Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1052: Talk about a condition



Chu Yunsheng is immediately ready to let people find, and the underground people are the most suitable, the entire fleet is made by them, who is where and better than him.


Yiyisi did not know what happened again and ran over.

Chu Yunsheng pointed to the direction of several cardinals, Shen Sheng: "What about Butni?"

On the spaceship, he let the all-in-arms Meltini inform all the cardinals to go to the flagship, did not see Boutheney, so I was not sure that Bounety received the notice did not come, or something unexpected.

Halfway through, he did not receive news that Meltini and the underground commander could not be contacted. It was sure that he contacted Boutney at the time. The accident should be on the way to the flagship of Butney.

As for Butney receiving the notice, but not coming to the flagship, Chu Yunsheng felt that the possibility was not great.

Yiyisi looked up and looked at the cardinal positions. Sure enough, he did not see the confidant of Chu Yunsheng, the blood family leader. He quickly went to the side and contacted the underground command.

At this time, Meltini is also coming to the front. He did not hear what Chu Yunsheng and Yiyisi are saying, but one person is still very obvious. Immediately asked other people to say: "When I am here. I’ve decided, it’s on the road, I thought she was ahead of me, why haven’t they arrived yet?”

The other clubs are also puzzled. Buttini is a confidant of Chu Yunsheng. Everyone knows that, in general, Chu Yunsheng has something, the blood race is the first to arrive, it is impossible for them to arrive. The **** people did not arrive.

This situation seems to have not appeared before.

“Is it a malfunction of the shuttle?” The owner of the Haiguo Hall also felt very embarrassed, looking at the meaning of meaning. Among the cardinals here, only one person is interested in things like spaceships and shuttles, so it is natural to be so suspicious.

Yiyisi was sweating and stared at so many cardinal masters, especially Chu Yunsheng had been waiting for him. The news of the headquarters was "not late" and it was not returned. In just a few seconds, he was suffering and he was very hard and long.

After about half a minute, the news on the other side of the command finally came. Yisisi sighed with a sigh of relief: "It should be a navigation fault. The signal is connected, the person is still on the road, and the maintenance personnel have been sent." ”

After hearing the re-contact, Chu Yunsheng also breathed a sigh of relief, as did several other cardinals.

When Chu Yunsheng was on the ground, he reminded them by way of notice. There may be a powerful enemy that will attack the fleet. As the most powerful target of the entire fleet, besides Chu Yunsheng, it is naturally the best choice for the sneak attacker.

If Buteni is sneak attack, then the next one will definitely be their turn. Since the sneak attacker has not directly attacked Chu Yunsheng, the second goal will certainly not. It can only be their own.

The so-called rabbit fox sorrow is about this truth.

However, I haven't waited until everyone completely let go of it. After a while, there was new news from the headquarters. I was stunned on the spot, and my heart beat quickly: "Respect, respect, recent The rush team went in, but. But no one was found inside."

Chu Yunsheng brows a little wrinkled, but said calmly: "Since there are no people inside, how do you contact Butni?"

This time, I didn't wait for the news from the command. I didn't have time to say it, from the suspension. The electric communication sound appeared: "Respect, I just scanned it, the system inside the shuttle has been modified by a very sophisticated invasion. The time should happen when you are still returning to the spaceship, the underground people. The side has been receiving normal signals, even I have not found an accident, the other party's means is extremely advanced."

Chu Yunsheng Shen Sheng: "You mean the Boutoni contact signal that the underground people later saw, are all fake signals?"

The electric nodded: "It can be said that, but I don't know the complete mechanism inside. I need to transport the shuttle back to the analysis and take a little time."

Chu Yunsheng immediately thought that the woman in the ship that plundered the source of life came back, but couldn’t understand why she “hijacked” Butney, instead of attacking him?

Since I came back, with the strength of her and the warship, it should not be so sneaky, it can be seen in the bright and the right.

Isn't she, there are other people?

This thought made Chu Yunsheng slightly uneasy, and the enemies that appeared were always strong enough to touch. The hidden enemies were the most terrible, and even the insiders could succeed.

If it is done by insiders, who will it be?

Chu Yunsheng swept through the faces of several cardinals, and denied the idea. Butni is also a cardinal, cardinal cardinal, if there is no static hijacking, and can still invade the system calmly, basically not may.

Who else?

Chu Yunsheng’s thinking spread out and searched for every possible person in his mind.

Butney is his only contractual card, and he is the most reliable person now. He has been born and died many times, until now, and in any case, he must be saved back!

The voice under the Great Mountain?

Or did the tomb guard not die, and invaded the cardinal body?

Or are the people of the death fleet doing it, have they not died yet?

The person who broke the town?


Chu Yunsheng has thought of a lot of people. Everyone seems to have certain possibilities, but they are not sure, and he can't find a reasonable reason.

Who on earth is it?

Or is the family back?

Chu Yunsheng did not come up with such an idea. When the family came back, it meant that Xueyuan’s master, at least the pioneer of its master, arrived.

Only the first person will sneak up on Butney, because only she will fight with Chu Yun to the end, Xiao Xiaohong must know this.

Will it be a family member?

Chu Yunsheng immediately let the underground people open all the detectors and search for them.

Since the enemies are coming, I can't hide them. I don't find the other party. How can this account be played?

But soon, he and the underground people found that it was useless in vain. The surrounding space, Kenben, could not find any traces of flying objects.

Chu Yunsheng sinks into the water, inexplicably breaks a person, and is still his most reliable person. In the end, he does not even know who the other party is. Can't find it even more.

This sense of helplessness and grievances is not something that everyone can afford. If one person is missing, people who are not strong will probably fall into fear of the unknown.

Chu Yunsheng’s will has always been firm. The more this situation, the more he is calm, and he has formed a habit for many years.

Since the other side has such an ability to be unconscious. But did not start with him first, this move is very weird, very unreasonable.

In this way, the suspicions of the overwhelming majority of people can be overturned, and there are few remaining, even no one.

just now. The other cardinals are next to each other. If there is something different, he will feel it for the first time. As for the fight, it is the next thing, if the enemy is there, who is it. What is the purpose, and so on, all of which are unclear, and everything that follows is considered and considered.

Just as he once again fell into a situation of no solution, a sly signal suddenly appeared in the flagship without any symptoms, before everyone.

It seems to be produced out of thin air, without the help of any underground people's signal channel, far from the death fleet comparable, directly in front of Chu Yunsheng and others.

Immediately, Chu Yunsheng heard the sound of electric surprise: large-scale artificial orientation of quantum fluctuations! ?

Its voice has just fallen. The signal is in the air to form a scene that is as clear as a real thing!

On a somewhat ridiculous platform, there is a person standing. If it is not Chu Yunsheng and others who see it out of thin air, it will definitely think that it is here and it exists. It is impossible to suspect that it is an illusion, and the essence is only a signal.

And that person is not someone else, it is the lost Butni.

But Chu Yunsheng, who has been with Boutheon for some days, can see at first glance that her eyes are completely different.

Although still silver eyes, Butney's eyes are simple and direct, but now the eyes are full of complexity and contradiction.

The two can never be the same person, unless Bounety splits in a short period of time.

Obviously this is impossible, the only possibility is that she is being brought down, or being robbed of her body!

Chu Yunsheng's gaze gradually became cold. He knew that he would definitely not beat each other. With the strength shown by the other side, he could only escape, and even escape could not escape.

But he said that he would not abandon the blood family that crossed the fire line, then he would die and he would not give up!

Like the real signal, "Butney" looked at Chu Yunsheng, first opened, but unexpectedly everyone, asked a strange question: "You are the Earth people? The Earth people of the first few days?"

Chu Yunsheng is more and more calm at this time. The more he is calmer at this time, the slightest movement in his heart: "The Seventh Period."

He is not trying to use tricks of deception, nor is he trying to hide his own origins. These have no effect on the current situation. He has only one purpose. He wants to see if the other person can know what he thinks and can see. I am lying.

Because of the experience of encountering the voice under the Great Mountain, he left a mind to determine who the other party is, and to know if the other person can control his or her own thinking.

"Butney" has a complicated look. I don't know what I am thinking. I frown like saying to myself: "How did the people of the Quaternary and the people of the previous generations come together?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Chu Yunsheng can be sure that no matter whether the other party has the ability to control the mind, he should not be controlled. In addition, she seems to know a lot about the Earth in the Seventh Age. It appears here and should be related to the Earth. .

Other information, Chu Yunsheng can not guess for the time being, in view of his own estimation, he did not make any other moves, but he still stood there and quietly braked.

He didn't move, and the other cardinals didn't dare to move. A person who could easily attack Buttani, a person who easily sent the signal to one of his most advanced warships, was never a simple life.

About a few seconds later, "Butney" looked at Chu Yunsheng again and said: "You can rest assured that I will not kill her. On the contrary, for her, this is a good thing, she stays with you, I don't know when I will be born. In my place, she will give birth to the spirit in the fastest way and in the most correct way."

Chu Yunsheng naturally does not believe that there will be such a good thing, calmly said: "What do you mean?"

"Butney" still looked at Chu Yunsheng slowly said: "Choose her because I need to talk to you about a condition."


There is one more in the evening.


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