow.

Finally, under the ruling of Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, they reached an agreement.

When this small meeting between the trusted ministers was over, it was almost midnight.

After all the nine ministers left, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng also waved his hand and asked all the eunuchs to leave the hall.

Until he was the only one left in the hall, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at the void, and after a long while, he suddenly bowed to the void and said loudly:

"The Great Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng, please see the sky curtain!"

However, after Qin Emperor Ying Zheng finished speaking, the empty space in the room did not change for a long time.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng raised his sword eyebrows and bowed to Daoxian again:

"Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, may I ask if there is a way to achieve immortality in the sky curtain?"

Another moment passed, and the room was still empty and quiet.

The sky curtain that was hanging high in the sky before did not seem to be treated differently because he was the first emperor, and it did not appear especially for him.

After another half an hour, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng tried various ways to call, but still could not call out the sky curtain, so he had to give up this method temporarily.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng waved his hand and asked the eunuchs outside the palace to come in.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at the respectful Zhongchefu Ling Zhao Gao and ordered:

"Find someone in the palace���Palace, remove the top floor, build a nine-story altar inside, I want to offer sacrifices to the heaven." Qin Emperor

Ying Zheng thought that maybe the way he called the sky was not right, it should be that the way just now was not respectful to the sky, maybe he could just offer sacrifices to the sky.

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