Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1058: Sitting and waiting

Depending on the transmission speed of the signal and the position of the spacecraft, as well as the speed of movement of the spacecraft, it can be determined that this signal was not sent when the underground people found it, but should be longer.

This means that the spacecraft first discovered them, and still did not know them.

The oversized scale of space, leading to what can be seen, the information that can be received, is the history of the past, just like this discovered spacecraft, its actual location is no longer found in the location, from the discovery From that moment on, it has disappeared there.

As for where to go, you have to wait for the information from the follow-up time to know.

That is to say, at a distant distance, the real information has been determined, but it cannot be immediately known and must wait for time.

Chu Yunsheng did not find electricity in the flagship communication. Since the voyage ship woman gave the film space positioning technology, in recent times, on the words of the earth, it has been dizzy, like drinking all at once. The wine is not very clear.

The underground scientists and Chu Yunsheng are separated by many cultural languages ​​and even technical levels. The specific problems cannot be organized in a language that he can understand, like electricity, to explain a problem, such as a report sent. Chu Yunsheng often does not understand what they are saying.

But he must now know the information about this spacecraft as soon as possible, so he had to find Professor Ron.

As a representative of the Earth's side, and with the support of Chu Yunsheng, Ron has been able to participate in all core work. These days, I have been watching the remaining records.

It was no trouble to find Ron, and he was soon connected to the shipbuilding center.

"Mr. Chu. I think the life form in this spaceship is similar to us."

His "we" does not only refer to the Earth, but includes all the lives of the current remaining fleet.

Ron actually has little contact with Chu Yunsheng. There are very few opportunities to see Chu Yunsheng, but every time he makes Chu Yunsheng cry, he will seize the opportunity to "utilize" Chu Yunsheng's fox fake tiger Wei, go The fine man is impatient to teach his skills.

This time, it seems that it is because there is no electricity. The eyes are a little disappointing, but Chu Yunsheng's things are more important. I replied earnestly.

"Why? Reason?" Chu Yunsheng asked.

Ron had known Chu Yunsheng's actual level of knowledge before, so he said to the communication terminal in a simple way:

"The frequency used for this signal is between 1.421ghz and 1.653ghz. This narrow band is also called the "water hole", which is between the excited state of the hydrogen atom and the frequency band generated by the excited state of the OH. The combination of the two is the molecular formula of water h2o.

The water hole frequency band can not only be in the background noise of the stellar system, the quantum noise, and the quieter window between the background of the cosmic microwave radiation, but also can weaken the absorption of the atmosphere, and the important meaning of the water molecule formula is generally understandable. It is the best choice for contact between living things like us.

about this point. I asked the underground people when they were trying to develop into the interstellar. I have also discussed this issue, and although it has not been implemented, some of the proposals in their proposal coincide with this idea. ”

Enro explained it in great detail and was very popular. He also cited the example of the underground people to prove that Chu Yun raised his brow and asked: "If the other party is deliberate? And, this is not much substantive. Meaning, they don't believe in life similar to ours, can we ask for help?"

This distress signal is a bit strange. Even if their identity is not understood, they dare to send a signal to ask for help. If they don’t say anything else, they will not save it.

Who would be so stupid to save a spaceship that didn’t know where it was coming?

Even if the underground man discovered the spacecraft, he relied on the detection system and found that a suspected radiation source was unnaturally moving. Under the check parameters, it was speculated that a propeller was accelerating the powercraft, but not Look at the details of the spacecraft.

"I estimate that they will have subsequent information, it's just a preliminary temptation, or an alert in an emergency, etc." Ron further said:

"According to the analysis of time, we suspect that they may have received more than two months before our expedition fleet's space warfare information on the Cold Star Fleet, especially the intense collision between an energy flow array and a mysterious attack. Radiation, strong fluctuations with dark energy, and other high-speed information, and then actively approach us, the reason is not clear, only a preliminary analysis from the technical."

Chu Yunsheng was aware of the battle of space. He was one of the bystanders at the time and happened more than two months ago. Therefore, the unknown spacecraft should be silent at least one-twelfth of a light year. The position is consistent with the currently observed position distance.

The information transmitted by the radiation and dark energy fluctuations reached the position of the spacecraft one month, and then for some reason, the other party sent a distress signal, and the signal went on the road for more than a month, one by one, exactly two More time in the month.

In addition, when they discovered the space battle of the fleet, they started the acceleration engine, causing the heat radiation that could be discovered by the underground people, and even the dark energy fluctuations. Then, after a few days of discussion, the distress signal was sent, two messages, One after the other, after a month, they were discovered by the underground people and theoretically explained.

They have been flying for more than a month now, and as they accelerate their movement, they will soon appear on the edge of the planetary system.

If there is any more information, the time interval will be shorter and shorter, but the latter information will not arrive earlier than the previous one, unless it is a flight faster than the speed of light, but that is impossible.

However, what do they want to test?

What is the meaning of a meaningless distress signal?

Chu Yunsheng felt that he had been misled by Ron. This is by no means a temptation. There is no such low-level temptation.

Ron is just a scientist and can't guess this problem.

What is certain now is that the other party only flew to the cold star after seeing the battle of space, and then sent a distress signal...

Chu Yunsheng suddenly thought of a possibility, based on his own instinct, and liked to have seen such a scene -

During the darkness of the earth, people who were chased by worms often accelerated when they saw other people. Although doing so, they might not be able to escape, but they greatly increased their chances of surviving.

As long as there is a chance to survive, let alone the stranger, the relatives and friends, what about? This kind of thing, Chu Yunsheng has seen too much.

Furthermore, he even thought that this distress signal was not sent to him, but sent to the other enemy to see it!

The more you think about it, the more likely he feels, otherwise they won't accelerate.

So far, the underground people have not found the shadow of the other enemy, either, does not exist, or is extremely powerful, can hide the trace.

Can completely hide the dark energy fluctuations, at least the realm above the cardinal!

Of course, there is still a possibility that the enemy of the other party may be a group with the other party, deliberately deceiving himself, but the truth does not make sense, because no one will be foolish in this situation.

As for the absence of enemies, the other party is still rushing, it is even more ridiculous, although it seems that their fleet is not the same, but the other party can not know the true strength of this side, hiding the strong cardinal, it is not possible to find death ?

While letting the underground people increase the scope of detection, Chu Yunsheng found Mertiny. In any case, the military deployment still relied on him to complete.

"I don't think it's good to be a soldier." After Meltini came, the guess was similar to that of Chu Yunsheng, but it was suggested:

"With the strength of our fleet, if the enemy of the other side is really strong enough, it will be useless to go up. Instead, it will be more than a little more exposed. Therefore, I suggest that if you do not move, you will maintain the current array of energy flow. Continue to build the ship, then use the micro spaceship to sail quietly, concentrating our cardinal and waiting for the other party and the other enemy to appear. Once there is an opportunity, several cardinal forces will make a full blow and end the war as quickly as possible."

Although the cardinal can't fight in space for a long time, it is equipped with the coat of the Wuren people's inventory. This problem has been raised here in Chuyun and has become much smaller.

Meltini’s suggestion is operationally feasible, specifically how to confuse the enemy, lure the enemy’s attention, and suspicion, leading to the emergence of a neutral, Chu Yunsheng is not in line, but also handed him to arrange.

He is the only source of strength here. In the case that the woman of the predator does not leave the station, if several major pivotal forces are still defeated, he needs to keep up with the sneak attack in order to decide life and death.

This coincides with Meltini. The next step is to see the development of the situation. There is no way, the fleet has not yet caused it, and it can only "sit and wait."

A little bit past, the spacecraft did not send a second message, which seems to confirm Chu Yunsheng's guess.

However, it may be that after seeing the fierce scene of the Earth crashing into the cold star, I dare not come over.

However, after the local people sent the latest detected data, the shape of the spacecraft that had already approached, Chu Yun was a little surprised when he rose.

This scarred spaceship is very similar to the ancient spacecraft on the Austrian Snow Peak!

And in the spaceship, is it a fugitive human? Or is it a red person who is being chased?

^(To be continued.)

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