Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1062: Sun and moon

At this time, Chu Yunsheng’s energy and vitality are extremely high. The large-scale animal array on the large scale, the blue giant network bent in space, and the hundreds of billions of cells are sealed off. The control has reached the level of micro.

This feeling, he actually encountered, when playing against the big long feather, it used a feather ray attack similar to infinite number separation, which may be a manifestation of the cardinal force, but its power After all, it was not strong enough. Before he had not finished his infinity, he was quickly broken through and gathered at the front and killed.

For what is the power of the cardinal, Chu Yunsheng has never figured out that the ancient books left by the predecessors are devoted to the use of the fast-forward, at least the first level he knows is such that the principles involved are few, just like runes. Similarly, Chu Yunsheng always knows how to use it, but does not know the truth.

Others don't understand, Meltini and others are new cardinals. Even if Xiao Yuyu knows and will not tell him, the Lord of the Seas knows some things, but it is not clear at all, but also according to the previous generation. The experience of learning to use it.

This is in line with reality. The knowledge behind the cardinal is full of enthusiasm. Even if it is a cold star, the boundary line of the cardinal is suddenly scarce and almost extinct.

There are very few cardinal machines. There are a few in the new world, but that is because there is still the earth. Many spiritual life may have left behind here, but before the cold star, it’s even before not a single one!

Among the people, only electricity can explain part. But the fine man and the cardinal life are different and belong to two branches.

Therefore, everything can only be explored by himself. Mainly from the war skills left by the predecessors, other capabilities from other cardinals, from the interpretation of the fine man, from various places, summed up and summed up to find out the cardinal force in line with his understanding.

This process may be a bit long, but the urgency is second only to his current source of crisis and shipbuilding speed. Just like now, he has been able to intuitively feel why he can deal with this one-dimensional monster in this metamorphosis period.

It is now just a fetch of countless copying organizations that invade it near the cold star. It requires a lot of high intensity consumption!

However, Chu Yunsheng is not coming to consume it!

At the moment of the break of the array, he saw a long link from the chain of giants, revealed by the seal of the beast, and fleeting.

However, he was keenly aware that he could see the time compared to the previous moment. It has to be a little longer. Or, time has not changed, but the amount of time he can react has increased a little.

This may be related to the realm of his current cardinal source, but this little change is still not enough for him to make any effective action.

In the next moment, he lost his senses and didn't even have a chance to try the penalty card.

At this time, a powerful and powerful force came to the fore.

Through the wonderful connection established by the matrix, the power that rushes is like a glimpse. The five colors are generally fierce and attacking Chu Yunsheng.

Chu Yunsheng has almost no hesitation, lightning into the zero dimension. At the same time, immediately find the looming seeds and enter the world of billions of cells.

Once it attacks zero-dimensional, he smashes the animal fragments and once it copies the life information to himself, he can also remove abnormal cells and even tissues and organs through the seeds.

However, the next moment, the strange power of the menacing force suddenly disappeared!

Chu Yunsheng sinks into the heart and immediately checks the whole body's cell tissue along the seeds. Nothing is found.

So he immediately returned to zero dimension and returned to space.

At this time, the curved blue net covering the cold star space has revealed a completely different scene on the upper and lower sides.

Towards the side of the cold star, there are still numerous **** red mists that span thousands of kilometers and are sucked into huge blue nets.

The side facing the space has become a road of green halo, gathering to the body of Chu Yunsheng flying in the sky.

Numerous cell tissues, at this moment, were sealed as lines, but Chu Yunsheng did not feel a trace of life, nor found a seal cell?

Then, he quickly found out where the problem was, and it was the seal stone monster that was eating hungry!

This stone-like weird seal monster, since the seal, not only did not help Chu Yunsheng, but every time he sealed the creature to eat a fine.

The last time I ate all the pterosaur seal creatures, but still passed on to Chu Yunsheng's extremely hungry information, but the strange thing is that Chu Yunsheng had a good source of life at the time, but it couldn't eat it. Seal the creature.

Chu Yunsheng is not easy to get more than one dimension of the creature through the wonderful connection of the array, pull out to find out, ready to kill it in zero dimension, but do not want to, do not know if it is broken by it?

But right away, he just knows if it is.

Under the blue giant net, in the blink of an eye, the **** red mist suddenly increased by several hundred times!

The **** red fog almost solidifies into a general, like the blood of a cold star, and it flies to the huge array of beasts.

This is a classic sound of the East, it has no intention of invading Chu Yunsheng zero dimension, the strange power actually contains a lot of intrusion and replication information, in the wonderful connection of the array, Chu Yunsheng felt.

In the fleet, at this moment, a miserable, countless people fell into a pool of blood.

Due to the rapid increase in quantity, most people seem to be covered in blood, some are soft on the ground, some have insomnia, some vomiting, some suddenly dementia, some visceral bleeding, and some directly die...

In a dark corner of distant space, under the impact of a large-scale information of more than one-dimensional creatures, hundreds of millions of people with multiple cardinalities and technology have reached space, and they were instantly hit hard, and the casualties were terrible.

Then, the chaos only appeared in the very short time that followed, and a large number of stunned eyes, gaze, rushed to the control room of each warship, and even in the control room. Daxie destroyed the battleship.

If Chu Yunsheng and Xia Gaoren abandoned the warship weapons, the entire fleet is afraid that there will be a sound of fire and explosion.

But even so, several successive warships began to be unstable. Quickly led to the seventh formation, only a moment, the blue giant network suddenly disappeared into space.

There are not many new warships, and it is already stretched to maintain the seventh array. At this moment, there is no reserve for the ship.

Once the battle of the beast has disappeared a little bit longer, as long as a wave of more fierce copies of the information flow, in a short period of time. The entire cold star fleet, in addition to the suspension of the vertebral body and several cardinal, it must be wiped out!

This. Only after a small meeting!

Chu Yunsheng, who is as sinking as water, is like an arrow from the string. It is shot back from the sky, and the sword of purple gas turns into a rainbow. It is like tearing open the dark red mans. Every other distance, it violently inspires a giant umbrella like a flower.

The sorghum of Jianxiao can tremble in the dark vacuum as if it is folded into a small space and spread out like a tide.

A giant purple umbrella fluttering in the sky above the fleet, and traversing it, along the axis of the purple light of Chu Yunsheng, continues to bloom until the cold star floor, you can see the sky. Such as the cloud of purple gas is forced to come.

In the end, Chu Yunsheng, who almost fell on the peak of the ice and sea. I only paused for a time of reversal, and once again followed the purple rays left behind, I rushed out of the atmosphere and returned to space.

Jianguang goes to the sun, and the purple umbrella opens!

When he turned back to the origin, the purple umbrella of the blossoming center on a ray quickly merged to form a huge purple sphere, enveloped around the fleet, and intersected with the cold star, and complement each other!

It is like a huge bubble, separating the space inside and outside.

In the fleet, the electric surprised to say: Space locked?

But at this time, no one cares about it. The **** people with strong resilience and the degraded people with stronger anti-strike ability can still have certain combat power after being evacuated from a large number of invaders. They are forcibly executing **** killings. .

Undestroyed self-defense weapons were also fired after they were re-controlled, and anyone with any change was shot ruthlessly.

At this moment, the number of people killed by mistakes is even far greater than that of real people.

But at this moment, it is not that you are dead or that I am dead.

Chu Yunsheng, who flies back and forth, coupled with the high intensity consumption before, there is also a burst of dizziness, mainly because the source of life can not keep up, its body and the armor of life are too weak.

Fortunately, under the desperate efforts of the degenerate blood and self-defense weapons, the battleship is gradually recovering, and the blue network is once again opened.

At this point, from the cold star's ground, in the purple light ball that intersects the earth, it seems that there is a sky net parallel to the ground, located in the center of the purple ball.

But from the side of space, the curved blue giant net, like a beautiful blue moon in the purple giant ball, the sun and the moon, and the same human being, is like a miracle.

Subsequently, the purple giant ball gradually dispersed, leaving only the blue giant net maintained by the battleship.

The red and green rays of the blood again appeared on both sides of the blue network, but the purple long-ray rays that crossed the center of the mesh did not dissipate for a long time.

The stone-like monster does not eat the seal organization, which has no effect on it, but Chu Yunsheng still cuts off any contact with the outside world, and uses the source of punishment to speed up the extraction of life sources in the seal organization.

Must be fast!

The speed of the beast is not enough.

And it must be as fierce as the impact of the information just now, through the wonderful connection established by the seal at this time, to extract its source of life!

At this time, Chu Yunsheng floated in the distant space above the blue giant net, and the monster who did not know where he was, instantly entered the battle of the source of the tug-of-war.

The number of deaths on warships and the ground is still exploding, and many people die because of important cells, or cells that exceed critical numbers.

But the war is still going on.

Moreover, it is no longer a war of Chu Yunsheng.

Everyone is facing a crisis of extinction.

At this time, the one-dimensional monster suddenly cut off the information and communication of the cells in the fleet, and did not give Chu Yunsheng the opportunity to extract its source through the seal.

It seems to disappear, lurking in the distant universe.

But Chu Yunsheng and the people in the fleet know that once the energy used to support the array in the battleship is exhausted, it is when it launches a fierce invasion again.

And this time, is entering the countdown!

^(To be continued.)

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