Jiahe County!

Xiao He couldn’t react for a while.

That’s a surprise!

Originally, Yuquan only wanted to change back to his original name, but he was still worried in his heart, for fear that the emperor would not agree.

The emperor really did not agree, but gave Yuquan a better name – Jiahe!

As soon as this name is shouted, everyone will publicly promote the rice produced by Jiahe as the first in the world!

It’s not just a matter of changing a nice name. Instead, there is a golden signboard.

Therefore, Jiahe County will be more prosperous.

Xiao He immediately stepped forward to polish the brush, picked up the pen, and asked the emperor for instructions.

“Your Majesty, did the minister draw up a holy decree according to this meaning?”

Win Che nodded.

“Three things. In addition to giving the name Jiahe by the fist. Jiahe, Haiyan, Lou County, the three counties merged into one province, called Jiahe Province. Wu Qing was promoted to prefect and ruled the three counties. It is still under the administration of Huiji County. Moreover, he promoted Wang Ling to the rank of chief merchant of the east, and Rank Lu was the same as the attendant. ”

This time, two more positions were added that were not previously available.

Daqin originally did not have a prefecture-level administrative setup. Above the county is the county.

Now, because of the exchanges between the prefectures, it is much closer than before. It is indeed better to merge two or three counties into one province and coordinate them as a whole.

Wu Qing was fortunate enough to become the first prefect of Daqin.

The chief merchant of the Eastern Trade, who did not have this position before. On the whole, the business is planned by Qu Zheng and Tao Tong.

Wang Ling used his own ability to prove that regional business cooperation has great potential!

Therefore, the emperor gave him the position of chief merchant of the east. So that he can continue, the eastern counties, can be connected more closely.

Bohai, Langya, Taisi, Donghai, Huiji, Minzhong. These counties are all places by the sea that can be connected by a shipping route.

Xiao He heard the emperor’s arrangement.

This doesn’t seem like a temporary intention!

Could it be that the emperor has been planning for a long time?

That’s not right either! Jiahe offered rice, which was a dragon case that had just been presented to the emperor. How could the emperor not know the prophet?

Xiao He once again sighed in his heart, His Majesty the Emperor is really too holy! Everything is under control!

The holy decree was quickly written, and before getting the emperor’s dragon case, it was confirmed by the emperor. After confirmation, stamp the treasure seal.

A holy decree was drawn up, and after Yingche had used the treasure seal. He waved his hand again, signaling Xiao He to write the second holy decree.

“Ren Fusu is the chief merchant in the south, coordinating all commerce in Ba, Shu, Yelang, Yunnan and Tianzhu.”

Xiao He was stunned, it turned out that he not only planned the east, but divided the entire five parties of Daqin into blocks to supervise commerce.

In this case, later may be the appointment of the chief merchants of the west and north.

Xiao He pondered while writing the holy decree.

To write a holy decree is not to write a sentence when the emperor says it. Instead, he had to wait for the emperor to fully express his intentions, and then polish his own words. It is equivalent to writing a small propositional essay.

It’s just that this kind of propositional composition is not a matter for their high-ranking officials.

Sure enough, after appointing Fusu as the governor of the southern merchants, the emperor began to speak the content of the third holy decree.

“He was promoted to be the governor of the Otsuki clan, and he and Tulimo jointly governed the naturalized Otsuki clan. He was promoted to be the chief merchant of the western region, and coordinated the business of Dashuangjing County and Otsuki County. ”

This holy decree is more interesting.

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