This trip to South America was also the most important task for Yingche, and it was handed over to Chen Qingzhi.

The officials of the imperial court only knew that Chen Qingzhi had gone to sea, but they did not know what he would meet? What will be brought back?

These things are best known only in Yingche’s heart.

Chen Qingzhi’s return means that sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, corn, and long-staple cotton will take root in Daqin in the future.

Except for Yingche, no one knows what huge changes these things will bring to Daqin?

Yingche didn’t want to say it, just let everyone, slowly reminisce in shock. Slowly wake up and understand how far-sighted the emperor insisted on Chen Qingzhi to complete this task!

“Xuan Chen Qing Upper Hall!”

Chen Qingzhi was wrapped in dust and stepped into the Imperial Pole Hall.

The Imperial Hall of Afang Palace, he came for the first time. After going out for so long, seeing the great changes in Daqin, Chen Qingzhi’s heart was also full of emotion!

“Chen Qingzhi, this trip to South America is smooth, and now I have come to hand over my majesty!”

Win Che smiled heartily.

In a word, explain everything clearly.

Perhaps he did not say the dangers he encountered at sea and the difficulties he encountered everywhere, but you can also imagine what kind of difficulties he experienced!

Now that the task is complete, everything is not important.

Chen Qingzhi handed a wooden box to Zhongguan. The dragon case presented by the lieutenant to the emperor.

Open the wooden box, and inside is a pack of things.

Yingche opened them one by one and saw the pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cottonseeds in his memory…

These were only samples sent to the emperor, and only a few of them were selected.

In addition to the things that the emperor had explained, he also collected a lot of seeds of exotic flowers and plants. Most of them are not available in Daqin.

The land of South America, the continent of South Australia, these two places are full of strange things, which are things that Daqin has never had.

There are so many things that even Win Che can’t recognize what it is.

Yingche looked through it and left the seeds of this wooden box for himself. When I turn back, I plan to give it to the harem concubines to plant, and also find them something to do.

If the emperor is in the harem, let the concubines plant these things. I believe that the speed of promotion in the whole territory of Daqin is even faster.

Ying Che smiled and looked at Chen Qingzhi.

“Qingzhi, you have worked hard this time, first rest in Xianyang for a while. Turn back, let you try the ocean-going giant! ”

Ocean-going giants?

Chen Qingyi’s face was confused.

It seems that the changes in Daqin are really too fast. And put out something I didn’t know!

How huge would a ship that the emperor call an ocean-going giant be?

Before Chen Qingzhi saw it, he couldn’t imagine it. In his opinion, the warships used now are already very huge. There are existing warships out to sea, and they can also crush all enemies!

For a while, Chen Qingzhi couldn’t help but be very interested in the ocean-going giant ship in the emperor’s mouth.

In the four counties of Heiliao, it began to snow.

It has entered the winter month, and the two counties of Buyeo and Woyu are fine. Farther north, in the counties of Sushen and Ding, the water has begun to freeze at night.

The ice is still very thin and melts during the day. For a battleship wrapped in ironclad, sailing is still no problem.

However, it is necessary to prepare early and collect the ships.

In the severe winter cold, the ice on the surface of the river will freeze up to three feet thick. Any kind of battleship will be frozen in the water to death.

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