Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1053: Cut off life chain

Chu Yunsheng was very surprised, but his face did not show up, calmly said: "And me?"

He doesn't know who the other person is, nor can he understand what conditions he wants to talk to. If he wants to come and think, it can only be related to the Seventh Age.

Judging from what he knows at the moment, he and this person have only this intersection.

Because she has been talking to Chu Yunsheng, electricity and other people are not easy to interject, so although there are many people in the flagship, but it seems that only two people are talking.

"Butney" said slightly: "Yes, no one but you can do it."

This time, Chu Yunsheng did not speak, waiting for the explanation of the other party.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng has been very calm, there seems to be a bit of appreciation in the eyes of "Butney", but that is all, then said:

"Because you can help me who no one can help, although you are really weird, I have no other choice. I can tell you that my life chain has been cut off, in this world, anywhere. They are unable to obtain any source of life from the outside world. According to the people of the earth, they are living dead people. They can only wait for the last source of life to be consumed and then die silently."

At this time, Chu Yun raised his brow and said: "Is it you??"

"Butney" is not surprised, but seems to think that Chu Yunsheng now realizes that she is a little slow, nodded and said: "Yes, you used the sword of that person to deceive me who just woke up, but The reason may not be what you think, but you don't have to know that this has nothing to do with the conditions between us."

Chu Yunsheng naturally knows who she is. Actually it was her, the woman in the ship that plundered the source of life, she actually returned?

But not as I imagined. The attack on myself and the fleet is due to the conditions that I have to talk to myself, and the move is very strange.

However, he can only talk about it anyway, because the initiative is not in his hands now.

"Butney" continued: "I said that some things you see, may not be what you think. I am not malicious to you, you should have been a spirit, otherwise there is no contract. But your The level is really low, you can't see a lot of things, but it doesn't matter, you agree with my conditions. When you restore the spirit, I can help you upgrade a level of the spirit, which is one of my conditions for you."

Chu Yunsheng calmly listened to every word she said, and then quickly analyzed the information behind her.

The other party saw that he had no spiritual power, but he thought that he was a spirit, but did not mention the false spirit. This is not the voice that she might not be as good as the mountain, in the head of that voice, he did not Any secret can be said. But now Chu Yunsheng can at least be sure that the other side really can't wear his mind. It is even more impossible to directly invade your own zero dimension.

This may be why she did not choose Budney for her first goal. The risk of invading a spiritual life and invading a cardinal is too different.

The other, also very important information, she did not see the exception of the Boutony contract, and even inferred that it was a spirit according to Buttney's contract.

Such misunderstanding, Chu Yunsheng naturally will not be stupid to explain, but will not be exposed, misunderstood as the identity of the once-spirited, and the great advantage of his current situation, at least in the status of negotiation has reached a level.

As for the level of the spirit level, Chu Yunsheng has never heard of it, and there is no concept at all.

But for why she was looking for herself to talk about conditions, he probably guessed some of the eyebrows, but still asked: "What do you want?"

"Life!" This time, "Butney" said very directly: "Over the years, since my life chain has been cut off, there has never been a creature that will allow me to obtain a source of life, and will not Yes, but you can, this is your secret, I will not ask, all I need is the source of life, and it is a lot of life."

Chu Yunsheng slightly frowned, not knowing what she said was true or false, and the source chain was cut off. He had never heard of it, and it was impossible to know what it was.

But to say that she is telling lies, there seems to be no reason. She can use all other means to achieve all purposes, even including all the secrets in his zero dimension, but the source of life is not good, because his life is very poor, that is Killing him, the source of life she can get is only a little bit, and it doesn't work at all.

It’s better to “raise” him like a wool, and then get a steady stream of sources.

Is she really lacking a source of life?

From the situation that she was awake at the time, it is true. Otherwise, she has been hiding in the Snow Mountain for so many years, and she wants to plunder the source of life. The whole cold star creature cannot stop the ship of predation, and will not wait until Now, and can't explain her later actions.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunsheng tried to say: "Why can I absorb my life, other creatures, can't I?"

"Butney" looked at Chu Yunsheng and said: "I have already said that my life chain has been cut off, whether it is using the original method of eating, or the plundering of the main gods, it is useless. The reason, said that you will not understand now, even if you used to be a first spirit.

But your life is very strange, or your source chain is very strange, do you want me to go on? ”

Chu Yunsheng has a feeling of being seen through at this time. His life chain does have some problems, but his knowledge is limited and he does not know what is going on. Now she is said by this, he suddenly feels that he is very dangerous. .

At this time, he keenly found that "Butney" had a look at Xiao Changyu intentionally or unintentionally when he finished the sentence, and Xiao Changyu's eyes were also slightly moved, not knowing what to think.

Although it is the flagship here, but there are many people, especially Xiao Changyu and others, and his relationship is very subtle, it is not appropriate to talk about their secrets.

"Butney" seems to also see Chu Yunsheng's concerns, and instead said: "I chose her for a reason. First, she has similarities with my cultivation methods, borrowing her body, we are The degree of fit can be the highest.

Also. I have investigated the records of your fleet, and you and her do not know her most correct method of cultivation.

She does not need to cultivate other cardinal powers, her best cultivation direction is the source of life. Directly with the source of power as the cardinal power, this is a powerful cardinal that you can't imagine.

Her ability is like a natural birth, and I found that her body has had an unusual experience, but I have not fully figured out, but it is definitely ruining her talent here.

The war is coming, the world has long been chaotic, with your strength. If you can't walk out of the star system, you will be destroyed, even without any reason, so you need a strong helper in the future;

second. She has a contractual relationship with you and can serve as a guarantee of mutual trust between us, if you have doubts, or don't believe me anymore. You can kill her at any time. The interruption sent me the source of life.

The opposite is true for me. I have learned about the relationship between you. She is your loyal contractual card. I believe that you will not kill her for no reason, so I can get your guarantee of delivery, without worrying about your future. Will deny

Third, she has a mark of involvement with your source of life, plus a contract. Through her, I don't need to stay with you all the time. It is possible for her to obtain your source of life without restriction, which is good for you and for me. ”

Chu Yunsheng does not believe that she will be so kind, and there are certainly reasons to look at herself, but from these three points, if she urgently needs life to support her life and only she can give her, Butney is indeed her. best choice.

But if you can use someone else to change, Chu Yunsheng would rather choose Xiao Changyu than Budney.

Of course, there seems to be a loophole. She needs to supply her own resources. Why not take it directly? Isn't that more trouble-free and reassuring?

With her strength, it should be possible.

However, Chu Yunsheng has experienced a lot of things after all. This seems to be a loophole. It is very reasonable. If she takes her with her, he may die faster.

This truth is just like the fact that he is carrying a good show to fight with the cardinal source. The confrontation on her level may only spread to a little bit, and he may have died.

Therefore, with Boutney, his contractual cardinal, as the source of "intermediary", is indeed the most reasonable choice, which is why she wants to say "good for both sides."

At this time, no matter what she still has concealed herself, Chu Yunsheng has no choice, Buhini must not be saved, unless he can defeat each other, but it is even more impossible.

Therefore, what he can do now is only to talk about conditions.

After thinking about it, Chu Yunsheng looked at her and said: "First, I need to ensure the safety of my people. I must not conduct non-human experiments on her. You also said that my life is special, time is long, I always There are ways to know, so once this happens, I will immediately interrupt the delivery of your source."

This must be guaranteed. If you look at the test cabin of the fine man, you know that the higher the level, the more you are eager to understand what you don't know, and the test is always the only way to seek.

Although Chu Yunsheng is talking indiscriminately, he is unlikely to know whether Butney will be regarded as a guinea pig in the future, but he must make a little threat, even if this threat is small, it is also a threat.

"Boutney" unconsciously bowed: "No problem, I can guarantee."

Chu Yunsheng knows that this guarantee is not binding. In the end, it is still necessary to look at the risk and return of the breach of contract. Therefore, he does not have too much entanglement and continues: "Second, in addition to her, I have other Her companions, therefore, I need what you said to be the right source of cultivation for them."

"Boutney" said very simply: "Yes, I am ready, I can pass it to you later."

Obviously, she has already expected that Chu Yunsheng will make this request, and she is not surprised.

Since it is a condition, Chu Yunsheng naturally has to make full use of all opportunities. Otherwise, Butney’s sacrifice is too worthless, but he actually wants to give birth to a spiritual method. Unfortunately, he cannot say this.

The other party thought that he used to be a spirit. If he didn't even know how to give birth to the spirit, he would completely reveal himself. Although according to the current situation, even if he showed up, the other party may not take him, but the conditions for himself will be greatly reduced. It is.

Moreover, Chu Yunsheng really does not know, if she knows that she is not a spirit, but has a contract, will she risk taking herself away, so that she has also fallen into it, and it is estimated that there will be no more days.

Therefore, even if he really wants the method of birth, he can never mention it. It is a pity.

Since the way of the birth of the spirit can not be mentioned, Chu Yunsheng thought of another thing that is also extremely important to him. He once again said: "I still need you to provide the method of obtaining the source of life. For reference, I am injured this time, the Lord God. Soldiers can't use them. Some of the previous acquisition methods can't be used temporarily. Now I have to supply the source of two people at the same time. There must be new ways."

Chu Yunsheng is actually not sure whether she will give it. After all, there are many ways to cultivate the source of life, but there are very few ways to obtain the source. The ancient books did not leave him useful information. There may be other The reason, but it is undeniable, the method of obtaining the source of life is indeed rare.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunsheng unexpectedly said that after "Butney" heard his words, he looked at him strangely. It took two to three seconds, and then it seemed that nothing had happened. "I can give you a penalty card for my life, it should be right for you."

Then, she stopped talking, Chu Yunsheng squinted in her heart, suddenly realized that she must have said something wrong, although he was very cautious, the words are all she said, such as the main **** soldiers, but still definitely have something The place was seen by her as a flaw.

If she doesn't make it, she commits a common sense mistake as a spiritual life, and she will look at herself strangely.

But he will never be able to ask now, but he has to pretend that nothing is going on. Continue to talk about the conditions: "Besides, I still need your advanced technology. You know that I am stuck here, I must leave soon, my safety. It is equally important to you."

In fact, Chu Yunsheng does not need any advanced technology, and the technology of the fine man is inexhaustible. It is also a decoration to come back, but he must, as a spirit, naturally cannot be much worse than the fine man, only ask for more High technology can conceal that you have indeed been a spirit and have higher needs.

This time, "Butney" did not look different, and immediately said: "No problem, what do you need?"

This time, Chu Yunsheng was immediately stunned. Where does he know more advanced technology than fine high technology?

While he was racking his brains and thinking, the electric excited voice passed over: "Fast, respect, ask her to have space for film space vibration!"

^(To be continued.)

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