"Responsibilities and obligations?"

"Do those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands have their own responsibilities and obligations?"

"Because those soldiers and law enforcement officers protected us, so in return we support those soldiers and law enforcement officers?"

"If the soldiers and law enforcement officers fail to protect us and fail to fulfill their responsibilities, then do we have no obligation to support them?"......

The common people from all over the world were all whispering about the remarks made by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain regarding the responsibilities and obligations between those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands. This was the first time they had heard such remarks!

In the past, the nobles and ministers would not say what responsibilities they had towards the common people. They would only say what obligations the common people had towards them.

For example, the common people’s obligation to support them, the common people’s obligation to perform corvée labor for them, the common people’s obligation to fight on the battlefield for them, and so on.

But now Prince Fusu told them that the prerequisite for the common people to fulfill these obligations to the nobles and ministers is that the nobles and ministers fulfill their responsibilities to the common people.

The responsibilities and obligations between the two parties are two-way.

Such words are just like what was said in the sky curtain last time:"Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?""、"Power comes from the common people", which triggered the common people's thinking about themselves and questioning the"073" of the nobles and officials.

In the process of such thinking and questioning, the common people's spirit was improved little by little, and their spirit was enriched.

If the common people did not dare to look up and look directly at the nobles and officials before, then now the common people dare to look up and look directly at the nobles and officials when they meet them, and even the bold ones dare to point a few words at the nobles and officials.

In the past, whether it was the nobles and officials or the common people themselves, it was unimaginable.

Compared with the whispering and thinking common people.

After hearing the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, the nobles of the six countries angrily threw the wine bottles in their hands to the ground, or overturned the tables in front of them.

The nobles of the six countries said angrily:

"Damn it! What the hell is this bastard talking about!"

"Does he really wish to see all the nobles and ministers fall into dust?"

"What good will it do him if we, the nobles, fall into the dust?"

"He is also a nobleman! He is also one of the most noble nobles in the world!"

"But why didn't he speak for the nobles?"

"Why do you keep speaking for the untouchables?"

"Oh my God, what sin did the nobles of the six nations commit to deserve encountering such a pair of tyrants, father and son!"

"The tyrant destroyed our homeland, and now the tyrant's son wants to smash our noble blood, pride, and nobility into dust, forcing us to struggle in the quagmire together with the common people!"

"How blind the heavens are! Why didn't they just strike Prince Fusu, that unworthy fellow, to death with a bolt of lightning?"

"Bring me my bow! Bring me my arrow! I will shoot Prince Fusu to death!".........

For the nobles of the six countries who claim to be born with noble status and blood, and believe that they should be supported and ruled by the people of Qianshou by nature.

Every"anti-aristocratic" speech by Prince Fusu is to destroy the glory of their aristocratic generations!

It is to reduce the legitimacy and rationality of their rule over the people of Qianshou!

It is to make it more difficult for them to rule the people of Qianshou in the future!

Even to put it bluntly, if this situation really continues.

Then even if they overthrow the Qin State one day, the people of Qianshou below may no longer habitually accept their rule as before.

Maybe even if they exploit the people of Qianshou too much.

Then maybe the people of Qianshou will be like the"people expelling the king" in the past, and they will also expel these nobles and nobles from the country, and even overthrow their rule!

How can the nobles of the six countries tolerate this, and how are they willing to accept it!

If they were not separated from Prince Fusu by a sky that was beyond their reach, the nobles of the six countries would have found a way to assassinate Prince Fusu long ago.

It can be said that in the hearts of most of the nobles of the six countries, their hatred and disgust for Prince Fusu is even greater than that of Ying Zheng, who destroyed their homeland.

In Xianyang, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu on the sky, and silently pondered the words"the responsibilities and obligations of those who work with their minds and hands" in his heart.

He found that Prince Fusu seemed to always have a unique view on the relationship between the country, the monarch, the nobles, and the people of Qianshou.

Such a view cannot be simply and crudely said to be right or wrong.

But it can make people jump out of the current system framework and look at the relationship between the country, the monarch, the nobles, and the people of Qianshou from another new perspective.

Let people rethink how the relationship between the country, the monarch, the nobles, and the people of Qianshou should be positioned.

At the same time, it can also be used to polish jade, and it can be used to reflect on and compare their own governance.

For example, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is now thinking about what his responsibility as a laborer of mind is to the people of Qianshou?

The first one should be to protect the people of Qianshou from foreign enemies.

Well, he did it.

When he was the King of Qin, he was the one who basically beat others, and rarely was anyone else beating him.

Not to mention that other vassal states were able to invade the Qin mainland and harm the old Qin people.

The second point is to lead the people of Qianshou to continue to explore and advance.

He should have also achieved this. Under his leadership, the Qin State swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world.

It can be said that it could not be more pioneering and advanced!

The third point is to make the people of Qianshou live a better life.

This is not easy to say. If compared with the people of the original six kingdoms, then he dares to say that the life of the old Qin people must be the best.

In Qin, although you can't hear the laughter of the people of Qianshou, at least the breathing of the people of Qianshou will not be affected.

And in the original���In the six kingdoms, even if the laughter of the people can be heard briefly, it won’t be long before such laughter will be drowned out by all kinds of cries of separation and death, and finally even the sound of breathing will disappear completely.

But if compared with the Qin State itself, the life of the old Qin people a hundred years ago and the life of the old Qin people a hundred years later do not seem to be much different.

For hundreds of years, the old Qin people seem to have been constantly farming, fighting, and farming, and then going east, going east, and going east, and then attacking the six kingdoms, attacking the six kingdoms, and attacking the six kingdoms.

Now that the Qin State has swept the six kingdoms and unified the world, should the lives of the old Qin people be slightly better than before?

And if so, where should we start?

Just as Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was thinking about it, other doctors from various schools of thought also fell into deep thought because of the words of Prince Fusu.

Because the saying"the responsibilities and obligations of those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands" is also a relatively novel perspective for them.....

So they also want to see if there is any view in their own school of thought that is closer to the view that Prince Fusu just said.

If there is, then use this as a breakthrough point to incorporate the viewpoints proposed by Prince Fusu into the viewpoints of their own school, or even incorporate Prince Fusu into their school of thought.

By then, if Prince Fusu's ideas and views constitute one of the ideas of their school.

Then presumably their school of thought will spread more widely and become more prosperous because of the existence of Prince Fusu.

As for whether Prince Fusu's idea of "the responsibilities and obligations of those who work with their minds and hands" is a bit treasonous.

If it were the nobles of the six countries, they would definitely think that Prince Fusu's ideas and views were treasonous.

But if it were the various schools of thought, the evaluation they could give would be"novel"!

As for treason, the doctors of the Mohist, Agricultural, Yang Zhu and other schools of thought smiled and said nothing.

No matter how treasonous Prince Fusu's ideas and views are, can they be more treasonous than them?

The"king and ministers farming together" proposed by the agriculturalists meant that the king could farm and handle state affairs at the same time, and earn his own living.

The Mohists even advocated"universal love"."、""Non-aggression", advocated equal love between people, and resisted unjust wars.

The Yang Zhu School advocated that one should neither"benefit the world by sacrificing a little", nor"serve the whole world to one person", etc.

In the words of Confucian Mencius, they are"beasts without a king or a father". The ideas and views of Prince Fusu are beyond the reach.

In this era, they, the various schools of thought, are the real rebels!

Then Mohist Xiangliji glanced at the doctors of other schools of thought, and at the same time, he slightly nodded in the direction of Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors.

The other doctors of the various schools of thought who noticed Xiangliji's behavior also lit up, and a smile immediately appeared on their faces.

What Prince Fusu said on the sky curtain���The viewpoints of the Confucian Mencius are not consistent with the viewpoints of the Confucian Mencius.

At this time, why not mock them now? When will they wait?

So, the doctors of the Mohist School, the Yang Zhu School, the Mingjia School, the Diplomacy School, and other schools of thought surrounded Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors tacitly, and mocked them one by one:

"Those who work with their minds rule over others, and those who work with their hands are ruled by others; those who are ruled by others eat others, and those who rule others are eaten by others; isn't this the common sense of the world?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu doesn't seem to think so."

"Prince Fusu said,"Those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands each have their own responsibilities and obligations.""

"The mental worker must first fulfill his responsibility to the manual worker, then the manual worker needs to fulfill his obligation to the mental worker."

"This is not a universal principle, but a matter of mutual benefit between those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands."

"And the intellectual workers are not superior from the beginning, they are the choice of the manual workers."

"Those who work with their minds are also those who work with their hands, and those who work with their hands can also work with their minds. Both sides are equal."

"And the two can be converted into each other, they are not fixed."

"It seems that what your Confucian Mencius said was also false!"

"No, I have to write this down and pass it on so that more people in the future will know that the Confucian Mencius was nothing but a liar!"

"Well, let’s call this incident"Prince Fusu Rebukes the Confucian Mencius"!"

"This is a good idea. After you finish writing it, please give me a copy. I will also let the disciples of our school read it first, and then pass it down from generation to generation!".......

Don't worry: @u_229757

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