Bai Ji gently strokes the strings first and then plays slowly. The meaning of the tune is a story between a wanderer who left home and his beloved woman.

At this time, a gust of wind came and brought the sound of the piano to the herdsmen's camp.

The herdsmen were all attracted by the melodious and beautiful sound of the piano, and they all stood in place and listened.

Many herdsmen feel the same way. They are too far away from where they live, and it will be difficult for them to go back in this life.

Every note Bai Ji played seemed to tug at their heartstrings.

The herdsmen knelt down in the direction of their hometown as if they were chasing the feeling in their hearts.

Ge Lan stood beside Hu Shanyong, asking about the beautiful woman in white.

Hu Shanyong said to her: "She is General Xiao's woman, you must use the highest etiquette when receiving her. Remember, only General Xiao can protect your tribe now."

Ge Lan quickly knelt down on the ground, expressing that he would follow Hu Shanyong's orders.

After Xiao Xiao and Bai Ji came back, Ge Lan welcomed them into the largest tent, and then treated them to drink the freshest kumiss.

While Xiao Xiao continued chatting with Hu Shanyong, Dang also accompanied Sister Bai to watch some newborn lambs.

Bai Ji liked these little lambs very much, so she hoped to adopt a few of them.

And Xiao Xiao is not very interested in wanting Gao, but is very interested in mutton skewers, so she agrees with Bai Ji's idea.

Xiao Xiao also said to Ge Lan: "Now you have very few cattle and sheep in your tribe, and there are no men. Your tribe is very fragile, and the weak must survive under the protection of our Yongzhou army. In this regard, Do you have a different opinion?"

Ge Lan quickly knelt down on the ground, and she said in a trembling voice: "Respected General Xiao, I only pray that you can give my tribe a suitable place to live, and we will not use iron blocks to make swords to fight against you. We These people are just poor sheep.

"Then what do you think of Yongzhou Grassland? I will let you graze and live on this playground, but the premise is that you must work for us."

After listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Ge Lan was also very excited.

Yongzhou Grassland is a very good pasture. There are rivers passing through the middle of the grassland, and the grassland on both sides is also very plump. Moreover, although the people of Qin raised a large number of cattle and sheep, they were far from the upper limit of this pasture.

"Dear General Xiao, we are willing to work, but we only have old people and children who can't do much physical work."

"You don't need to do any physical work. We will provide you with tools, and then School Disciple will teach you how to weave wool. You can collect sheep's hair and divide it into different grades. We will provide you with food and what you need according to the quality of the wool. various daily necessities.”

"In addition, I saw that you have very few sheep, so I will also give you 10,000 sheep for you to throw away.

Although Gulen was once the woman of a tribal leader, he didn't understand the concept of coins.

The common trade on the grassland is to exchange things. Ge Lan heard that Xiao Xiao was willing to exchange supplies with them, and also gave them sheep.

In Glenn's heart, Xiao Xiao is simply a benevolent god.

Gulen told Xiao Xiao all the compliments he could think of.

Xiao Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, so Shan Yong pulled him up, this cheap girl.

That night, Xiao Xiao accompanied Bai Ji to stay in the tribe. Bai Ji is a woman who is not suitable to live in the military camp.

After that, Xiao Xiao's itinerary was very full.

Among Xiao Xiao's team is a carpenter who is good at making tools for weaving wool.

Moreover, Xiao Xiao also prepared a large amount of wood in advance, enough for the herdsmen to make weaving tools.

After leaving Ge Lan's tribe, Xiao Xiao started to go northwest, where the former military Cao and county lieutenant of Yongzhou City herded cattle and sheep.

After not seeing these two people for more than half a year, Xiao Xiao found that their faces were also rough and tanned by the wind.

But the two don't complain about Xiao Xiao now, because the profits of the Yongzhou Grassland are very lucrative.

Just selling dead beef, mutton, furs and other things, the dividends they get within half a year are already their total income in the past three years.

Now they are also very regretful, why did they agree with Xiao Xiao to return to Yongzhou after three years, they would rather stay here for seven or eight years, and earn enough money for the elderly before leaving.

But Xiao Xiao was not happy, because nearly 10% of the cattle and sheep died in just half a year.

Although this has something to do with the fact that these two guys and their subordinates don't know how to herd cattle and sheep, this situation must be stopped.

Xiao Xiao said to Wei Dayong: "Send a few people to Ge Lan's tribe and ask him to ask a hundred people who raise cattle and sheep at the meeting to teach these guys how to herd cattle and sheep. If I give all my cattle and sheep If you killed him, where did our Yongzhou army get the military salary?!"

Xiao Xiao, the Yongzhou shepherd, was not for nothing. After becoming the Yongzhou shepherd, the king of Qin said that the court would only bear 30% of the military expenses of the Yongzhou army.

The other seven achievements can only be solved by Xiao Xiao himself.

So Xiao Xiao kept thinking of ways to make money, and asked the emperor's soldiers to take leave to go back to plow the fields.

Because before the war, the soldiers returning home only need to pay 30% of the military salary, and they can also farm at home to make money.

Xiao Xiao and Bai Ce looked at the densely packed cattle and sheep on the pasture, and Xiao Xiao said seriously: "...Although the commercial tax and agricultural tax in Yongzhou are enough to pay for one hundred thousand Yongzhou troops, we also need this It’s a good thing to have a piece of pasture and an extra source of income.”

Bai Ce also nodded, "Indeed, as the saying goes, there are three caves for cunning rabbits. Yongzhou now has such a vast grassland that must be used."

"It's also because you can see far. You didn't expect that this (Qian Nuo's) pasture would have such great benefits. And after the herdsmen learned how to weave wool, they would no longer raise horses, but concentrate on herding sheep. In this way, these Huns The situation where people go south to plunder will no longer exist.

Xiao Xiao instructed Bai Ce after listening to Bai Ce's words.

"When this winter is over, the Yongzhou army will go out to hunt down the Yan. I will definitely follow along. It will be very difficult to come back after going to Liaodong for at least a year. I will leave it to you in Yongzhou."

Bai Ce knew how important Yongzhou was to Xiao Xiao, and to the Yongzhou Army. Only the most trusted person could take up the position of deputy Yongzhou Mu.

But Bai Ce also thought of one thing, he told Xiao Xiao about his concerns.

"You have been in Liaodong for at least a year, and you will definitely send other people over there. If the people who come here hold great power and don't know the details of Yongzhou, what should we do if we change the policy randomly?".

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