Afterwards, the two sides fought extremely fiercely in the center of the battlefield. Cavalry continued to bump into each other, and the skull and sternum of the horses were smashed and fell to the ground.

The broken bones of some war horses even pierced through the flesh and exposed, making a feeble roar.

And the two ordinary cavalrymen were also pierced by the opponent's lance, but they drew their sabers to kill each other regardless of their injuries.

Centering on the battlefield where the cavalry was fighting, Hancheng led 10,000 people to face another Yan Army cavalry unit.

Both sides are light cavalry, and when they are thirty feet apart, they start to throw arrows.

The generals of the Yan army are also full of confidence at this time, because they are in a downwind position at this time, and such shooting is beneficial to them.

However, the Qin army was against the wind, and its power was greatly reduced.

But in the next moment, there were casualties between the two sides, but the casualties of the Yan army were even more serious.

The general of the Yan army was also hit by an arrow in his chest, and he discovered that the Qin army actually used crossbow arrows.

When he fell down, he was also very puzzled, in such a bumpy environment on horseback, how did they manage to string their bowstrings and nock their arrows.

Using the stirrups, the cavalry of the black army can exert their power to the greatest extent whether they are holding guns or riding and shooting.

The Yan army's cavalry suffered from the throwing, and in the smoke and dust on the battlefield, Su Fu was surprised to see that nearly two thousand black-clothed army cavalry pierced through the formation of his own army. Divide into two teams of thousands of people, and charge towards the center of the battlefield again.

Su Fu's lieutenant-general said with panic on his face: "General, hurry up and stop the Qin army from charging! If they charge back, the five thousand people will be finished!"

Su Fu Lengmo shook his head, "Putting more reserves into the battlefield will only get us caught up in it. The Yan army can be defeated today, but there is no one left who cannot be defeated.

"Send down the order and prepare to withdraw!"

Just as Su Fu expected, when the two cavalry in black rushed back into the chaotic battlefield from both sides, the scattered Yan cavalry could not resist at all.

Soon the Yan State spearmen were stabbed down by the black-clothed army's cavalry as soon as they turned their heads. The battlefield situation gradually became one-sided.

Xiao Xiao saw that the battle situation on Wei Dayong's side was settled, so he rushed to the distant hill with the remaining 1,000 people.

But at this time, Su Fu turned and left, and the sound of horns sounded on the hill, and the rhythm of the sound indicated that the Yan army was about to withdraw.

The Yan army came quickly and retreated very quickly, but this time, the black-clothed army who was lightly dressed was biting tightly behind.

From time to time, Yan Jun was hit by an arrow flying from behind and fell into the smoke and dust raised by the horseshoe.

Xiao Xiao chased and killed them all the way for more than ten miles, expanding the result of the battle by two thousand people.

But Xiao Xiao stopped chasing after that, because he saw smoke and dust billowing in the valley in the distance, and it was obvious that the cavalry that Su Fu led this time did not have 30,000 cavalry, so Xiao Xiao concluded that there must be an ambush on the other side, so he let them retreat far away. in the mountains.

Yi Kang came to Xiao Xiao's side, the quiver in his waist was empty.

But he looked excited at this time, because he shot and killed at least twenty-one Yan army cavalry.

You must know that the military merit rewards of the cavalry are much higher than those of the infantry.

Xiao Xiao reined in his horse and gave Yi Kang an order.

"Leave 3,000 people here to guard, and the rest gather nearby horses and drag back the dead soldiers of the Yan army.


Seeing the orderly retreat of the black-clothed army, Su Fu, who retreated into the mountains, also said coldly: "The black-clothed army under Xiao Xiao is really terrifying, the military orders are executed quickly, and the army's morale is as firm as a rock, and they actually You can use crossbow arrows on horseback, but you have to figure out a countermeasure, otherwise Yi Shui will be in trouble."

Xiao Xiao led the cavalry back to the Seventh Beacon Fort. At this time, the battle between the spears and cavalry was over.

At the cost of killing 1,100 people and seriously injuring 700, the black army killed more than 3,800 spearmen of the Yan army, and the remaining more than 1,000 people became prisoners of war.

This is already a big victory on the battlefield where the cavalry charged with a high death rate.

And after this battle, Su Fu lost his best batch of spears and cavalry, and he was completely incapable of confronting Xiao Xiao on the frontal battlefield.

Xiao Xiao came to the Seventh Beacon Fort and found a grain transportation team.

This grain transportation team originally consisted of more than a thousand people. When the Yan army arrived, they had no time to hide in the Suibao, and could only rely on the city wall to build a defense line with grain trucks. Now there are more than 600 of the thousand people left. , Casualties are close to average.

That's how the captain of the grain transportation team kowtowed when he saw Xiao Xiao.

Because they can be said to be very lucky compared to the more than 2,000 food transport teams that were wiped out by the entire army.

What's more important is that the grain trucks were not damaged, so arriving in Yishui is also a military achievement, and the captain of the grain transportation team can also provide more pensions for the temporary brothers.

Xiao Xiao helped the leader of the food transport team up, patted the dust off his body, and said with a smile: "Have a good rest, and then quickly transport the food to Yishui, you are needed very much in the big war over there.

After the captain of the food transportation team left, Xiao Xiao asked the captain of the Seventh Beacon Fort to come over.

"Lu Wuhong, the commander of the Seventh Fortress, has meritorious service in defending the fort. Sima in the army has already remembered your contribution. When the next battle is over, rewards will be issued."

Lu Wuhong knelt down on one knee, and after thanking Xiao Xiao, he did not stand up immediately, but asked: "General, many of my subordinates died in 363 battles when the Yan army attacked, but we are defending the fort?" At that time, I also killed more than 400 Yan troops, may I ask them to share some of their military achievements?"

Xiao Xiao didn't answer him directly, but turned to look at Sima in the army.

Sima in the army shook his head, and said indifferently: "Recording military achievements is a very strict matter, and it is related to military records! How can it be arranged at will? Those Qin soldiers who died in the battle at the beginning, it would be good if they were not punished for the crime of being disadvantaged in battle. gone."

After Junzhong Sima finished speaking, he noticed that Xiao Xiao's eyes were not looking good, so he took the initiative to step aside.

Although Sima in the army was personally appointed by King Qin to record military merits and maintain military discipline, he was not ordered by the general at some point.

But they themselves do not have the right to command the troops, even a recruit can not obey his transfer orders, which is a relatively special existence among the official positions of the Qin army.

But Sima in the army is special, and Xiao Xiao is even more special than him.

Because Xiao Xiao was favored by the King of Qin, he could command 100,000 troops before he was 22 years old, but he was the most powerful black-clothed army in the world, and the Sima in the army did not dare to contradict Xiao Xiao at will.

Xiao Xiao patted Lu Wuhong on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, those brothers who died will get the compensation they deserved, just leave this matter to me." Use your little thoughts on the battlefield Just kill the enemy."

"It's the general! It's Lu Wuhong who is ignorant."

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