Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1059: Is there a peak?

I don't know if it is because their enemies are not fooled, or know that Chu Yunsheng has been able to see them clearly, and the silent ship has sent a second message.

However, after translating the code of the first message, it was confusing and somewhat inexplicable.

The information is simple, but it is obviously flustered. There are only two words translated -


At the same time, the underground people detected that there was chaos and noise inside the spacecraft in the background of the information. The data was being analyzed. It was suspected that there was an unidentified battle inside the spacecraft.

At this time, the spacecraft was slowing down from the cold star, and the propeller was obviously out of order, causing abnormal noise fluctuations.

Because of the requirements of Chu Yunsheng, the newly built fleet of the underground people, in addition to the energy flow needs of his rune, set up a number of high-energy high-speed connection cavities, like the weapon system before the battle with the cold star space, but basically did not build, the main function of the function For transportation and defense.

Thus, they are either a fugitive fleet or a fleet that relies on the card to actively attack, without the normal military role in the usual sense.

If it is not for the scruples that there are stronger enemies behind this spaceship, Chu Yunsheng will let the Lord of the Sea State take the thorns and sorrows, but now, it must still lurk, only to be hidden in the huge warships. Small space fighters headed to the spaceship.

These small space warplanes are mainly developed to compensate for the main warships not building weapons systems, combined with the low-end technology of the underground man and the high-end man, using the most mature and efficient general level construction. It will not waste too much resources, and it will allow the underground pilots to quickly become familiar with the control of the fighters.

In view of the technological leadership of the other spacecraft, it is necessary to completely destroy it with these space fighters. There is basically no possibility. Even if a large warship weapon system is built, it may not be able to penetrate the other spacecraft.

The leading edge of technology is not only reflected in the offensive, but also in the defensive performance, such as the ship's material, high-energy reflective layer and so on.

Therefore, it is necessary to implement a "landing war" in order to explode it from the inside and completely eliminate it.

As the weakest cardinal and the strongest source of the entire fleet. Chu Yunsheng did not follow the space warfare detachment to fly to the spaceship, but instead sent a squad.

This spacecraft is similar to the ancient spaceship of the Aochen Snow Peak, and it is either a human being similar to a black man astronaut. Either the red person mentioned in the surviving record.

No matter which one, Yumai’s identity and image are most suitable, although from the residual record, the current cold star brunette is probably not the original one. But I don’t say it myself. Who knows?

At least the other party cannot know.

And Mai Mai is a cardinal, even if it is a new cardinal, it is also possible to break the defense of the Chi-Airship and let the members of the space team attack.

In addition, Chu Yunsheng did not want to blow it up at once, so that there is another idea in the past, that is, to use the identity of the cold-haired brunette who is stunned to see if he can get the information behind the enemy behind the ship.

The threat at the moment is not this spaceship. It is the dark area behind the spacecraft.

The captain of the first unit of the space warplane was an underground man, and the name was meant to be said several times. But Chu Yunsheng can't remember it all the time, and it will always be confused with other underground people.

Looking at the team members on the screen, some familiar scenes, Chu Yunsheng remembered a person coming and asked the side of the intention: "What happened to the Austrian Snow Mountain base? People are coming back. ?"

During this time, because the predator woman and the rushing spacecraft made Chu Yun’s heightening tension, she never asked Ziya about it again. At that time, he confessed to Italy’s return on the spacecraft returning to the sky. There should be no problem.

Yiyisi naturally knows what Chu Yunsheng asked, and quickly said: "The person has brought it back, and he has been entrusted to Mr. Hull according to your instructions. However, when dealing with the people of the earth, I have encountered some troubles. ""

"Trouble? What trouble?" Chu Yunsheng was slightly surprised. With the current assistant status of Yiyisi, there were still people who blatantly disobeyed. The strangest thing was that it really made Yiyisi feel embarrassed.

Yiyisi reorganized the words and replied: "The man is a fat man. When he was arrested, he insisted that he had had a relationship with you and had witnesses. He also said that this matter has another reason. It is not his intention. Make trouble, want to see you, face to face with you."


Chu Yunsheng is even more strange. Since coming to the new world, the environment faced by the underground people is extremely bad, lack of clothes and food, and the fat man has basically disappeared. Recently, a lot of people have emerged, but his head has floated a few fuzzy. The figure asked, "What is the name?"

It is obvious that I'm already ready: "He claimed to be Amir, I have investigated it, it is indeed a real name, and it is an official inside the Earth. Now he is being held, you can let him come to see you at any time. ""

Amir? Who?

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t remember it all the time. When I searched for the photos, I remembered that the Indian, the director of food management, seemed to be a bit fat, but it was not fat in the eyes of the Earth. It might just be The concept of Italian.

He is looking for himself, mostly for the mirror of the soul? But why use this method? So unscrupulous?

In the impression of Chu Yunsheng, the Indian is not reliable, but is unlikely to make such a thing, or is it changed?

Chu Yunsheng did not have time to meet him now, he said: "When things are gone, let's talk."

Yiyisi nodded, but seemed to stop talking.

Chu Yunsheng strangely said: "Is there something else?"

Yiyisi carefully said: "Respect, the things of the Austrian Snow Mountain, I took advantage of our underground people, investigated the communication records of many people, and found that the cold star Alai you know actually knows your identity... ”

When Chu Yun rose, he stunned: "Does he know?"

Yiyisi nodded: "Yes, after Yuya’s accident, there are individuals who have been trying to rescue her. You know this person. It’s a cold star, a girl, a shout. She thinks a lot of ways, no success……"

"Wait," Chu Yunsheng heard more confused: "I want to see me, I will come to see me, what should I do around a big circle?"

Yiyisi hurryed: "I am also very surprised. She has my contact method in hand. You also confessed it at the beginning. But she did not directly look for me, but worked through other methods. Later, I quietly learned that She is worried about your identity, afraid that you are facing the people of the earth, if she is not looking for you directly, but there is no room for reversal.

and. I have inquired that Hull actually does not want people to rescue Yuya. He thinks that the idea of ​​Yuya is very dangerous and may irritate you, so it is best to put her far away from you.

I checked the record, I have been looking for Hull, what he should have told her. So, in the end. She did not come to you directly. ”

Yi Yisi's explanation, Chu Yunsheng thought, I feel that there is some truth, especially Hull's attitude, he is able to see himself, but never mentioned the things of Yuya, and in his position, even The cold star people’s collective position is extremely low, but it is necessary to keep the 弭ya not forced by Zheng and the boat, but they can do nothing, but they have done nothing.

This incident, Chu Yunsheng is still strange, how does Hull regardless of his team captain? There are so many things in it.

The ideal of Yuya is really not what Hull likes.

Then he frowned and asked: "How come she knows that I will appear in the Austrian Snow Mountain?"

Intentional Road: "It is indeed a coincidence, I just looked for Alai, let him have a chance to meet you, must say this, look at your reaction, she also looked for other You know the cold star, but did not expect that you really went to the Olympic Snow Mountain base."

Chu Yunsheng nodded, and Yiyisi has made great progress recently, and he has worked hard. The underground people can almost monitor the advantage of everyone’s every move, and the information behind this incident is almost the same. If it was before the civil strife, it would be able to As I am now, I am afraid that there will be not so much.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng thinks about the benefits of fine high-level people. Although Lei has done too much in many things, when it is at the time, don’t say that the starships don’t dare to chase, it’s the fine man himself. They are all deterred.

Chu Yunsheng thought and thought: "Now I don't have time, wait for the things in front of you, let you take a look at me, don't say it because of this, let them eat." Have a meal, live for a few days."

Since waking up, in order to integrate the experience of the cold star into the consciousness, Chu Yunsheng has never seen each other again and again, and probably let some inferiority and jealousy feel that they have completely forgotten them.

The great disparity in identity has made her have to be cautious, because he is no longer the big egg brother she once knew, cutting nails every day, but a cold and fierce **** between life and death.


The first team of the space fighter gradually approached the slower and slower spacecraft, and the other side had never launched an attack. It was very quiet, like a dead ship.

In the armor of the high-altitude inventory, Yanmai first flew to the deck of the spacecraft and crashed into the high-energy reflection field on the outer layer of the spacecraft. A warplane quickly docked up, and then extended the landing channel to absorb the upper deck.

The soldiers of the Silver Legion followed behind him and carefully entered into the passage opened by his sword.

The spaceship is very dark, probably lack of energy, full of **** taste everywhere, and occasionally screams from the inside.

On the liquid that sticks to the slimy and doesn't know anything, the Silver Legionnaires fly a snapshot of the bright space.

The air pressure of the spacecraft is not much different from the passage of the fighter extension. It will be adjusted quickly and continue to move forward.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng, who had been delayed for some time to receive the live image, and the flagship command, could gradually see the mucus that was full of flesh and blood on the ground and on the wall of the cabin.

Under the red lighting, the entire space does not look like an advanced battleship, but like the inside of an animal's intestines!

The Silver Legion, which entered with the squad, has a total of twelve people. It is a large group with its own tasks. Three of them are responsible for destroying the safety of the bombs. The three are responsible for exploring the road. After the two are responsible for the break, one person is a communications soldier. One person is The medical staff, the other two are officers, responsible for supporting the front and back.

Going forward for about ten minutes, on a dark corner, they met the first "living man", a woman, and the cold star black man is the same, naked, his eyes full of confusion, A small mouth and a piece together, seems to be talking about something.

A soldier who was at the forefront suddenly relaxed and walked toward the bare, naked woman, and the face under the mask became excited and flushed.

He did not seem to see the blood dripping under the naked and naked women, nor did he smell the smell. There were only white tender meat and body shaking in the dark corners.

Just when he was almost close to the red and the woman, and his reaction expressions and so on have not yet been passed back to the flagship headquarters, the other players are equally confused, as if the extremely cold-blooded slammed suddenly pulled the sword, lightning The female sword of the red and the body is divided into pieces.

At this time, a sharp and high-pitched high-frequency sound came out violently, and a black shadow quickly tried to escape from the broken meat.

Yu Mai did not pursue, calmly waiting for the news of the headquarters.

At this time, in a place a little further ahead, a man with only half body looked at them and said, "Who are you? Is it our kind? Do you have a subversive dominance? If you don't, run it, This is a horrible creature that will never kill..."

^(To be continued.)

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