"As a result, many people suffered from chilblains, and more than a dozen people did not survive, so they had to send blankets.

Hu Shanyong lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Xiao Xiao when he spoke.

After Xiao Xiao heard the news, she suddenly wanted to punch Hu Shanyong. It was unimaginable that her Yongzhou army would freeze to death.

But Xiao Xiao couldn't do anything. After all, the memory made by Hu Shanyong, the Yongzhou Army never received foreign materials at will, this is the iron law.

If he wanted to fight, Xiao Xiao should punch himself twice in the face, because he was the one who sent these veterans here.

Xiao Xiao asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't you tell me the matter."

Hu Shanyong also rubbed his hands, and said a little embarrassedly: "The main reason is that you know that General Xiao is very busy. You not only manage Yongzhou, but also go to Hexi to fight. Did you win the battle?"

Xiao Xiao looked at Hu Shanyong who was smiling plainly, her eyes were also a little red.

Not only Hu Shanyong was curious, but his lieutenant general and the centurions were also curious.

These people have been fighting all their lives, and suddenly there is no fighting, and they patrol the grassland every day, and they inevitably feel a little bit disappointed.

Wei Dayong stood up at the right time and said loudly: "Of course I won. It's just a group of Majia Huns. General Xiao killed more than 40,000 of them. That Western Huns general Tiedomu probably won't want to go back to Hexi in his life."

After Wei Dayong finished speaking, Hu Shanyong and the others also burst out laughing happily, calling Great Qin Wansheng!

In addition to bringing a batch of supplies that Hu Shanyong needed, Xiao Xiao also brought a heater with long pipes.

With a heater, the life of soldiers in winter will be much easier.

Xiao Xiao also said to Hu Shanyong: "In the future, I will change people every three years. Brother Hu, you will go back with me. Someone will watch the Yongzhou Grassland."

Hu Shanyong shook his head and said to Xiao Xiao: "My brothers can go back, but I will stay. Yongzhou grassland is an important land, and I have to look after it for you, General."

Seeing Hu Shanyong's insistence, Xiao Xiao didn't say much. They are all soldiers, so there are not so many links to retain.

After that, Xiao Xiao followed Hu Shanyong to see those herdsmen.

The herdsmen's camp is five miles away from the military camp, and Xiao Xiao can see it from a high place.

There are more than 4,600 herdsmen in total, including old people, women, and children, but no men.

Xiao Xiao looked at Hu Shanyong.

Hu Shanyong explained: "This tribe is composed of several tribes. Their men died in the war. The big tribe of the Western Huns wanted to annex them, so they ran all the way here.

While listening to Hu Shanyong's speech, Xiao Xiao noticed that many young women among the herdsmen ran over and wanted to ride on the horses of the soldiers, all of whom were Hu Shanyong's soldiers.

Hu Shanyong also said with some embarrassment: "When I take people out to patrol the border, I will stay here for a long time, but the general can rest assured that the brothers have never affected the major affairs of the border patrol because of this. If there is my first marching law!"

As soon as Hu Shanyong finished speaking, a woman in her thirties ran over, hugged Hu Shanyong's feet, and spoke in Hun language affectionately.

For a while, Hu Shanyong also blushed like an apple in embarrassment.

And Wei Dayong and Bai Ce couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

Xiao Xiao looked at the 51-year-old Hu Shanyong who looked embarrassed like a kid who made a mistake, and quickly covered him: "It is understandable that life in the military camp is boring, but military discipline must not be lax!"

Hu Shanyong quickly cupped his hands to express that he was educated.

After that, Xiao Xiao looked around the camp and found that there were very few cattle and sheep in the camp, which was not enough to feed these people.

"Where does their food come from?"

Hu Shanyong replied: "The last general allocated a part of the food stored in the army to help them, and also sent some dead cattle and sheep from the pasture, so they could barely support them.

Xiao Xiao continued to ask: "These herdsmen have traveled such a long way, and they are composed of several small tribes. There must be someone in charge. Who is it?"

Hu Shanyong also gritted his teeth and pointed to the Hun woman at his feet.

Now Wei Dayong couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed and said: "Okay, Brother Hu, you have taken care of all the tribal leaders. When you retreat from the Yongzhou Army, there will be a thousand-man Tribal."

Hu Shanyong shook his head quickly, indicating that there are still children and mothers at home.

Xiao smiled and said: "Then take it, I'll ask Fatty Mi to build you a big tent, install a stove and so on, it will definitely make the old man live comfortably, or you can take this woman back.

Finally, under Xiao Xiao's order, Hu Shanyong also agreed.

The Xiongnu woman is called Ge Lan. In her heart, this hundred-mile grassland belongs to Hu Shanyong. He is the king here and her man.

Seeing Xiao Xiao kept giving orders to Hu Shanyong, Gu Lan also kept yelling at Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao couldn't understand the language of the Huns, but she could tell from her expression that she was talking to her.

Hu Shanyong understood, and he quickly told Ge Lan to shut up.

"Glenn, this is my general, and he also owns the pasture, but he is very nice. He won't kill people casually now."

If Ge Lan knew what happened to Xiao Xiao before, she probably would never scold her again, but ran away with the tribe overnight.

Xiao Xiao looked at those herdsmen and didn't dislike them in her heart.

There are very few people in the Yongzhou Grassland, and more than 90% of the people are used just to raise cattle and sheep and guard the frontier.

The rest of the people have to deal with beef and mutton jerky and make woolen blankets, and they are simply too busy.

So these 840 herdsmen can do these things.

Xiao Xiao looked at Bai Ce, and he said, "Since the tribal leaders are all under our control, the next things for you will be much easier."

Bai Ce also nodded. One of the important purposes of his visit this time was to let these people weave wool.

As long as they know how to spin wool, herdsmen can work in exchange for various materials they want, such as iron pots, food, medicine, clothes, and even wine.

And the advantage of this is that the descendants of these herdsmen will not plunder with knives, bows and arrows in the future.

With a stable life, who wants to live the kind of life that has today but no tomorrow.

Moreover, the largest tribe of the Xiongnu was slaughtered by the Qin State, and Qin State had the final say on the grasslands. Those small tribes who wanted to resist were no different from courting death.

Bai Ce felt that Xiao Xiao's current behavior was much more benevolent than other pastures. In other pastures, the Huns were treated like slaves, but the Huns in Yongzhou pasture were at least normal people.

While Bai Ce was talking with Hu Shanyong and Ge Lan, Bai's carriage stopped on a hill not far away.

Xiao Xiao rode his horse over, and he saw Bai Ji put the zither away with the help of two maids.

After Xiao Xiao rushed over, she got off her horse and stood quietly beside Bai Ji.

Bai Ji's piano has always been very nice, Xiao Xiao often sits quietly in the yard and listens to Bai Ji playing the piano. .

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