Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1061: Do not resist!


Under the control of electricity, the number of people found has increased, and it has gradually become countless. It has repeatedly jumped out of the small screen, crawled over the big screen, and is still emerging!

According to this speed, the words just made by the electricity are not a false statement.

The sense of victory in the successful explosion of the Silent Bomb, suddenly disappeared in the flagship command cabin, replaced by shocking horror.

"How to kill it?" Chu Yun raised his eyes and held his hand to the sword of purple gas.

The answer to the electricity is very fast: "There are generally five forms of this kind of organism. The first form is the larval stage. At this time, it does not have the ability to invade the information dimension. It is in the stage of organizing the information and organ, and needs to be parasitic in the normal space organism. The normal parasitic way to breed its own tissue is the best time to kill it;

The second form is the splitting stage. At this time, it has been able to separate the relatively independent functional parts of the body, and communicate with each other through simple information. At the same time, a large number of parasitic reproductions of these functional parts, at this time its information dimension is like It is the neural connection system of other organisms, but it is not in three-dimensional space.

It has become difficult to kill it, but as long as it kills all its functional parts, it can still be extinct, but only creatures entering the high-energy field can do it. Without the race in the high-energy field, facing it, it will No resistance.

The third form is the metamorphosis period. The one-dimensional parasitic monster that can grow to this step is actually very few, because at this time, it can really be regarded as a multi-dimensional creature.

Not only does the "cell" in its three-dimensional space have been able to split independently from any part, copy and multiply itself, and rely on the already strong information dimension to connect to a macroscopic whole.

Moreover, it has the ability to replicate its vital signs through mature information dimension invasion. It can invade the "prey" through the information dimension without knowing or feeling in the three-dimensional space "prey". Turn it into your own body organ, or tissue.

It's at this stage. The independent three-dimensional space "cells" and organizations are numerous, and the macroscopic body world is composed of information that is not in the three-dimensional space, and the food and reproduction are constantly being hunted.

At this time it is extremely difficult to be killed unless it is found in its center, but because of space constraints, its center may be hidden in a dark corner a few light years away. Extremely difficult to find.

Even if it is found, it can rely on the time the other party is looking for, breeding a large number of "cells" in any area, forming a new body, and even gradually turning the enemy looking for it into its own body, so that. Under normal circumstances, nothing can kill it completely unless it goes to death.

The fourth form is the maturity period, and once it enters the maturity period, it will be its longest period of life.

In this form, it has been able to lurk the hub to any of its three-dimensional living organisms. It is symbiotic with the parasite and can be transferred at any time through the information dimension. It is impossible to know which living body is the real position.

And its spatial distribution is extremely wide, and the information dimension intrusion replication ability is extremely strong, at least spanning two or more planetary systems, or even larger.

When fighting it, anyone will be suspected before killing it. Almost to destroy yourself!

The fifth form, no difference, even if we have never encountered it, but found evidence of existence once from the remains of other planets.

It can be completely integrated into each living body. There is no one living body is its central information, and it becomes a decentralized life.

Simultaneously. The ability to invade and copy has reached its peak, and the invaders have no difference from other normal living organisms. Unless life in the macro field appears, it cannot be killed by any life.

The remnant of the planet we met. Through repeated and careful restoration and research, it is indeed found that there have been traces of life in the macro field.

There is another, but only biological theory, based on our understanding of the development of its life, the theoretical speculation is a form of pure guessing and hypothesis, and no evidence has been found yet. Theoretical support.

At this time, it can be separated from the body, free from the three-dimensional space of life, using information dimension, like a genetic code like a ghost in the universe, may be attached to a meteorite, or radio wave radiation, once When you encounter the right opportunity, you will invade the life of the three-dimensional space again.

The one we are now encountering, based on the information of the probe, should have reached the metamorphosis of the third stage. To completely kill it, it is impossible to do it with our current strength, unless we can be in a few light years. Within the cloth, the sky is under the net.

Another way is to find the information dimension of it, just like cutting off its nerve center, let it smash the whole macroscopic space, lose its ability to copy, and destroy it one by one.

It is necessary to control the level of the high-energy field at the peak to be able to do it, and it takes a long time.

In the war of life that our Wunu people have encountered for a long time and a long time ago, in the hundreds of years of war, although we finally won, the losses are extremely heavy, prompting our warships to start. A multi-dimensional shielding project that lasted for tens of thousands of years consumed so many resources that it reached a terrible order of magnitude.

Therefore, this method is still unrealistic. For today's plan, there is only one way, respecting it. We must leave here immediately. Only our suspension can block its information and invade. Later, it will change. Soon everyone around you will soon Will become its body and become our enemy! ”

The electric said a lot, but the time is very short. At this time, it also does not take into account the possible resentment of Chu Yunsheng. It uses directed information transmission technology to bypass the inefficient biological original auditory system and directly stimulate the person receiving the information. Brain neurons.

According to electricity, the speed and ability of information acceptance largely determines the level of life.

During its transmission, Chu Yunsheng only frowned, and did not stop it. After it was "speaked" in a very short time, he silenced and said: "Is its living body independent in space?"

"Yes, like a human being, all the cells are pulled out of the body and scattered in three dimensions. It seems that they exist independently, but they are connected into a macroscopic whole through the extra dimension.

Therefore, its body will have a time lag effect. The farther part gets the information about the time is too late, the slower the response, but if it does not reach the extremely high energy field, it can't be seen from the outside world, can't judge whether it is slow, or Normal movement, so it is generally impossible to judge the pivot position by this point. "Electric fly quickly said": "Our current strength does not meet this requirement and can only be avoided. ”

Chu Yunsheng looked at the many figures on the small screen. There were underground people, there were people on earth, there were cold stars, there were blood races, and there were silver regiments... The eyes gradually condensed and asked again: "Since it is spatially independent Life, then, a single organization, conscious?"

"No, at least the third metamorphosis period is not." The electricity is still fast.

Chu Yun nodded and said: "I won't go, but you can start the seed plan."

After that, he turned to the meaning of what did not know what happened.

"I ordered Mertiny to open the ship, the seventh formation."

"Order the blood and degenerate people, and immediately kill all the rebels after the attack!"

"Give the Order of the Silver Legion, all weapons are immediately turned over and closed!"

"Give orders to other armies, remove the armed forces on the spot, and defy the murderers!"

"Give the civilians orders, return each other, or stay in place, mobilize, open their own weapons to kill!"


The meaning of the stunned, the hand of the command is shivering, waiting for him to wake up, Chu Yunsheng has disappeared in place.

At the same time, he heard a little helpless voice began to sound in all corners of the fleet: "... has been invaded, the only way ... can not resist ..."

In the space orbit of the cold star, a newly built warship connector is activated, and the high-concentration dark energy flows along the high-energy particles to induce a light blue beam, which is spread out like a blue net.

In this criss-crossing, blue sky net full of energy and beauty, Chu Yunsheng, who is integrated into the battle armor, is rising vertically.

He does not understand the power of the cardinal, nor does it have the source of the door. However, with the realm of the cardinal and his familiarity with the heavens and the earth, he has been able to control the dark energy field in the surrounding space very smoothly.

In space, compared with the light blue giant net underneath, he is like a small dust at the moment, caught by gravity in the sky above the net.

Over time, as well as the guidance of the particle flow, the pale blue giant net gradually reveals the macroscopic characteristics, no longer a plane, but gradually bends into a huge curved surface.

At the same time, Chu Yunsheng, who is still rising in the sky like a dust, instantly shines in space like a dazzling starlight.

The seventh formation, the battle of the beast, start, inspire!

This is the first time Chu Yunsheng has been on the macro scale, and it is also the first time in space to open the battle of the beast.

In an instant, it seems that there is a kind of Xiaoxue and shocking audio, which contains the enthusiasm of the founders, and it sounds loudly and resounds.

Then, among the entire starship, and even the cold star floor, a shrill, screaming, intertwined, red blood fog from the cold star, the underground, the earth, the five people... on the skin, in the eyes In the internal organs... **** infiltration, pulled up by a powerful force to the blue giant network.

These **** fogs are tens of thousands, and countless, countless, like countless blood and smoke, struggling to wriggle in the air.

The next moment, the blue giant mesh surface that excites the flow, like the vapor of evaporation, rises up a long red blood-red column of light red, extending to the dark universe.

In the grand audio of Xiao Xiao, visually, it has been extremely shocking.

But if you look under the magnifying glass, you will find that the long red light fog of the light column is actually composed of **** tiny cells, which are extremely numerous and extremely embarrassing.


In the moment of the seal, through the seal, a powerful and strange force, "fierce" rushed to Chu Yunsheng.


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