Daqin: Start With 100,000 Proficiency

198: It's Hard To Tell

After Lu Wuhong finished speaking, he withdrew. He must have trusted General Xiao in his heart. Since General Xiao promised to do it, it would definitely be done.

Everyone in the black army believes in Xiao Xiao, even if the world wants to harm him, General Xiao will not harm him.

The battle in Seventh Beacon Fort came and went quickly.

At the cost of 3,000 casualties, Xiao Xiao caused Su Fu to lose more than 9,000 people.

But by the Yishui River, the situation of Qin Jun is not so good.

Under the Yanjun River embankment, the accumulated broken boats and corpses were pushed out by the Yanjun, and these would be carried downstream by the river.

Wang Jian stood on the bank of the river, looking at the embankment in the distance, his face was gloomy and frightening.

The Qin army fought all day, lost more than 300 wooden boats and more than 9,000 people, and still failed to capture the eight-mile-long embankment.

Xin Sheng also received his wounds and was carried off the battlefield.

Wang Jian thought for a while and asked the lieutenant general, "How is Xiao Xiao's situation?"

"The spies just got the news that General Xiao defeated Sufu in the Seventh Beacon Fort, killing more than 9,000 enemies. Mifu will definitely restrain himself a little during this time.

After Wang Jian listened, he also nodded in relief.

"At any rate, there is some good news. By the way, what about Yi Kang's situation."

"Uh... the black army took a piece of land upstream, but not long after landing, the Yan army was supported by School Disciple. There were too many of them, and the trebuchets were transported over. General Yi Kang and others was repulsed, and General Yi Kang was also injured.

Wang Jian also sighed lightly when he heard the news. Although there is no embankment upstream, it is also exposed to the sight of the Yan army camp.

As soon as the black-clothed army landed, there would be Yan troops nearby to resist.

Even though the sergeants of the black-clothed army were much stronger than the Yan army when they fought hand-to-hand, the Yan army also caused a lot of casualties to the black-clothed army by virtue of its condescending position and the sharp weapon of the catapult.

Wang Jian took people to see Yi Kang. He was hit by an arrow in the chest, but did not hurt his vitals.

In addition, Wang Jian also saw many wounded soldiers in the camp.

Yi Kang struggled to stand up, and he said in shame: "Commander, today's defeat is the responsibility of the last general alone. If you want to behead and pursue responsibility, please behead me alone. Don't implicate the army in black!"

"Why cut off your head if I have nothing to do! Could it be that if you hang your head out, the army will take the initiative to restrict it?"

Wang Jian patted Yi Kang on the shoulder, and said seriously: "You and Xiao Xiao are both young, a small defeat is fine, the future of Qin depends on you!"

Later, Wang Jian asked his military doctor to see Yi Kang, and ordered the black-clothed army to guard the upper reaches of the army to guard against the Yan army crossing the river.

In the Seventh Beacon Fort.

Xiao Xiao handed over a thousand captured prisoners of war to the housekeeper sent by Fatty Mi, who will send the prisoners all the way back to Yongzhou.

Watching the prisoners of war leave, Xiao Xiao smiled a little more on his depressed face.

In the battle of Yishui, the black-clothed army lost 2,000 people, and the general Yi Kang was injured, which is not a serious injury to the black-clothed army.

After all, hundreds of thousands of people on both sides are fighting, even if 10,000 people die, it is estimated that there may not be any splashes.

But for his own black-clad army, Xiao Xiao felt that the death of a single person was enough for him to feel distressed.

Hancheng ran over and said worriedly: "General, Wang Shuai ordered us to solve the millet belly within seven days and completely solve the worries of our army. What do you think of this matter?"

"What do you think?"

"The general feels that the time given is too little!"

"I think it's too much. Within three days, I will definitely force Sufu out to fight me!"

Hancheng was also stunned, he really couldn't figure out how to drive Sufu out of the mountain within three days.

The mountain range in Sufuzang is the remnant vein of Dabie Mountain, spreading hundreds of miles from the remnant vein to the main vein.

Moreover, their battle losses were close to one-third, which made the already enough food and grass more durable. 【

Han Cheng felt that it would be fine if Su Fu hid in the mountains for a month or two and did not come out, as long as Xiao Xiao left.

They will surely continue to come out and attack the food convoy.

But seeing Xiao Xiao patrolling the background of Fengbao along the city wall, Hancheng didn't intend to guess too much.

Because if he could be guessed by others so easily, he wouldn't be Xiao Xiao.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Xiao came to the open space outside Fengbao.

At this time, seven people were waiting for Xiao Xiao to arrive.

Xiao Xiao looked at the seven people and said with a serious expression: "The seven of you have been with me for a long time, and two of you are still with me from Lantian. This time I went to send the news and I was close to death. If I was caught, I would be tortured. But even then you can only say what I tell you, is it possible?"

Seven people nodded one after another, they stuck their swords on the ground, and then knelt down on one knee.

"I believe that the general has already helped us arrange the affairs behind us, and I will definitely have no complaints or regrets in sending the letter this time!"

Xiao Xiao looked at the seven people with tears in his eyes, he needed to pass the fake news to Su Fu.

The news made Su Fu think that the Qin army was at a disadvantage in the battle in Yishui, and he needed to be transferred to lead the army in Yishui.

And from here, there will be Yishui, and there will be several places where an ambush can be set up in advance, Su Fu will inevitably choose an ambush.

But with Su Fu's intelligence, he would definitely not believe this easily.

So those who are caught will definitely be tortured and tortured.

Xiao Xiao needs them to still confess the false news they provided when they can't hold on anymore, so that they can completely deceive the bad guys.

For this reason, Xiao Xiao also promised to settle down their family members, take them to Yongzhou, and obtain a piece of real estate land.

Xiao Xiao took out a jar of strong wine and served it to seven people. After the eight people drank the wine in the bowl, the seven people left in batches.

Xiao Xiao watched the last person leave, and asked Wei Dayong beside him, "...Dayong, am I still a qualified soldier if I let my subordinates go to die like this?"

Wei Dayong also had a sad face, and then he wiped away the tears on his face, and said seriously: "General (got it) I joined the army earlier than you, so I'm not afraid to tell you that I have seen too many people in the past, Often after a battle, there is no one around me who I know.”

"Only by following the general can we continue to win battles. You have also said, general, that only by destroying the six kingdoms will you not die so many people.

"But my old Wei also knows that on the way to destroy the Six Kingdoms, people will definitely die. If one day, General, you ask me to die, I will do it without hesitation."

Xiao Xiao directly kicked Wei Dayong out, and scolded with a smile: "Don't show your loyalty to me, if you really want to do the final thing, I will do it myself, how far can you take the brothers to me How far."

Wei Dayong also smiled naively, this kind of comrade-in-arms friendship cultivated through life and death will not contain any impurities.

When it was dawn, the grain transportation team continued to set off, but the team expanded from 600 to 4,000 people. .

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