Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1063: Generational organ


There is not much energy, and there is not much time, but I dare not stop it. No one knows when it will suddenly launch an attack.

However, it is just a matter of delaying the death of a certain period of time.

Electricity is already starting its seed plan, and it has not stopped. It seems that in its view, it still has to be avoided.

At the moment, the Cold Star fleet suffered heavy losses, and the monster may not even damage the hair. The only thing that was lost was that it could not be invaded for a while. The small one could not be small, and there was almost no.

Chu Yun looked up to the depths of the dark universe. I don't know if it was his illusion. When the seal of the beast was sealed, the wonderful connection established by the runes, especially when trying to extract the source of the life, he seemed to feel To the huge and separate body of the monster in the interstellar space, a little bit of aggregated discrete movements, like Wang Yang.

This feeling has a sense of spatial unreality, like behind the curtains under the night, it seems that a person is hiding, an arm is pulled out, but the owner of the arm is not surprised, but the arm is Is a living thing...

There is nothing wrong with the electric saying. It is impossible to kill it.


Chu Yunsheng raised his head and looked at the lonely space in the distance, leaving only three escape boats.

He does not have a spiritual connotation at present, and cannot replace the rune of warships in large-scale space in space. Perhaps this is a solution.

Then he immediately flew to the three escape boats.

No information can exceed the speed of light. According to electricity, the larger and more dispersed its body, the more obvious the effect of time lag. When crossing the light year, its response may be similar to the poor rotation of the galaxy, the closer it is to the core. The faster the place, the slower the edge is.

In the confrontation with it, Chu Yunsheng found that its reaction speed is extremely fast. In particular, the final connection between all the organizations that were blocked by the seal was very quick, even faster than him.

Either it is nearby, or it has a reaction structure like a "bridge" nearby.

Three escape boats were in the vicinity of the fleet and other escape boats were destroyed.

The probability that its center is on the escape boat is basically zero, it is too dangerous, and the fleet will be destroyed at any time.

But if it is a "bridge" it is possible. More likely, this ship is a "bridge" that it deliberately made!

After a while, the high-speed movement of Chu Yunsheng came to one of the escape boats, and slid into it along the crack that had been collapsed by the dead bomb.

Then, his fingers made a rune from the air. Without the spirit, you can only use this original method, but because of its extreme proficiency, the speed is still not slow.

One-and-a-half-sized seal beasts are shaped in the flow of his fingertips, and then moved out by the invisible body, silently filled with dark cabins.

Because the hull has already been broken, the temperature in the cabin is extremely low. The floating debris is reflected by the fire, reflecting the cold light.

But strangely, I didn't see any bodies.

Since it is an escape boat, then it must be filled with people trying to escape the birth, and Chu Yunsheng has been deep into the interior of the cabin, and did not see a broken body.

The entire spaceship looks like an unmanned empty ship!

Chu Yunsheng did not have much time and immediately retired. Flying to the second ship, entering, searching, and weird situations happened again, and there was still no one in it, and the smuggled seals were nothing.

The third one is still the same!

Chu Yun raised his brow. The battleship's seal will soon be unsustainable. He can't stay too long here. If he can't find it, he should withdraw it immediately. Think about his law.

In fact, there is indeed a way to use the sword skills of the predecessors, but it is not the fifth sword style that he failed to master, but the first sword style he first learned.

Using the first sword style of the **** skill level, the attack is forced into one dimension, and the wonderful connection is established in Fufeng. The attack is carried out, the one-dimensional confrontation, the real narrow road meets, you die and live!

But unfortunately, his first sword style only reached the level of mastery. He relied on black gas to enter the field of stunts, and he was far from the level of magic.

On the other hand, the tactics of the predecessors are all-encompassing and unpredictable, but he has no way to learn the tops of everything, and nothing can be done.

Coming out of the third escape boat, Chu Yunsheng just returned to the fleet and felt a thing swept overhead.

Instead of using a sword, he pushed it in the opposite direction at high speed, and came over to the escape deck on the side of the ship. Then, with the help of the fire, he ignited the light and saw a huge cell-like meat dish dragging the intestines. On the side of the escape boat that blocks the radiation of the star, fluttering back and forth like a kite.

Look at the shape, it has frozen into a hard block, but life and death do not know, the inspired beasts floated past, there is no reaction.

Along the intestines dragged by it, Chu Yunsheng quickly found a female astronaut who was stuck in the ejection bay.

This is the only "person" he saw in the three escape boats.

It looks like humans, but it looks a bit scary now, like a chilly zombie.

When Chu Yunsheng approached her, a sensor suddenly appeared on her spacesuit, and then, the three ships made a slight change, and the fluorescence flashed from the broken gap.

When Chu Yunsheng returned to the cabin for viewing again, a light and shadow image floated in the control room.

There is no sound, no air in the vacuum can spread the vibration.

The figure that emerged in the light and shadow should be the female astronaut outside. At this time, she has not died yet, and her appearance is somewhat delicate, but her hands are on the abdomen, and her eyes seem to have great pain.

However, the underground man-peripheral instrument implanted near the Chu Yunsheng hearing system received the signal, and then passed back to the flagship, then decoded, encoded and translated the signal before the confrontation, and then passed back to Chu Yunsheng's implantable communicator. .

"...I don't have time, although I took too much dike, but it didn't help, and for a little while, I would become it..."

"...I found that you were our only hope. We received your signal many years ago, but we dare not come, the red man is nearby..."

"... Later, we found that there was a big fight in you. We were weak and we only dared to hide in the darkness and shiver...

"...We met a scarred alien ship, they were dying, but they fled in horror. From them, we know that our dream hometown is called the earth..."

"...I don't have much time, you are all witnesses, these should be clearer than us..."

"...we were invaded by a strange creature..."

"...we don't want to bring it, but we can't control the spacecraft, we can't control ourselves..."

"……please forgive us……"

"... At the last moment, I sealed the escape route, kept everyone out of the door, and implemented this plan..."

"...a total of 16 escape boats, I did a closed procedure, filled with our offspring embryos..."

"...I don't know why it doesn't invade the embryo, maybe it's too small, it's not worth the waste of energy, but it's more likely that it wants to raise us, generation after generation, its organs for generations, generational organs..."

"...I have been worried, you are also aliens, fortunately, you are still alive..."

"...I would rather have them all die, and I don't want them to become slaves of others..."

"...If you have survived, I ask you to let our descendants follow you to find a beautiful homeland and fulfill our dreams from generation to generation..."

"...Pray, you can survive, be careful about the red..."

At this time, in the light and shadow, her expression has been painfully twisted to the extreme, and can no longer speak, so she picked up a sharp cutting knife and dug her body, and the creep will soon stick together. The **** meat dish was picked out.

The harsh audio as she smashed, pulled out from the crazy creeping meat plate, and broke free from her hands, pulling the **** intestines and dragging the dead female aerospace, jumping around in the control room.

At the last moment of her life, she pressed the catapult and then showed a smile on her lips.

I don't know if it is because I am dead, I can finally get rid of it, or sneer at the meat dish, or the hope and faint helplessness when I try to look back at those embryos.

The same light and shadow in the three escape boats dissipated, and the inner cavity wall was opened, revealing a row of embryonic containers hidden in light blue cold light hidden inside, like a life waiting for birth.

Originally there were a total of 16 embryo ships, and now only three of them are left, and the rest are destroyed by the Cold Star Fleet.

Chu Yun stepped back and said to the flagship sink: "Let the space fighters come over and pull them back."

More than one-dimensional monster does not know where to lurk, can not find, he can not stay here.

Back to the fleet, the space fighters are starting. They are all members of the death squad that have just been organized. At this time, what do you mean by leaving the blue range?

Chu Yunsheng did not go to the flagship and went directly to the main suspension.

The electric is arranging the seed plan. There are many people in the main suspension, but they are quiet people, no one shouts loudly.

Here, Chu Yunsheng immediately saw the embryonic library prepared by electricity, and it was like walking on the road with the escape boat outside.


The first is more.


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