Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1057: a signal

The information for the entire recorder ends here.

After reading Chu Yunsheng, he did not speak for a long time, and then asked the electricity: "Do you have any other way to recover the lost part?"

Shaking his head: "The reason for its damage is caused by abnormal reasons. According to the above records and my analysis, it should have been affected by the war at that time. Even with our latest technology, this level of damage is restored. The resources that need to be consumed are too large to make the fleets that appear in them, and they may not be completely successful. It is not worthwhile for a recorder that is not very important."

The underground people who assisted in the analysis and the scientists of the cold stars all took a breath of cold, not because the electricity said that they needed huge resources to repair, and they might not be completely successful, but the Wunu people could really have the technical recovery and have been permanently damaged. The record, like the recovery of the atomic movement history of the paper from the ashes, actually exists.

However, the cost of this is too great. Chu Yunsheng also knows that it is unrealistic, so don’t say them.

But from this remnant record left by the brunette who used his life, Chu Yunsheng did find a lot of useful information for him.

After he came out from the Great Mountain to the Austrian Snow Mountain, he suspected that Cold Star had erupted in a spiritual war, but he did not expect it to be a larger-scale spiritual battle than he had guessed, using the black man and the words that Af had said. Say--

The battle of the gods!

Although the final result is no longer known, the information is interrupted.

But from the last retelling of the black man. Those who fight with the battleships and the five spirits should be the ones who break the town. Only it has the courage, strength and momentum. Only it has such a sound.

Chu Yunsheng is not sure why it appears here, perhaps related to silver light, whether the warships come from this, whether it is the power of the six-sequences that have been shot on the earth, and so on. Not what he can care about now, he is most concerned about the origins of the woman of the prey.

The characteristics of the five spirits are not mentioned in detail in the remaining information. Therefore, he can't judge whether there is any of them. If he can recover more information, maybe he can find a little clue.

But a pity. Electricity is powerless, and the underground people are even worse.

"What is that red man? Do you know?"

Without information about the woman of the predator, Chu Yunsheng immediately asked the second question of concern.

The black-eyed astronaut spent most of his life on the spacecraft, seemingly long. But if placed on the scale of space. It may be that the short and short period is almost just a creepy distance. This does not count the parts of their lost. If it is, it may be shorter.

Such a short astronomical distance indicates that the red man is in his vicinity, and at least the colonial planet that the black and white astronauts have been waiting for is nearby.

The earth hits the cold star, causing such a big movement, although the information is limited by the speed of light. A moment will probably not be able to pass too far, but who can guarantee that the fleet of the Reds is not swimming nearby. Still have not given up on searching for the whereabouts of black-haired astronauts?

Chu Yunsheng knows that the possibility is not great, because time has passed too long.

But after all, he knows nothing about the red people. According to the analysis of the ancient spaceships, their scientific and technological capabilities many years ago have exceeded the number of underground people. Now they don’t know what it is, although the possibility of exceeding the fine people is very high. Small, basically no, but the problem is that the overall level of the fleet on one side is not determined by the fine man, but by the underground people!

There is no cardinal presence in the red man, and it is also an unknown number. The information left by the black and white astronauts is not mentioned. If it is not, it is easy to handle. If there is, it should be cautious.

Although it is decided to act arrogantly, it cannot be messed up.

After all, his integration into the life armor is also the source of the initial entry path, there is no corresponding attack method, the other several cardinals are mostly new cardinal, and only the small Changyu and the sea hall master two old cards, But the strength is also average.

Chu Yunsheng has never seen the cardinal. I don’t think he has ever dealt with the "spirit". In fact, if you come to a battle, you will have real strength, such as the 13th of the Zall Stars. The hardened cardinal machine is no better than the "spirit" he encountered.

If you don't get it, you will die. If you think about the third, you will know.

Therefore, if you do not get information from the residual records, you can only hope for the rich amount of information of the fine people.

"I have checked it."

The electric replied immediately: "There is no red person in the core of the suspension. We did not live in this star field before the sudden accident, and the universe is too big."

Electricity can't lie in this respect, because there is no need, Chu Yunsheng will no longer ask, the rest, only from the remaining records to analyze the strength, technical direction, even habits, and even social composition of the red.

Xia Gao people are very experienced in this. They have always studied the habits of low life culture, structure and ecology. Of course, another way can be said to be experimental observation.

However, Chu Yunsheng himself can also find a clue.

Why do you want to pile up a mountain when the reds kill humans? This is obviously unreasonable, unless there is a psychological abnormality in the red, or there are other reasons, whether it is cultural customs or something else, you can certainly find an explanation.

But it’s strange to put the babies together in a cruel way and pile them up alone.

At the beginning, Chu Yunsheng believed that the red man had killed hundreds of millions of human beings. He might have adopted a bait-style "mosquito-repellent incense" method such as killing mosquitoes by the earth, so that the living people can come to death from all directions, just like clearing the cockroaches. In order to prevent a human being from hiding in the cracks of the formation to escape a death.

But later I felt that it was not completely right, but he could not say it for a while.

Chu Yunsheng is also a human being. Although he does not have much sense of identity with the Seventh Age, it is even more unidentified to the black-collar astronauts who do not know which age, but this is only different from the internals of the Seventh Age. He is always a human being and a human being.

It is impossible to see the people on the earth being killed by others as a beggar.

What's more, in his current fleet, the blood, the degenerate, the silver leg, these forces that are basically loyal to him are all people on earth, even if some of them are corrupted, and finally they can die with him and rush to the enemy group. these people.

These people and themselves, according to the records of the black-air astronauts, as long as they are Earth people, are the targets of the red people.

So no matter what, as long as it meets, whenever possible, Chu Yunsheng must kill them into a river, and never turn over.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunsheng suddenly asked: "Electricity, the ancestors of the astronauts should also be embryos. They should not know their origins. How did they come to their generation, there will be legends of their hometown? It is a collective rumor. Or what other reasons? For example, have someone passed by?"

In the big pyramid in the node, Chu Yunsheng also saw a man who came back to death. He stayed on the wall and filled with the desire and fantasy of his hometown. He wanted to take a look at the river in his hometown. The same is true for a black-haired astronaut. Old people can’t be old, and they haven’t let go of this.

I thought about it: "I think it should be the genetic information caused by the obstinacy of generations. Many creatures will use this method to inherit the basic skills of survival to future generations. The red people should use the original characteristics of the Earth people. The genetic information in the embryo will be changed at will, which will have undefined consequences.

Therefore, the black-eyed astronauts do not know the source of the legend of the hometown, it is probably the cause of genetic information, but to form this new genetic information under the power of nature, not only needs thousands of years of accumulation, but also needs The kind of obstinacy that persists in life is not forgotten for generations. This is actually quite terrible. ”

After listening to the electricity, Chu Yunsheng was silent, and Huer was also silent. He was promised here to see the complete surviving record, but at this time it was a bit stunned and probably suffered some blows.

There was some fear in his eyes, because the record, although not mentioned in the case of betrayal, was interrupted there, but it clearly shows the origin of Gayce - the black-air astronaut just spoke about it. But for Hull, it may be a matter of life and death!

Chu Yunsheng never admitted that he was Gays in the myth of the cold star, and he has always said this problem with Hull.

Now, Chu Yunsheng has let him see such a secret thing. The intention seems to be obvious... When Hull left the "palace", he was very heavy. He wanted to find a chance to talk to Chu Yunsheng several times, but he saw Chu Yun. I’m going to look at the surviving records over and over again, and I don’t dare to say anything.

"Don't talk after you go back!"

Hell looked at the magnificent palace behind him and said to several cold-star scientists: "The flaming **** is the supreme **** of the Guys!"

He immediately redefined the matter and found a reasonable explanation.

However, he was still worried, because Chu Yunsheng let him stay there to see the surviving record. This move made him feel flustered, and there was a feeling that Chu Yunsheng abandoned them.

Looking at the rules of those who are naked, the cold stars can survive, it is a miracle!

The reason is because Chu Yunsheng, if Chu Yunsheng... Hull did not dare to think further, speeding up the pace and going to the place where the big master is.


Hull’s departure did not alarm Chu Yunsheng, who had been watching the remaining records repeatedly.

His current mind is all on this remnant record and the rushing spacecraft.

About a decade later, a ship's detector was launched, and the new warships began to move and a large number of soldiers entered combat readiness.

Chu Yunsheng re-experimented the source of the penalty card, just mastered the usage, obtained a very small source of life, the signal sent by the rushing spacecraft seems to have reached the detector's receiver after a long space journey.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunsheng unexpectedly, this signal turned out to be a distress signal.

^(To be continued.)

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