【When Prince Fusu heard Xu Zi mention Mencius's theory of"laboring with the mind and the body", he fell silent.】

【As the Crown Prince Fusu who had studied the agricultural thought seriously for half a year with Xu Zi, he naturally knew about the debate between Xu Zi's disciple Chen Xiang and the Confucian Mencius.】

【I also know how much Xu Zi hates Mencius's theory of"those who work with their minds and hands".】

【To put it bluntly, if he continues to insist on Mencius' theory of"laboring with the mind and laboring with the body" today, then Xu Zi might just walk away.】

【As for Xu Zi, Prince Fusu still respected him.-】

【After all, among all the schools of thought he knew, only one could truly choose to work in the fields without seeking fame or profit.】

【The only people who helped the common people in the world to harvest more chestnuts and beans were Xu Zi, a farmer, and his disciples.】

【He himself cannot do such a thing, but that does not prevent him from respecting those who can and are willing to do such a thing.】.

【So after thinking about it, Prince Fusu turned and said:"Master Xu, have you ever thought about what would happen to the world if the peasants were in power?"】

【Xu Zi, who felt that his reaction just now was a bit too much, also calmed himself down again, and then became interested in what Prince Fusu said, and asked in surprise:"What do you mean by the farmers being in power?"】

【Prince Fusu further explained:"This is the way to govern the world, to govern it completely according to the agricultural philosophy of governing the country."】

【"For example, farmers advocate that"wise men should farm and eat with the people, and govern by eating with them", so we should promote the idea that wise men should farm and eat with the people, and govern by eating with them!"】

【"Even going a step further, everyone in the world will be a commoner, with no nobles or ministers!"】

【"Everyone is equal, no one is superior or inferior, no king or noble can be above the common people."】

【"At the same time, there is no harsh law that can restrain the people."】

【"The common people no longer have to support any king, nobles or officials. They can eat as much as they harvest!"】

【"Everyone grows their own crops, is self-sufficient, and enjoys their own happiness."】

【"If this is the way the world works, does Master Xu think it is feasible?"】

【Listening to Prince Fusu's story, Xu Xing's eyes became brighter and brighter, until finally he nodded repeatedly in agreement,"This is naturally feasible!"】

【"All the disputes in the world are caused by the princes and ministers of various countries!"】

【"The common people only want to have enough food and clothing and live a stable life."】

【"If there were no greedy thieves such as kings, nobles, and ministers, no one would wantonly start wars for the sake of profit, and the people of the world would not be disturbed."】

【"The common people of the world will not have to be separated from their relatives and friends because of various wars and conflicts."】

【"If the common people no longer had to support the king, nobles and ministers, then the grain output from their own land would be enough to meet the needs of their families."】

【"If there were no harsh laws, the common people would not have to worry all day about whether they would be severely punished for breaking the law."】

【"Everyone can go to farm happily every day and harvest happily, and the whole family can enjoy themselves in harmony. How fortunate we are!"】

【"In this way, it will be a great governance for farmers and the whole world!"】

【"I think the rule of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times was no more than this!"】

【At the end, Xu Zi's face was full of smiles.】

【The scene described by Prince Fusu can indeed be said to be the ultimate pursuit of the idea of governing the country by farmers.】

【Prince Fusu nodded in agreement, and then continued:"When the world becomes like this, what else will happen in the future? Master Xu, have you ever thought about it?"】

【Xu Zi restrained the smile on his face and frowned slightly.】

【What else will happen in the world later?】

【Hasn’t the world already achieved great order according to the agriculturalists’ philosophy of governing the country?】

【What else could be happening?】

【Seeing Xu Zi's bewildered look, Prince Fusu subconsciously imitated the way his father, King Ying Zheng, used to talk to him. He also tapped the table with his index finger and said,"Although the world had already achieved great order at that time,"】

【"But will the world really always be peaceful from now on?"】

【"Let alone man-made disasters, if natural disasters such as floods, droughts, wind, frost, rain, and snow occur, causing the grain harvest of many people to fail or even fail completely,"】

【"What kind of impact will these helpless common people have on the world?"】

【"When they are desperate and unable to survive, will they steal food from other people in order to survive?"】

【Xu Zi shook his head and said,"Of course it can't be like this, and it shouldn't be like this!"】

【"If their crops failed or even failed, they could borrow grain from other people who had not suffered natural disasters and had good harvests to survive the disaster."】

【"But you must never engage in looting, otherwise you would be no different from beasts!"】

【"At the same time, those common people who have not suffered from natural disasters and have a good harvest should also lend grain to those who have suffered from natural disasters, which have led to their own poor harvest or even no harvest. This is righteousness!"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and went on to say:"What if other people in Guizhou also suffered natural disasters of varying degrees, and their own food can only guarantee the survival of their own family, and there is no surplus food to borrow?"】

【"At this time, what should the common people of the world do?"】

【"Those common people who are almost unable to survive would rather starve to death than commit robbery?"】

【"Or do they choose to rob other common people in order to survive?"】

【"Or, do people eat each other in order to survive?"】

【As soon as the last three words"people eating each other" came out, Xu Zi immediately jumped up and said,"How can this be! People are not animals, how can they eat each other!"】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and said,"When one is extremely hungry, what is the difference between humans and animals?"】

【"Haven’t you heard in"Zuo Zhuan·Xuan Gong 15th Year" that the common people of Song State exchanged their children for food and broke their corpses for cooking?"】

【Prince Fusu has read a lot of history books. At least he has read all the history books that can be found in Qin State and memorized them all.】

【In the history books he had read,"Zuo Zhuan·Xuan Gong 15th Year" recorded that Chu surrounded Song for a long time, not allowing the people of Song to come out to farm, and even cut off the flow of materials from Song.】

【This caused the people of Song to suffer from a complete food shortage, and they were so destitute that they had to eat their children's flesh and use their bones as firewood.】

【Finally, the King of Song sent Marshal Hua Yuan to sneak into the Chu army camp alone, and went straight into the bedroom of the Chu Marshal Zi Fan. After kidnapping Zi Fan, he forced the Chu army to retreat thirty miles before asking for peace with the Chu State.】

【After this, a new term appeared in history books: eating one's own children.】

【Hearing the example given by Prince Fusu, Xu Zi was stunned, then fell to the ground and muttered:"That shouldn't be the case."】

【Prince Fusu nodded, but still insisted:"If we don't eat each other, we will either starve to death or rob others."】

【"Faced with natural disasters, ordinary people should always have a choice. What do you think, Master Xu, should do?"】

【Xu Zi was silent for a long time, then he looked up at the Crown Prince Fusu in front of him with a complicated expression and said:"If it were me, I would not eat people, nor would I violate the righteousness."】

【In other words, he couldn't guarantee what other people would choose.】

【He could only ensure that when faced with such a situation, he would not eat others, and would not rob others for the sake of survival, even if the price was starving himself to death.】

【After getting the answer, Prince Fusu also sighed, but continued:"Natural disasters are like this, let's talk about man-made disasters."】

【"Even if there were no natural disasters in the Central Plains, and the common people could be self-sufficient and not cause disputes, how could the barbarians from all directions refrain from invading the Central Plains and taking the opportunity to plunder the common people?"】

【Xu Zi shook his head. The barbarians in all directions have no knowledge of etiquette, nor do they love the people. They only know how to rob and gain power by force.】

【If the barbarians knew the specific situation of the people in the Central Plains, they would definitely take the opportunity to invade the Central Plains and plunder the people.】

【Seeing that Xu Zi agreed with what he said, Prince Fusu continued:"If the barbarians in the four directions attempt to���If they invade the Central Plains and plunder the people of the Central Plains, what choice should the people of the Central Plains have?"】

【"Is to rise up in resistance?"】

【"Or just accept it?"】

【Xu Zi didn't need to think at all and answered directly:"Of course we will resist!"】

【The barbarians dared to invade the Central Plains and plunder the people of the Central Plains. They were simply courting death.】

【"If they rise up in resistance, will the common people be able to resist?"】

【"After all, at that time, everyone in the world was a commoner, everyone farmed and grew crops, was self-sufficient, and there was no army."】

【Prince Fusu looked at Xu Zi puzzledly.】

【Xu Zi answered without hesitation:"Then we should organize an army to fight against the barbarians."】

【Prince Fusu nodded and continued to ask:"If we want to form an army, then the common people who serve as soldiers will not be able to farm and be self-sufficient."】

【"We can't let them serve as soldiers and continue farming at the same time, right?"】

【"If this is true, I am afraid that as soon as they put down their weapons and start farming, the barbarians over there will invade again."】

【Xu Zi thought for a moment, and then said,"Those common people who serve as soldiers to guard against the invasion of barbarians are not only protecting themselves, but also protecting other common people from the harm of barbarians."】

【"Therefore, the other common people should also share part of their grain harvest to provide to the soldiers who serve as soldiers to guard against the invasion of barbarians, to ensure that they will not lack food and clothing because they do not farm."】

【Hearing this answer, Prince Fusu smiled and agreed again:"Master Xu is right."】

【"So if the common people have disputes, how should we mediate between them?"】

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【"For example, if you and I both like the same acre of high-quality paddy field, then who should this acre of high-quality paddy field belong to?"】

【Xu Zi also followed the words of Prince Fusu and continued to think, and then replied:"Naturally, whoever finds it first will get it!"】

【Prince Fusu then asked:"What if I discovered this acre of high-quality paddy field first, but the other party relied on his height and strength to rob it, and I couldn't defeat him?"】

【"Does this mean that this acre of excellent paddy field belongs to him?"】

【Xu Zi shook his head again and said,"Of course we can't do that. If the other party insists on robbing us, we can ask the wise man to make the decision and make them obey."】

【Prince Fusu continued to insist,"What if he doesn't obey the wise man's decision?"】

【"Even if he is condemned by thousands of people, he is still arrogant and tries to snatch it by force. So what?"】

【Xu Zi said directly:"If he is really so arrogant and unreasonable, then we should mobilize the army to capture him!"】

【"No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than an army of thousands of people?"】

【Prince Fusu smiled and nodded in response:"Yes, yes, Master Xu is right."】

【"But what if everyone else doesn’t know the first-come, first-served rule?"】

【"What if other people don't know that if they seize things by force, they will be captured by the army, and then they do the same thing, what should we do?"】

【Xu Zi also gave a solution:"Then write this rule into a law and inform all the people of Qianshou, so that they know what consequences they will suffer if they violate it."】

【Prince Fusu nodded again, indicating his agreement, and then continued to ask questions.】


【And Xu Zi also answered every question.】

【In this question and answer, it turns out that after the great prosperity of the agricultural family, the world gradually has many more things.】

【It turns out that everyone in the world is a commoner, nothing else.】

【But later on, due to various problems, there were gradually more armies, laws, sages who were responsible for adjudicating, etc.】

【Until the end, Xu Zi became impatient with the questions and said,"Why do you ask so many questions?"】

【Prince Fusu smiled and said:"The last question, as mentioned above, what is the difference between the world after the great governance of the Nong family and the world today?"】

【"Are the two really different in nature?"】

【Hearing the last question from Prince Fusu, Xu Zi was completely stunned.】

【What is the difference between the world after the great governance of the agricultural family and the world today?】

【After careful consideration, Xu Zi slowly smiled bitterly.】

【There is probably a subtle difference between the two.】

【But in general, the things that exist in the world today, such as laws, armies, and craftsmen, etc., are basically all present in the world after the great governance of the agricultural family.】

【Otherwise, if everyone is a commoner, it will be impossible to deal with the various problems that arise in the world after the great governance of the peasant family.】

【And since the things that exist in the world today will basically exist in the world after the great governance of the agricultural family,】

【So how can these two be said to be essentially different?】

【For example, the people in the world today are the kings and nobles of various countries, and the people of Qianshu are the ones who support these kings and nobles.】

【After the great prosperity of the agricultural country, those responsible for governing the common people in various places are those who are considered wise men by the common people, and the common people are also responsible for supporting them!】

【According to the theory of the agriculturalists, whether it is the so-called monarchs and nobles, or the so-called wise men, they all belong to the group that the agriculturalists previously called"getting something for nothing".】

【It's just that the latter's reputation probably sounds better.】

【But there is no essential difference between the two】

【Prince Fusu also expressed his ultimate thought:"The world is vast, with both natural disasters and man-made disasters."】

【"If everyone is just a commoner, just be self-sufficient and grow their own crops"】

【"Then once natural disasters and man-made disasters come, they will be almost powerless to resist."】

【"Therefore, in order to better resist natural disasters and man-made disasters, the people who were originally common people will gradually come together and then divide their work according to their needs."】

【"Some people serve as soldiers, protecting others from wild animals or enemies."】

【"Then those who are protected by the soldiers have the responsibility and obligation to provide the soldiers with appropriate food and clothing."】

【"Similarly, some people are law enforcement officers who judge right from wrong for others and protect the interests of others so that their interests are not violated by powerful forces."】

【"Then those who are protected by the law officers also have the responsibility and obligation to provide the law officers with appropriate food and clothing."】

【"The so-called mental workers and manual workers, they all have their own work to do, and they also have responsibilities and obligations to each other."】

【"It's just that some people who work with their minds have not fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations to those who work with their hands."】

【"But this is the fault of some of the mental workers, not all of them. It cannot be said that those mental workers who have fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations to the manual workers are"getting something for nothing". This is one-sided."】

Mountain.: @u_229757

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