Dark Blood Age

Chapter 998: Pull the sword!

When the "juvenile" arrived, a large number of soldiers had already struggled.

He is in the seventh detachment, and Yuya is also in trouble. The assault bullets in her hands should have been finished, and it is too late to supply. They are waving a reddish dark sword on all sides to deal with those fierce and mad. Pale monster.

These pale monsters are different from those encountered in the front, and the masks show that they have high energy levels, especially black monsters, which almost reach the seven to eight levels of terror.

If it weren't for their lack of combat skills, they would be culled by their instinctive fierceness. The soldiers here would have died long ago.

But even then, the soldiers were killed at a very high speed, the green dots on the mask were reduced at a visible speed, and the red dots never dropped much.

This shows that in the face of the monsters inside, they may be completely annihilated!

The task of "Youth" is still to help teammates to set up heavy weapons, but he is very skeptical that they can finally withdraw in time, and may be abandoned as a person after the break.

Killing a pale monster, they grabbed the target high ground, quickly assembled the weapon, and used this gap, the "juvenile" observed a battlefield.

It is very small here, which is not conducive to the development of weapons on one side. On the contrary, monsters occupying individual advantages can easily intercept soldiers. They can be attacked at any time in the top, underground and walls.

The situation is very unfavorable.

But fortunately, the command is not to die, not to kill these monsters, but to retreat to achieve the goal.

Yuya said that the target has been found, and it is naturally within sight. Otherwise, there is no point in the sharp casualties here.

But there is nothing special in it, except for the dark cave behind the monster, which is shining brightly and there is a big stone monument. There are no unnatural things.

However, he immediately found some details, which he found around him.

She is trying to get close to a few small boxes that are blocked by monsters, and those boxes are absolutely unnatural.

With the addition of a large number of support soldiers, heavy weapons fire, Yuya and others successfully robbed one of the boxes, but those monsters also seemed to value the boxes very much, and immediately began a desperate struggle with them.

Another team also robbed a box, just ready to withdraw, was attacked by underground black monsters. Half of the people died on the spot.

The box fell to the ground and was destroyed. There was a lot of books coming out!


"Youth" doesn't know why there is a book here, but after he controls the mask detection device to enlarge those books, he vaguely feels that the above text is familiar?

The issue is. He is illiterate.

The head began to faintly hurt again, and he had to force himself not to read the words on those books. Don't think about it either. Instead, increase the frequency of assault gun shooting.

I don't know if the box was destroyed. Many books were burned in the flames of war. Although both sides tried to rescue them, the murderousness of those monsters was suddenly provoked, and they were violent and violent, and the soldiers were defeated at one time. The death and injury suddenly increased sharply!

When Yuya grabbed a box, she immediately withdrew, but she was immediately stared by a black armor monster and at least a dozen pale monsters, smashing it into a ball.

The soldiers around him quickly supported her. But in the end, she was only one person with a superb sword fighting skills to escape from the serious injury.

The specific process "juvenile" has no time to see too clearly, the pressure on his side is also very large, the continually emerging pale monster tries to capture the heavy weapon position next to him.

At this level, the defeat has been fixed, and the front line of the soldiers’ line has collapsed and fled backwards.

The rear heavy weapon positions were also destroyed, and the black armor monster and a large number of pale monsters screamed and chased.

The sharpshooters around the "juvenile" gestured to them. He and the soldiers who controlled heavy weapons understood what it meant. At this time, it is still important!

Without talking, the three tacitly discarded heavy weapons and retreated backwards.

At this time, on the way back of the soldiers, seven or eight black armor monsters were suddenly drilled, completely blocking the way they retreated.

A black armor monster has been difficult to deal with, and seven or eight appear together, it is just like death!

Everything is like a trap, and the "juvenile" feels inexplicably.

The screams came one after another, and the soldiers who entered the battle collapsed. This is not a collapse in the will of the fighting. They are all elite, but they are unable to fight any more.

In the chaos, the "juvenile" saw that Yanya was shot and flew out, hitting the wall and bounced again, leaving only half a life.

Her suitcase was also thrown on the ground, rolling a few times and falling not far from him.

He was hesitant to pick up the box, and Yuya anxiously shouted in the mud: "Sesby, box, box!"

"Juvenile" suddenly thought of Yuya said that only if she established military strength, she would have reason to help them return to Ni Yueyue, but now he also knows that the target of this operation is these boxes.

He subconsciously took the assault gun and fired at a pale monster near the box, but at the same time, two black armor monsters came together.

The armor-piercing projectiles were useless to them, only to watch them smother the soldiers and step closer to the box.

At this time, the black armor monster is not far from him.

"Draw a sword, pull a sword!"

Yuya struggled with the injured body and wanted to get up, but about the bones were broken, and fell heavily on the ground, trying to shout to the "juvenile".

She seems to have forgotten that "juvenile" does not use a sword.

At this time, "Juvenile" has two choices, one is to draw a sword and fight again, and the other is to quickly turn around and run away.

But the box seems to appeal to him, not only the problem of military power, but also the familiar feeling.

So, his hand stayed on the hilt, as if the sword was pulled out in the next moment, and a sword smashed all the monsters that rushed to him.

However, in the gaze of Yuya’s nervousness and great hope, the “juvenile” hand never fell on the hilt. In the end, he still did not pull the sword, but instead he buckled the wall from the wall. The stone, jumping up, slammed into the head of the black armor that rushed.

Yuya closed her eyes and lowered her head in despair.


But the screams in the imagination did not happen. When she reacted and raised her head again, the "juvenile" was stepping on the corpse of the black armor monster in her head.

There is also a black armor monster in front.

Yuya doesn't know what happened just now, but she never believes that "juvenile" can kill a monster with seven to eight layers with an ordinary stone, not to mention the monster has a strong shell!

But then, she completely saw how the "juvenile" who was flashing forward killed the second black armor with a stone.

There is no gorgeous combat skill, no precise selection, no screaming, nothing, just go forward, jump up, simply squat down...

Then, the black armor's head was smashed and immediately fell to the ground.

how is this possible?

It's just an ordinary stone!

Ziya’s head was a bit confusing. She didn’t notice that the stone was just a “juvenile” and felt that there was something in her hand. In fact, it was not the stone but the fist of the black armor.

Two black monsters were killed one after another, and other pale monsters were scared, and they did not dare to rush.

"Juvenile" picked up the box on the ground, and then continued to open the road with stones, quickly plunging to the rear. When passing by Yuya, she was also caught under her arm, and the property was still dependent on the female officer. She could not let her die. .

Following the road he opened with "stone", his two heavy weapon teammates immediately fled behind, and the other soldiers were also elite. Seeing that the vitality was at this moment, all of them followed closely, flying fast. Ground evacuation from the battlefield.


Sesbia has made meritorious deeds and is still super great!

Not only did the goal of the action come back successfully, but it also saved the soldiers of several teams with almost one person.

The key is that Sesbia has not suffered any injuries!

When Zhuoma heard the news, he couldn’t sit still on it. He rushed to visit the "juvenile" in the first time.

However, he was told that the captains of Sesbia and Yuya were heading to the home of the Purple Hull, and he could not see it for the time being.

However, although people did not see it, the Zhuo Ma’s treatment at the base immediately went up several steps. Especially those members who were rescued by the “juvenile” came to express their gratitude. They did not know where to get the news. When Zhuoma’s property was conquered by the Blue Hui’s family, he said to Zhuoma that they would go to Ti’an’s house to get justice for him!

These people not only have the seventh detachment, but also other detachments, and even the military system unrelated to Hull’s family is elite. Once they all go to Ti’an to seek justice, it is a powerful force. I don’t know how many people. To be alarmed.

At this moment, the "juvenile" is on the way to the Hull family, but the mind is all about when to recover the property.

"You can rest assured that I will go in person, maybe the captain will come out."

After the treatment, the action of Yuya was not convenient, as if she saw the mind of the "juvenile" and said with a smile.

Although the operation was huge, it completed the important goal that all the previous actions were not completed, and brought out a box of valuable books. The significance of this matter is extremely significant when the 187 planet is approaching.

The scientists are already working on cracking the words. They have accidentally got one before, and now there is a box of books that are progressing very fast.

It is said that if you fully understand the theory in the book, their scientific theory system will have a leap-forward step!

This is credit, a far-reaching and urgent task!

The Hull family immediately summoned the detachment captain, and the Great Temple also sent a major commendation.

Now, they are going to see the Hull’s lady, Hull.

^(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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