Dark Blood Age

Chapter 1067: Leaping light door

Although Chu Yunsheng used to learn a little bit of the method of restraining the four-step seal of the animal, it is mainly reflected in the preservation of consciousness, not the source of life.

The seventh array of beasts formed by the warships actually evolved from the death of Mertini. Although the destructive power of life is large, the conversion rate is not high and still needs improvement.

In addition, the marine creatures are complete conscious bodies. Different from those separated cells, they need to use the seventh array to extract their source of life, which consumes a lot. Chu Yunsheng uses it to deal with the enemy, and it is used here. Not worth the candle.

The cardinal of the sea state has not yet arrived, Chu Yunsheng has already traveled to the cold star.

He first went to the vicinity of Dashen Mountain, and determined that there was no movement in the voice inside, and then let the underground man’s scorpion fly to the position where he met with the main hall of the sea country. The time was just right.

The location is chosen to be far from the deep hinterland of the Great God Mountain. In the sea, it is necessary to pass through some very violent areas. The flying aircraft can't pass straight through. Chu Yunsheng simply took a locator of the underground and flew out.蝌蚪Aircraft, turned into a curve, speeding up.

But in the middle of the road, he suddenly felt a strong wave of energy, the source of the direction is the location of convergence.

He has been back and forth several times on the cold star. Except for the voice under the Great Mountain, there can be no other strong players, but the strong fluctuations are true.

Calculating the time, the Lord of the Sea State should have arrived.

Is it against someone? Who is it?

Chu Yunsheng’s heart sank and immediately speeded up.

Ice on the sea. His shadow is like a curved black line, appearing from one side of the sky, and then. Disappeared on the other side.

It didn't take long before he stopped again.

Under his body, the boundless sea water is separating from the middle in a very shocking way, like a wave wall, sweeping across the two sides, revealing a deep trench deep into the mainland of the sea. Extending in the direction of his direction at a very fast speed, as if to open the sea, it is magnificent.

I don't know for sure what kind of attack. Chu Yun raised his brow and flew over the vast sea of ​​giant waves.

When he was highly alert, he did see two people, except for the main hall of the sea state. there's still one.

But this person. He knew it. He had seen it once before, because she often took her out to make jokes when she was divorced, so Chu Yunsheng always had some impressions.

Hull’s purple gold knight once said that she is the closest person to the realm of the gods in the world, Assisi of the sea country.

Chu Yunsheng first thought that Assisi was still anti-water, and she had to win the contract of the Lord of the Sea. She had this criminal record.

But at this time, the main hall of the sea state was clearly facing the Assisi, and the two did not have traces of fighting.

"what happened?"

Chu Yunsheng flew down. Floating in front of the two people, looked at the Assisi behind the main hall of the sea state.

The main hall of the sea country probably did not think that Chu Yunsheng arrived so soon. Explain: "I am teaching her some legal collars. I need to use her in a place with sea water, so I will bring her together."

Chu Yunsheng looked at it with a puzzled look. It was not doubting that it was lying, but it was puzzled: "Need to separate the sea?"

At this time, the Lord of the Sea State said: "I have recently read some of the history of the Earth, and I just need to check the biological conditions of the seabed first, so..."

Chu Yunsheng has never known why it did not kill Assisi, and even focused on cultivating her. It is certainly impossible to say that it likes Assisi, but these things have nothing to do with him, and he does not want to inquire.

When Assisi saw Chu Yunsheng, he was not too nervous, but he did not feel as naked as he was last time. Instead, he did a trick and did not speak on the side.

Chu Yunsheng is not a disparity. She has no good feelings for her. She will stop asking questions and say to the main hall of the sea country: "Get started."

At this point, the separated seawater has gradually closed, and the sea surface is trying to restore its original appearance.

Under the direction of the Lord of the Sea State, the half body of Assisi is still in the sea, but it is getting taller and taller, like a fountain of water rising slowly.

A string of sounds was uploaded from the bowstrings in her hands, and then, a louder sound, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the endless stream.

In less than a moment, a large number of creatures in the sea came together from all directions, some of them surfaced, and some jumped into the sea line, like boiling water.

All sorts of weird marine creatures, as the string sounds farther and farther, gathers more and more, and gathers at a visible speed.

Predatory creatures took advantage of the highly dense food and immediately preyed on it. But at this time, the main hall of the sea country condensed a water droplet and fell straight from the air.

The water droplet is very small, and it is no different from ordinary water droplets, but it seems to have a thousand weights. At the moment of dripping into the ocean, the whole sea surface is swaying like a wave, like a drop in the basin. Quickly.

Then, the predatory animal stopped killing and suddenly swayed like a godly call in the scorpion.

The scene of a peaceful encounter between a lion and an antelope appears in a biologically dense ocean.

If there is an uninformed native, seeing this scene may be recorded: when the gods appear, the most ferocious tyrannical and the most docile Fuerz in the sea will be under the same sky, no longer stifling... ...

Of course, the premise is that it will not see the next scene.

When the creatures in the sea, even those that are caught by a large wave of water, do not know where to grab them, the more abundant seabed plants, when they are dense to a certain extent, straddle a huge sea of ​​water on the boiling sea of ​​life. bridge.

At the center of the bridge, there is a dark red card that emits a "bright" light, like a big light door, standing in the middle of the bridge of the sea.

In an instant, the creatures in the sea rushed to the bridge of the sea, and couldn’t wait to fly over the light door, as if it were heaven.

However, when they finally crossed the light door, in a twinkling of an eye, they became a pile of dead bones, and even the time to feel the kingdom of heaven did not...

But those lives before the Guangmen, but did not know, still desperately rushed to the light door, lurking follow-up.


Time has passed by, and hundreds of huge bridges of sea water have appeared on the sea, gathering to the light gate, and the creatures under the ocean have been drastically reduced and become thinner.

Finally, almost no more creatures appeared. The main hall of the sea country waved his hand and motioned to stop Asi.

"Let a little seed to the sea."

Chu Yunsheng also took back the source of the penalty card, looking at the sea like a cosmic "silent", thoughtful.


The result of the second inspection of the electric power had already come out before Chu Yunsheng returned to the flagship, so he did not have time to return to the residence to merge the new sources of life.

As soon as he reached the main suspension, he found that the remaining "seeds" were cleared away. The empty and quiet that the fine man liked was restored to the main suspension.

"Respect, there are more than three." When the electricity opened, he solemnly said: "The second survey also found the background traces left by the eight source points when they were separated from them."

It points to a simplified celestial map and continues: "In the direction of the traces, after exhaustion, the resulting combination, the last possible situation is that we are surrounded."

On the celestial map, the optimal combination solution after the electrical operation appears, which is distributed on the celestial galaxies. The final position of the eleven red light source points is just the best green orbit away from the planetary system. on.

Although space is not like the ground, the upper and lower grounds seem to be unrestricted, but you want to get the maximum acceleration with the least energy. If you leave a planetary system, there are not many optimal orbits, and even gravity is limited to the galaxy. On the disk surface.

Unless there is such a powerful technology as the fine man, and there is enough energy, it is almost impossible to get rid of the gravitational superimposed energy from the disk surface or under the surface and fly into the interstellar space.

The route left by the Cold Star Fleet has been prepared in advance according to a number of selected ones, and a large number of detectors are also distributed along these orbital lines of defense.

It is now possible to be blocked, either to re-select another starship orbital link, or to choose a direction to force it out.

Chu Yunsheng naturally does not believe that these eleven light source points will appear on all track lines, just passing by.

The electric power then said: "I suggest breaking out, but which point to choose still needs further observation and calculation, but we still have time to make up the energy as soon as possible. In addition, I will try to do a few light-induced illusions..."

Chu Yunsheng did not speak, the electricity can use the disabled main suspension body, to achieve this step, to find the enemy situation in advance, has been very remarkable, after all, the main suspension is actually only a data core, not a real high warship .

It believes that it is best to break through, which means that the risk of choosing other interplanetary orbit links is greater.

The casualties of the fleet have not yet been counted. The rescue is still going on. The energy-filling thing can only be done by several cardinals. It must be completed before the best time to break through.

And he himself, he will use this time to improve his combat power as soon as possible.

Is it a sword skill, or a rune, Chu Yunsheng has not thought about it.

Since the eleven light source points still dare to come, there must be no fear, then the best choice is the other party's most unexpected.

With a source of life, he has a certain strength, as long as there is no spirit, he dares to die with it!

If you win, you will escape from birth. From then on, you will enter the sea, away from the right and wrong, the starry sky, the wonders, as long as you find the right place to hide, he, the entire fleet, and even the Wunu, there will be a The most precious thing is needed at the moment - time!

^(To be continued.)

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