Dark Blood Age

Chapter 997: Clear

Returning to the black hole, the "juvenile" was not familiar. At that time, he came and went in a hurry. When he saw the light, he was attracted to the past and did not pay attention to the situation around him.

Now a large number of flying fighters are slowly descending, and the four-shot light shines brightly on the cave wall. It is clear that the cave wall is plowed with an astonishing huge scratch, like being shoveled with a huge chisel. Generally amazing.

The more you go down, the more complete the traces are kept. After popularization of common sense, the "juvenile" listened to other soldiers privately, probably an alien spaceship crashed here because its density and quality are too Large, coupled with the huge inertia momentum, the alien spacecraft effortlessly cut the "soft" ground, one sinking deep into the bottom.

Many soldiers said that they saw a meteor on the night of the incident a few years ago. From the distant horizon, the night was as white as it was, and almost all communication equipment was strongly disturbed, but some people said It’s two, but the other one is less obvious and very weak.

The time of the incident made the "juvenile" very confused. It was about when he came to the show house, and because the alien spaceship below told him some strange words, he was very sensitive.

A long time ago, he couldn’t think much about it. The end of the memory was very cold. Then he saw the handsome father. Before that, he had no impression at all.


The flying fighters continued to descend. When the bottom was about to reach the bottom, there were many holes in the surrounding walls, and there were vague monsters.

According to the command of the team leader, the "Junior" quickly checked the weapons and equipment of his whole body, and the guns in his hands began to start.

The battle alarm sounded immediately, and the "juvenile" turned his head and passed through the window to see a fighter plane next to it being bitten by several pale monsters. Other fighters were unable to fire support, and they could only watch it crash and crash.

A burst of fire shone in the deep bottom, and after a while, the roaring sound came from ear to ear.

Regaining his gaze and wearing his own combat helmet, the "Junior" lined up under the captain's password and then slid down the fighters. The front teammates had already lined up and made a fire with the white monster.

There are many green dots on the dark green mask. Each green dot represents the position of a soldier's comrade, and his own white point is always in the center of the mask. Of course, in other people's masks, he is just a green dot.

In addition to this, there are other simple geometric symbols that represent the chariots, fighters, other arms, etc., all of which have been learned in training sessions. "Juveniles" can barely distinguish between the areas and roles between them.

The senior commanders of the base can use this information to accurately see even the situation of each soldier. And according to the macro situation of the battlefield. Make precise command.

In turn, every soldier can make action decisions based on the situation of his comrades around him, such as how to attack, how to cover, or even the most optimal assistance when the enemy is powerful.

"Youth" held the assault gun in his hand. Following the other soldiers to move forward, there is a command on his mask, and this command is immediately graphically imaged on the geographic image formed on the mask. Mark a path that he will advance, with a time calibration on the yellow arrow, and he must reach each of the specified positions within the specified time.

The information on the battlefield changes rapidly, and this path arrow sometimes changes, automatically searching for the current best route. He also has a timer in the process of moving forward, which will be reset each time he arrives. It is said that these data will eventually be aggregated to the headquarters as an important basis for the promotion of the soldiers.

"Juvenile" saw a big green dot in front of him. It was the captain of the seventh detachment, Yuya, who followed her to move forward.

He has been assigned to the flank-assisted position because he has not yet learned the new skills and is not a qualified and highly trained soldier. The task is to erect with another soldier to give him a designated target high ground. Heavy weapon comrades provide protection.

Therefore, he still has to carry heavy weapons and equipment, but also makes reasonable use of the strength but still flexible advantages, probably the female officer also considered this point.

Although it was the first time on the battlefield, the "juvenile" did not have much confusion. The pale monster he had seen, he believed that he could kill them without shredding.

But as he crossed a swelled wet stone slope, the front gunshots and heavy weapon roars suddenly violently, and a large number of red dots representing the enemy began to appear on his mask.

The battle suit system quickly calculates the number and location of the enemy that can threaten him. The number is significantly magnified and displayed in the upper left corner of the mask, while the red dot that threatens the enemy is locked by the red circle, constantly moving on the mask. .

As he moves on and the offensive of the pale monsters, the number in the upper left corner has been increasing rapidly, and the mask is even more red.

So many pale monsters flooded together, and the "juvenile" couldn't help but worry. Fortunately, there are many soldiers around, and each green dot is moving forward.

After a long journey, there are still a dozen steps away from the destination in his mission. The arrow has already flashed, suggesting that the time for the arrival is approaching, and the beep sounds in the ear. According to the order, he must immediately rush there.

Despite carrying heavy equipment, he was still very fast, and the human figure was moving. He stepped on a piece of soft, moist stone, and with weapons, he landed on the target ring.

Two soldiers from two of his combat teams appeared behind him one after the other. One of them immediately helped him to remove the weapon equipment behind him and assembled it on the spot, while the other person skillfully found the most advantageous position to start shooting. To reduce the threats around them.

The bullets in the assault guns are a kind of broken bullets, and they have made some changes for the pale monsters. These pale creatures did not have too strong energy level fluctuations, but now they have evolved some kind of research that scientists are studying. The ground has produced energy levels.

But the speed of the pale monsters is very fast. If it is not a dense sweep, it is difficult to hit them with one shot and one shot, and once they hit it, they are thrown up. It is a dead end.

The "juvenile" shooting method is not bad, the training officer said that he must have touched the gun before, otherwise it is impossible to hit even a stationary target in such a short time.

It’s just that compared to the sharpshooter’s teammate next to him, his shooting method is a few different grades.

There is an auxiliary aiming system on the mask. As long as the muzzle is moved, the error is calculated and then the feedback adjustment is made.

He is not very accustomed to this system. When shooting, he relies more on the feeling. When he removes all the weapons and equipments, he quickly comes to the mask to find the second best position based on the terrain and red dot orientation. Shoot the target in succession.

Sometimes it can hit, sometimes it is completely missed. The latter case is the most common. The number of red dots detected in the upper left corner of the mask is still increasing, and the situation in which he shoots and kills the enemy is fed back in the upper right corner. This will also be the data basis for promotion after the war, but unfortunately compared with the increase rate of the red dot. The number of shots has grown extremely slowly.

A large number of old-fashioned flares were raised in the front. They have little effect on the soldiers, and there is a clearer detection of the vision on the mask, but the degenerate monsters do not like the light and can interfere with their actions.

The position of "Youth" is higher. From his point of view, you can see the position in front of you. You are still in the process of carrying out the commando. Probably trying to rush in from a gap just opened in front of the position.

As for what to do, he does not know.

The teammates who assembled the weapon finally completed the final commissioning, pushing the caliber barrel to the front and connecting the high-energy restraint block. The dense and high-speed light blue light suddenly covers the front battlefield.

Then, light blue light appeared in other places behind the front line. Once the tide-like degenerate monsters were hit by them, they would collapse and smash and lose their fighting ability.

On the side of the "juvenile", about three high-energy restraints are played, and the degenerate monsters no longer rush, but retreat backwards.

The soldiers below immediately pushed deep into the black hole and went inside, but the fighter could not fly in and could not give strong air support.

However, it was finally blocked back to the degenerate monster.

The "Junior" immediately assisted the main gunman in disassembling the heavy weapon, re-backing it, and then following the arrow on the mask to indicate the advance.

There was almost no danger on the way, except that the degenerate monster had fallen from the top, causing some confusion, and there was basically no major casualties.

Even after a long cave, there was almost no degraded monster, and the number of red dots on the mask dropped rapidly. At this time, the number of "juveniles" was still two.

As you progress, the number on the depth gauge on one side of the mask is constantly increasing and the ground is getting wet.

"Youth" had doubts. In the training camp, the lecturer mentioned many powerful bombs. Why did the commanders not use these bombs, but used the precious soldiers of life to clear the degenerate monsters in the black hole? ?

In the training camp, he first learned that the number of soldiers in the army is actually not many. According to the training lecturer, it is probably a fast-changing war mode. It is no longer necessary for a large number of soldiers to attack military forces, destroy and attack. Most of the enemy's attacking tasks are handed over to destructive new weapons, as well as various self-control weapons that can be controlled or even self-logic.

Today, the army retains essentially elite soldiers, used to destroy post-occupation clearance, pre-war penetration, auxiliary defense, and fewer offensive missions and other special areas.

Therefore, even if the 187 planet is approaching, in addition to many blood collection points on the street, he did not see large-scale popular conscription, the need is still elite, but the amount has temporarily increased a lot.

According to such standards, he and some other new players can't enter the squadron of the Purple Emblem. His knowledge base is too weak, not a qualified soldier. Other new players also have their own shortcomings, but because of Something that was said still entered the army.

Therefore, according to the military common sense that the commentator said, it should be done several times on the black hole, not as it is now.

He is also a half-minded, imaginative, and heard that old soldiers said that there are extremely advanced technological fragments below, so the above did not dare to chaos, but also said that they have been hit, there is no big effect, the derelict monster's nest has not been found .

But this time, it is about to make up your mind to find the nest of degenerate monsters.

The soldiers in front marched very quickly and the routes were clearly marked. The "juvenile" is not in danger and combat missions behind, so he will pay attention to the situation around him.

These caves are not naturally formed, but are dug up, and there are traces of claw marks on the walls.

Going forward, he successively saw some bodies, specifically female bodies, mostly blue-haired women. The causes of death were different, some had no wounds, and they were almost starved to death. Some of the lower body is festering and stinks, possibly dying from a wound that has not been treated.

Some are killed, the reason is unknown.

However, it can be seen that they tried to escape from here before they died. But for various reasons, there was no success.

Did not receive an order. The soldiers did not pay attention to these bodies. Keep going.

"Youth" was in a corner, and saw the body of a small monster. The umbilical cord was still in the body of the blue-haired woman next to it. It was terrible.

After this period, the gunshots sounded in the direction of the front, and the red dot began to increase. But when he and two other teammates arrived, the battle was over, and the order on the mask was changed back to the route.

But the bodies of the soldiers on the ground were obviously more, and I don’t know because of the ambush. Still the power of the pale monster has increased.

After that, after a long tunnel cave, the gunshots sounded several times and swayed deeper and deeper into the ground.

After about the fifth battle, I did not encounter any degenerate monsters for a long time.

There are more and more soldiers left on the ground, and the wounded are increasing rapidly.

At this time, the gunshots and screams suddenly sounded violently in front of them. The order on the "Juvenile" mask changed immediately, and the time of travel was greatly advanced. It was probably urgently needed in front.

After he rushed to the scene, he saw a tall black armor raging in the group of soldiers. The broken bullet had no effect on it until many heavy weapons were set up to repel it.

The "juvenile" saw that many soldiers were actually driven back, and the number of deaths in front of them increased sharply.

After paying a terrible price, the soldiers continued to move forward as they stepped on the bodies.

At this point, his position is already very high, and he often fights with monsters who don't know where they will be.

After drilling through a small cave, he and other soldiers know why degraded monsters will fight fiercely here -

Inside is a large cave-like space. After being illuminated by old-fashioned lighting bullets, in the damp mud, you can see a group of human-like creeping "biological".

They are human beings, and they are all women. There are almost no clothes. The sudden rise of the light seems to sting their eyes, and they are like a locust, and they are creeping together in the mud.

There are big belly and dead.

Most of them are blue hair and a small number of black hair women, because some of the hair has fallen off, some are covered by mud, and can only be distinguished from the tail.

In addition to them, there are many floating nausea foods in the mud, like the bodies of animals, which are torn into pieces in blood, and the little monsters that are not long before they are eating them.

Gradually adapting to the light, I saw soldiers coming in, some women burst into tears, and some laughed sillyly. They were almost crazy, and more of them were dull and lifeless.

The soldiers looked at each other and although they had some psychological preparations along the way, they were still shocked.

Immediately, the soldiers rescued the women while clearing the little monsters in the mud. The heads were deformed, only a few hairs, and only a little monster in the white eye screamed and ran to the women.

But after all, they did not run a lot of bullets from the soldiers, and they died in mud and blood.

The "juvenile" sharpshooter teammate caught up with a little monster, but the little monster has already penetrated into a woman's arms, he is hesitating **** it, and then save the woman.

At this time, something that shocked everyone was happening -

Just when the "juvenile" teammates pulled out the dark sword and prepared to stab the little monster to save the woman, the frightened little monster sent out to the woman that everyone could not think of panic--

"Mommy mommy……"

It will actually speak! It is actually calling the woman mother!

"Youth" and everyone else are suddenly stunned. Is it not an animal? How can you use your language to call your mother?

How is this going?

At this time, the woman with a dull gaze seemed to wake up suddenly, and her eyes looked extremely fierce and looked at the "juvenile" and his teammates.

The "juvenile" was shocked. His teammates also stepped back and thought that she would attack them. After all, the little monster was calling her mother, and the motherhood was unclear.

However, next, the woman smirked and made a sultry voice, and stretched out her hands to hold the little monster’s neck, in a painful cry to the woman’s screaming mother’s harsh voice. I laughed and killed it alive!

At this time, the "juvenile" and other soldiers suddenly felt a suffocation.


In front, the gunshots sounded again, and there seemed to be a beast's screaming in the faintness. Yuya asked for immediate support to bypass the mask and pass it to the "juvenile" and other players in the rear of the seventh detachment.

"The target has been discovered! Repeat it, the target has been found!"

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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