Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1060: Intrusion

The peak of the peak dominates?

According to the cold star, the cardinal is the extreme environment, the peak of the peak, translated, is the cardinal of the peak.

But what does the ruler mean but it is not easy to figure out, the word is placed in front of and behind the sentence, the meaning may be different.

Coupled with the cultural background, there may be many understandings.

The only certainty is that this spacecraft may indeed have a relationship with the Cold Stars, specifically, the black-haired astronauts.

Chu Yunsheng has very few sources of life, and several cardinal nodes are also incompatible with the peaks. There is not much bottom in my heart, but it is even more impossible to say that running.

Not to mention that the chaotic fleet has not been caused, it is caused, in the shadow of the dark area, there is a high probability that the enemy trails lurking are not clear. If you don't get it, you will plunge into the other's trap and take the initiative to go to death.

This kind of thing, Chu Yunsheng will not do, let alone the first message that is obtained now is that there is indeed an enemy behind this spaceship - the unkilled creature.

Chu Yunsheng does not believe that there will be any creatures in the world that can't kill. According to the half-body man, it should be that if you don't reach the level of "the peak of the extremes," you will never kill the terrorists.

“Let the micro-detection robot go in, place the bomb immediately, and then evacuate immediately.”

No matter what relationship this ship has with the Cold Star, and no matter what monsters there are, it is the safest way to blow it up first.

This bomb is not the technology of the underground villain, but the "persecution" of Chu Yunsheng. There is no way for electricity to take time out and help to create a few sophisticated weapons. The specific principle Chu Yunsheng did not know, but the process of bomb destruction, he heard the description of electricity.

Probably at the moment of the explosion, extremely strong microwave radiation is generated in an extreme time, and the intrinsic critical negative pressure is generated by the dark energy, which makes the explosion coverage within a few microseconds. All lighter elements. Under microscopic pressure, it is heated to the extreme high temperature, and microscopic element high energy thermonuclear fusion reaction occurs. Directly change any lighter material element in the attack zone from the microscopic level, so that the target from failure to weapon, to the living body, all of which fail and die.

According to the electricity. This is because the manufacturing conditions of the underground people cannot meet the standard requirements. The bombs that were created were all defective.

The real silent bomb should be in the extreme time, not only will all the light element thermonuclear fusion until it becomes iron, but also can use the energy of fusion, etc., to fissify all the heavier elements in the attack range. Until it also becomes a stable iron element.

In the end, after the explosion, the attack range. From the living body to the warship, all the substances. All become a pile of scrap iron!

In addition to the iron element, there is no other substance in the entire target space!

It makes it a state of coldness in the sense of a very small scale, so it is called a cold weapon by the fine man.

Because the level of the underground people is limited, electricity can only create a fine weapon that the underground man can make.

The bomb that was taken by the first unit of the space fighter, although it was a defective product, believed that the bombing of the spacecraft should be no problem.

However, because it is a defective product, its shortcomings are also obvious. It can only be brought into the spacecraft by people. Because of the lack of complete ability to break through the defensive layer, as well as the orientation of the explosion, etc., after simulation, in this spacecraft The explosion of the ship will greatly reduce the lethality. Only the real high and cold weapons will not have such problems.

The detached team members quickly moved, immediately releasing a large number of micro-detection robots and placing bombs at the same time.

A large number of high-speed micro-detectors for self-seeking, at a very fast speed, like the red pigment dropped into the clear water, spread rapidly in the spacecraft, a large number of scanning detection information transmission summary, a modeling stereoscopic figure is quickly established.

Although it is far less realistic than the information of the woman of the predator, for the naked eye of Chu Yunsheng, the realism of the model is sufficient, and even the lines of detail are very clear.

In the places that have been detected, there are successive red and women who have just met the team members, but when they encounter the members of the team, they are mostly facial expressions, and some are curled up in the dark corners. Some wander around.

Even in a dark, humid space that might be a toilet, a pale girl, only about six to seven years old, was found, **** belly, and then looked up, blood-like eyes suddenly looked To the detector.

Through the lens cast on the big screen, Chu Yunsheng actually felt that "she" smiled at her own evil.

In fact, this is an "illusion". According to the analysis of the image that the underground people have been doing, "she" has no expression at all, and the chilly and chilly face seems to be revealed in the dark, like a dead person.

The big lens quickly switched to other micro-detectors. The strange thing is that apart from the woman who was bleeding, she did not see a living man, mostly a broken piece of meat, or a broken limb.

As a result, the entire spacecraft, the part that has been detected, the channel and the space are all **** and fuzzy mucus, and it is still invisible peristalsis, like the digestive tract inside the intestine.

The whole ship was exposed to an unusually strange atmosphere until the micro-detector moved to the depths of the spacecraft at a high speed. When a large number of naked women were found, a meat dish with a tentacle sucker climbed out of the woman's body and was probed by Gao Min. Captured and quickly passed back to the flagship.

"What is this?"

Looking at the disgusting peristaltic meat plate that was immediately fixed on the big screen, Chu Yunsheng turned and asked the group of scientists next to the underground.

"Looks like it's like a huge cell..." One of the little men, pointing at the creeping line in the enlarged meat dish, frowned and wondered.

“Is it an organ?” Another little man immediately followed, but immediately overturned his idea: “It is like an independent living body, whether it is a giant cell or a tissue function organ. It is impossible to leave the body and live independently..."

"Look, I found another one!" Someone pointed to the large screens arranged under the big screen, and said with amazement: "It is another... It seems that there is no connection, but the creep frequency is similar, it is strange..."

At this point, the analyst has placed the two meat trays on the large screen side by side, and various data are being produced.

On the side of Chu Yunsheng, Yiyisi looked at the disgusting slimy meat dish that climbed out of the two women's bodies, especially the long red line that crawled like a tiny bug in the meat dish. It suddenly stopped and spit. One place.

Fortunately, he did not wear a helmet mask that was in the way, or else he spit his face, it was even more disgusting.

He admired the Chu Yunsheng, who had almost no fluctuations, and even admired the scientists. Some people even went closer to see the creepy red bugs...

I really don't understand what these people are in their heads?

But he immediately slammed, how can he think so, is this not an insult?

Moreover, he is still shameful.

When I think of it, no one finds that he is ugly, and I mean to resist the disgusting, pretending to watch the movement on the small screen, and at the same time, quietly sticking out a foot and stuffing his spit out into the table next to it. The gap is underground.

In fact, he spoke more than one person, especially a young female underground person in front of Chu Yunsheng, who wants to spit but does not dare to vomit, but is hard to swallow...

At this time, the team members have already placed the bombs and quickly retreated with them.

At the same time, on the outer detector of the spacecraft, it was found that a little light-like escape boat was being ejected from the abdomen of the spacecraft, as if it knew that it was about to be blown up, and fled quickly.

The other teams that had been on standby immediately greeted them and opened fire.

The first division team evacuated.

The cold bomb is about to start.

All the teams were evacuated to the safe area, and the first division fighters finally reached the edge of the security zone.

The bomb exploded!

A piece of snow noise on the big screen, a lot of radiation swept through.

When it was restored, the spacecraft did not seem to have any movements, as if nothing had happened.

Waited for a while, ruled out the signal delay, still did not see the movement, Chu Yunsheng suspected that the bomb is invalid?

At this time, an underground man reported: "A large amount of strontium was detected, and a heavier carbon element was detected... the explosion was successful!"


But nothing seems to happen.

Just when Chu Yunsheng was about to send another unmanned detector in the past, there was a crack in the outer shell of the spacecraft on the big screen, especially at the propeller, which exploded continuously.

The re-change of lighter elements leads to qualitative changes from material materials at the atomic and molecular levels, and it is no longer possible to maintain the original properties.

But was it destroyed? What about the unkilling creature? Still nothing happened?

Chu Yunsheng is still not at ease, staring at several escape cabins that have survived from the explosion zone.

At this time, I don’t know if the explosion shocked the hanging body of the Supreme Man, forcing the electric power to wake up. The electric image immediately contacted Chu Yunsheng. The emergency said: "Respect, we have been invaded, and let everyone immediately All soldiers are on standby and must not move."

"This is a multi-dimensional parasite that uses information to transmit its life-replicating information, invade other living organisms, and carry out body tissue reproduction..."

It has not spoken yet. It has temporarily taken over the control of the underground fleet and brought up a bunch of surveillance pictures. There are people on earth, underground people, five people, and more cold stars. They are standing in the same place as they are dull. Empty.

"It replicates very fast and cannot be defended. It can kill us in extreme time, no, it is to turn us into a part of its body!"

^(To be continued.)

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